422 research outputs found

    Two-Sided Derivatives for Regular Expressions and for Hairpin Expressions

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    The aim of this paper is to design the polynomial construction of a finite recognizer for hairpin completions of regular languages. This is achieved by considering completions as new expression operators and by applying derivation techniques to the associated extended expressions called hairpin expressions. More precisely, we extend partial derivation of regular expressions to two-sided partial derivation of hairpin expressions and we show how to deduce a recognizer for a hairpin expression from its two-sided derived term automaton, providing an alternative proof of the fact that hairpin completions of regular languages are linear context-free.Comment: 28 page

    Invariance: a Theoretical Approach for Coding Sets of Words Modulo Literal (Anti)Morphisms

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    Let AA be a finite or countable alphabet and let θ\theta be literal (anti)morphism onto AA^* (by definition, such a correspondence is determinated by a permutation of the alphabet). This paper deals with sets which are invariant under θ\theta (θ\theta-invariant for short).We establish an extension of the famous defect theorem. Moreover, we prove that for the so-called thin θ\theta-invariant codes, maximality and completeness are two equivalent notions. We prove that a similar property holds in the framework of some special families of θ\theta-invariant codes such as prefix (bifix) codes, codes with a finite deciphering delay, uniformly synchronized codes and circular codes. For a special class of involutive antimorphisms, we prove that any regular θ\theta-invariant code may be embedded into a complete one.Comment: To appear in Acts of WORDS 201

    Electronic Spectroscopy of Jet-Cooled Benzylidenecyclobutane, a Sterically Hindered Styrene

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    The electronic spectrum of the styrene derivative, benzylidenecyclobutane, seeded in a supersonic jet expansion has been recorded using resonantly enhanced two-photon ionization spectroscopy. The main vibronic features in the spectrum are associated with a low frequency progression assigned to the torsional motion of the phenyl ring. Analysis of the observed torsional levels reveals an excited state potential energy surface characteristic of a planar equilibrium geometry which undergoes large amplitude motion and a ground state surface having a minimum at a torsional angle of 25° between the phenyl and vinyl groups. Ab initio calculations of the ground state torsional potential surface predict a minimum in the range of 28°-26°, depending on the size of the basis set. In these structures the cyclobutane ring adopts a puckering angle between 17° and 19°. Deuterated isotopomers have also been synthesized and their corresponding photoionization spectra analyzed to reveal the mixing between the torsion and other low frequency modes such as cyclobutane ring puckering. The extent of this mixing is found to be sensitive to the sites of deuteration on the molecule. © 1996 American Institute of Physics

    Electronic Spectroscopy of Jet-Cooled Benzylidenecyclobutane, a Sterically Hindered Styrene

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    The electronic spectrum of the styrene derivative, benzylidenecyclobutane, seeded in a supersonic jet expansion has been recorded using resonantly enhanced two-photon ionization spectroscopy. The main vibronic features in the spectrum are associated with a low frequency progression assigned to the torsional motion of the phenyl ring. Analysis of the observed torsional levels reveals an excited state potential energy surface characteristic of a planar equilibrium geometry which undergoes large amplitude motion and a ground state surface having a minimum at a torsional angle of 25° between the phenyl and vinyl groups. Ab initio calculations of the ground state torsional potential surface predict a minimum in the range of 28°-26°, depending on the size of the basis set. In these structures the cyclobutane ring adopts a puckering angle between 17° and 19°. Deuterated isotopomers have also been synthesized and their corresponding photoionization spectra analyzed to reveal the mixing between the torsion and other low frequency modes such as cyclobutane ring puckering. The extent of this mixing is found to be sensitive to the sites of deuteration on the molecule. © 1996 American Institute of Physics

    Altercentric bias in preverbal infants memory

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    Human infants would seem to face a daunting challenge in selecting what they should attend, encode and remember. We investigated whether early in life, infants might use others’ attention as an exploitable source of information filtering, by prioritizing the encoding of events that are co-witnessed with someone else over events witnessed alone. In a series of studies (n=255), we show that infants who can otherwise remember an object’s location, misremembered the object where another agent had seen it, even if infants themselves had subsequently seen the object move somewhere else. With further exploratory analyses, we also found that infants’ attention to the agent rather than the object seems to drive their memory for the object’s location. This series points to an initial encoding bias that likely facilitates information selection but which can, under some circumstances, lead to predictable memory errors

    Conformations And Relative Stabilities Of The Cis And Trans Isomers In A Series Of Isolated N-phenylamides

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    The gas-phase conformations of a series of isolated N-phenylamides have been determined from vibrationally resolved electronic spectra obtained by resonant two-photon ionization in a supersonic jet expansion. Both the cis and trans isomers of formanilide were identified, with the cis isomer in 6.5% abundance. The spectral features displayed by this isomer are consistent with a nonplanar geometry which undergoes a large change in the phenyl torsional angle following electronic excitation. The more abundant trans isomer of formanilide adopts a planar structure and is stabilized by 2.5 kcal/mol with respect to the cis isomer. In the excited electronic state the relative stabilities of the two isomers are reversed. Acetanilide, in contrast, is found exclusively as the trans isomer, also having a planar structure. N-Methyl substitution causes a reversal of the relative isomer stabilities found in formanilide and leads to an isomer distribution consisting of approximately 90% E and 10% Z in N-methylformanilide. These experimental observations are compared to previous condensed phase structural determinations as well as to the relative energies and structures predicted from ab initio Hartree-Fock geometry optimizations

    The Principle of Critical Energy as a Transdisciplinary Principle with Interdisciplinary Applications

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    The principle of critical energy (PCE) is a transdisciplinary principle that may be used in all chapters of sciences for superposition and/or cumulation of different external actions (mechanical, thermal, magnetic, electrical, chemical, etc.) It may be used for lifetime evaluation of engineering structures, as well as for living organisms, by taking into account the influences due to pollution, due to internal deterioration, due to preloading or residual stresses, etc. In this paper, we explain what PCE is, how it may be practically used and the interdependences between the terms comprised in its general relation. PCE was applied for solving problems of superposition of external actions and internal deteriorations in the following chapters of sciences: mechanical engineering, thermomechanical-chemical loadings, multiple pollution, medical field and viscoelasticity. It was compared with synergy theory and with catastrophe theory

    Probing the N = 32 shell closure below the magic proton number Z = 20: Mass measurements of the exotic isotopes 52,53K

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    The recently confirmed neutron-shell closure at N = 32 has been investigated for the first time below the magic proton number Z = 20 with mass measurements of the exotic isotopes 52,53K, the latter being the shortest-lived nuclide investigated at the online mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP. The resulting two-neutron separation energies reveal a 3 MeV shell gap at N = 32, slightly lower than for 52Ca, highlighting the doubly-magic nature of this nuclide. Skyrme-Hartree-Fock-Boguliubov and ab initio Gorkov-Green function calculations are challenged by the new measurements but reproduce qualitatively the observed shell effect.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Traumatic cardiac injuries – clinical experience

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    Catedra de Chirurgie nr. 1 “Nicolae Anestiadi” și Laboratorul de Chirurgie Hepato-Pancreato-Biliară, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, IMSP Institutul de Medicină Urgentă, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Doar 10% din pacienți cu plăgile cordului reușesc să fie transportate la spital în viață. Leziunile cardice reprezintă 3,1% din toate traumatismele toracice, letalitatea constituind 12-32%. Material şi metode: Studiu retrospectiv − 40 pacienţi cu plagă în regiunea cordului, B:F – 14:1, perioada 2005-2018. S-au alcătuit două loturi: lotul I – 16(40%) “răniţi albi” cu şoc hipovolemic şi lotul II – 24(60%) “răniţi albaştri” cu şoc cardiogen (p>0,05). Preoperator ECG s-a efectuat în 40(100%) cazuri, radiografia toracică în 21(52,5%) cazuri, dintre care 11(52,4%) suspecte de tamponadă cardiacă, în două cazuri (5%) s-a recurs la puncţie pericardică (Larrey). Rezultate: Toţi pacienţii au fost operaţi de urgenţă (toracotomie antero-laterală stângă –26(65%), dreaptă – 12(20%), postero-laterală stângă – 2(5%). S-au constatat: 2(5%) – plăgi cardiace nepenetrante, 3(7,5%) leziuni de pericard, 5(12,5%) – AD, 1(2,5%) – auricula dreaptă, 16(40%) – VD, 2(5%) – AS, 11(27,5%) – VS, 1(2,5%) – vena cava superioară (inima dreaptă / inima stângă = 1,62 / 1; p>0,05). În toate cazurile s-a efectuat cardiorafie. În 28(70%) cazuri s-au constatat leziuni intratoracice concomitente (parenchim pulmonar – 24(85,7%), a. mamară internă – 3(10,7%) şi a. intercostală – 1(3,6%). Durata medie de spitalizare – 16,81±2,3 zile, inclusiv ATI – 3,13±0,7. Au decedat 6(15%) pacienţi pe masa de operaţie şi 1(2,5%) în primele şase ore postoperator. Concluzii: Cardiorafia aplicată în timp reușit și gradul de severitate a leziunilor cardiace în 80,6% s-au soldat cu supraviețuire, ceea ce se înscrie în statistica raportată. Letalitatea crește proporțional cu severitatea leziunii cordului şi magnitudinea pierderii sangvine, şocul hipovolemic fiind asociat cu prognostic nefast, deşi fără diferenţă statistic semnificativă.Background: Only 10% of patients with wound of the heart are transported to the hospital alive. Cardiac lesions represent 3.1% of all thoracic trauma, general mortality accounting 12-32%. Methods and materials: Retrospective study included 40 patients with precordial wound at hospitalization, M:W ratio - 14:1, time period 2005-2018. The patients were divided into two groups: group I−16(40%) with hypovolemic shock and group II−24(60%) with cardiogenic shock (p>0.05). Preoperative EKG was performed in 40(100%) cases, chest X-ray in 21(52.5%) cases, from which 11(52.4%) suspected for cardiac tamponade, and pericardiocentesis in two cases (5%) (Larrey technique). Results: All patients were operated on an emergency (left anterolateral thoracotomy−26(65%), right one−12(20%), and left posterolateral−2(5%). Nonpenetrating cardiac injury was observed in 2(5%) cases, pericardial lesions– 3(7.5%), RA–5(12.5%), RAA– 1(2.5%), RV−16(40%), LA–2(5%), LV–11(27.5%), SVC–1(2.5%) (right heart/left heart = 1.62/1; p>0.05). In all cases cardiac suture was performed. In 28(70%) cases concomitant intrathoracic lesions were identified (lung parenchyma−24(85.7%), internal mammary artery−3(10.7%) and intercostal artery−1(3.6%). Average hospitalization time–16.81±2.3 days, including Intensive Care Unit–3.13±0.7. Six patients (15%) died on the operating table and 1(2.5%) during the first six hours postoperatively. Conclusion: Cardiac suture performed in time and degree of severity of cardiac lesions in 80.6% resulted in survival that corresponds to the reported data. Lethality increases directly proportional to the severity of the heart lesion and the volume of blood loss, the hypovolemic shock being associated with poor prognosis, although no significant statistical difference is identified