1,244 research outputs found

    The Impact of Simulation Sequencing on Perceived Clinical Decision Making

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    An emerging nursing education trend is to utilize simulated learning experiences as a means to optimize competency and decision making skills. The purpose of this study was to examine differences in students\u27 perception of clinical decision making and clinical decision making-related self-confidence and anxiety based on the sequence (order) in which they participated in a block of simulated versus hospital-based learning experiences. A quasi-experimental crossover design was used. Between and within group differences were found relative to self-confidence with the decision making process. When comparing groups, at baseline the simulation followed by hospital group had significantly higher self-confidence scores, however, at 14-weeks both groups were not significantly different. Significant within group differences were found in the simulation followed by hospital group only, demonstrating a significant decrease in clinical decision making related anxiety across the semester. Finally, there were no significant difference in; perceived clinical decision making within or between the groups at the two measurement points. Preliminary findings suggest that simulated learning experiences can be offered with alternating sequences without impacting the process, anxiety or confidence with clinical decision making. This study provides beginning evidence to guide curriculum development and allow flexibility based on student needs and available resources

    Search For Oxygen in Cool DQ White Dwarf Atmospheres

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    We report new infrared spectroscopic observations of cool DQ white dwarfs by using Coolspec on the 2.7m Harlan-Smith Telescope. DQs have helium-rich atmospheres with traces of molecular carbon thought to be the result of convective dredge-up from their C/O interiors. Recent model calculations predict that oxygen should also be present in DQ atmospheres in detectable amounts. Our synthetic spectra calculations for He-rich white dwarfs with traces of C and O indicate that CO should be easily detected in the cool DQ atmospheres if present in the expected amounts. Determination of the oxygen abundance in the atmosphere will reveal the C/O ratio at the core/envelope boundary, constraining the important and uncertain ^{12}C(alpha,gamma)^{16}O reaction rate.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, to appear in proceedings of the 13th European Workshop on White Dwarf

    Emotionally focused family therapy in cases of intimate partner violence: Exploring psychotherapist views

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    There is no published data on emotionally focused family therapy (EFFT) for families impacted by intimate partner violence (IPV). In this thesis, 79 psychotherapists were surveyed about whether to use EFFT when parents disclosed violence in the home, including weighing risks and benefits. Descriptive statistics and correlational analysis were used to analyze the data. All responding therapists believed it was important to receive IPV-specific supervision and preferred working with parents motivated to eliminate violence. Participants believed EFFT may promote more responsive caregiving but could also be risky when therapists have limited IPV training. Those with EFFT or IPV training seemed most interested in using EFFT with families impacted by violence. A top priority for future research includes investigating the safety and efficacy of this approach. Future directions for psychotherapists include seeking IPV-specific training and supervision when working with clients impacted by violence. Institutions are encouraged to prioritize IPV training

    Global Models of Runaway Accretion in White Dwarf Debris Disks

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    A growing sample of white dwarfs (WDs) with metal-enriched atmospheres are accompanied by excess infrared emission, indicating that they are encircled by a compact dusty disk of solid debris. Such `WD debris disks' are thought to originate from the tidal disruption of asteroids or other minor bodies, but the precise mechanism(s) responsible for transporting matter to the WD surface remains unclear, especially in those systems with the highest inferred metal accretion rates dM_Z/dt ~ 1e8-1e10 g/s. Here we present global time-dependent calculations of the coupled evolution of the gaseous and solid components of WD debris disks. Solids transported inwards (initially due to PR drag) sublimate at tens of WD radii, producing a source of gas that accretes onto the WD surface and viscously spreads outwards in radius, where it overlaps with the solid disk. If the aerodynamic coupling between the solids and gaseous disks is sufficiently strong (and/or the gas viscosity sufficiently weak), then gas builds up near the sublimation radius faster than it can viscously spread away. Since the rate of drag-induced solid accretion increases with gas density, this results in a runaway accretion process, during which the WD accretion rate reaches values orders of magnitude higher than can be achieved by PR drag alone. We explore the evolution of WD debris disks across a wide range of physical conditions and calculate the predicted distribution of observed accretion rates dM_Z/dt, finding reasonable agreement with the current sample. Although the conditions necessary for runaway accretion are at best marginally satisfied given the minimal level of aerodynamic drag between circular gaseous and solid disks, the presence of other stronger forms of solid-gas coupling---such as would result if the gaseous disk is only mildly eccentric---substantially increase the likelihood of runaway accretion.Comment: 23 pages, 20 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Renormalization Group Theory And Variational Calculations For Propagating Fronts

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    We study the propagation of uniformly translating fronts into a linearly unstable state, both analytically and numerically. We introduce a perturbative renormalization group (RG) approach to compute the change in the propagation speed when the fronts are perturbed by structural modification of their governing equations. This approach is successful when the fronts are structurally stable, and allows us to select uniquely the (numerical) experimentally observable propagation speed. For convenience and completeness, the structural stability argument is also briefly described. We point out that the solvability condition widely used in studying dynamics of nonequilibrium systems is equivalent to the assumption of physical renormalizability. We also implement a variational principle, due to Hadeler and Rothe, which provides a very good upper bound and, in some cases, even exact results on the propagation speeds, and which identifies the transition from ` linear'- to ` nonlinear-marginal-stability' as parameters in the governing equation are varied.Comment: 34 pages, plain tex with uiucmac.tex. Also available by anonymous ftp to gijoe.mrl.uiuc.edu (, file /pub/front_RG.tex (or .ps.Z

    Demonstration of Universal Parametric Entangling Gates on a Multi-Qubit Lattice

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    We show that parametric coupling techniques can be used to generate selective entangling interactions for multi-qubit processors. By inducing coherent population exchange between adjacent qubits under frequency modulation, we implement a universal gateset for a linear array of four superconducting qubits. An average process fidelity of F=93%\mathcal{F}=93\% is estimated for three two-qubit gates via quantum process tomography. We establish the suitability of these techniques for computation by preparing a four-qubit maximally entangled state and comparing the estimated state fidelity against the expected performance of the individual entangling gates. In addition, we prepare an eight-qubit register in all possible bitstring permutations and monitor the fidelity of a two-qubit gate across one pair of these qubits. Across all such permutations, an average fidelity of F=91.6±2.6%\mathcal{F}=91.6\pm2.6\% is observed. These results thus offer a path to a scalable architecture with high selectivity and low crosstalk

    Stereodivergent Synthesis of Enantioenriched 4-Hydroxy-2- cyclopentenones

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    Protected 4-hydroxycyclopentenones (4-HCPs) constitute an important class of intermediates in chemical synthesis. A route to this class of compound has been developed. Key steps include Noyori reduction (which establishes the stereochemistry of the product), ring-closing metathesis, and simple functional group conversions to provide a set of substituted 4-HCPs in either enantiomeric form
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