1,447 research outputs found


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    A revision of the five Madagascan species of the genus Manilkara (Sapotaceae) is presented, including a key, descriptions, diagnostic characters, ecological notes and a distribution map. Of the seven species originally described by Aubréville, Manilkara tampoloensis is placed in synonymy with M. boivinii, and M. sohihy is removed from the genus and placed within the existing Labramia boivinii (Pierre) Aubré

    A new section of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from West Central Africa

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    Previous analyses of macromorphological and molecular data on the continental African species Begonia iucunda (Begoniaceae) suggest that it occupies an isolated phylogenetic position within a clade consisting otherwise of species in sections Cristasemen, Filicibegonia, Loasibegonia and Scutobegonia. Accordingly, the new monotypic section Chasmophila is here described. Its taxonomic position and relationship to other African sections are discussed and data on its distribution and ecology are presented

    Sensitivity studies on the photolysis rates calculation in Amazonian atmospheric chemistry ? Part I: The impact of the direct radiative effect of biomass burning aerosol particles

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    International audienceThe impact of the direct radiative effect of the aerosol particles on the calculation of the photolysis rates and consequently on the atmospheric chemistry in regional smoke clouds due to biomass burning over the Amazon basin is addressed in this work. It explores a case study for 19 September 2002 at LBA-RACCI-SMOCC (The Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere experiment in Amazonia ? Radiation, Cloud, and Climate Interactions ? Smoke, Aerosols, Clouds, Rainfall and Climate) pasture site in SW Amazonia. The Tropospheric Ultraviolet Visible radiation model (TUV) version 4.2, (Madronich et al., 1987) is used for the photolysis rates calculation considering the layer aerosol optical depth from the Coupled Aerosol Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CATT-BRAMS) (Freitas et al., 2005). A dynamical aerosol model (Procópio et al., 2003) is included in the radiative transfer model to take into account the high temporal variability of the aerosol optical thickness. This methodology is tested by comparing modeled and measured clear sky solar irradiances. The results show a good agreement with measured PAR radiation values. The actinic flux attenuation, for AOT (500 nm) values around 1.94, decreases the photolysis rates by about 70% in the presence of near-ground smoke aerosol and above the smoke layer the photolysis process tends to increase by about 40%. A simulation of the ozone production is carried out using a one-dimensional photochemical box model and comparisons with observation are shown

    Modelling and Analysis Mobile Systems Using �pi-calculus (EFCP)

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    Reference passing systems, like mobile and recon�gurable systems are common nowadays. The common feature of such systems is the possibility to form dynamic logical connections between the individual modules. However, such systems are very di�cult to verify, as their logical structure is dynamic. Traditionally, decidable fragments of pi-calculus, e.g. the well-known Finite Control Processes (FCP), are used for formal modelling of reference passing systems. Unfortunately, FCPs allow only `global' concurrency between processes, and thus cannot naturally express scenarios involving `local' concurrency inside a process, such as multicast. In this paper we propose Extended Finite Control Processes (EFCP), which are more convenient for practical modelling. Moreover, an almost linear translation of EFCPs to FCPs is developed, which enables e�cient model checking of EFCPs

    Comparative efficacy between atorvastatin and rosuvastatin in the prevention of cardiovascular disease recurrence

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    Background: There is no randomized clinical trials with recurrence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) as a major outcome with rosuvastatin. In order to analyze potential differences in the clinical response to atorvastatin and rosuvastatin in secondary ASCVD prevention, we have analyzed the clinical evolution of those subjects of the Dyslipemia Registry of the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis (SEA) who at the time of inclusion in the Registry had already suffered an ASCVD. Methods: This observational, retrospective, multicenter, national study was designed to determine potential differences between the use of atorvastatin and rosuvastatin in the ASCVD recurrence. Three different follow-up start-times were performed: time of inclusion in the registry; time of first event if this occurred after 2005, and time of first event without date restriction. Results: Baseline characteristics were similar between treatment groups. Among atorvastatin or rosuvastatin users, 89 recurrences of ASCVD were recorded (21.9%), of which 85.4% were coronary. At the inclusion of the subject in the registry, 345 participants had not suffered a recurrence yet. These 345 subjects accumulated 1050 person-years in a mean follow-up of 3 years. Event rates were 2.73 (95% CI: 1.63, 4.25) cases/100 person-years and 2.34 (95% CI: 1.17, 4.10) cases/100 person-years in the atorvastatin and rosuvastatin groups, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups independently of the follow-up start-time. Conclusions: This study does not find differences between high doses of rosuvastatin and atorvastatin in the recurrence of ASCVD, and supports their use as clinically equivalent in secondary prevention of ASCVD

    The trophectoderm acts as a niche for the inner cell mass through C/EBPα-regulated IL-6 signaling

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    Gene regulation; Somatic cell reprogramming; TrophectodermRegulación de genes; Reprogramación de células somáticas; TrofoectodermoRegulació de gens; Reprogramació de cèl·lules somàtiques; TrofectodermaIL-6 has been shown to be required for somatic cell reprogramming into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). However, how Il6 expression is regulated and whether it plays a role during embryo development remains unknown. Here, we describe that IL-6 is necessary for C/EBPα-enhanced reprogramming of B cells into iPSCs but not for B cell to macrophage transdifferentiation. C/EBPα overexpression activates both Il6 and Il6ra genes in B cells and in PSCs. In embryo development, Cebpa is enriched in the trophectoderm of blastocysts together with Il6, while Il6ra is mostly expressed in the inner cell mass (ICM). In addition, Il6 expression in blastocysts requires Cebpa. Blastocysts secrete IL-6 and neutralization of the cytokine delays the morula to blastocyst transition. The observed requirement of C/EBPα-regulated IL-6 signaling for pluripotency during somatic cell reprogramming thus recapitulates a physiologic mechanism in which the trophectoderm acts as niche for the ICM through the secretion of IL-6.We thank C. Berenguer for help with B cell reprogramming and bone marrow collection; S. Nakagawa and B. Pernaute for advice on pre-implantation embryo culture and manipulation, and Kyle M. Loh for his valuable discussions; the flow cytometry and microscopy units of UPF-CRG for technical assistance; the CRG genomics core facility for sequencing and Graf laboratory members for critical discussions. Work in the laboratory of T.G. was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Plan Estatal PID2019-109354GB-I00), the CRG, AGAUR (SGR 726), and a European Research Council Synergy grant (4D-Genome). M.P.-C. was supported by an FPI fellowship (BES-2016-076900). Work in the laboratory of M.S. was funded by the IRB and by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (SAF2017-82613-R), ERC (ERC-2014-AdG/669622), la Caixa Foundation, and Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement of Catalonia (Grup de Recerca consolidat 2017 SGR 282)

    Round table on morbilliviruses in marine mammals.

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    Since 1988 morbilliviruses have been increasingly recognized and held responsible for mass mortality amongst harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) and other seal species. Virus isolations and characterization proved that morbilliviruses from seals in Northwest Europe were genetically distinct from other known members of this group including canine distemper virus (CDV), rinderpest virus, peste des petits ruminants virus and measles virus. An epidemic in Baikal seals in 1987 was apparently caused by a morbillivirus closely related to CDV so that two morbilliviruses have now been identified in two geographically distant seal populations, with only the group of isolates from Northwest Europe forming a new member of the genus morbillivirus: phocid distemper virus (PDV). Because of distemper-like disease, the Baikal seal morbillivirus was tentatively named PDV-2 in spite of its possible identity with CDV. The appearance of morbilliviruses in the Mediterranean Sea causing high mortality amongst dolphins should further increase the research activities on protection strategies for endangered species of marine mammals

    Best practice guide for data discovery and publishing strategy and action plans version 1.0

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    Effect of lipid-lowering treatment in cardiovascular disease prevalence in familial hypercholesterolemia

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    Background and aims: The impact on heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HeFH) health led by high-intensity lipid-lowering therapy (HILLT) is unknown, and the question remains if there is still an unacceptably high residual risk to justify treatment with new lipid-lowering drugs. Methods: This observational, retrospective, multicenter, national study in Spain, whose information was obtained from a national dyslipemia registry, was designed to establish the current prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in HeFH and to define the impact of HILLT on CVD in this population. Odds were estimated using several logistic regression models with progressive adjustment. Results: 1958 HeFH, mean age 49.3 ± 14.3 years, were included in the analysis. At inclusion in the registry, 295 patients (15.1%) had suffered CVD and 164 (55.6%) had suffered the first event before the onset lipid-lowering treatment. Exposition to treatment associated more than ten times lower odds for CVD than in subjects naïve to treatment (OR 0.085, 95% CI 0.063–0.114, p < 0.001). A first CVD event after a mean treatment period of 9.1 ± 7.2 years occurred in 131 out of 1615 (8.1%) HeFH subjects, and 115 (87.8%) of them were on HILLT. Conclusions: Current prevalence of CVD among HeFH is one third of that reported before the statins era. Early initiation and prolonged lipid-lowering treatment was associated with a reduction in CVD. New cases of CVD, in spite of HILLT, appeared mostly among patients accumulating risk factors and probably they may be considered for further lipid-lowering drugs
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