2,913 research outputs found

    Coherent X-ray radiation generated by a relativistic electron in an artificial periodic structure

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    A theory of coherent X-ray radiation from a relativistic electron crossing an artificial periodic layered structure in the Laue scattering geometry is constructed. The expressions describing the spectral-angular radiation parameters are obtainedyesBelgorod State Universit

    Coherent X-radiation along the velocity of a relativistic electron in a bounded periodic multilayer medium

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    In the present work a theory of the coherent X-radiation generated by the relativistic electron crossing an artificial periodic layered structure in Laue scattering geometry is built The expressions are derived for spectral-angular distribution of the radiation in direction of the particle velocity. The comparative analysis of the spectral-angular density of the radiation is carried out for an artificial periodic structure and a single crystal in similar conditions. It is shown, that the spectral peak of the parametric X-radiation in the artificial periodic layered structure in the forward direction (FPXR) will be considerably wider than the one in a single crystal target which can make its experimental detection and investigation appreciably easieryesBelgorod State Universit

    Diffracted transition radiation of a relativistic electron in the artificial periodic multilayer medium

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    A theory of coherent X-ray radiation of a relativistic electron crossing the artificial periodic medium in the Laue scattering geometry is constructed. The expressions describing the spectral and angular characteristics of radiation in the direction of Bragg scattering are obtained and investigated. By analogy with the radiation emission in a crystalline medium this radiation is considered as the result of coherent summation of the contributions of two radiation mechanisms: parametric (PXR) and diffracted transition (DTR). It is shown that the yield of DTR from layered target can be more than one order higher than the yield in single crystal radiator, under similar conditions. The manifestations of the Borrmann effect for DTR in the artificial multilayer environment are demonstrated for a Laue scattering geometryyesBelgorod State Universit

    Historical Review of Ethnopharmacology in Karelia (1850s–2020s): Herbs and healers

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    Ethnopharmacological relevance: The traditional medicine of various peoples populating Russia is strongly underrepresented in the international anthropological literature. In addition, it has a multicomponent structure, a long history of relations with official medicine, and is still a living system with many people using folk remedies and visiting ritual specialists. Aim of the study: The article is a review of folk medicine in Karelia (north-west part of Russia) providing a short description of the history of medicine in this region and a comparison of folk medicine among Karelians and Russians. Materials and methods: The review analyzes and systematizes published and unpublished sources related to the main remedies used by the local populations – plants, animal products, minerals, etc. – from the 1850s–2000s, tracking the main tendencies in publications about the folk medicine of Karelians and Russians of Karelia. Results: A total of 104 medicinal plants belonging to 46 families were mentioned as medicinal. In total, they represented 386 uses which demonstrate the leading role of plant remedies in the folk medicine of Karelia. The plant species with the most uses were Betula sp., Plantago sp., Rubus idaeus, Viburnum opulus, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, and Daphne mezereum. Medicinal uses of other origins had more modest numbers: animal remedies included 146 uses, and mineral ones 43 uses. Among animal-based remedies, physiological discharges of the human body were the most popular; fish oil and bear body parts were the most used from the wild, while from the household various components of cows, horses, and dogs were used. Animal remedies were mostly used for healing furuncles, scrofula, frostbite, hernia, and lanugo. The most diversely used mineral remedy was salt. Conclusions: Karelians and Russians are very disproportionally represented in the literature due to the lack of interest in the folk medicine of Russians in Karelia, in contrast to that of Karelians. The disparity does not allow adequate comparison, but nonetheless the available data demonstrate that the remedies shared by both ethnic groups are quite few. The review also contributes to research on the relationship of folk medicine and various state institutions in Russia/the Soviet Union

    Re-written narrative: transformation of the image of Ivan-chaj in Eastern Europe

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    The aim of this study was to understand the role of viral narratives and the involvement of social media into the invention of tradition. We took as an example the recently highly promoted Ivan-chaj, a tea made from the fermented leaves of willowherb, a plant little known and used in Europe until a few years ago. Relying on a wide variety of sources circulating on the Internet (videos, various texts and visuals) and robust empirical field research results, we used mixed methods to analyze this specific case in order to understand if people adopt new teachings and if their acceptance leads to practical output. The results showed that the new teachings spread quickly, supported by narratives based on a wide variety of interaction points that viralized the message, also causing an economic impact. It is clear that the change of status and the economic success that Ivan-chaj now enjoys is due to the virality of the narrative, which has reshaped the image of Ivan-chaj from an "outcast" imitation and tea substitute into the national healthy drink. Having appeared in Russia, mostly as a Russian cultural marker, the narrative went viral and spread beyond its borders where neighbors have tried in turn to embrace Ivan-chaj as their own cultural marker by proclaiming it a local tradition. Indeed, narratives regarding Ivan-chaj spread easily in countries sharing some linguistic, historical and/or cultural elements with Russia (via the nexus of the Soviet Union)

    Language of administration as a border: Wild food plants used by setos and russians in pechorsky district of pskov oblast, NW Russia

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    Socio-economic changes impact local ethnobotanical knowledge as much as the ecological ones. During an ethnobotanical field study in 2018–2019, we interviewed 25 Setos and 38 Russians in the Pechorsky District of Pskov Oblast to document changes in wild plant use within the last 70 years according to the current and remembered practices. Of the 71 botanical taxa reported, the most popular were Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Vaccinium oxycoccos, Vaccinium myrtillus, Betula spp., and Rumex acetosa. The obtained data was compared with that of 37 Setos and 35 Estonians interviewed at the same time on the other side of the border. Our data revealed a substantial level of homogeneity within the plants used by three or more people with 30 of 56 plants overlapping across all four groups. However, Seto groups are ethnobotanically closer to the dominant ethnic groups immediately surrounding them than they are to Setos across the border. Further study of minor ethnic groups in a post-Soviet context is needed, paying attention to knowledge transmission patterns

    Shibusawa Eiichi\u27s View of Japan\u27s Foreign Affairs: Focusing on His Influences on the Meiji Government

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    From the mid-nineteenth century, Asia, including China and Japan, has been involved in the trend of modernization that was triggered by the activities of European and American powers in this area. In a time of drastic changes, Shibusawa Eiichi (1840-1931) assumed several roles successively: he served as retainer during the bakumatsu period, as official in the Meiji government, and afterwards as businessman, philanthropist, and non-official diplomat. During his service in the Meiji government from 1869 to 1873 and as an entrepreneur from 1873 to 1909, Shibusawa played a key role in devising economic and diplomatic policies for the Meiji government. He is even considered a major designer of modem Japanese economic systems and society. This paper examines Shibusawa Eiichi\u27s view of Japan\u27s foreign affairs and focuses on the way he influenced the Meiji government


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    The concept and the main directions of methodology of development of the organizational and economic mechanism of business management of mechanical engineering on the basis of reserve and factorial approach is proved. Teoretiko-methodological approaches to ensuring effective functioning and a sustainable development of the enterprise are specified

    Дифференциация работников по характеру неустойчивости их занятости

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    Предложен подход к выделению типологических групп работников среди различных категорий занятых (формальных наемных, неформальных наемных, самозанятых). Основание для построения типологии — характер неустойчивости занятости, под которым понимаются условия занятости, имеющие для работника негативные последствия (неблагоприятно сказывающиеся на социальном и материальном статусе, повышающие нестабильность и не позволяющие сохранять гарантии занятости) и носящие вынужденный, недобровольный характер. На основе эмпирических данных Российского мониторинга экономического положения и здоровья населения НИУ ВШЭ формируются классификационные признаки для выделения типологических групп. Первый из них — уровень неустойчивости занятости (определяется как наличие или отсутствие признаков неустойчивости), второй — наличие / отсутствие желания найти новую работу — трактуемый как косвенный индикатор субъективного восприятия условий работы в качестве вынужденных / добровольных. На основе сочетания значений этих признаков выделяются четыре типологические группы: "устойчивые довольные", "устойчивые недовольные", "неустойчивые довольные", "неустойчивые недовольные". На основе сравнительного анализа таких типологических групп, выделенных для формальных наемных, неформальных наемных и самозанятых, демонстрируется специфика отличий между ними по уровню зарплаты, субъективному благополучию, самооценкам социального статуса, социальному оптимизму и др. Представленные результаты подтверждают необходимость углубленного изучения дифференциации работников по характеру неустойчивости их занятости