3,359 research outputs found

    Light scattering from self-affine fractal silver surfaces with nanoscale cutoff: Far-field and near-field calculations

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    We study the light scattered from randomly rough, one-dimensional self-affine fractal silver surfaces with nanoscale lower cutoff, illuminated by s- or p-polarized Gaussian beams a few microns wide. By means of rigorous numerical calculations based on the Green theorem integral equation formulation, we obtain both the far- and near-field scattered intensities. The influence of diminishing the fractal lower scale cutoff (from below a hundred, down to a few nanometers) is analyzed in the case of both single realizations and ensemble average magnitudes. For s polarization, variations are small in the far field, being only significant in the higher spatial frequency components of evanescent character in the near field. In the case of p polarization, however, the nanoscale cutoff has remarkable effects stemming from the roughness-induced excitation of surface-plasmon polaritons. In the far field, the effect is noticed both in the speckle pattern variation and in the decrease of the total reflected energy upon ensemble averaging, due to increased absorption. In the near field, more efficient excitation of localized optical modes is achieved with smaller cutoff, which in turn leads to huge surface electric field enhancements.Comment: REVTeX 4, 10 page

    Optical scattering resonances of single and coupled dimer plasmonic nanoantennas

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    The optical resonances of individual plasmonic dimer antennas are investigated using confocal darkfield spectroscopy. Experiments on an array of antennas with varying arm lengths and interparticle gap sizes show large spectral shifts of the plasmon modes due to a combination of geometrical resonances and plasmon hybridization. The resonances of the coupled-dimer antennas are considerably broadened compared to those of single nanorods, which is attributed to a superradiant damping of the coupled antenna modes. The scattering spectra are compared with electrodynamic model calculations that demonstrate both the near-field and far-field characteristics of a half-wave antenna

    Reflection and transmission of waves in surface-disordered waveguides

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    The reflection and transmission amplitudes of waves in disordered multimode waveguides are studied by means of numerical simulations based on the invariant embedding equations. In particular, we analyze the influence of surface-type disorder on the behavior of the ensemble average and fluctuations of the reflection and transmission coefficients, reflectance, transmittance, and conductance. Our results show anomalous effects stemming from the combination of mode dispersion and rough surface scattering: For a given waveguide length, the larger the mode transverse momentum is, the more strongly is the mode scattered. These effects manifest themselves in the mode selectivity of the transmission coefficients, anomalous backscattering enhancement, and speckle pattern both in reflection and transmission, reflectance and transmittance, and also in the conductance and its universal fluctuations. It is shown that, in contrast to volume impurities, surface scattering in quasi-one-dimensional structures (waveguides) gives rise to the coexistence of the ballistic, diffusive, and localized regimes within the same sample.Comment: LaTeX (REVTeX), 12 pages with 14 EPS figures (epsf macro), minor change

    Air-steam gasification of char derived from sewage sludge pyrolysis. Comparison with the gasification of sewage sludge

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    Air-steam gasification of char derived from fast pyrolysis of sewage sludge has been experimentally evaluated in a fluidized bed as a route towards a full recovery of energy from sewage sludge. The results have been compared with those obtained from the direct gasification of sewage sludge in order to evaluate how the previous pyrolysis stage affects the subsequent gasification process. The fixed carbon content in the solid increased after the pyrolysis stage so that heterogeneous reactions of carbon with steam or CO2 assumed greater importance during char gasification than during sewage sludge gasification. Furthermore, char gasification led to an improvement in the gas yield -calculated on a dry and ash-free basis (daf)- due to the increased concentration of carbon in the organic fraction of the solid after the pyrolysis step, with an increase in the average CO yield of about 70% -in terms of g/kg solid daf-. The reduction in the fraction of carbon which forms tar is another advantage of char gasification over the direct gasification of sewage sludge, with an average decrease of about 45%. Regarding the influence of the operating conditions, the response variables were mainly controlled by the same factors in both processes

    Local and average fields inside surface-disordered waveguides: Resonances in the one-dimensional Anderson localization regime

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    We investigate the one-dimensional propagation of waves in the Anderson localization regime, for a single-mode, surface disordered waveguide. We make use of both an analytical formulation and rigorous numerical simulation calculations. The occurrence of anomalously large transmission coefficients for given realizations and/or frequencies is studied, revealing huge field intensity concentration inside the disordered waveguide. The analytically predicted s-like dependence of the average intensity, being in good agreement with the numerical results for moderately long systems, fails to explain the intensity distribution observed deep in the localized regime. The average contribution to the field intensity from the resonances that are above a threshold transmission coefficient TcT_{c} is a broad distribution with a large maximum at/near mid-waveguide, depending universally (for given TcT_{c}) on the ratio of the length of the disorder segment to the localization length, L/ξL/\xi. The same universality is observed in the spatial distribution of the intensity inside typical (non-resonant with respect to the transmission coefficient) realizations, presenting a s-like shape similar to that of the total average intensity for TcT_{c} close to 1, which decays faster the lower is TcT_{c}. Evidence is given of the self-averaging nature of the random quantity log[I(x)]/x1/ξ\log[I(x)]/x\simeq -1/\xi. Higher-order moments of the intensity are also shown.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Impact of Procedure Manual in a Cleaning Company

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    This project is developed in a cleaning company, which we will call "Clean Express" to maintain the anonymity of the same, said company is located Boca del Rio, Veracruz, Mexico. According to Gido in 2012, the case study company has a functional type structure because the departments group the areas

    Collective electromagnetic emission from molecular layers on metal nanostructures mediated by surface plasmons

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    6 págs.; 3 figs.; PACS number s : 73.20.Mf, 78.30. j, 78.67.Bf, 42.25.FxCollective electromagnetic processes stemming from molecular emission close to complex nanostructured metal surfaces pumped at and/or near surface-plasmon resonances are theoretically investigated. A classical electrodynamics model is used to describe macroscopically the surface molecular layer emission. Generalized Fresnel coefficients are analytically obtained for planar surfaces, indeed predicting collective quenching for redshifted emission at given angles. The model is introduced into a scattering formulation based on surface integral equations in order to explore collective spontaneous emission near metallic nanoantennas and surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Frequency-shifted near-field patterns and properly defined enhancement factors are obtained that manifest collective processes and cannot be simply inferred from calculations of near fields at the pump frequency. © 2007 The American Physical Society.This work was supported in part by the Spanish “Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia” Grant Nos. FIS2006-07894 and FIS2004-0108 and “Comunidad de Madrid” Grant No. S-0505/TIC-0191 and V.G.’s Ph.D. scholarshipPeer Reviewe