106 research outputs found

    Using Supply Chain Strategy in Skilled Workers Migration: A Consequence for the Russian Far East’s Economy

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    Supply chain management in human resource management of the workers in the large scale can be more efficient. Migration of highly skilled workers abroad and to the Russia’s central territories is becoming a significant problem for Primorsky region which located in the key geopolitical zone in the Russian Far East. Every year due to migration losses the population engaged in the economy squeezes by 0.3-0.4 percent.  It determines a loss of public services’ quality in healthcare and education, and stipulates a degradation of business environment, which in turn limits the economic advances. Migration losses cause a change in demographic and ethnic structure of employment in the region, which in the long term will determine a structural imbalance in the labor force market. In addition, the outflow of labor force preconditions a slowdown of the economy and diminish the geopolitical status of the Russian Federation in the Far East due to depopulation process at the border’s areas. It can be managed by supply chain strategies to manage the forces properly in their own requirements. Migration of skilled workers, or "brain drain", is a crucial factor for the economy of the Russian Far East. The consequence is a negative impact of migration processes for the age structure of the labor force, considering a fact that the major part of migration, some about 70 %, is due to outflow of the working age’s people. Next consequence is reducing of the engaged population in the economy and, accordingly, shrinking supply of labor resources in the market. The processes of population’s decline and labor migration off the region may squeeze the skilled workers offering in the labor market. Adequacy of qualified specialists will not exceed 40 percent following to the graduates’ forecast of higher and secondary vocational education - 21.0 thousand annually. In this situation a "gap" will probably occur between supply and demand in the labor market as a result of deficit of specialists in long run period

    Conservation and entanglement of Hermite-Gaussian modes in parametric down-conversion

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    We show that the transfer of the angular spectrum of the pump beam to the two-photon state in spontaneous parametric down-conversion enables the generation of entangled Hermite-Gaussian modes. We derive an analytical expression for the two-photon state in terms of these modes and show that there are restrictions on both the parity and order of the down-converted Hermite-Gaussian fields. Using these results, we show that the two-photon state is indeed entangled in Hermite-Gaussian modes. We propose experimental methods of creating maximally-entangled Bell states and non-maximally entangled pure states of first order Hermite-Gaussian modes.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Corrections made as per referee comments, references updated. Submitted PR

    Региональные вузы и внешняя миграция выпускников: влияние на сферу экономики (на примере Приморского края)

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    Primorsky krai, a region located in the Far East of Russia, is suffering a deficit with qualified graduates to facilitate the economy processes. There is a gap between the offering of specific staff to advance the economy and ability of local universities to satisfy it. External migration of graduates, so-called “brain drain”, is a deterrent to development of the economy. Approximately 78 percent of the migration flow are the young people under 35. Along the asymmetry of supply and demand due a professional qualification, the tendency of reducing the universities’ graduates leads to a structural imbalance in the labor market. As a result, the region will only partially be able to meet the needs of economy in higher degree employees. Thus, for regional universities is vital to develop educational programs fit the prospective economic spheres, taking the forecast for the economy and the labor market, at least for 5-7 years. The strategic goal for a core regional university is reducing the imbalance in the labor market and providing the economy with specific knowledge and skills. An axial university, or a core regional university, is becoming a research and project center which able transforming the knowledge into a commercial product. It generates a network of partnerships covering the boundaries of the entire economic system of a region.Primorsky krai, una región ubicada en el Lejano Oriente de Rusia, sufre un déficit con graduados calificados para facilitar los procesos económicos. Existe una brecha entre la oferta de personal específico para avanzar en la economía y la capacidad de las universidades locales para satisfacerla. La migración externa de los graduados, llamada "fuga de cerebros", es un elemento disuasorio para el desarrollo de la economía. Aproximadamente el 78 por ciento del flujo migratorio son los jóvenes menores de 35 años. Junto con la asimetría de la oferta y la demanda debido a una calificación profesional, la tendencia a reducir los graduados de las universidades conduce a un desequilibrio estructural en el mercado laboral. Como resultado, la región solo podrá satisfacer parcialmente las necesidades de la economía de los empleados de mayor grado. Por lo tanto, para las universidades regionales es vital desarrollar programas educativos que se ajusten a las esferas económicas prospectivas, tomando el pronóstico para la economía y el mercado laboral, al menos durante 5-7 años. El objetivo estratégico de una universidad regional central es reducir el desequilibrio en el mercado laboral y proporcionar a la economía conocimientos y habilidades específicas. Una universidad axial, o una universidad regional central, se está convirtiendo en un centro de investigación y proyectos que puede transformar el conocimiento en un producto comercial. Genera una red de asociaciones que cubre los límites de todo el sistema económico de una región. Приморский край, регион, расположенный на Дальнем Востоке России, испытывает дефицит квалифицированных выпускников для содействия экономическим процессам. Существует разрыв между предложением конкретных сотрудников для развития экономики и способностью местных университетов ее удовлетворить. Внешняя миграция выпускников, так называемая «утечка мозгов», является сдерживающим фактором для развития экономики. Приблизительно 78 процентов миграционного потока составляют молодые люди в возрасте до 35 лет. Наряду с асимметрией спроса и предложения, обусловленной профессиональной квалификацией, тенденция сокращения числа выпускников университетов приводит к структурному дисбалансу на рынке труда. В результате регион сможет лишь частично удовлетворить потребности экономики в работниках высшей степени. Таким образом, для региональных вузов жизненно важно разработать образовательные программы, подходящие для перспективных сфер экономики, принимая прогноз по экономике и рынку труда, по крайней мере, на 5-7 лет. Стратегической целью основного регионального университета является снижение дисбаланса на рынке труда и обеспечение экономики конкретными знаниями и навыками. Осевой университет, или основной региональный университет, становится исследовательским и проектным центром, способным превращать знания в коммерческий продукт. Он создает сеть партнерских отношений, охватывающих границы всей экономической системы региона

    Nonstationary random acoustic and electromagnetic fields as wave diffusion processes

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    We investigate the effects of relatively rapid variations of the boundaries of an overmoded cavity on the stochastic properties of its interior acoustic or electromagnetic field. For quasi-static variations, this field can be represented as an ideal incoherent and statistically homogeneous isotropic random scalar or vector field, respectively. A physical model is constructed showing that the field dynamics can be characterized as a generalized diffusion process. The Langevin--It\^{o} and Fokker--Planck equations are derived and their associated statistics and distributions for the complex analytic field, its magnitude and energy density are computed. The energy diffusion parameter is found to be proportional to the square of the ratio of the standard deviation of the source field to the characteristic time constant of the dynamic process, but is independent of the initial energy density, to first order. The energy drift vanishes in the asymptotic limit. The time-energy probability distribution is in general not separable, as a result of nonstationarity. A general solution of the Fokker--Planck equation is obtained in integral form, together with explicit closed-form solutions for several asymptotic cases. The findings extend known results on statistics and distributions of quasi-stationary ideal random fields (pure diffusions), which are retrieved as special cases.Comment: 54 pages, 8 figures, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theo

    Reverberation chambers a la carte: An overview of the different mode-stirring techniques

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    Reverberation chambers (RC), a name inspired in room acoustics, are also known in literature as reverberating, reverb, mode-stirred or mode-tuned chambers. In their basic form, they consist of a shielded metallic enclosure, forming a cavity resonator, together with some mode-stirring mechanism. The main goal of such stirring mechanism is to generate an amplitude-varying electromagnetic field that is ideally statistically uniform

    Exploring excited states of Pt(ii) diimine catecholates for photoinduced charge separation

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    The intense absorption in the red part of the visible range, and the presence of a lowest charge-transfer excited state, render Platinum(II) diimine catecholates potentially promising candidates for light-driven applications. Here, we test their potential as sensitisers in dye-sensitised solar cells and apply, for the first time, the sensitive method of photoacoustic calorimetry (PAC) to determine the efficiency of electron injection in the semiconductor from a photoexcited Pt(II) complex. Pt(II) catecholates containing 2,2′-bipyridine-4,4′-di-carboxylic acid (dcbpy) have been prepared from their parent iso-propyl ester derivatives, complexes of 2,2′-bipyridine-4,4′-di-C(O)OiPr, (COOiPr)2bpy, and their photophysical and electrochemical properties studied. Modifying diimine Pt(II) catecholates with carboxylic acid functionality has allowed for the anchoring of these complexes to thin film TiO2, where steric bulk of the complexes (3,5-ditBu-catechol vs. catechol) has been found to significantly influence the extent of monolayer surface coverage. Dye-sensitised solar cells using Pt(dcbpy)(tBu2Cat), 1a, and Pt(dcbpy)(pCat), 2a, as sensitisers, have been assembled, and photovoltaic measurements performed. The observed low, 0.02–0.07%, device efficiency of such DSSCs is attributed at least in part to the short excited state lifetime of the sensitisers, inherent to this class of complexes. The lifetime of the charge-transfer ML/LLCT excited state in Pt((COOiPr)2bpy)(3,5-di-tBu-catechol) was determined as 250 ps by picosecond time-resolved infrared spectroscopy, TRIR. The measured increase in device efficiency for 2a over 1a is consistent with a similar increase in the quantum yield of charge separation (where the complex acts as a donor and the semiconductor as an acceptor) determined by PAC, and is also proportional to the increased surface loading achieved with 2a. It is concluded that the relative efficiency of devices sensitised with these particular Pt(II) species is governed by the degree of surface coverage. Overall, this work demonstrates the use of Pt(diimine)(catecholate) complexes as potential photosensitizers in solar cells, and the first application of photoacoustic calorimetry to Pt(II) complexes in general

    Quantum information processes in protein microtubules of brain neurons

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    We study biologically ‘orchestrated’ coherent quantum processes in collections of protein microtubules of brain neurons, which correlate with, and regulate, neuronal synaptic and membrane activity. In this situation the continuous Schrodinger evolution of each such process terminates in accordance with the specific Diosi-Penrose (DP) scheme of ‘objective reduction’ (‘OR’) of the quantum state. This orchestrated OR activity (‘Orch OR’) is taken to result in moments of conscious awareness and/or choice. We analyze Orch OR in light of advances and developments in quantum physics, computational neuroscience and quantum biology. Much attention is also devoted to the ‘beat frequencies’ of faster microtubule vibrations as a possible source of the observed electroencephalographic (‘EEG’) correlates of consciousness