367 research outputs found

    Разработка технологии художественного изделия из металла по технологии ковки

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа 80с., 24 рис., 16 табл., 10 источников, 2 прил. Ключевые слова: художественная ковка, сварка, технология, светильник, металл, бионический стиль, стилизация. Объектом исследования является технология художественной ковки, как в целом, так и применительно к конкретному изделию. Цель работы – создание декоративного напольного светильника по технологии художественной ковки. В процессе исследования проводились классификационные и комплексные анализы функций светильника, элементов конструкции, этапов формообразования и стилизации, а также свойств материалов, применяемых для создания изделия. В результате исследования были получены и классифицированы данные о различных функциях и параметрах разрабатываемого объекта, что позволило в дальнейшем создать рабочFinal qualifying work of 80c., 24 fig., 16 tab., 10 sources, 2 adj. Keywords: art forging, welding, technology, lamp, metal, bionic style, stylization. The object of research is the technology of artistic forging, both in general and in relation to a particular product. The purpose of the work - the creation of a decorative floor lamp by art forging technology. The study carried out classification and complex analyzes luminaire features design elements, the stages of shaping and styling, as well as the properties of the materials used to create the product. The study was prepared and classified data about the various features and options developed by the object, which will continue to create the workpiece in real using the claimed technology. The basic constructive, technological a

    Akustisen äänenlaatuindeksin (AVQI) version 03.01 validointi suomenkielisille puhujille

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    The Acoustic Voice Quality Index (AVQI) is an objective tool based on six acoustic parameters.It uses sustained vowel and continuous speech in the analyses and therefore it must be validatedin different languages. In this study, the newest version of AVQI (03.01) with an extendedcontinuous speech sample and improved internal consistency was validated to Finnish-speakingpopulation. The study included 197 native Finnish-speaking voluntary participants, out ofwhich 111 were patients from a phoniatric clinic and 86 were healthy voice users. A sustainedvowel and a reading sample were recorded. Mean number of the syllables comparable to the3 second sustained vowel was calculated from the reading samples. Sixteen voice specialistsevaluated the overall voice quality of the voice samples with a four-point scale. Statistic analyseswere performed to test the diagnostic accuracy between healthy and disordered voices inFinnish-speaking population. The number of syllables, comparable to 3 seconds of sustainedvowel, was 31. The correlation between the AVQI scores and the overall voice quality wasstrong (Spearman’s rho 0.77, p= 0.01). The AVQI score 1.83 was the best to distinguish healthyand dysphonic voices. The study confirmed the AVQI03.01FIN version to be a good tool invoice disorder diagnostics in Finnish speaking population.Akustinen äänenlaatuindeksi (AVQI) on objektiivinen, kuuteen eri akustiseen muuttujaan perustuva äänen arviointimenetelmä. Se käyttää analyysissaan vokaali- ja jatkuvan puheen ääninäytettä, ja siksi AVQI validoidaan ennen käyttöönottoa eri kielille. Tässä tutkimuksessa validoitiin AVQI:n uusi, sisäisesti yhdenmukaisempi, pidempää jatkuvan puheen näytettä käyttävä versio (03.01) suomenkielisille puhujille. Tutkimuksessa oli osallistujina 197 vapaaehtoista, äidinkielenään suomea puhuvaa henkilöä, joista 111 oli sairaalan foniatrisen yksikön potilaita ja 86 terveäänisiä. Osallistujilta tallennettiin luenta- ja vokaaliääninäytteet. Luentanäytteistä mitattiin keskimääräinen kolmen sekunnin vokaaliääntöä vastaava tavujen määrä. Kuusitoista asiantuntijakuuntelijaa arvioi neliportaisella asteikolla äänen yleislaatua. Tilastollisilla menetelmillä arvioitiin AVQI-analyysin diagnostista kykyä erotella terve- ja äänihäiriöääni toisistaan suomenkielisellä aineistolla. Kolmen sekunnin vokaaliääntöä vastaavaksi tavumääräksi määritettiin 31 tavua. AVQI-tulosten ja kuunteluarvioiden välinen yhteys oli vahva (Spearmanin rho 0.77, p= 0.01). Paras erottelevuus terveen- ja äänihäiriöäänen välille saatiin raja-arvolla 1,83. Tutkimus osoitti AVQI 03.01FIN -version toimivan hyvin äänihäiriöiden diagnostisena työkaluna

    Self-reported walking pace and 10-year cause-specific mortality:A UK biobank investigation

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    Objective: To investigate associations of self-reported walking pace (SRWP) with relative and absolute risks of cause-specific mortality. Patients and methods: In 391,652 UK Biobank participants recruited in 2006–2010, we estimated sex- and cause-specific (cardiovascular disease [CVD], cancer, other causes) mortality hazard ratios (HRs) and 10-year mortality risks across categories of SRWP (slow, average, brisk), accounting for confounders and competing risk. Censoring occurred in September 30, 2021 (England, Wales) and October 31, 2021 (Scotland). Results: Over a median follow-up of 12.6 years, 22,413 deaths occurred. In women, the HRs comparing brisk to slow SRWP were 0.74 (95% CI: 0.67, 0.82), 0.40 (0.33, 0.49), and 0.29 (0.26, 0.32) for cancer, CVD, and other causes of death, respectively, and 0.71 (0.64, 0.78), 0.38 (0.33, 0.44), and 0.29 (0.26, 0.32) in men. Compared to CVD, HRs were greater for other causes (women: 39.6% [6.2, 72.9]; men: 31.6% [9.8, 53.5]) and smaller for cancer (−45.8% [−58.3, −33.2] and − 45.9% [−54.8, −36.9], respectively). For all causes in both sexes, the 10-year mortality risk was higher in slow walkers, but varied across sex, age, and cause, resulting in different risk reductions comparing brisk to slow: the largest were for other causes of death at age 75 years [women: −6.8% (−7.7, −5.8); men: −9.5% (−10.6, −8.4)]. Conclusion: Compared to slow walkers, brisk SRWP was associated with reduced cancer (smallest reduction), CVD, and other (largest) causes of death and may therefore be a useful clinical predictive marker. As absolute risk reductions varied across age, cause, and SRWP, certain groups may particularly benefit from interventions to increase SRWP.</p

    Self-reported walking pace and 10-year cause-specific mortality:A UK biobank investigation

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    Objective: To investigate associations of self-reported walking pace (SRWP) with relative and absolute risks of cause-specific mortality. Patients and methods: In 391,652 UK Biobank participants recruited in 2006–2010, we estimated sex- and cause-specific (cardiovascular disease [CVD], cancer, other causes) mortality hazard ratios (HRs) and 10-year mortality risks across categories of SRWP (slow, average, brisk), accounting for confounders and competing risk. Censoring occurred in September 30, 2021 (England, Wales) and October 31, 2021 (Scotland). Results: Over a median follow-up of 12.6 years, 22,413 deaths occurred. In women, the HRs comparing brisk to slow SRWP were 0.74 (95% CI: 0.67, 0.82), 0.40 (0.33, 0.49), and 0.29 (0.26, 0.32) for cancer, CVD, and other causes of death, respectively, and 0.71 (0.64, 0.78), 0.38 (0.33, 0.44), and 0.29 (0.26, 0.32) in men. Compared to CVD, HRs were greater for other causes (women: 39.6% [6.2, 72.9]; men: 31.6% [9.8, 53.5]) and smaller for cancer (−45.8% [−58.3, −33.2] and − 45.9% [−54.8, −36.9], respectively). For all causes in both sexes, the 10-year mortality risk was higher in slow walkers, but varied across sex, age, and cause, resulting in different risk reductions comparing brisk to slow: the largest were for other causes of death at age 75 years [women: −6.8% (−7.7, −5.8); men: −9.5% (−10.6, −8.4)]. Conclusion: Compared to slow walkers, brisk SRWP was associated with reduced cancer (smallest reduction), CVD, and other (largest) causes of death and may therefore be a useful clinical predictive marker. As absolute risk reductions varied across age, cause, and SRWP, certain groups may particularly benefit from interventions to increase SRWP.</p

    Does oral sodium bicarbonate therapy improve function and quality of life in older patients with chronic kidney disease and low-grade acidosis (the BiCARB trial)? Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Date of acceptance: 01/07/2015 © 2015 Witham et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Acknowledgements UK NIHR HTA grant 10/71/01. We acknowledge the financial support of NHS Research Scotland in conducting this trial.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Epidemiology of HPV 16 and Cervical Cancer in Finland and the Potential Impact of Vaccination: Mathematical Modelling Analyses

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    BACKGROUND: Candidate human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines have demonstrated almost 90%-100% efficacy in preventing persistent, type-specific HPV infection over 18 mo in clinical trials. If these vaccines go on to demonstrate prevention of precancerous lesions in phase III clinical trials, they will be licensed for public use in the near future. How these vaccines will be used in countries with national cervical cancer screening programmes is an important question. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We developed a transmission model of HPV 16 infection and progression to cervical cancer and calibrated it to Finnish HPV 16 seroprevalence over time. The model was used to estimate the transmission probability of the virus, to look at the effect of changes in patterns of sexual behaviour and smoking on age-specific trends in cancer incidence, and to explore the impact of HPV 16 vaccination. We estimated a high per-partnership transmission probability of HPV 16, of 0.6. The modelling analyses showed that changes in sexual behaviour and smoking accounted, in part, for the increase seen in cervical cancer incidence in 35- to 39-y-old women from 1990 to 1999. At both low (10% in opportunistic immunisation) and high (90% in a national immunisation programme) coverage of the adolescent population, vaccinating women and men had little benefit over vaccinating women alone. We estimate that vaccinating 90% of young women before sexual debut has the potential to decrease HPV type-specific (e.g., type 16) cervical cancer incidence by 91%. If older women are more likely to have persistent infections and progress to cancer, then vaccination with a duration of protection of less than 15 y could result in an older susceptible cohort and no decrease in cancer incidence. While vaccination has the potential to significantly reduce type-specific cancer incidence, its combination with screening further improves cancer prevention. CONCLUSIONS: HPV vaccination has the potential to significantly decrease HPV type-specific cervical cancer incidence. High vaccine coverage of women alone, sustained over many decades, with a long duration of vaccine-conferred protection, would have the greatest impact on type-specific cancer incidence. This level of coverage could be achieved through national coordinated programmes, with surveillance to detect cancers caused by nonvaccine oncogenic HPV types