37 research outputs found

    The diet of reservoir perch before, during and after establishment of non-native tubenose goby

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    In recent decades, gobiid species have increased their distribution throughout Europe and now often represent the dominant genus along many rivers and canals. In this study, we assessed the role of tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) as a prey species of native perch (Perca fluviatilis) in a lowland reservoir soon after their initial introduction in 1994 (sampling started 1998) and 17 years after establishment (2011–2012). We compare these data with perch diet composition from before introduction (1981–1982). Our data indicate that tubenose gobies quickly became the dominant species along the reservoir bankside, making them an attractive prey for ≥1 + perch. There was a clear increasing trend in the numbers of larger perch caught along the rip-rap, with the largest fish clearly specialising on gobies. As such, introduction of tubenose gobies has had a pronounced effect on food web and population dynamics along the littoral zone. While goby numbers appear to have dropped significantly in recent years, apparently due to predation pressure, further studies are needed to assess whether such changes have had any general impact on population and food web dynamics within the reservoir

    Gobiidae - food competitors for our native fish species?

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    To date, two species of the non-native Gobiidae family have been recorded in the Czech Republic: the tubenose goby (Proterorhinus semilunaris) and round goby (Neogobius melanostomus). The aim of this study was to assess the dietary habits of these two species, with the relationship between goby diet and that of native species (potential competition, predation) of particular interest. Early results suggest that the main dietary items of both gobiids are common benthic invertebrates such as Chironomidae, Trichoptera and Ephemeroptera. Fish eggs and fry were rarely taken by either species and, when taken, consisted almost exclusively of eggs and fry of their own species (cannibalism). In addition, the round goby was shown to be necrophagous, scavenging on large fish carcasses. This behaviour si relatively rare in the Czech fish assemblage. Our results suggest that tubenose and round goby, while not predating heavily on native benthivorous species, may still represent possible competitors

    Possibilities and limits of export of Czech goods to Russian market

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    Diplomová práce pojednává o možnostech a mezích vývozu českého zboží, specificky zařízení pro čistírny odpadních vod na ruský trh. První kapitola představuje v souladu s teorií internacionalizace jednotlivé formy vstupu na zahraniční trh, přičemž u vybraných vstupních režimů včetně vývozu práce uvádí specifika ruského trhu. Následující kapitola podává obraz současných česko-ruských obchodních vztahů, jejichž podoba vyplývá z bilaterálních, regionálních a multilaterálních dohod, ale taktéž významných politicko-ekonomických událostí nedávné doby. Ve své případové části se práce věnuje již konkrétním příležitostem a překážkám pro vývoz českých zařízení pro čistírny odpadních vod. V jednotlivých podkapitolách proto charakterizuje stav vodního odpadového hospodářství v RF, uvádí legislativní a programové stimuly rozvoje či modernizace příslušné infrastruktury, ale zmiňuje taktéž faktory, kvůli nimž je vstup na ruský trh pro české firmy obtížnější. Vzhledem k tomu, že jednou z překážek je i problematické financování ruských projektů, zabývá se samostatná kapitola rovněž možnostmi financování a pojišťování exportu se státní podporou. Práce se tedy snaží komplexně pokrýt stimuly vývozu sledovaného zboží na ruský trh, dále problémy, na které vývozci mohou narazit, a konečně i možnosti jejich řešení.The diploma´s thesis deals with possibilities and limits of export of Czech goods with a specific focus on facilities for wastewater treatment plants in the Russian Federation. In compliance with the theory of internationalization, the first chapter introduces individual forms of entry to foreign markets. Choosing some of the entry modes including export, the thesis mentions specifics of their application on the Russian market. The following chapter outlines current Czech-Russian trade relations which result from valid bilateral, regional and multilateral agreements so as from the crucial political-economic events. In the case study the thesis deals with the very specific opportunities and barriers for the export of Czech facilities for wastewater treatment plants. Therefore, in the particular subchapters the thesis analyzes the current condition of wastewater treatment management in Russia and the legislative and program documents, which stimulate the development and modernization of existing infrastructure. Moreover, the thesis discusses factors that make it difficult to enter the Russian market by Czech companies. Since one of the problems is project financing in Russia, the last chapter deals with the possibilities of financing and insuring export with state support. Overall, the thesis aims to cover the stimuli for export of given goods to Russia, the problems which the exporters might face and their possible solutions as well

    Dance as a Manifestation of Devotion

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    The bachelor thesis "Dance as a Manifestation of Devotion" is an exposition on dance in the context of Christian culture. It draws out the development of religious dance and its possibilities and apprehension in various cultures and religions at the dawn of history. It also explains an approach and a principle of scepticism with regard to dance that still exists somewhere in the society. The paper presents a view of dance that can express our devotion to God through its gestures and moves; dance can be a manifestation of prayer and thus enrich the liturgy to a great extent. The dance that helps Christians to show their joy of faith is of precious value for the liturgy, just like music and singing. Keywords: Dance, gesture, liturgy, prayer, expression

    Fundraising plan for the selected non-profit organization

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    Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou tvorby fundraisingového plánu pro neziskovou organizaci. V teoretické části jsou vysvětleny pojmy, které se dané problematiky týkají. Konkrétně je vysvětlena definice, význam a druhy neziskových organizací spolu se strategickým řízením. Následuje definice fundraisingu, seznámení s fundraisingovým plánem, získáváním finančních zdrojů, zásady fundraisingu a vysvětlení crowdfundingu. V praktické části je představena nezisková organizace Hospic Sv. Jiří spolu s její historií, nabídkou služeb, cílovými skupinami a procesem poskytování hospicové péče. Následně jsou zanalyzovány finanční zdroje organizace a navrhnut fundraisingový plán ve 3 možných variantách spolu s dalšími možnými navrhovanými doporučeními.ObhájenoThe bachelor thesis deals with the issue of creating a fundraising plan for a non-profit organization. The theoretical part explains the concepts that relate to the issue. Specifically, the definition, importance and types of non-profit organizations are explained, along with strategic management. The following is a definition of fundraising, an introduction to the fundraising plan, obtaining financial resources, the principles of fundraising and an explanation of crowdfunding. In the practical part there is introduced non-profit organisation Hospic Sv. Jiří with its history, offer of services, target groups and the whole process of providing hospice care. Subsequently, the financial resources of the organization are analysed, and a fundraising plan is proposed in 3 possible variants together with other possible proposed recommendations

    Struktura vládních výdajů a ekonomický růst

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    This thesis examines the effect of the government expenditure structure on the economic growth. The objective is to determine which components of public expenditures are growth enhancing and which growth retarding. The theoretical model is set into the endogenous growth framework and describes the growth mechanism of productive and unproductive government expenditures. The growth impact of public spending composition is analysed for 18 European countries from 1996 to 2012. The empirical part is based on the panel data analysis. The empirical findings suggest that reallocating public resources towards education and health can promote growth. Whereas, higher expenditures on spending and defence are likely to be growth-retarding

    Otakar Nahodil and the sovietization of czech ethnography in 50th years

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    Tato diplomová práce se věnuje popisu právě padesátých let v oboru národopisu potažmo etnografie. Jejím hlavním cílem je zhodnotit, jakým způsobem marxistická ideologie ovlivnila styl vědecké práce. V souvislosti s tím je kladen důraz na osobnost Otakara Nahodila, zástupce marxistické etnografie, který se výrazně zasadil o prosazování nového typu vědy. Dále jsou na základě dobové literatury a především hlavních oborových periodik postihnuty základní tematické a metodologické principy, které byly v oboru užívány.ObhájenoThe period after the overthrow in 1948 marked the stabilization of communist power and the formation of socialism. Ethnography, being a science studying populace, was one of the most relevant social sciences during the creation of cultural politics of the state. The Master's thesis researches the 50s of the field of ethnography and the evaluation of Otakar Nahodil's importance, who thanks to his study in USSR obtained valuable information on the methods of Soviet science that he subsequently applied to Czech environment

    Biophysics of electric manifestations and effects of electricity on the human body

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    Department of Biophysics and Physical ChemistryKatedra biofyziky a fyzikální chemieFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov

    Biophysics of electric manifestations and effects of electricity on the human body

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    Department of Biophysics and Physical ChemistryKatedra biofyziky a fyzikální chemieFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci KrálovéFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králov