66 research outputs found

    Geography, Genomics, and Evolutionary Success in an Insular Environment

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    Esta Tesis Doctoral ha sido financiada por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (proyecto de investigación: CGL2013-42589-P). Durante el desarrollo de mi Tesis Doctoral disfruté de una beca-contrato de Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI) (código de referencia: BES-2014-067868) y de diferentes ayudas para la realización de estancias breves en otros centros de investigación (códigos de referencia: EEBB-I-16-11213, EEBB-I- 17-12649) concedidas por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.Oceanic archipelagos are considered to serve as ideal natural laboratories for the study of ecology, evolution and conservation, providing a suitable framework to improve our understanding of the drivers of speciation. Evolutionary radiation is considered one of the more recognisable features of oceanic islands and represents a phenomenon that has long intrigued evolutionary biologists. Studies focusing on species radiations have provided a rich source of new insights into the evolutionary process and the mechanisms underlying diversification. Insular diversification is frequently associated with ecological drivers, however, non-ecological mechanisms may also drive diversification and speciation within insular settings by promoting geographic isolation. Applying phylogenetic and population genomic approaches, the present thesis investigates the dynamics of speciation within a super-radiation of weevils on the Canary Islands. The main objective is to understand the relative implications of geological events, climatic dynamics, geography and topography on the dynamics of diversification between and within islands. From the mitochondrial data analysed, strong evidence was found supporting a role for mega-landslides as drivers of island colonisation. The nuclear genome phylogeny revealed that, with some minor exceptions, species from each island are consistent with a single founding event for each island based on patterns of nuclear relatedness. In contrast, mitochondrial genetic variation shows more complex relationships among islands, reflecting multiple founding events for each island. The species complex from Gran Canaria, a geologically inactive island with high topographic complexity, points to the role for the interaction of topography and climate dynamics as a driver of diversification, revealing a complex speciation history involving repeated episodes of population isolation and admixture. Within the geologically more active island of Tenerife, the L. tessellatus species complex revealed a dynamic of more recent isolation and secondary contact, with the geography of individual relatedness implicating a role for gravitational flank collapses. These findings suggest that geologically active islands produce changes in the populations dynamic which may have a positive effect on regional genetic variation over the long term. Overall, the findings from this thesis highlight the analytical power of next generation sequencing technologies to shed light into the fine-scale genomic understanding of evolutionary process.Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    Caracterización rápida de la biodiversidad usando morfometría geométrica: Caso de estudio con abejas sin aguijón (Apidae: Meliponini) del sur de Ecuador

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    Stingless bees (Apidae: Meliponini) are one of the most diverse and abundant group of pollinators in the Neotropics, playing a fundamental role in tropical ecosystems. The biodiversity of the group is high in certain regions, such as the tropical Andes. However, there is still uncertainty about the species richness of these bees in Ecuador. In this study, we analysed 118 specimens with landmark-based geometric morphometric methods, using 12 landmarks on the anterior wing venation. Our results show that landmarks position of the wing venation has a high power of resolution, resulting in a fast and cheap first approach to assess effectively the diversity of stingless bees from southern Ecuador.Las abejas sin aguijón son uno de los grupos de polinizadores más diversos y abundantes del Neotrópico, jugando un papel fundamental en los ecosistemas tropicales. La biodiversidad del grupo se concentra en ciertas zonas como los Andes tropicales. Sin embargo, aún se desconoce la riqueza de especies de estas abejas en Ecuador. En este estudio analizamos 118 especímenes mediante morfometría geométrica de la venación alar anterior, usando 12 puntos anatómicos (landmarks). Nuestros resultados muestran que la posición de los puntos anatómicos en la venación alar tiene un alto poder de resolución, constituyendo una rápida y económica primera aproximación para caracterizar de forma efectiva la diversidad de abejas sin aguijón del sur del Ecuador

    Bacteria-Carried Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Treatment of Anemia

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    The efficiency of maghemite nanoparticles for the treatment of anemia was sensibly higher when nanoparticles were incorporated onto the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus fermentum (MNP-bacteria) than when administrated as uncoated nanoparticles (MNP). Plasma iron and hemoglobin, intestine expression of divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1) and duodenal Cytochrome b (DcytB), as well as hepatic expression of the hormone hepcidin were fully restored to healthy levels after administration of MNP-bacteria but not of MNP. A magnetic study on biodistribution and biodegradation showed accumulation of maghemite nanoparticles in intestine lumen when MNP-bacteria were administrated. In contrast, MNP barely reached intestine. In vivo MRI studies suggested the internalization of MNP-bacteria into enterocytes, which did not occur with MNP. Transmission electronic microscopy confirmed this internalization. The collective analysis of results point out that L. fermentum is an excellent carrier to overcome the stomach medium and drive maghemite nanoparticles to intestine, where iron absorption occurs. Due the probiotic ability to adhere to the gut wall, MNP-bacteria internalize into the enterocyte, where maghemite nanoparticles are delivered, providing an adequate iron level into enterocyte. This paper advances a new route for effective iron absorption in the treatment of anemia.The efficiency of maghemite nanoparticles for the treatment of anemia was sensibly higher when nanoparticles were incorporated onto the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus fermentum (MNP-bacteria) than when administrated as uncoated nanoparticles (MNP). Plasma iron and hemoglobin, intestine expression of divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1) and duodenal Cytochrome b (DcytB), as well as hepatic expression of the hormone hepcidin were fully restored to healthy levels after administration of MNP-bacteria but not of MNP. A magnetic study on biodistribution and biodegradation showed accumulation of maghemite nanoparticles in intestine lumen when MNP-bacteria were administrated. In contrast, MNP barely reached intestine. In vivo MRI studies suggested the internalization of MNP-bacteria into enterocytes, which did not occur with MNP. Transmission electronic microscopy confirmed this internalization. The collective analysis of results point out that L. fermentum is an excellent carrier to overcome the stomach medium and drive maghemite nanoparticles to intestine, where iron absorption occurs. Due the probiotic ability to adhere to the gut wall, MNP-bacteria internalize into the enterocyte, where maghemite nanoparticles are delivered, providing an adequate iron level into enterocyte. This paper advances a new route for effective iron absorption in the treatment of anemia

    Estudio comparativo de la producción de biodiesel a partir de aceite de jatropha y karanja en metanol supercrítico

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    [ESP] El biodiesel es un combustible renovable que sirve de alternativa a los combustibles fósiles. Este trabajo ofrece un estudio comparativo de producción de biodiesel a partir de dos tipos de aceite no comestibles, jatropha y karanja, en un proceso en una sola etapa en metanol supercrítico y sin catalizador. Los resultados muestran que mientras es posible obtener un rendimiento a FAMEs superior al 99 % a 325 ºC a partir de aceite de jatropha, el rendimiento máximo a partir de karanja es inferior al 82 %, siendo estas diferencias atribuibles a la composición de ambos tipos de aceite. [ENG] Biodiesel is a renewable fuel that represents a real alternative to fossil fuels. The present work offers a comparative study of biodiesel production from two types of non-edible oil, jatropha and karanja, in a one-step batch process in supercritical methanol and in the absence of catalyst. The results show that a maximum FAME yield of over 99 % is achieved at 325 ºC when jatropha is used as oil source, while karanja oil poses some limitations with a maximum FAME yield of below 82 %. These differences can be explained by the composition of the oils used

    Análisis del efecto de la temperatura en el biodiesel de segunda generación producido a partir de aceite de Jatropha curcas L.

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    [ESP] El agotamiento de los combustibles fósiles ha favorecido el desarrollo de nuevos métodos para la producción de energías renovables. En este trabajo se ha estudiado la descomposición térmica del biodiesel producido a partir de aceite no comestible de jatropha en metanol supercrítico. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la descomposición térmica apareció a 350 ºC y 15 min, siendo máxima (24.16 %) a 350 ºC y 90 min. Además, se observó que las cadenas de ácido graso afectadas por la temperatura fueron las de tipo oleico y linoleico. Finalmente, se realizó una regresión lineal que permitió obtener una ecuación para predecir el efecto de la temperatura en el biodiesel producido. [ENG] The depletion of fossil fuels has encouraged the development of new methods for the production of renewable energies. In this work, the thermal decomposition of the biodiesel produced from non-edible jatropha oil in supercritical methanol was investigated. The results obtained show that thermal decomposition appeared at operating conditions of 350 ºC and 15 min, being maximum (24.16 %) at 350 ºC and 90 min. Moreover, it was observed that the fatty acid chains affected by temperature were those of oleic and linoleic acid type. Finally, a linear regression analysis was made, leading to a model that predicts the effect of the temperature on the biodiesel produced.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (ETSIT), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica (ETSIA), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial (ETSII), Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura y Edificación (ETSAE), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos y de Ingeniería de Minas (ETSICCPIM), Facultad de Ciencias de la Empresa (FCCE), Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Álamo (PTFA), Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes y Extensión de la UPCT, Vicerrectorado de Investigación e Innovación de la UPCT, y Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización y Cooperación al Desarrollo de la UPCT

    Online database of Medieval Iconography (8th edition)

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    Memoria del proyecto de innovación consistente en la la elaboración de un repertorio iconográfico compuesto de más de 150 entradas (Iconografía online); en la publicación de una revista semestral (Revista Digital de Iconografía Medieval); en la celebración de un seminario de trabajo anual; y en la recopilación recursos online de libre acceso de interés para la investigación sobre iconografía.Depto. de Historia del ArteFac. de Geografía e HistoriaFALSEsubmitte

    Truncating FLNC Mutations Are Associated With High-Risk Dilated and Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathies

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    BACKGROUND: Filamin C (encoded by the FLNC gene) is essential for sarcomere attachment to the plasmatic membrane. FLNC mutations have been associated with myofibrillar myopathies, and cardiac involvement has been reported in some carriers. Accordingly, since 2012, the authors have included FLNC in the genetic screening of patients with inherited cardiomyopathies and sudden death. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to demonstrate the association between truncating mutations in FLNC and the development of high-risk dilated and arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathies. METHODS: FLNC was studied using next-generation sequencing in 2,877 patients with inherited cardiovascular diseases. A characteristic phenotype was identified in probands with truncating mutations in FLNC. Clinical and genetic evaluation of 28 affected families was performed. Localization of filamin C in cardiac tissue was analyzed in patients with truncating FLNC mutations using immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Twenty-three truncating mutations were identified in 28 probands previously diagnosed with dilated, arrhythmogenic, or restrictive cardiomyopathies. Truncating FLNC mutations were absent in patients with other phenotypes, including 1,078 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Fifty-four mutation carriers were identified among 121 screened relatives. The phenotype consisted of left ventricular dilation (68%), systolic dysfunction (46%), and myocardial fibrosis (67%); inferolateral negative T waves and low QRS voltages on electrocardiography (33%); ventricular arrhythmias (82%); and frequent sudden cardiac death (40 cases in 21 of 28 families). Clinical skeletal myopathy was not observed. Penetrance was >97% in carriers older than 40 years. Truncating mutations in FLNC cosegregated with this phenotype with a dominant inheritance pattern (combined logarithm of the odds score: 9.5). Immunohistochemical staining of myocardial tissue showed no abnormal filamin C aggregates in patients with truncating FLNC mutations. CONCLUSIONS: Truncating mutations in FLNC caused an overlapping phenotype of dilated and left-dominant arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathies complicated by frequent premature sudden death. Prompt implantation of a cardiac defibrillator should be considered in affected patients harboring truncating mutations in FLNC.Instituto de Salud Carlos III [PI11/0699, PI14/0967, PI14/01477, RD012/0042/0029, RD012/0042/0049, RD012/0042/0066, RD12/0042/0069]; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [SAF2015-71863-REDT]; Plan Nacional de I+D+I; Plan Estatalde I+D+I, European Regional Development Fund; Health in Code SLS

    Estructura económica de Risaralda

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    Para conocer la historia de un país, también es indispensable conocer como han estado conformadas sus ciudades y cómo ha sido su recorrido a través del tiempo para tener una perspectiva mucho más amplia de su economía durante cada coyuntura. Es por esto, que la Historia Económica de Risaralda busca poner a disposición y resaltar una visión bastante amplia de su recorrido histórico y económico, partiendo desde los primeros habitantes y estructuras económicas del territorio, datadas desde tiempo precoloniales, y atravesando por las diferentes transformaciones que fueron afectando a Risaralda durante la colonia y en los años posteriores a esta, especialmente con acontecimientos como la colonización antioqueña, que dejó arraigada la actividad agrícola como la más importante de la economía departamental, aunque la misma con el pasar de los años en el siglo XX fue perdiendo importancia a causa del auge manufacturero, y especialmente del auge de la terciarización sustentada en la actividad comercial. Este fenómeno de terciarización económica será considerado de forma tanto histórica como actual, identificando cual es la situación económica vigente de Risaralda, y a partir de ello darse una idea de lo que le puede deparar al territorio en los próximos años, donde los objetivos de sostenibilidad y calidad de vida parecen ser las claves de toda iniciativa