10,654 research outputs found

    Between Planning and Heritage: Cultural Parks and National Heritage Areas

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    The number of cultural parks and heritage areas is increasing in Europe and the United States. Those are spreading over other areas where the economic sectors related to tourism and leisure gain weight. Heritage areas or parks are heterogeneous initiatives that place cultural heritage at the heart of spatial planning policy and economic development, aiming at the reinvention of large territories and local community participation in planning. Their relevance stems from their potential influence on the territorial configuration of broad regions and their impact upon the articulation of traditional protected areas. Notwithstanding this, they have attracted scant academic attention so far

    Coulomb-driven flow of a dielectric liquid subject to charge injection by a sharp electrode

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    Injection of charge by a sharp electrode into a surrounding dielectric liquid leads to Coulomb forces that set the liquid into motion. An analysis is presented of this motion in a small region around the edge of the electrode, which determines the injected current as a function of the far electric potential seen by this region. By using an injection law appropriate for nonpolar liquids, the analysis predicts an electric current that increases first exponentially and then as the power 7 3 of the harmonic part of the electric potential, sometimes with a range of multiplicity in betweenMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación PB95-0008

    Cross-border Access to E-Evidence: Framing the Evidence. CEPS in Liberty and Security in Europe No. 2020-02, February 2020

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    This paper aims at situating the policy discourse accompanying current European Union (EU) initiatives on facilitating access by public authorities to data held by private companies, including in scenarios regarded as crossing jurisdictional borders. More concretely, it contextualises these initiatives in light of the absence of publicly available statistical information on some of the issues which are at the very core of these matters. Firstly, the paper presents the three main current developments, that is, the proposed ‘E-evidence package’, the negotiation of an EU-United States (US) agreement facilitating access to e-evidence for the purpose of judicial cooperation in criminal matters, and the participation of the EU in the negotiations in the Council of Europe on a second additional protocol to the Cybercrime Convention, analysing some of the recurrent messages associated with defending the necessity of all these different measures. The Brief then reviews some of the information upon which are being constructed arguments used to purport the need for these developments, by granting particular attention to the Impact Assessment that accompanied the publication of the ‘E-evidence package’. Finally, it suggests that the absence of statistical data might have implications for the assessment of the proportionality of eventual legislative measures

    Numerical simulation of EHD flows using Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element methods

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the capability of Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element methods to solve numerically the charge transport equation in EHD convective flows, in both strong and weak injection regimes. These methods are especially suited to treat purely hyperbolic problems, as it is the charge transport equation in most EHD problems. We consider the 2D electroconvective flow between two parallel plates. We compare our com- putations with the analytical results in the hydrostatic regime, the linear and non-linear stability analysis, computing both the electric and velocity fields. The stability of the finite amplitude electroconvection is also anal- ysed. Comparisons are made with computations in the literature obtained with other numerical techniques. The results show that DG-FEM are a very good alternative to simulate numerically EHD convective flows

    Self-consistent modeling of laminar electrohydrodynamic plumes from ultrasharp needles in cyclohexane

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    This paper presents a self-consistent model of electrohydrodynamic (EHD) laminar plumes produced by electron injection from ultra-sharp needle tips in cyclohexane. Since the density of electrons injected into the liquid is well described by the Fowler-Nordheim field emission theory, the injection law is not assumed. Furthermore, the generation of electrons in cyclohexane and their conversion into negative ions is included in the analysis. Detailed steady-state characteristics of EHD plumes under weak injection and space-charge limited injection are studied. It is found that the plume characteristics far from both electrodes and under weak injection can be accurately described with an asymptotic simplified solution proposed by Vazquez et al. Physics of Fluids 12, 2809 (2000) when the correct longitudinal electric field distribution and liquid velocity radial profile are used as input. However, this asymptotic solution deviates from the self-consistently calculated plume parameters under space-charge limited injection since it neglects the radial variations of the electric field produced by a highdensity charged core. In addition, no significant differences in the model estimates of the plume are found when the simulations are obtained either with the Finite Element Method or with a diffusion-free particle method. It is shown that the model also enables the calculation of the current-voltage (IV) characteristic of EHD laminar plumes produced by electron field emission, with good agreement with measured values reported in the literature.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FIS2014-54539-P

    Finding lower bounds on the complexity of secret sharing schemes by linear programming

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    Optimizing the maximum, or average, length of the shares in relation to the length of the secret for every given access structure is a difficult and long-standing open problem in cryptology. Most of the known lower bounds on these parameters have been obtained by implicitly or explicitly using that every secret sharing scheme defines a polymatroid related to the access structure. The best bounds that can be obtained by this combinatorial method can be determined by using linear programming, and this can be effectively done for access structures on a small number of participants. By applying this linear programming approach, we improve some of the known lower bounds for the access structures on five participants and the graph access structures on six participants for which these parameters were still undetermined. Nevertheless, the lower bounds that are obtained by this combinatorial method are not tight in general. For some access structures, they can be improved by adding to the linear program non-Shannon information inequalities as new constraints. We obtain in this way new separation results for some graph access structures on eight participants and for some ports of non-representable matroids. Finally, we prove that, for two access structures on five participants, the combinatorial lower bound cannot be attained by any linear secret sharing schemePeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Predicting willingness to pay for geographical origin in Albania: A logistic approach

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    This study empirically evaluates the factors that determine willingness to pay a premium for a product’s geographical origin and the effect of socio-demographics in indicating one or another factor. The premium to origin is linked with the traditional aspect, low health risk and high nutritional values. Logistic regression shows that elder, highly educated people buying in dairy shops are less likely to pay a higher premium. Consumers who are more likely to pay more include: those on high incomes who place importance on origin and taste attributes during the buying decision process and, in so doing, link the extra cost with the fact that it comes from a traditional cheese-producing region.Cette étude évalue de manière empirique les facteurs qui déterminent le consentement à payer une prime pour l’origine géographique d’un produit et les effets socio- démographie du consommateur en indiquant un ou l’autre facteur. Le prime à l’origine est liée à l’aspect traditionnel, au faible risque à la santé et de haute valeur nutritionnelle. La régression logistique montre que les personnes le plus âgées, bien éduqués qui achètent dans les magasins des produits laitiers sont moins susceptibles de payer une prime plus élevée. Tandis que les consommateurs qui sont plus susceptibles de payer plus comprennent: les personnes à revenus élevés qui placent importance sur l’origine et le goût pendant le processus de décision d’achat et le prime payée est lié avec les aspects traditionnels du produit

    Rational vs emotional communication models. Definition parameters of advertising discourses

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    The new information technology, as well as changes in the consumer, have generated transformations in the strategic advertising focus. Since rational communication focuses on the product, it seeks clarity by articulating benefits and by relying on strategic mechanisms such as Reeves’ Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Through this article, we conducted a theoretical review of the resulting rational and emotional communication models from combining different parameters that result in new advertising discourses. For this, we will combine the theory with examples of awarded cases in different Advertising contests to understand the current thin line between the rational and emotional advertising messages.Las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información, así como los cambios en el consumidor, han generado transformaciones en el enfoque estratégico publicitario. La comunicación racional, al estar centrada en el producto, busca la claridad, articulando beneficios claros y apoyándose en mecanismos estratégicos como la Unique Selling Proposition (USP) de Reeves. Por medio de este artículo, realizamos una revisión teórica sobre los modelos de comunicación racional y emocional resultantes si combinamos diferentes parámetros que dan como resultado nuevos discursos publicitarios. Para ello, combinaremos la parte teórica con ejemplos de casos galardonados en diferentes certámenes de Publicidad para comprender la delgada línea entre lo racional y emocional q