246 research outputs found

    Laser Raman and Infrared Spectra of Some Uracil Derivatives

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    Vibrational Spectra of Isomeric Aminobenzonitriles

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    Prevalence of Health Problems, Professional and Financial Satisfaction among Doctors Working Across Vadodara City: A Cross-sectional Study

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    Background: The present study was conducted to know the distribution of various health problems among doctors and to assess professional and financial satisfaction levels among doctors. Methods: A Google Form questionnaire-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 122 doctors in Vadodara selected purposively after taking consent. Google form was circulated by email and WhatsApp groups. The form consisted of questions related to demographic details, health problems, financial and job satisfaction. All the responses were recorded and analyzed in MS Excel 2019. Results: Among the 122 doctors, 89 (72.95%) were male and 33 (27.04%) were female and 101 (82.78%) doctors were taking treatment for some ailment. Around 86.9% of doctors regularly opt for a health check-up. Among the health problems reported by doctors, the most common were musculoskeletal ailments (72.13%) followed by hypertension (28.9%), diabetes (17.2), cardiac (12.3%), endocrinal (10.65%), eye (9.01), mental (6.55) problems. Approximately 37.70% of doctors answered that health problems temporarily affect their work; 5.73% of doctors felt the need to modify their work pattern. About 91.80% of doctors were satisfied by their profession, while 108 (88.52%) doctors were financially satisfied with their work. Conclusion: More than half of the professionals complained of musculoskeletal problems. The majority of health care professionals were professionally and financially satisfied

    Public-private partnership as a new form of social responsibility and a mechanism of decentralization of public administration

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    The need to attract resources to socially significant infrastructure facilities, decentralize authority, market orientation of public services, efficiency and competition requires the search for a combination of opportunities for cooperation between the public and private sectors. A public-private partnership has become one of the modern approaches to the implementation of socially important projects. The study identified the degree of impact of the partnership between the state and business, as a mechanism of decentralization of public administration, on the factors of social responsibility. The methodological approach involved the analysis of the existing research on social responsibility of public-private partnership by identifying and comparing key factors of social responsibility; determination of variables that describe them, and conducting econometric analysis of established variables. It is proved that in addition to overcoming the budget deficit, contributing to economic performance, public-private partnership involves social responsibility. The activity of public-private partnerships (private investment in infrastructure projects) is found to have impact on innovation, the environment, health care, the rule of law, and unemployment rates. There is a need to conduct further research with an expanded number of countries and factors that describe social responsibility of public-private partnership

    Osteometric Dimension of Stapes

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    Background: In the present study an attempt is made to study the morphometric analysis of ear ossicles to compare and evaluate the various morphometric parameters for designing the prosthesis used by Otologist in people of Gujarat. Aim: To study normal values of stapes this helps in making of stapes prostheses for otologists. Material and Method: Present study was carried out on 60 stapes in anatomy department at 3 medical colleges namely Shri M.P. Shah Govt. Medical College, Jamnagar, Govt. Medical College, Bhavnagar and P.D.U Medical College, Rajkot. The present study was conducted after approval from the institutional ethics committee. Results: the mean total height of stapes was 3.33 ± 0.25 mm, ranging from a minimum of 2.86mm to maximum of 3.9mm. The mean length of footplate of stapes was 2.78 ± 0.15 mm, ranging from a minimum of 2.41mm to maximum of 3.11mm. The mean width of footplate of stapes was 1.34 ± 0.13 mm, ranging from a minimum of 1.05 mm to maximum of 1.73 mm. Conclusion: The results of parameters of the ear ossicles are very helpful in making ear ossicles prosthesis in ossicular chain pathology in Guajarati population. Variation in the dimension of the ear ossicles might be due to racial difference or regional population difference in India. Variation in the dimension of ear ossicles might be due to various types of instruments used for measurement; methods used for measurement of ossicles or inter observer error by other workers

    A Small-Molecule Inhibitor of T. gondii Motility Induces the Posttranslational Modification of Myosin Light Chain-1 and Inhibits Myosin Motor Activity

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    Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite that enters cells by a process of active penetration. Host cell penetration and parasite motility are driven by a myosin motor complex consisting of four known proteins: TgMyoA, an unconventional Class XIV myosin; TgMLC1, a myosin light chain; and two membrane-associated proteins, TgGAP45 and TgGAP50. Little is known about how the activity of the myosin motor complex is regulated. Here, we show that treatment of parasites with a recently identified small-molecule inhibitor of invasion and motility results in a rapid and irreversible change in the electrophoretic mobility of TgMLC1. While the precise nature of the TgMLC1 modification has not yet been established, it was mapped to the peptide Val46-Arg59. To determine if the TgMLC1 modification is responsible for the motility defect observed in parasites after compound treatment, the activity of myosin motor complexes from control and compound-treated parasites was compared in an in vitro motility assay. TgMyoA motor complexes containing the modified TgMLC1 showed significantly decreased motor activity compared to control complexes. This change in motor activity likely accounts for the motility defects seen in the parasites after compound treatment and provides the first evidence, in any species, that the mechanical activity of Class XIV myosins can be modulated by posttranslational modifications to their associated light chains

    Common Variation in ISL1 Confers Genetic Susceptibility for Human Congenital Heart Disease

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    Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common birth abnormality and the etiology is unknown in the overwhelming majority of cases. ISLET1 (ISL1) is a transcription factor that marks cardiac progenitor cells and generates diverse multipotent cardiovascular cell lineages. The fundamental role of ISL1 in cardiac morphogenesis makes this an exceptional candidate gene to consider as a cause of complex congenital heart disease. We evaluated whether genetic variation in ISL1 fits the common variant–common disease hypothesis. A 2-stage case-control study examined 27 polymorphisms mapping to the ISL1 locus in 300 patients with complex congenital heart disease and 2,201 healthy pediatric controls. Eight genic and flanking ISL1 SNPs were significantly associated with complex congenital heart disease. A replication study analyzed these candidate SNPs in 1,044 new cases and 3,934 independent controls and confirmed that genetic variation in ISL1 is associated with risk of non-syndromic congenital heart disease. Our results demonstrate that two different ISL1 haplotypes contribute to risk of CHD in white and black/African American populations