22 research outputs found
Curiosity saved the cat: socio-emotional skills mediate the relationship between parental support and career exploration
According to career literature, greater parental support seems to be associated with higher levels of career exploration. This relationship may be mediated by self-regulatory processes, such as social–emotional skills, as curiosity. However, despite the large number of empirical studies that analyze the antecedents of career exploration, there are no references, to our knowledge, to the role of socio-emotional skills. Following this gap, the present study aims to examine the extent to which perceived parental support is associated with career exploration through the mediating effect of curiosity (socio-emotional skill), among a group of 8th and 9th grade students from public schools in southern Portugal (N = 540). An integrated model was conducted using AMOS 20.0 and the results revealed that curiosity is a partial mediator of the relationship between perceived parental support and career exploration. These results highlight the importance of considering socio-emotional skills (such as curiosity) when designing interventions to foster adaptive career behaviors. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed to open the opportunity to progressively extend the participation of proximal contexts (e.g., families) to career and socio-emotional skills development processes
Estrutura factorial do Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory – ZTPI numa amostra de estudantes universitários portugueses
The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory – ZTPI (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999) is composed by a fi ve factors scale (past positive, past negative, present hedonist, present fatalist and future) that evaluates time perspective in a multidimensional manner which, in this way, surpasses one of the limitations of past instruments. The aim of this study is to analyze the factorial structure of the ZTPI’s Portuguese version using a sample of 277 Portuguese college students, with ages between 18 and 53 years old (M = 22, SD = 5.43). Five factors were encountered, that explain 35.25% of total variance. These results are much alike the one obtained by Zimbardo and Boyd (1999), in the original instrument publicationEl Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory – ZTPI (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999) es una escala compuesta por cinco factores (pasado positivo, pasado negativo, presente hedonista, presente fatalista y futuro) que evalúa la perspectiva temporal de forma multidimensional superando, de esta forma, una de las limitaciones señaladas en otros instrumentos creados en el pasado. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la estructura factorial de una versión portuguesa del ZTPI en una muestra de 277 estudiantes universitarios portugueses con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 53 años (M = 22, DE = 5.43). Fueron encontrados 5 factores que explican 35.25% de la varianza total. Estos resultados son muy parecidos a los expuestos por Zimbardo y Boyd (1999) en la publicación original del instrumento
Socio-emotional skills profiles and their relations with career exploration and perceived parental support among 8th grade students
Socio-emotional skills can play a crucial role in students career development. This study used a person-centered approach to explore socio-emotional skills (curiosity, optimism, empathy, sociability, and responsibility) profiles among 8 degrees grade students (N = 310). We also explored the relations of these profiles with career exploration (self and environmental), perceived parental support (emotional support, instrumental assistance, career-related modeling, and verbal encouragement) and school achievement. Using Latent Profile Analysis (LPA), four distinct profiles emerged that differed in terms of level and shape, namely: Other and Task oriented profile, Socio-emotional Adaptive profile, Socio-emotional non-Adaptive profile, Self- Oriented profile. Our results show that the "Socio-emotional Adaptive" profile can be clearly differentiated from the "Socio-emotional non-Adaptive" profile given the higher values it presents regarding all the variables in study. However, the differences between the "Other and Task Oriented" profile and "Self-Oriented" profile (intermediate profiles) were analyzed and discussed from qualitative point-of-view and adopting an exploratory approach. Overall, the findings of this study indicate that socio-emotional profiles have the potential to account for variations in career behaviors and academic performance. These results provide valuable insights for the development and implementation of career-oriented interventions targeted at 8th grade students and their immediate relational environments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
A global look at time: a 24-country study of the equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory
In this article, we assess the structural equivalence of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) across 26 samples from 24 countries (N = 12,200). The ZTPI is proven to be a valid and reliable index of individual differences in time perspective across five temporal categories: Past Negative, Past Positive, Present Fatalistic, Present Hedonistic, and Future. We obtained evidence for invariance of 36 items (out of 56) and also the five-factor structure of ZTPI across 23 countries. The short ZTPI scales are reliable for country-level analysis, whereas we recommend the use of the full scales for individual-level analysis. The short version of ZTPI will further promote integration of research in the time perspective domain in relation to many different psycho-social processes
Factorial structure of Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory – ZTPI in a sample of Portuguese university students
El Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory – ZTPI (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999) es una escala compuesta por cinco factores (pasado positivo, pasado negativo, presente hedonista, presente fatalista y futuro) que evalúa la perspectiva temporal de forma multidimensional superando, de esta forma, una de las limitaciones señaladas en otros instrumentos creados en el pasado. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la estructura factorial de una versión portuguesa del ZTPI en una muestra de 277 estudiantes universitarios portugueses con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 53 años (M = 22, DE = 5.43). Fueron encontrados 5 factores que explican 35.25% de la varianza total. Estos resultados son muy parecidos a los expuestos por Zimbardo y Boyd (1999) en la publicación original del instrumento.The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory – ZTPI (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999) is composed by a fi ve factors scale (past positive, past negative, present hedonist, present fatalist and future) that evaluates time perspective in a multidimensional manner which, in this way, surpasses one of the limitations of past instruments. The aim of this study is to analyze the factorial structure of the ZTPI’s Portuguese version using a sample of 277 Portuguese college students, with ages between 18 and 53 years old (M = 22, SD = 5.43). Five factors were encountered, that explain 35.25% of total variance. These results are much alike the one obtained by Zimbardo and Boyd (1999), in the original instrument publicatio
Factorial structure of Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory – ZTPI in a sample of Portuguese university students
El Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory – ZTPI (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999) es una escala compuesta por cinco factores (pasado positivo, pasado negativo, presente hedonista, presente fatalista y futuro) que evalúa la perspectiva temporal de forma multidimensional superando, de esta forma, una de las limitaciones señaladas en otros instrumentos creados en el pasado. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar la estructura factorial de una versión portuguesa del ZTPI en una muestra de 277 estudiantes universitarios portugueses con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y los 53 años (M = 22, DE = 5.43). Fueron encontrados 5 factores que explican 35.25% de la varianza total. Estos resultados son muy parecidos a los expuestos por Zimbardo y Boyd (1999) en la publicación original del instrumento.The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory – ZTPI (Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999) is composed by a fi ve factors scale (past positive, past negative, present hedonist, present fatalist and future) that evaluates time perspective in a multidimensional manner which, in this way, surpasses one of the limitations of past instruments. The aim of this study is to analyze the factorial structure of the ZTPI’s Portuguese version using a sample of 277 Portuguese college students, with ages between 18 and 53 years old (M = 22, SD = 5.43). Five factors were encountered, that explain 35.25% of total variance. These results are much alike the one obtained by Zimbardo and Boyd (1999), in the original instrument publicatio
Validação da versão portuguesa da Escala de Motivação Situacional (sims) em contextos académicos
La Escala de Motivación Situacional (sims) busca evaluar la motivación experimentada en el desempeño de una tarea específica. El objetivo de esta investigación fue el de validar la versión portuguesa, con una muestra de 409 estudiantes, al intentar reproducir su estructura factorial. Los resultados demuestran una consistencia interna adecuada respecto a las subescalas. La validez del constructo fue evaluado con Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio. Los valores de contribución de cada factor y los índices de ajuste señalan la necesidad de eliminar de dos ítems, que, por su turno, van de encuentro a resultados de otros estudios de validación. En general, los resultados indican que la sims está compuesta por cuatro factores consistentes y demuestran su calidad psicométrica. La escala parece ser una buena medida de autorrelato para evaluar la motivación intrínseca, regulación identificada, regulación externa, y desmotivación situacional, pudiendo ser utilizada en la evaluación del constructo en el contexto académico portuguésA Escala de Motivação Situacional (sims) procura avaliar a motivação experimentada no desempenho de uma tarefa específica. O objetivo deste estudo foi validar a versão portuguesa, com uma amostra de 409 estudantes, ao tentar reproduzir a sua estrutura fatorial. Os resultados demostram uma consistência interna adequada relativamente às subescalas. A validade de constructo foi avaliada com a Análise Fatorial Confirmatória. Os valores de contribuição de cada fator e os índices de ajustamento assinalam a necessidade de eliminação de dois itens, que, por seu turno, vai de encontro a resultados de outros estudos de validação. Em geral, os resultados indicam que a sims é composta por quatro fatores consistentes e demostram a qualidade psicométrica. A escala parece ser uma boa medida de auto-relato para avaliar a motivação intrínseca, regulação identificada, regulação externa, e amotivação situacional, podendo ser utilizada na avaliação do constructo no contexto acadêmico português.The Situational Motivation Scale (sims), seeks to evaluate the motivation experienced when carrying out a specific task. The purpose of this research was to validate a Portuguese-language version of the scale, using a sample of 409 students, by attempting to reproduce its factor structure. The reliability analysis revealed acceptable internal consistency indexes in all subscales. Construct validity was assessed through Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The contributions of the factors and index of goodness-of-fit demonstrated the need to eliminate two items, which seems to agree with the results in other validation studies. Overall, results revealed that the sims is composed of four consistent factors and attested its psychometric quality. The scale does seem to represent a self-report measure of situational intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, external regulation, and amotivation, and can be widely used for the assessment of this construct in Portuguese academic contexts
Os efeitos das experiências de trabalho nos valores dos estudantes do ensino secundário.
The present study examined the effects of the work experiences on career development, specifically on the values of 119 High School students. To do such analysis, the students� work experiences were characterized, concerning their work contexts, duration of the experience, the weekly working hours, the wages and whether the experience was coincident with the period of classes. When we compare the values of our participants according to the presence or absence of work experiences, the difference shown were significant in favour of non-workers.Esta investigação tem como objectivo estudar os efeitos das experiências de trabalho no desenvolvimento vocacional, nomeadamente nos valores de 119 estudantes do ensino secundário. Para tal, as experiências de trabalho dos adolescentes foram caracterizadas no que diz respeito aos contextos de trabalho em que ocorreram, à sua duração, à remuneração auferida e à coincidência ou não com o período de aulas. Quando se comparam os valores dos estudantes em função da presença ou não de experiências de trabalho, verificamos diferenças estatisticamente significativas a favor dos não-trabalhadores.Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo estudiar los efectos de experiencia de trabajo en el desarrollo profesional, sobre todo en los valores de 119 estudiantes de la escuela secundaria. Con este fín, las experiencias de trabajo de los estudiantes se caracterizaron por lo que respecta a la labor en contextos que se han producido, su duración, sus pagos y coincidencia o no con el período de clases. Cuando comparamos los valores de los estudiantes de acuerdo con la presencia o ausencia de experiencia de trabajo, encontramos diferencias estadísticamente significativas a favor de aquellos que no figuraban como trabajadores