386 research outputs found

    Study of factorization in QCD with polarized beams and Λ production at large pT

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    Abstract We discuss what aspects of the leading orders in QCD could be tested in the large pT reactions p ¯ → p → Λ → + X , p ¯ p → → Λ → + X and p ¯ → p → → Λ + X

    Vector meson couplings to vector and tensor currents in extended NJL quark model

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    A simple explanation of the dynamic properties of vector mesons is given in the framework of extended Nambu - Jona-Lasinio quark model. New mass relations among the hadron vector resonances are derived. The results of this approach are in good accordance with the QCD sum rules, the lattice calculations and the experimental data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Formalism for dilepton production via virtual photon bremsstrahlung in hadronic reactions

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    We derive a set of new formulas for various distributions in dilepton production via virtual photon bremsstrahlung from pseudoscalar mesons and unpolarized spin-one-half fermions. These formulas correspond to the leading and sub-leading terms in the Low-Burnett-Kroll expansion for real photon bremsstrahlung. The relation of our leading-term formulas to previous works is also shown. Existing formulas are examined in the light of Lorentz covariance and gauge invariance. Numerical comparison is made in a simple example, where an "exact" formula and real photon data exist. The results reveal large discrepancies among different bremsstrahlung formulas. Of all the leading-term bremsstrahlung formulas, the one derived in this work agrees best with the exact formula. The issues of M_T-scaling and event generators are also addressed.Comment: 37 pages, RevTeX, epsf.sty, 10 embedded figure

    Weak gauge principle and electric charge quantization

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    Starting from a weak gauge principle we give a new and critical revision of the argument leading to charge quantization on arbitrary spacetimes. The main differences of our approach with respect to previous works appear on spacetimes with non trivial torsion elements on its second integral cohomology group. We show that in these spacetimes there can be topologically non-trivial configurations of charged fields which do not imply charge quantization. However, the existence of a non-exact electromagnetic field always implies the quantization of charges. Another consequence of the theory for spacetimes with torsion is the fact that it gives rise to two natural quantization units that could be identified with the electric quantization unit (realized inside the quarks) and with the electron charge. In this framework the color charge can have a topological origin, with the number of colors being related to the order of the torsion subgroup. Finally, we discuss the possibility that the quantization of charge may be due to a weak non-exact component of the electromagnetic field extended over cosmological scales.Comment: Latex2e, 24 pages, no figure

    Parton distribution functions from nonlocal light-cone operators with definite twist

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    We introduce the chiral-even and chiral-odd quark distributions as forward matrix elements of related bilocal quark operators with well-defined (geometric) twist. Thereby, we achieve a Lorentz invariant classification of these distributions which differ from the conventional ones by explicitly taking into account the necessary trace terms. The relations between both kinds of distribution functions are given and the mismatch between their different definition of twist is discussed. Wandzura-Wilczek--like relations between the conventional distributions (based on dynamical twist) are derived by means of geometric twist distribution functions.Comment: 17 pages, REVTEX, Extended version, The Introduction has been rewritten, Setion V "Wandzura-Wilczek--like relations" and App. B are added; Sign errors are correcte

    Hadron Correlators and the Structure of the Quark Propagator

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    The structure of the quark propagator of QCDQCD in a confining background is not known. We make an Ansatz for it, as hinted by a particular mechanism for confinement, and analyze its implications in the meson and baryon correlators. We connect the various terms in the K\"allen-Lehmann representation of the quark propagator with appropriate combinations of hadron correlators, which may ultimately be calculated in lattice QCDQCD. Furthermore, using the positivity of the path integral measure for vector like theories, we reanalyze some mass inequalities in our formalism. A curiosity of the analysis is that, the exotic components of the propagator (axial and tensor), produce terms in the hadron correlators which, if not vanishing in the gauge field integration, lead to violations of fundamental symmetries. The non observation of these violations implies restrictions in the space-time structure of the contributing gauge field configurations. In this way, lattice QCDQCD can help us analyze the microscopic structure of the mechanisms for confinement.Comment: 12 pp in LaTeX, preprint Univ. of Valencia, FTUV/94-16, IFIC/94-15. To appear in Z.Phys.

    Polarized deep inelastic scattering at high energies and parity violating structure functions

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    A comprehensive analysis of deep inelastic scattering of polarized charged leptons on polarized nucleons is presented; weak interaction contributions, both in neutral and charged current processes, are taken into account and the parity violating polarized nucleon structure functions are studied. Possible ways of their measurements and their interpretations in the parton model are discussed.Comment: (slightly modified version, includes a few new references and corrects few misprints for publication), 14 pages in TeX (needs harvmac) no figure, DFTT 80/9

    Gauge (non-)invariant Green functions of Dirac fermions coupled to gauge fields

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    We develop a unified approach to both infrared and ultraviolet asymptotics of the fermion Green functions in the condensed matter systems that allow for an effective description in the framework of the Quantum Electrodynamics. By applying a path integral representation to the previously suggested form of the physical electron propagator we demonstrate that in the massless case this gauge invariant function features a "stronger-than-a-pole" branch-cut singularity instead of the conjectured Luttinger-like behavior. The obtained results alert one to the possibility that construction of physically relevant amplitudes in the effective gauge theories might prove more complex than previously thought

    Production of the 1S0 diproton in the pp -> pp pi0 reaction at 0.8 GeV

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    The pp -> pp pi0 differential cross section has been measured with the ANKE spectrometer at COSY-Juelich for pion cms angles between 0 and 15.4 degrees at a proton beam energy of 0.8 GeV. The selection of diproton pairs with an excitation energy E_{pp} < 3 MeV ensures that the final pp system is dominantly in the spin-singlet 1S0 state. The kinematics are therefore very similar to those of pp -> d pi+ but with different spin and isospin transitions. The results will thus provide a crucial extra test of pion production models in nucleon-nucleon collisions. The cross sections, which are over two orders of magnitude smaller than those of pp -> d pi+, show a forward dip, even stronger than that seen at lower energies. This behaviour is well reproduced in a theoretical model that includes P-wave Delta-N states.Comment: 10 pages, 5 eps figures, prepared using elsart.cl

    Probing gluon helicity distribution and quark transversity through hyperon polarization in singly polarized pp collisions

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    We study the polarization of hyperon in different processes in singly polarized pppp collisions, in particular its relation to the polarized parton distributions. We show that by measuring hyperon polarization in particularly chosen processes, one can extract useful information on these parton distributions. We show in particular that, by measuring the ÎŁ+\Sigma^+ polarization in high pTp_T direct photon production process, one can extract information on the gluon helicity distribution; and by measuring the transverse polarization of hyeprons with high pTp_T in singly polarized reactions, one can obtain useful information on the transversity distribution. We present the numerical results obtained for those hyperon polarizations using different models for parton distribution function and those for the spin transfer in fragmentation processes.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
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