1,460 research outputs found

    Self-Selection Patterns among Return Migrants: Mexico 1990-2010

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    This paper analyzes the self-selection patterns among Mexican return migrants during the period from 1990 to 2010. Using census data, we can identify return migrants who have lived in the United States within the previous 5 years but who currently live in Mexico. To calculate the selection patterns, we non parametrically estimate the counterfactual wages that the return migrants would have experienced had they never migrated by using the wage structure of non migrants. We find evidence that the selection patterns change over time toward negative selection. For example, in 1990, the wages that the male return migrants would have experienced had they not migrated was 6 percent larger than the wages of male non migrants. However, by 2010, the difference had declined to -14 percent. The increasing negativity of the degree of selection is robust to the analysis of specific subgroups: rural and urban, men and women, and states with high migration rates and low migration rates. Moreover, the negative selection results for the period from 2000 to 2010 are robust to the use of different surveys that define a return migrant by using distinct characteristics. Additionally, we observe that the wages of return migrants are larger than those that the migrants would have obtained had they not migrated. This finding shows that migration has a positive effect on the Mexican economy.Mexican migration, self-selection, return migration, wages

    Ferroatlántica I+D: Experiencia de una Unidad de Vigilancia Tecnológica

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    The article introduces the Ferroatlántica I+D case, showing how a Technology Watching and Competitive Intelligence system is succeded as a project perfectly set. Ferroatlántica is a ferroalloy company and Ferroatlántica I+D has as the main purpose, to develope and coordinate the groups inquiry activity. This system most important objective is to dispose in a constant way, of information any one may ask at the moment, so to provide information wich gives a support and base relative to I+D matter

    Standard vs random dictator games: On the effects of role uncertainty and framing on generosity

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    This project was conducted while Ernesto Mesa-Vázquez was visiting Universidad Loyola Andalucia. He wants to particularly thank Pablo Brañas-Garza and Diego Jorrat for continued guidance and assessment with the experimental design. Álvaro Núñez-Bermúdez and the faculty members of the Economics and Business Sciences department at the University of Seville were very helpful in providing assistance for running the experiment. The paper has benefited from comments and suggestions provided by Maria Paz Espinosa, Giuseppe Attanassi, José Enrique Vila, Iván Arribas, Marco Faillo, Cristina Borra and participants at the Loyola Behavioral Lab and the Early Career Researchers in Experimental Economics Workshop (ECREEW) organized by the Red Española de Economía Experimental y del Comportamiento. Members of the ESA community were very helpful pointing out to relevant papers to our research. Special thanks to Daniel Müller, Michael Kurschilgen, Sabine Erika Kröger, Daniel Zizzo, Praveen Kujal, Paul J. Halevy, Michal Krawczyk and Matthias Greiff for their references and stimulating discussion. Finally, we acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competition under the project ECO2016- 75575-R (A. Urbano) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under projects PID2019-110790RB-I00 (A. Urbano) and PGC2018-097875-A-I00 (Ismael Rodriguez-Lara); and the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain under the Excellence Program Prometeo 2019/095 (A. Urbano). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA. The usual disclaimers apply.We show that generosity is affected when we vary the level of role uncertainty, i.e., the probability that the dictator’s decision will be implemented. We also show that framing matters for generosity in that subjects are less generous when they are told that their choices will be implemented with a certain probability, compared with a setting in which they are told that their choices will not be implemented with certain probabilitySpanish Government ECO2016-75575-RSpanish Ministry of Economics and Competition PID2019-110790RB-I00 PGC2018-097875-A-I00Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and UniversitiesGeneralitat Valenciana 2019/095Universidad de Granada/CBU

    Adaptation and psychometric properties of the school engagement and contextual factors questionnaires for Covid-19 and post Covid-19 context

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    School engagement has been demonstrated to be a relevant aspect in promoting students' successful trajectories, a commitment that in its turn is influenced by contextual factors (family, teachers, and peers). Having instruments to measure these constructs allows decisions to be made to improve student retention, especially relevant in the context of uncertainty caused by covid-19. The aim of the study was to adapt and analyze the psychometric properties of questionnaires used to measure school engagement and contextual factors in the context of the pandemic with elementary school students in Chile. After adaptation of the instruments, through expert evaluation and focus groups with students, they were administered to 579 students in seventh and eighth grade (mean age = 12.79, 52% were boys), and to 334 students in fifth and sixth grade (mean age = 11.35, 38% were boys) in Chile. Confirmatory factor analyses showed that the two versions of the school engagement measurement instrument had an adequate fit with the original model of three correlated factors, cognitive, affective, and behavioral commitment. Similarly, these two versions of the instrument measuring the contextual factors had a good fit with the original model of three correlated factors, family, teachers, and peers. In addition, both versions of both questionnaires presented appropriate levels of internal consistency

    Aplicación de las matemáticas en el primer enlace geodésico entre Europa y África

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    La figura que más se acerca a la verdadera forma de la tierra es el Geoide, pero su expresión matemática es muy compleja. Por tanto, para poder hacer mediciones sobre ella debe ser sustituida por diversas superficies de referencia más sencillas (planos, esferas, elipsoides...). Ha sido la Geofísica, a través de la modelización matemática y a partir de diversas reducciones, la que ha permitido a la Geodesia pasar de una superficie a otra. La figura más aproximada a la forma real de la Tierra y matemáticamente sencilla de representar es el elipsoide de revolución. A lo largo de la historia han sido muchos los elipsoides adoptados, según se adaptasen a las necesidades locales de cada nación. Está siendo la universalización del uso del GPS la razón por la que se tiende a usar un único elipsoide de referencia: el WGS-84 (World Geodetic System), admitido como el que mejor se adapta con carácter general al globo terráqueo. Como aplicación práctica de todo esto se ha analizado el enlace hispano-argelino realizado en 1879, con métodos modernos de cálculo. El resultado de este trabajo pone de manifiesto la alta calidad del enlace original

    Ciudadanía y democracia

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    Trabajo Terminal : Dossier (Licenciatura en Sociología) -- Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Departamento de Sociología. UAMADCSHDS. Área de concentración: Sociología Política, 2005. 1 archivo PDF (82 páginas

    Estudio de optimización energética de las instalaciones existentes en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la UDC mediante el uso de energías alternativas

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    [Resumen] El presente estudio tiene como objeto definir, describir y calcular las instalaciones de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ferrol de manera eficiente, de acuerdo con los reglamentos y normas aplicables. El fin de dicho estudio es la realización de un trabajo de fin de máster. El estudio está formado por la memoria descriptiva en la que se justifican las soluciones adoptadas y, junto con los planos y los anexos, describe de forma inequívoca el objeto del proyecto.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.EPS). Enxeñaría industrial. Curso 2016/201

    Proyecto de actividad para local destinado a la venta de neumáticos y otros servicios del automóvil

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    Traballo fin de grao (UDC.EUP). Grao en Enxeñaría eléctrica. Curso 2015/2016

    Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts in healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review

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    Background: COVID-19 has caused a series of economic, social, personal, and occupational consequences that may affect the mental health of healthcare workers (HCWs), with the consequent risk of developing suicidal ideation and behaviors. Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the main risk factors that may predispose HCWs to suicidal ideation and suicide attempts during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A systematic review of studies published between January 2020 and August 2022 was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines in the following electronic databases: Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL, and PsycINFO. Methodological quality was assessed using the critical appraisal tools for non-randomized studies of the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). The followed protocol is listed in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) with code CRD42022340732.ResultsA total of 34 studies were included in this review. There are a number of underlying factors such as higher rates of depression, anxiety, pre-pandemic lifetime mental disorders or previous lifetime suicide attempt, living alone, having problems with alcohol and/or other drugs, etc. that favor the emergence of suicidal tendencies and ideation in times of COVID-19. Similarly, the pandemic may have precipitated a series of factors such as economic concerns, assessing one's working conditions as poor, having family members or friends infected, changes in services or functions, and feeling discriminated against or stigmatized by society. Other factors such as age, sex, or type of healthcare worker show differences between studies. Conclusion: Organizations should ensure the adoption of strategies and programmes for early detection of suicides as well as increased attention to the mental health of professions with a high workload.Universidad de Huelva/CBU