1,202 research outputs found

    En busca de un modelo eficaz para evaluar los aprendizajes en la educación biblingüe: la evaluación auténtica

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    We have a commitment to provide the most efficient, transparent and coherent evaluation procedures for bilingual education. In this articlethe authors offer all teachers of bilingual education a theoretical as well as practical approach to the so-called authentic assessment. Our aimisto provehow this method can be usedas an alternative to the traditional methods of evaluating the learning-outcomes of linguistic content by the students in our bilingual sections. This alternative requires a substantial change of focus for the teachinglearning process, since evaluating is not equivalent to examining when it comes to quantify results, but rather valuing the capacity of the student to solve competently the problems they meet in real life.Our proposal is meant to be applied in the classroom environment, thus the second part of our work applies authentic assessmentto a 4th grade Social Science didactic unit in a bilingual secondary school in Spain, (4° ESO). This practical example may be used as a pattern for new experiences through which teachers can personalize their evaluation strategies and achieve a more authentic assessment of students’ learning.Asumido el reto de dotar a la educación bilingüe de un sistema evaluativo eficaz, transparente y coherente, en este artículo se ofrece a los docentes de las aulas bilingües un acercamiento teórico-práctico a la denominada evaluación auténtica. El objetivo de la presente colaboración consiste en demostrar la viabilidad de un sistema alternativo al tradicional a la hora de evaluar los aprendizajes lingüísticos de los alumnos que cursan sus estudios en nuestras Secciones Bilingües. Dicha alternativa demanda un cambio sustancial en el enfoque el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, pues ya evaluar no equivale a examinar para cuantificar resultados, sino a valorar la capacidad del alumno para resolver con soltura aquellos problemas que se presentan en la vida real. Con el fin de que nuestra propuesta descienda a la realidad del aula, la segunda parte de nuestra aportación consiste en la aplicación de la metodología de la evaluación auténtica a una secuencia didáctica del área de Ciencias Sociales para 4º de ESO bilingüe. Esta ejemplificación puede servir de pauta para nuevas experiencias, a través de las cuales los profesores personalicen sus estrategias de evaluación. Todo ello en pro de lograr modelos más auténticos y fiables a la hora de valorar lo que nuestros alumnos aprenden

    La comunicación en el sector de los E-sports en España. Como las marcas actúan ante este nuevo paradigma mediático

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    Treball Final de Grau en Publicitat i Relacions Públiques. Codi: PU0932. Curs acadèmic: 2021/2022Este trabajo de final de grado (TFG) tiene como meta realizar un análisis del sector de los e-sports. Observar y analizar mediante datos y estadísticas como evoluciona el sector y cuál es su comportamiento después de la situación de crisis sanitaria del Covid-19 vivida en 2020. De la misma forma se busca conocer el crecimiento respecto a patrocinios de marcas endémicas y no endémicas al sector. Mediante informes financieros y ejemplos de buenas prácticas se busca dar respuesta a las hipótesis planteadas en este trabajo. El objetivo principal que se busca es conocer de primera mano como evoluciona el sector y cómo las marcas se han adaptado a este nuevo ecosistema digital. La primera parte de este trabajo busca sentar las bases teóricas para comprender como los e-sports han evolucionado desde su inicio en el siglo XX a la actualidad. La segunda parte del trabajo busca responder a 2 hipótesis planteadas. La primera se presenta como una puerta de inicio a entender de forma más profesional el sector. Comprender en números reales el impacto y el crecimiento de este sector en sus audiencias y públicos. Por último, comprender como las marcas se han ido posicionando, poco a poco, en los deportes electrónicos. Que hace a estos e-sports tan atractivos para que marcas no endémicas comiencen a invertir y crear un territorio de marca dentro del sector. Finalmente respondidas las hipótesis presentadas se plantea un discusión sobre la actuación de las marcas y la evolución que puede tomar los e-sports.The aim of this final degree project (TFG) is to analyze the e-sports sector. To observe and analyze through data and statistics how the sector evolves and how it behaves after the Covid-19 health crisis situation experienced in 2020. In the same way, the aim is to know the growth of sponsorships of endemic and non-endemic brands in the sector. By means of financial reports and examples of good practices, the aim is to respond to the hypotheses put forward in this work. The main objective is to learn first-hand how the sector is evolving and how brands have adapted to this new digital ecosystem. The first part of this work seeks to lay the theoretical foundations to understand how e-sports have evolved since its inception in the twentieth century to the present day. The second part of the paper seeks to respond to two hypotheses. The first one is presented as a starting point to understand the sector in a more professional way. To understand in real numbers the impact and growth of this sector in its audiences and publics. Finally, to understand how brands have been positioning themselves, little by little, in e-sports. What makes these e-sports so attractive for non-endemic brands to start investing and creating a brand territory within the sector

    El humor como problema de traducción: análisis del doblaje al español de los elementos humorísticos basados en la homonimia, paronimia y polisemia en la serie South Park

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    La traducción del humor que se apoya en fenómenos lingüísticos plantea una serie de problemas añadidos en el medio audiovisual, donde las restricciones impuestas por la imagen obligan al traductor a llegar a un compromiso entre la lógica textual y la iconográfica. Este trabajo se centra concretamente en el análisis de las soluciones de traslado de aquellos elementos de índole humorística basados en la homonimia, la paronimia y la polisemia en el doblaje al español de la serie de comedia South Park. A tal fin, se toma como referencia un corpus de los ejemplos extraídos de la misma y ordenados por temática, mediante los cuales se busca delimitar la técnica de traducción predominante, establecer los posibles patrones responsables del éxito de la serie en España y evaluar si existen mermas en la transferencia del humor en la lengua y cultura meta

    Angelópolis territory of virtual model

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    The virtual city is no longer an internet affair where you can navigate between fantastic spaces and known sites invented by man. Today the virtual city is a real physical site linked by the network, which is controlled by the big phone service providers offering the necessary connections and bank transfers, financial movements and even provide other services to administrate hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools, universities and other franchise business The contemporary urban development contemplates available spaces for the establishment of these virtual cities along companies, commerce, different bank entities, organizations, corporations and international institutions, offices among others in unbeatable places with all of the services provided, equipment, and transportation, which can be managed from the countries of origin of the owners companies which act as the business matrix. In the same way that Rem Koolhaas explains the “Generic City”, the zone of development called Angelópolis is one of the most exclusive commercial zones in Puebla city, México, and it was developed in the same manner as in the rest of the world that is, as an urban appendix, that normally invades nearby settlements next to the big city and is situated inside the metropolis limits in order to establish the physical and demographic continuity in this new sector with the rest of the city. These new urban districts developments are very much alike as others in the world, so the present paper explains the important characteristics of the Angelópolis zone and the relation with the exterior and virtual connections that are being now generalized among the planet

    Small-Scale Fishing and Sustainability. An Ethnographic Approach to the Case of Self-Employed Fishermen in the South-East of Spain

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    Small-scale fishermen, in contrast to industrial fishing boats, develop a sustainable relationship with their activity from three perspectives: social, economic, and environmental. From this hypothesis, we analyze the ethnographic material obtained in extensive fieldwork (in-depth interviews and participant observation) developed in the four main ports of the region of Murcia (Spain). From this field work the existence of two other types of fishermen (life-modes) besides small-scale fishermen is derived: small entrepreneurs and wage-earners. In different proportions, all three share the consequences of the various reforms to the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Despite the similarities, this paper shows different strategies, in each of the cases, that justify their permanence in their activity, taking into account the labor modality, as well as their relationship with the idea of sustainability. Conclusions show that because small-scale self-employed fishermen are involved much more than the two other life-modes in the totality of tasks related to their profession in that they own both the means and relations of production (simple commodity production), they are best placed to achieve social, economic, and environmental sustainability

    La enseñanza de los microorganismos en Bachillerato mediante trabajos prácticos: desde el análisis de libros hasta la propuesta didáctica

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM) corresponde a una propuesta didáctica fundamentada en la enseñanza de las ciencias basada en la indagación, en los trabajos prácticos y en la competencia científica. Además se realiza un análisis de contenidos de Microbiología en libros de texto de Bachillerato, la etapa educativa en que se contextualiza el TFM y que ofrece, dada la relevancia del libro de texto en el sistema educativo español, un “estado de la cuestión” sobre la enseñanza de estos contenidos. En este trabajo se expone la necesidad de introducir en la Educación Secundaria nuevas metodologías, uno de cuyos ejes principales puede ser la indagación. La que aquí se aborda es la revisión de una metodología más enfocada a las ciencias y los trabajos prácticos investigativos con la intención de cubrir adecuadamente la competencia científica. Además, se revisará la legislación existente para Bachillerato, concretamente para las asignaturas de Biología y Geología, y Biología, que establece el marco curricular tanto para el análisis de libros como para la propuesta didáctica que se presenta en este trabajo. En el análisis de libros de texto se estudian las actividades que se encuentran en publicaciones de 5 de las editoriales más utilizadas por los centros de nuestro país. Así se ha comprobado la escasez de trabajos prácticos en dichas editoriales y el predominio de actividades de tipo de recopilación de información del propio libro de texto. En la propuesta didáctica se diseñan tres trabajos prácticos de tipo investigativo utilizando una metodología basada en la indagación. Estas actividades prácticas estarán centradas en tópicos de microbiología de la asignatura de Biología y Geología de 1º de Bachillerato y de Biología de 2º de Bachillerato.This Master Project (TFM) corresponds to a didactic proposal based on inquiry based science education, hands-on activities and scientific competence. In addition, analyses of Microbiology contents in the High-school text books and the educational stage, on which this TFM is contextualized, are performed. As the text book is the main resource in the Spanish educational system, here the 'state of the question' about the way these contents are taught will be provide. This work shows the necessity of introducing new methodologies in the Secondary Education, being inquiry one of the most interesting. The study presented here addresses the review of a new methodology more focused to science and inquiry hands-on, intended to adequately cover the scientific competence. Moreover, the current law for High School is revised paying attention to Biology and Geology. This law established a curricular context for both the text books analysis and the didactical proposal developed in this project. In the part of the textbooks analysis, we have studied a range of activities from 5 of the main textbooks publishers in Spain. Thus, we found a lack of practical activities in these editorials and the predominance of activities of gathering information from the own textbook. In the didactic proposal, three hands-on activities are designed using a methodology based on inquiry. These practical activities will focus on Microbiology topics in the subject of Biology and Geology of 11th Grade and Biology of 12th Grade.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias ExperimentalesUniversidad de Granada. Departamento de MicrobiologíaUniversidad de Granada. Máster Universitario de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas. Especialidad en Biología-GeologíaGrupo de Investigación HUM613 (Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y de la Sostenibilidad

    GlSch: Observation Scheduler for the GLORIA Telescope Network

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    This paper proposes the design and development of a scheduler for the GLORIA telescope network. This network, which main objective is to make astronomy closer to citizens in general, is formed by 18 telescopes spread over four continents and both hemispheres. Part of the management of this network is made by the network scheduler. It receives the observation requests made by the GLORIA users and then sends it to the most suitable telescope. A key module of the network scheduler is the telescope decision algorithm that makes possible to choose the best telescope, and thus avoiding offering an observation to a telescope that cannot execute it. This paper shows two different telescope decision algorithms: the first one is only based on weather forecast, meanwhile the second one uses fuzzy logic and information from each network telescope. Both algorithms were deployed in the GLORIA network. The achieved results coupled with a comparative of their performance is shown. Moreover, the network scheduler architecture, based on a hybrid distributed-centralized schema, is detailed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Excitatory-inhibitory branching process: A parsimonious view of cortical asynchronous states, excitability, and criticality

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    We acknowledge the Spanish Ministry and Agencia Estatal de investigación (AEI) through Project of I + D+i Ref. PID2020-113681GB-I00, financed by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER “A way to make Europe,” as well as the Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación Universidad, Junta de Andalucía and European Regional Development Fund, Project references A-FQM-175-UGR18 and P20-00173, for financial support. R.C.L. acknowledges funding from the Spanish Ministry and AEI, Grant No. FPU19/03887. This work was partially supported by a Sofja Kovalevskaja Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, endowed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (V.B.). We also thank H. C. Piuvezam, J. Pretel, G. B. Morales, P. Moretti, O. Vinogradov, and E. Giannakakis for valuable discussions.The branching process is the minimal model for propagation dynamics, avalanches, and criticality, broadly used in neuroscience. A simple extension of it, adding inhibitory nodes, induces a much-richer phenomenology, including an intermediate phase, between quiescence and saturation, that exhibits the key features of “asynchronous states” in cortical networks. Remarkably, in the inhibition-dominated case, it exhibits an extremely rich phase diagram that captures a wealth of nontrivial features of spontaneous brain activity, such as collective excitability, hysteresis, tilted avalanche shapes, and partial synchronization, allowing us to rationalize striking empirical findings within a common and parsimonious framework.Alexander von Humboldt-StiftungBundesministerium für Bildung und ForschungFEDEREuropean Regional Development Fund A-FQM-175-UGR18, FPU19/03887, P20-00173 ERDFAgencia Estatal de Investigación MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, PID2020-113681GB-I0


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    The braconid wasp Rinamba platyfemur (Marsh) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is reported for first time for Mexico;Yucatan Peninsula its northernmost distribution record

    Extensibility of adaptation capabilities in the CAIN content adaptation engine

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    Also published online by CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073)This paper describes the extensibility mechanism that has been incorporated to the CAIN Adaptation Engine, that provides audiovisual content adaptation based on user preferences, network capabilities and terminal limitations. The integration of new adaptation modules needs no code modifications in the core system, so it does not have to be recompiled for adding or modifying adaptation modules.This work is partially supported by the European Commission 6th Framework Program under project FP6-001765 (aceMedia). This work is also supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología of the Spanish Government under project TIN2004-07860 (MEDUSA) and by the Comunidad de Madrid under project P-TIC-0223-0505 (PROMULTIDIS). The authors want to thank Víctor Fernández-Carbajales for successful testing of the extensibility mechanism