204 research outputs found

    1RXS J180408.9-342058: an ultra compact X-ray binary candidate with a transient jet

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    We present a detailed NIR/optical/UV study of the transient low mass X-ray binary 1RXS J180408.9-342058 performed during its 2015 outburst, aimed at determining the nature of its companion star. We obtained three optical spectra at the 2.1 m San Pedro Martir Observatory telescope (Mexico). We performed optical and NIR photometric observations with both the REM telescope and the New Technology Telescope (NTT) in La Silla. We obtained optical and UV observations from the Swift archive. Finally, we performed optical polarimetry of the source by using the EFOSC2 instrument mounted on the NTT. The optical spectrum of the source is almost featureless since the hydrogen and He I emissions lines, typically observed in LMXBs, are not detected. Similarly, carbon and oxygen lines are neither observed. We marginally detect the He II 4686 AA emission line, suggesting the presence of helium in the accretion disc. No significant optical polarisation level was observed. The lack of hydrogen and He I emission lines in the spectrum implies that the companion is likely not a main sequence star. Driven by the tentative detection of the He II 4686 AA emission line, we suggest that the system could harbour a helium white dwarf. If this is the case, 1RXS J180408.9-342058 would be an ultra-compact X-ray binary. By combining an estimate of the mass accretion rate together with evolutionary tracks for a He white dwarf, we obtain a tentative orbital period of ~ 40 min. On the other hand, we also built the NIR-optical-UV spectral energy distribution (SED) of the source at two different epochs. One SED was gathered when the source was in the soft X-ray state, and it is consistent with the presence of a single thermal component. The second SED, obtained when the source was in the hard X-ray state, shows a thermal component together with a tail in the NIR, likely indicating the presence of a (transient) jet.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (Section 7

    NuSTAR + XMM-Newton monitoring of the neutron star transient AX J1745.6-2901

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    AX J1745.6-2901 is a high-inclination (eclipsing) transient neutron star (NS) Low Mass X-ray Binary (LMXB) showcasing intense ionised Fe K absorption. We present here the analysis of 11 XMM-Newton and 15 NuSTAR new data-sets (obtained between 2013-2016), therefore tripling the number of observations of AX J1745.6-2901 in outburst. Thanks to simultaneous XMM-Newton and NuSTAR spectra, we greatly improve on the fitting of the X-ray continuum. During the soft state the emission can be described by a disk black body (kT1.11.2kT\sim1.1-1.2 keV and inner disc radius rDBB14r_{DBB}\sim14 km), plus hot (kT2.23.0kT\sim2.2-3.0 keV) black body radiation with a small emitting radius (rBB0.50.8r_{BB}\sim0.5-0.8 km) likely associated with the boundary layer or NS surface, plus a faint Comptonisation component. Imprinted on the spectra are clear absorption features created by both neutral and ionised matter. Additionally, positive residuals suggestive of an emission Fe Kα\alpha disc line and consistent with relativistic ionised reflection are present during the soft state, while such residuals are not significant during the hard state. The hard state spectra are characterised by a hard (Γ1.92.1\Gamma\sim1.9-2.1) power law, showing no evidence for a high energy cut off (kTe>60140kT_e>60-140 keV) and implying a small optical depth (τ<1.6\tau<1.6). The new observations confirm the previously witnessed trend of exhibiting strong Fe K absorption in the soft state, that significantly weakens during the hard state. Optical (GROND) and radio (GMRT) observations suggest for AX J1745.6-2901 a standard broad band SED as typically observed in accreting neutron stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Terapias génicas y eugenesia: Las nuevas fronteras de la medicina

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    Clonación y clonación humana: La parábola del sexto día

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    Cartas a Adrián: el efecto mariposa: caos e incertidumbre en los seres vivos

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    Co-evaluation in a problem solving practice in a bioscience subject

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    La co-evaluación o evaluación entre pares es reconocida como una actividad que estimula el papel activo del alumnado en el proceso de aprendizaje. Los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de revisar el trabajo de su compañeros de clase frente a su propia evaluación lo que permite una reflexión sobre su proceso de aprendizaje. Como resultado, son capaces de reorientar sus propias estrategias de apredizaje. En esta comunicación se muestran los resultados de un ejercicio de co-evaluación llevado a cabo con un grupo de 90 estudiantes del Grado en Biología de la Universidad de La Laguna en el marco de un un curso general de Bioquímica con contenidos en cinética enzimática. Aunque ninguno realizó antes co-evaluaciones, los resultados muestran que las correcciones realizadas fueron correctas y consistentes con las de los profesoresCo-evaluation or evaluation between peers is gaining ground as a drive for the active role of the student in the learning process. Students are given the opportunity to review their classmate’s work, facing their own evaluation and thus reflecting of their learning process. As a result they are able to reorient their own strategy. In this communication we show the results of a co-evaluation exercise carried out with a group of 90 students of a degree in Biology, within a general course of biochemistry containing enzymology issues. Although none of them have done co-evaluations before, results show that the corrections made were refined and consistent with those made by teacher

    Black hole mass and spin measurements through the Relativistic Precession Model: XTE J1859+226

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    The X-ray light curves of accreting black holes and neutron stars in binary systems show various types of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs), the origin of which is still debated. The Relativistic Precession Model identifies the QPO frequencies with fundamental time scales from General Relativity, and has been proposed as a possible explanation of certain types of such oscillations. Under specific conditions (i.e., the detection of a particular QPOs triplet) such a model can be used to obtain self-consistent measurements of the mass and spin of the compact object. So far this has been possible only in the black hole binary GRO J1655-40. In the RXTE/PCA data from the 1999-2000 outburst of the black hole transient XTE J1859+226 we found a QPO triplet, and used the the Relativistic Precession Model to obtain high-precision measurements of the black hole mass and spin - M = (7.85+/-0.46) Msun, a* = 0.149+/-0.005 - the former being consistent with the most recent dynamical mass determination from optical measurements. Similarly to what has been already observed in other black hole systems, the frequencies of the QPOs and broad-band noise components match the general relativistic frequencies of particle motion close to the compact object predicted by the model. Our findings confirm previous results and further support the validity of the Relativistic Precession Model, which is the only electromagnetic-measurement-based method that so far has consistently yielded spins close to those from the gravitational waves produced by merging binary black holes.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Echo Tomography of Sco X-1 using Bowen Fluorescence Lines

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    We present preliminary results of a simultaneous X-ray/optical campaign of the prototypical LMXB Sco X-1 at 1-10 Hz time resolution. Lightcurves of the high excitation Bowen/HeII emission lines were obtained through narrow interference filters with ULTRACAM, and these were cross-correlated with X-ray lightcurves. We find evidence for correlated variability, in particular when Sco X-1 enters the Flaring Branch. The Bowen/HeII lightcurves lag the X-ray lightcurves with a light travel time which is consistent with reprocessing in the companion star.Comment: Contribution presented at the conference "Interacting Binaries: Accretion, Evolution and Outcomes", held in Cefalu, Sicily (Italy) in July 2004. To be published by AIP (American Institute of Physics), eds. L. A. Antonelli, L. Burderi, F. D'Antona, T. Di Salvo, G.L. Israel, L. Piersanti, O. Straniero, A. Tornambe. 6 pages, 5 figure

    Evidence for a black hole in the historical X-ray transient A 1524-61 (=KY TrA)

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    We present VLT spectroscopy, high-resolution imaging and time-resolved photometry of KY TrA, the optical counterpart to the X-ray binary A 1524-61. We perform a refined astrometry of the field, yielding improved coordinates for KY TrA and the field star interloper of similar optical brightness that we locate 0.64±0.040.64 \pm 0.04 arcsec SE. From the spectroscopy, we refine the radial velocity semi-amplitude of the donor star to K2=501±52K_2 = 501 \pm 52 km s1^{-1} by employing the correlation between this parameter and the full-width at half-maximum of the Hα\alpha emission line. The rr-band light curve shows an ellipsoidal-like modulation with a likely orbital period of 0.26±0.010.26 \pm 0.01 d (6.24±0.246.24 \pm 0.24 h). These numbers imply a mass function f(M1)=3.2±1.0f(M_1) = 3.2 \pm 1.0 M_\odot. The KY TrA de-reddened quiescent colour (ri)0=0.27±0.08(r-i)_0 = 0.27 \pm 0.08 is consistent with a donor star of spectral type K2 or later, in case of significant accretion disc light contribution to the optical continuum. The colour allows us to place a very conservative upper limit on the companion star mass, M20.94M_2 \leq 0.94 M_\odot, and, in turn, on the binary mass ratio, q=M2/M10.31q = M_2/M_1 \leq 0.31. By exploiting the correlation between the binary inclination and the depth of the Hα\alpha line trough, we establish i=57±13i = 57 \pm 13 deg. All these values lead to a compact object and donor mass of M1=5.82.4+3.0M_1 = 5.8^{+3.0}_{-2.4} M_\odot and M2=0.5±0.3M_2 = 0.5 \pm 0.3 M_\odot, respectively, thus confirming the black hole nature of the accreting object. In addition, we estimate a distance toward the system of 8.0±0.98.0 \pm 0.9 kpc.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    First Results from Fermi GBM Earth Occultation Monitoring: Observations of Soft Gamma-Ray Sources Above 100 keV

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    The NaI and BGO detectors on the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) on Fermi are now being used for long-term monitoring of the hard X-ray/low energy gamma-ray sky. Using the Earth occultation technique as demonstrated previously by the BATSE instrument on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory, GBM can be used to produce multiband light curves and spectra for known sources and transient outbursts in the 8 keV to 1 MeV energy range with its NaI detectors and up to 40 MeV with its BGO detectors. Over 85% of the sky is viewed every orbit, and the precession of the Fermi orbit allows the entire sky to be viewed every ~26 days with sensitivity exceeding that of BATSE at energies below ~25 keV and above ~1.5 MeV. We briefly describe the technique and present preliminary results using the NaI detectors after the first two years of observations at energies above 100 keV. Eight sources are detected with a significance greater than 7 sigma: the Crab, Cyg X-1, SWIFT J1753.5-0127, 1E 1740-29, Cen A, GRS 1915+105, and the transient sources XTE J1752-223 and GX 339-4. Two of the sources, the Crab and Cyg X-1, have also been detected above 300 keV.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Ap