67 research outputs found

    Human immunodeficiency virus and other sexually transmitted diseases in Cuban women

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    ABSTRACTA cross-sectional study was performed in 60 Cuban women of child-bearing age who were sero-positive for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and 60 controls. Human papillomavirus (HPV) was identified most frequently, with oncogenic HPV serotypes 16, 33 and 58 detected in HIV-positive patients, and serotypes 11, 33 and 51 in the controls (relative risk 4.41; 95% CI 2.21– 8.29). Syphilis and hepatitis B and C viruses were detected exclusively in HIV-sero-positive women (p < 0.05). Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) appeared to pose a substantial health problem, especially for HIV-positive women. Clinics should consider screening and treatment for STDs as part of their HIV prevention programmes

    Vicia Faba L.: Capacidad bioindicadora de contaminación de agua por metilmercurio

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    Mercury is the most dangerous of the heavy metals, easily absorbed by the plants in his organic form. Methil-mercury changes the ability of germination of the Vicia faba L., which is used as human food and as forage for the cattle. In this work the utility of Vicia faba as bioindicator of the presence of methil-mercury in irrigation water is studied, the changes in the ability of germination allows an early detection of the presence of mercury in the environment.El mercurio es el más peligroso de los metales pesados, fácilmente absorbido por las plantas en su forma orgánica. El metilmercurio altera la capacidad de germinación del haba (Vicia faba L.), que se emplea como alimento humano y como forraje para el ganado. En este trabajo se estudia la utilidad de Vicia faba como bioindicador de la presencia de metilmercurio en el agua de riego, la alteración de la capacidad de germinación permite una detección temprana de la presencia de mercurio en el ambiente


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    Marine compartments are often considered independent environments in studies on plastic pollution (Ali et al., 2021). Consequently, little is known about microplastic (MPs) distribution amongst those habitats closely linked. Here, we perform an interactive assessment of MPs abundance and composition from the pelagic habitat to beaches integrating shallow seafloor sediments of a coastal Mediterranean marine protected area and evaluating MPs ingestion in holothurians, echinoderms, molluscs, and fishes inhabiting the area. We observed a gradient in the accumulation of MPs from the sea surface (0.17 ± 0.39 MPs/m2) to the seafloor (76 ± 108 MPs/m2) and beach sediment (13418 ± 28787 MPs/m2), with a skip of two orders of magnitude. Microplastic abundances fit with those reported for more anthropized Mediterranean areas and suggest coastal environments as potential debris sinking areas. Fibers dominate all the studied habitats. Holothurians showed the highest general MPs and fibers ingestion occurrence (91%), with greater values (9.48 ± 8.05 MPs/individual and 8.24 ± 7.95 fibers/individual) than those reported previously (Bulleri et al., 2021). Considering ecological key role, species distribution, and MPs ingestion values, we suggest Holothuroidea as suitable bioindicators for plastic pollution, particularly for fibers. Fibers are composed primarily of cellulose acetate (29%), whereas styrofoam of polystyrene (64%), and films, fragments, and filaments of a variable percentage of polyethylene and polypropylene. Differences found in the polymer composition amongst plastics´ morphologies are reflected in the variability observed between habitats and marine organisms. Particularly the polymer composition of fibers coincides with that of one of the MPs ingested by invertebrates. Results suggest that shape is a key plastic characteristic in determining polymer distribution patterns along with habitats and in marine species. Finally, this study highlights once again the importance and urgency of local and global actions needed to mitigate plastic pollution and particularly fiber release into the marine environment

    Avaluació de l’estat fisiològic del conill (Oryctolagus cuniculus) per mitjà de biomarcadors bioquímics

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    &#091;cat&#093; El conill europeu (Oryctolagus cuniculus) és una de les espècies de vertebrats més importants dels ecosistemes Mediterranis. L'arribada de malalties virals, com la mixomatosi, han donat lloc a disminucions importants de les poblacions de conills salvatges. La determinació de biomarcadors de l’estat pro-oxidant / anti-oxidant permeten avaluar l’existència d’algun factor ambiental o infecciós que indueixi una situació d’estrès a l’animal. L’objectiu del present estudi va ser avaluar biomarcadors d’estrès a conills obtinguts en diferents modes de captura i en conills afectats per mixomatosi. Els resultats obtinguts no evidencien cap tipus de diferència en les activitats plasmàtiques dels enzims antioxidants, de l’activitat mieloperoxidasa ni dels nivells de malondialdehid en funció de la diferent modalitat de captura: ca eivissenc, fura o grup estabulat. La producció d’espècies reactives per part de les cèl·lules immunitàries tampoc no es veu modificada. Per contra, les activitats dels enzims catalasa, glutatió peroxidasa i glutatió reductasa són significativament més baixes a fetge en animals afectats de mixomatosi respecte als animals sans, mentre que els nivells de malondialdehid són significativament més elevats als animals malalts. En conclusió, el fet que no s’hagin observat diferències derivades del procés de captura ni respecte al grup control, demostra que els conills capturats gaudien d’un bon estat de salut. Els conills afectats per mixomatosi presenten a nivell hepàtic una disminució general de les defenses antioxidants i un augment del dany oxidatiu, cosa que posa de manifest la gravetat de la patologia.&#091;eng&#093; The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is one of the most important vertebrate species in Mediterranean ecosystems. In the last 60 years, the arrival of viral diseases, such as myxomatosis, has led to significant diminution of the populations of wild rabbits. The determination of biomarkers of the pro-oxidant / anti-oxidant status allows the evaluation of the existence of an environmental or infectious factor that induces a situation of stress to the animal and the ability to respond and adapt to this situation. The aim of the present study was to evaluate stress biomarkers from rabbits obtained in different capture modes and rabbits affected by myxomatosis. The results obtained do not show any difference in the plasma activities of antioxidant enzymes, myeloperoxidase activity or malondialdehyde levels depending on the different way of capturing rabbits: Ibizan dogs, ferrets or the confined group. The production of reactive species by immune cells is also unchanged. In contrast, the activities of catalase enzymes, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase are significantly lower in liver in animals affected by myxomatosis compared to healthy animals, while levels of malondialdehyde are significantly higher in diseased animals. In conclusion, the fact that no differences derived from the capture process or the control group have been observed demonstrates that the captured rabbits are in a good state of health. Rabbits affected by myxomatosis have a general decrease in antioxidant defences and an increase in oxidative damage, evidencing the seriousness of the pathology

    Estudio de las lesiones en el judo

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    Judo is a martial art whose origins come from jujutsu, created in 1882 by the master Jigoro Kano, who proposed a method that was based on techniques that could be applied in real combat, as well as practiced with the partner without risk of injury .The objective of the present study is to assess the prevalence, type and distribution of the injuries suffered. Check whether sex or sports performance influences the appearance of injuries, determine which technique intervenes more frequently, assess whether they occur mostly in training or competition, and analyze how they act.This is a descriptive crosssectional observational study, in which four clubs were asked to participate, in which they had to answer an anonymous survey.Regarding the results, a total of 652 injuries were registered, in 63 men and 38 women. The most commonly injured body regions were the upper limbs 254 (38.95 %%). Contusions and sprains were the most frequent injuries and the most frequently associated technique was Seoi Nage. The number of injuries was higher during the competition if we take into account time. Most of the injuries (74.1%) were of slight characteristics, with a sports rest of less than a week and only 38.95% forced the judoka to interrupt the sport.After the study carried out, we can conclude that the results obtained are comparable to the bibliography, confirming the stated objective

    The present state of research into industrial clusters and districts. Content analysis of material published 1997-2006

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    [EN] The aim of this work is to help gain a better understanding of the research conducted on territorial agglomerations of firms at a multidisciplinary level. To this end, an analysis was performed of the contents of the most significant scientific literature on economics, management, planning and development, urban studies and geography published over the period 1997-2006. From the results, a database of 142 papers from 43 journals was then elaborated. An analysis of these works reveals the level of development of the main lines of research in this field and, consequently, makes it possible to detect the topics that require greater attention and that can be the object of future research for researchers and academics. The main conclusions include the growing number of studies conducted on the subject in recent years, as well as a greater predominance of empirical research over conceptual work, and the existence of a significant change in the topics or lines of research throughout the period under study. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.This research was financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, National R&D & Innovation Plan 2007–2010, under the project entitled “El Distrito Industrial: el impacto del Capital Social sobre la Gestio´n de la Cadena de Suministro” (The Industrial District: the impact of Social Capital on the management of the Supply Chain) (SEJ2007- 62876/ECON).Martinez-Fernandez, M.; Capó Vicedo, J.; Vallet-Bellmunt, T. (2012). The present state of research into industrial clusters and districts. Content analysis of material published 1997-2006. European Planning Studies. 20(2):281-304. doi:10.1080/09654313.2012.650906S28130420

    Clandestinidad, fiscalidad y tolerancia: el opio en el discurso oficial, Mexicali, México 1915-1916

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    En este artículo se analiza el discurso oficial relacionado con la fiscalidad del comercio y consumo de opio en Mexicali, Baja California. Se centra en el impuesto a fábricas de opio y pago por importación del narcótico que el jefe político del Distrito Norte de la Baja California, Esteban Cantú, decretó en 1915. Este impuesto contrarió disposiciones federales y acuerdos internacionales. Se analiza el contexto sociopolítico y cultural que favoreció la implementación, aunque por breve tiempo, de esta política fiscal. Se pone especial atención a los significados intersubjetivos que acompañaron a las políticas y declaraciones de las autoridades gubernamentales. A partir de ello, se identifican prejuicios de raza, xenofobia/nacionalismo y nociones “científicas” (degeneracionismo) utilizados para justificar una “tolerancia” institucionalizada al comercio de opio en Mexicali

    (De)colonizing Critiques: Critical Pedagogy, Currere, and the Limits of the Colonial Mentality

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    Currere, which literally means ‘to run the racecourse,’ embraces a lived curriculum rooted in our subjective experiences. Currere allows us to trace our life history by salvaging memories our subconscious has refused to forget. This “complicated conversation” with oneself reveals moments and experiences we have taken for granted and helps us see why we are the way we are, and why we are not who we say we are. As a critical pedagogue in Santurce, Puerto Rico, I have always seen education as a vehicle for social justice, but in the process, I have left many of my assumptions unquestioned. How can critical pedagogy and its unencumbered “I” benefit from autobiographical writing? Can currere aid critical pedagogues avoid messianic complexes and address the invincibility of their high-browed, top-down, hierarchical approach to education? Through the use of currere’s regressive writing, I explore my colonial tattoos and the roots of my critical pedagogy. I suggest that autobiographical writing through currere offers a way to address the incongruence of critical pedagogy and adequately address the “I” of ideology. Currere allows critical scholars to analyze moments in our lives we have taken for granted; why we remember them reveals hidden facets of our personalities and our life’s histories. It reveals the concealed causes of our assumptions about life and the oppressive internal structures that inform our subjectivity. Currere allowed me to uncover the unerasable brandings of colonialism which are constant reminders to me and others that my incalcitrant independentismo, critical pedagogy, and existentialist approach to life are very much rooted in the coloniality of my being; they are badges I bare as I walk along the racecourse

    Fronterización del espacio hacia el norte de la Nueva España

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    En Fronterización del espacio hacia el norte de la Nueva España, Cecilia Sheridan Prieto exhibe el fruto de años de experiencia de investigación y análisis con respecto a la coexistencia de colonizadores e indígenas durante la Colonia española en lo que es ahora el norte de México y la frontera sur de Estados Unidos.Ellabusca comprender qué significó “la frontera” para quienes desde el centro del país la imaginaban y legislaban;para aquellos misioneros y militares que la intentaron conquistar y colonizar, y para los grupos indígenas que la habitaron. Lo que “el norte” significó para los habitantes de la Nueva España, explica la autora, fue construido de la mezcla de experiencias concretas e ideaspreconcebidas. Para los españoles, la frontera norte rápidamente se convirtió en un espacio de diferencias, donde la civilización euroamericana confrontaba a lo salvaje e indígena, lo que justificó una serie de acciones que culminaron en intentos por aniquilar a los pueblos de indios. A lo largo del texto, Sheridan logra exponer la frontera simultáneamente como espacio geográfico y fenómeno social.

    Clandestinidad, fiscalidad y tolerancia: el opio en el discurso oficial, Mexicali, México 1915-1916

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    This paper presents an analysis of the official discourse related to the taxation of opium commerce and consumption in Mexicali, Baja California. It focuses on the Tax to Opium Factories and the Payment for Importing the Narcotic that the political leader of the Distrito Norte de la Baja California, Esteban Cantú, decreed in 1915. This tax contradicted federal dispositions and international agreements. This paper explains the sociopolitical and cultural context that favored the implementation, though briefly, of the tax policy. Special attention is paid to the intersubjective meanings that accompanied policies and statements of government officials. Based on this, race prejudice, xenophobia/nationalism and "scientific" notions (degenerationism) were identified and used to justify an institutionalized "tolerance" toward the commerce of opium in Mexicali.En este artículo se analiza el discurso oficial relacionado con la fiscalidad del comercio y consumo de opio en Mexicali, Baja California. Se centra en el impuesto a fábricas de opio y pago por importación del narcótico que el jefe político del Distrito Norte de la Baja California, Esteban Cantú, decretó en 1915. Este impuesto contrarió disposiciones federales y acuerdos internacionales. Se analiza el contexto sociopolítico y cultural que favoreció la implementación, aunque por breve tiempo, de esta política fiscal. Se pone especial atención a los significados intersubjetivos que acompañaron a las políticas y declaraciones de las autoridades gubernamentales. A partir de ello, se identifican prejuicios de raza, xenofobia/nacionalismo y nociones "científicas" (degeneracionismo) utilizados para justificar una "tolerancia" institucionalizada al comercio de opio en Mexicali