54 research outputs found

    Mittauspalvelujen käyttö kerrostalotyömaalla

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia ja kehittää Lemminkäinen Talo oy:n keväällä 2011 perustetun mittaryhmän toimintaa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tehdä kustannusvertailua sekä pyrkiä löytämään kehitysideoita toiminnalle. Työ tehtiin Lemminkäisen pääkaupunkiseudun talonrakennusosastolle. Kustannuksia vertailtiin eri vaihtoehtojen välillä yhden työmaan osalta. Koska aikaisempia tutkimuksia aiheesta ei ollut, työ tehtiin pääosin omien kokemusten ja kustannusseurannan avulla. Lisäksi haastateltiin työtovereita, esimiehiä ja alaisia, joiden kokemuksista olikin suuri hyöty. Kustannusvertailua tehtiin normaalin työmaan kustannusseurannan ohessa, sekä tekemällä vertailuja erilaisten mittauspalveluja tuottavien yritysten, sekä omien mittamiesten sisäisen laskutuksen hinnan välillä. Työn tuloksena saatiin selkeä ohje mittauspalvelujen käytöstä, kustannusvertailut eri vaihtoehdoista sekä runsaasti ideoita toiminnan kehittämiseen. Tutkimukset osoittivat selkeästi työmaiden hyödyt ja kustannusedut omien mittamiesten käytöstä. Tuloksia ja ohjeita voidaan käyttää laajasti koko Lemminkäisen talonrakennuksen yksikössä.The aim of this thesis was to study and develop the operation of the measurement group Lemminkainen talo Ltd. Another goal was to make expense comparison and to find development ideas. The Project was made in collaboration with Lemminkainen Ltd. For the cost calculations three types of arranging the measurements at construction site were compared. There were no earlier researches on this subject so one`s own experience and the cost comparison were the most important research methods. Interviews of workmates, foremen and employees were also made. All researches were made during researcher`s own job, and by making comparisons between subcontractors and own employees costs. As an outcome of this thesis, a précis-instruction, a cost comparison between different alternatives and lots of improvement ideas. The studies showed that sites will certainly have lots of benefits by the use of own employees instead of subcontractors. The results and the instructions can be used widely in the sites of Lemminkainen Talo Ltd.Työn osana olevat kustannusvertailut ja päätelmät ovat toimeksiantajan pyynnöstä salaisia

    Enabling Circular Economy with Digital Solutions: Multiple-case study in Finland

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    Circular economy and the benefits of digital solutions are constantly gaining interest among researchers, companies and organizations. The two trends have separately received much attention during the recent years, but the cooperative opportunities of digital solutions in the area of circular economy are still to be further researched. While circular economy is introducing a new approach to consumption by keeping materials in a continuous cycle, digital solutions are generating new opportunities and innovations. The correlation between the two trends has been recognised but the empirical research results on the subject have been missing. The conducted research focused on gaining insight into benefits, requirements and challenges related to the use of digital solutions in circular economy operations. Four organizations that operate with different circular economy solutions in Finland were interviewed based on current understanding on the subjects gained from scientific literature and expert interviews. As the interviewed companies focused on different areas of circular economy, the research provided results on all three value drivers of circular economy listed as resource efficiency, ex-tending product lifetime and closing material loops. The different digital technologies used in the context of circular economy were identified and sorted under the categories of data collection, data integration and data analysis technologies. The different categories also resemble the development and implementation status of digital solutions as the earlier technologies are required to achieve development in the next category. Despite large attention on data analysis technologies and the opportunities of Big Data, the development status of most organizations still focuses on data collection solutions revolving around Internet of Things and its applications. Clear benefits can be seen to be achieved with data analysis solutions, but implementations on that level remain to be identified especially on a large scale. Even though the focus is still on data collection technologies, several benefits and effects to promote circular economy through digitalization were identified. This indicates that digital solutions have an important part in circular economy development as large potential is still to be researched with the benefits of data integration and data analysis technologies. The results on interviews indicated that the requirements on implementing digitalized circular economy match the literature-based results, adding also new findings to the discussion. Customer interaction and consumer decision weighted heavily in the development of circular and digital solutions as the users need to agree on the development decisions for the solution to succeed. Additionally, the challenges found differed largely from the earlier research as the literature-based challenges focused on physical limitation and terminology discussion, where the interviewed organizations pinpointed the importance of finding top experts and solving data ownership issues. At the end, future development areas and directions of digitalized circular economy was discussed where four repeating key areas were identified. The upcoming key areas to follow and develop are the implementation of data analysis technologies, accessibility of customer information, solutions to promote preventive maintenance and effective use of cross-organizational unified systems.Kiertotalous ja digitaaliset teknologiat keräävät jatkuvasti lisää huomiota tutkijoiden, yritysten ja organisaatioiden keskuudessa. Näitä kahta trendiä on tutkittu viime vuosina huomattavan paljon erillisinä kokonaisuuksina, mutta niiden yhdistelmästä ilmenevät mahdollisuudet ovat vasta äskettäin nousseet tutkimuksen keskiöön. Ilmiönä kiertotalous haastaa perinteisen kulutusmallin, jossa raaka-aineet päätyvät valmistuksen ja käytön jälkeen kaatopaikalle, pitämällä tuotteet mukana materiaalikierrossa. Samaan aikaan digitalisaatio mahdollistaa uusia toimintamalleja ja innovaatioita, joilla materiaaliratkaisujen toteuttamista voidaan tukea entistä tehokkaammin. Näiden kahden trendin välillä voidaan havaita selkeä korrelaatio, mutta sen hyödyntämistä ei vielä ole empiirisesti tutkittu. Toteutettu tutkimus keskittyy perehtymään digitaalisten ratkaisujen hyötyihin, vaatimuksiin sekä haasteisiin kiertotalouden prosesseissa. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin neljää suomalaista yritystä, jotka toimivat kiertotalouden parissa ja hyödyntävät ratkaisuissaan digitalisaatiota. Haastattelut perustuivat kirjallisuuteen ja alan ammattilaisilta hankittuun ajankohtaiseen tietoon aiheesta. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kiertotaloutta kolmen kiertotalouden ajurin avulla, joita ovat resurssitehokkuus, tuotteiden elinkaaren pidentäminen sekä materiaalivirtojen sulkeminen. Valittujen yritysten ratkaisut rakentuvat eri ajurien ympärille, joten tutkimuksessa digitalisaation hyötyjä on tarkasteltu laajasti eri lähtökohdista. Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin eri digitaaliset teknologiat, joita hyödynnetään kiertotalouden yhteydessä. Teknologiat jaettiin dataa kerääviin, dataa integroiviin ja dataa analysoiviin teknologioihin, joiden tunnistettiin vastaavan myös teknologisen kehityksen tasoja. Seuraavan tason teknologiat vaativat edeltävän tason teknologioiden hyödyntämistä, jolloin dataa analysoivien teknologioiden käyttöönotto vaatii ensin suuria investointeja dataa integroivien ja keräävien teknologioiden implementointiin. Dataa analysoivien teknologioiden suuresta suosiosta huolimatta, niiden hyödyntäminen on vasta vähäisellä tasolla sillä suurin osa yrityksistä kehittää vielä ratkaisuja dataa keräävien teknologioiden ympärillä. Analysoivilla ratkaisuilla koetaan olevan paljon potentiaalia, mutta etenkin suuren mittakaavan ratkaisuja ei kukaan vielä ole toteuttanut. Vaikka digitaalinen kehitys kiertotalouden alueella on vielä alkuvaiheessa, tutkimuksissa tunnis-tettiin useita hyötyjä, joilla etenkin esineiden internetin avulla kiertotalouden toteutusta voidaan tehostaa. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että yritysten haastattelutuloksista sekä alan kirjallisuudesta voidaan havaita yhtenevät vaatimukset digitaalisen kiertotalouden implementoinnille. Vaatimuksissa korostuu asiakasyhteistyö sekä kuluttajiin vaikuttaminen, joilla on suuri merkitys kiertotalouden uusien ratkaisujen kehitykselle. Jotta uusia menetelmiä voidaan onnistuneesti ottaa käyttöön, tulee kuluttajien hyväksyä ja omaksua muutokset omiin käytäntöihinsä. Toisin kuin vaati-mukset, listatut implementoinnin haasteet eroavat merkittävästi kirjallisuuden ja haastattelutulosten välillä. Kirjallisuudessa haasteet perustuvat luonnollisiin rajoituksiin sekä jätteen määrittelyyn, jotka asettavat haasteita toiminnalle, kun haastattelutuloksissa haasteet keskittyvät alan osaajien löytämiseen sekä datan omistajuuskysymysten ratkaisuun. Haastattelujen lopuksi yritysten kanssa keskusteltiin digitaalisen kiertotalouden kehityssuunnista ja tärkeimmistä kohteista, jotka tulevat muuttamaan alaa. Tärkeimmiksi kehityskohteiksi tunnistettiin, analysointi tekno-logioiden implementointi, asiakastietojen hyödyntäminen, ennakoivat huoltamismenetelmät sekä yritysten välisten järjestelmien rakentaminen

    Gynandromorphic individuals of Neodiprion sertifer (Hymenoptera, Diprionidae)

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    Six gynandromorphic individuals of Neodiprion sertifer (Geoffrey) are described from Finland. They were bilaterally gynandromorphic, mosaic-like gynandromorphic or only showed such characters in their head or abdomen

    Infectious viruses from transfected SARS-CoV-2 genomic RNA

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    SARS-CoV-2 emerged at the end of 2019, and like other novel pathogens causing severe symptoms, WHO recommended heightened biosafety measures for laboratories working with the virus. The positive-stranded genomic RNA of coronaviruses has been known to be infectious since the 1970s, and overall, all experiments with the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 propagation are carried out in higher containment level laboratories. However, as SARS-CoV-2 RNA has been routinely handled in BSL-2 laboratories, the question of the true nature of RNA infectiousness has risen along with discussion of appropriate biosafety measures. Here, we studied the ability of native SARS-CoV-2 genomic RNA to produce infectious viruses when transfected into permissive cells and discussed the biosafety control measures related to these assays. In transfection assays large quantities of genomic vRNA of SARS-CoV-2 was required for a successful production of infectious viruses. However, the quantity of vRNA alone was not the only factor, and especially when the transfected RNA was derived from infected cells, even small amounts of genomic vRNA was enough for an infection. Virus replication was found to start rapidly after transfection, and infectious viruses were detected in the cell culture media at 24 h post-transfection. In addition, silica membrane-based kits were shown to be as good as traditional TRI-reagent based methods in extracting high-quality, 30 kb-long genomic vRNA. Taken together, our data indicates that all transfection experiments with samples containing genomic SARS-CoV-2 RNA should be categorized as a propagative work and the work should be conducted only in a higher containment BSL-3 laboratory


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    We sampled one felsic volcanic rock from the lower part of the Kisko formation and two cordierite-anthophyllite rocks from Orijärvi and Iilijärvi for U-Pb dating. The felsic volcanic rock yield a zircon 207Pb/206Pb weighted average age of ~1.89 Ga. The oldest zircons from the Orijärvi cordierite-anthophyllite rock give a weighted average age of ~1.89 Ga. The monazite from the same sample yield a concordia age of ~1.80 Ga and the xenotime yield a concordia age of ~1.82 Ga. The Iilijärvi cordierite-anthophyllite rock gives a monazite concordia age of ~1.82 Ga. This implies that two metamorphic pulses are recorded in the samples.</p

    The prevalence of hemoglobin Tacoma in Finland detected by HbA1c capillary electrophoresis

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    Previous studies have identified occasional cases of heterozygous Hb Tacoma in areas that have attracted Finnish immigrants, especially in Sweden and North America, but large studies of this slightly unstable beta variant in vitro have not been carried out. Here we determined the prevalence of hemoglobin variants across Finland. A total of 5059 samples from 11 different hospital districts were analyzed using HbA1c capillary electrophoresis and reviewed for atypical profiles (HbA1c, Capillarys 3 Tera, Sebia). 38 heterozygous Hb Tacoma cases were found (0.75%). The prevalence was highest in South Ostrobothnia (2.0%), located in western Finland, and second highest in the neighboring provinces (1.0-1.4%), but only two districts were devoid of variants. Heterozygous Hb Tacoma was confirmed by genetic testing (NM_000518.5(HBB):c.93G > T (p.Arg31Ser)). In addition, five other variants were found, suggestive of HbE, Hb Helsinki (two cases) and an alpha variant, as interpreted from the electropherograms. The fifth variant, belonging to the South Ostrobothnian cohort, remained unknown at the time of the initial analyses, but was later interpreted as homozygous Hb Tacoma and confirmed by hemoglobin fraction analysis (Hemoglobin(E), Capillarys 3 Tera). In a subsequent retrospective study of the electropherograms of routine HbA1c diagnostics, altogether nine homozygous Hb Tacoma cases were identified in South Ostrobothnia. While heterozygous Hb Tacoma is usually an incidental finding, it interferes with several HbA1c assays. The present study is the first demonstration of homozygous Hb Tacoma. The clinical presentations of homozygous Hb Tacoma are not known and need to be addressed in future studies.Peer reviewe

    Assessment of a Cyclic Bending Test Method for Printed Flexible Supercapacitor

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    Printed flexible supercapacitor (SC) is seen as an attractive alternative to replace batteries as energy storage unit in energy autonomous sensors. This paper assesses a cyclic bending test method for printed flexible SC. The test is evaluated using four material stacks for printed SC in five different bending radii. The measurement system analysis (MSA) found that the calculated bending radii under all test conditions exhibit variation within a range of 0.3 mm, and the variation takes up less than 8% of bending radius. The measurement system is subjected to 9% total variation, which is within acceptable range. The variation was mainly caused by the uneven thickness distribution across the SC due to its structure. Thus, the variation caused by the test method and measurement is even smaller. In addition, the SC's bending radius subjected to even smaller variation in cyclic bending test. These indicate that this test method is highly reliable and repeatable for evaluating flexible SC.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Future Combustion Technology for Synthetic and Renewable Fuels in Compression Ignition Engines (REFUEL) - Final report

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    This domestic project, Future Combustion Technology for Synthetic and Renewable Fuels in Compression Ignition Engines (ReFuel), was part of a Collaborative Task "Future Combustion Technology for Synthetic and Renewable Fuels in Transport" of International Energy Agency (IEA) Combustion Agreement. This international Collaborative Task is coordinated by Finland. The three-year (2009-2011) project was a joint research project with Aalto University (Aalto), Tampere University of Technology (TUT), Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) and Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU). The project was funded by TEKES, Wärtsilä Oyj, Neste Oil Oyj, Agco Sisu Power, Aker Arctic Technology Oy and the research partners listed above. Modern renewable diesel fuels have excellent physical and chemical properties, in comparison to traditional crude oil based fuels. Purely paraffinic fuels do not contain aromatic compounds and they are totally sulphur free. Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) was studied as an example of paraffinic high cetane number (CN) diesel fuels. HVO has no storage and low temperature problems like the fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) have. The combustion properties are better than those of crude oil based fuels and FAME, because they have very high cetane numbers and contain no polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). With low HVO density, viscosity and distillation temperatures, these advantageous properties allow far more advanced combustion strategies, such as very high exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) rates or extreme Miller timings, than has been possible with current fossil fuels. The implementation of these advanced combustion technologies, together with the novel renewable diesel fuel, brought significant nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM) emission reductions with no efficiency losses. The objective of ReFuel project was to develop new extremely low emission combustion technologies for new renewable fuels in compression ignition engines. The target was to decrease emissions at least by 70%. The scope was to utilize the physical and chemical properties of the renewable fuels that differ from properties of the traditional crude oil based fuels and to develop optimum combustion technologies for them. The project focused firstly, on paraffinic high cetane number fuels i.e. hydrotreated vegetable oil fuel as a typical representative of this kind of fuel and secondly, on fuels with high content of oxygenates. This was implemented by blending oxygenate to HVO fuel.