602 research outputs found


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    Obra ressenyada: F. CEBRIÁN ABELLÁN, y M. PANADERO MOYA, (coord.), Ciudades medias. Formas de expansión urbana. Madrid : Biblioteca Nueva, 2013

    Problèmes de durabilité du tourisme rural en Espagne

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    Rural tourism in Spain faces a number of problems that may hinder their sustainability in the medium and long term. Although in some areas impacts are identified due to the overcoming of the carrying capacity, the main conflicts in the medium and long term concern the socio-economic sphere of the phenomenon. The mismatch between public and private agents, the preponderance of an offer based on stereotypes of the "rural", standardized and barely distinguishable by the market, the widespread presence multiple-job holding among micro-entrepreneurs, without financial capacity and time constraints to qualify, innovate, invest in promotion and marketing and networking, are problems to be solved to ensure the sustainability of the sector favoring models of low environmental impact which, in turn, promote employment, incomes and basic services improving the quality of life and rural development.El turismo rural en España tiene planteados una serie de problemas que pueden obstaculizar su sostenibilidad a medio y largo plazo. Aunque en algunos territorios se detectan impactos derivados de la superación de la capacidad física de acogida, los principales conflictos a medio y largo plazo conciernen a la esfera socioeconómica del fenómeno. La descoordinación entre agentes públicos y privados, el predominio de oferta basada en un modelo genérico “rural”, estandarizada y apenas diferenciable por el mercado, la amplia presencia de microempresariado entre el que abundan los ocupados pluriactivos sin capacidad financiera y con escaso tiempo para cualificarse, innovar, invertir en promoción y comercialización y trabajar en red son problemas a resolver para garantizar la sostenibilidad del sector en modelos de bajo impacto ambiental que, a la vez, generen empleo, rentas y servicios fundamentales para la calidad de vida y el desarrollo rural.Le tourisme rural en Espagne a posés une série de problèmes qui peuvent empêcher leur aptitude à soutenir des opérations prolongées à moyen et long terme. Bien que dans quelques territoires on détecte déjà des impacts dérivés du dépassement de la capacité physique d'accueil, les principaux conflits à moyen et long terme concernent à la sphère socio-économique du phénomène. Le manque de coordination entre des agents publics et privés, la prédominance d'offre basée un modèle générique de ce qui est «rural», normalisée et à peine différenciable par le marché, la vaste présence de micro-entrepreneurs entre lequel abondent ceux occupés dans plus d´une activité sans capacité financière et avec un faible temps pour qualifier, innover, investir en promotion et commercialisation et travailler en réseau, sont des problèmes à résoudre pour garantir un développement durable du secteur qui en même temps produit des emplois, revenus et services fondamentaux pour la qualité de la vie et le développement rural

    Risk factors for antenatal depression: a review

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    Depression is the most prevalent mental disorder in pregnancy, and yet it is less studied than postpartum depression despite the consequences it may have on both the pregnant woman and her offspring. Therefore, it would be important to know which risk factors may favour the appearance of antenatal depression in order to carry out appropriate prevention interventions. The aim of the present review was to identify the main risk factors of antenatal depression. We searched in databases PubMed and PsycINFO for articles published about the factors associated with antenatal depression from January 2010 through December 2020. The literature review identified three main groups of antenatal depression risk factors: sociodemographic, obstetric, and psychological. First, among the sociodemographic variables, the low level of studies and the economic income clearly stood out from the rest. Then, not having planned the pregnancy was the main obstetric variable, and finally, the main psychological risk factors were having a history of psychological disorders and/or depression as well as presenting anxiety, stress, and/or low social support during pregnancy. This review shows that the antenatal depression is affected by multiple factors. Most can be identified at the beginning of the pregnancy, and some are risk factors potentially modifiable through appropriate interventions, such as psychological factors. For this reason, it is important to carry out a good screening for depression during pregnancy and consequently, be able to prevent its appearance or treat it if necessaryS

    Prevalence of Depression during Pregnancy in Spanish Women: Trajectory and Risk Factors in Each Trimester

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    The aims of this research were to determine the trajectories of probable depression and major depression during pregnancy and to identify the associated and predictor variables (sociodemographic, pregnancy-related, and psychological) for both conditions in each trimester of pregnancy. A longitudinal study was carried out with 569 pregnant Spanish women who were assessed in the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy. Depression was assessed using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and a clinical interview. Measures of anxiety and stress were also included. The prevalence of probable depression in the first, second, and third trimesters was 23.4%, 17.0%, and 21.4%, respectively, and that of major depression was 5.1%, 4.0%, and 4.7%. Thus, the prevalence of both conditions was the highest in the first and third trimesters. The trajectories of probable depression and major depression followed the same pattern throughout pregnancy. All of the psychological variables studied were associated with both conditions in all three trimesters, with perceived stress being a predictor at all times. The association between the other variables and both conditions of depression was similar. Two exceptions stand out: having had previous miscarriages, which was only associated with probable depression and was also a predictor, in the first trimester; and complications during pregnancy, which was only associated with probable and major depression in the third trimester. These findings should be taken into account in routine pregnancy follow-ups, and necessary interventions should be started in the first trimester.S

    Versión española abreviada del cuestionario de ansiedad relacionada con el embarazo

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    The aim of this study is to obtain a Spanish brief version of the Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire and analyse its psychometric properties. A longitudinal study was carried out on a sample of 569 Spanish pregnant women with normal risk status. Participants were assessed in the first, second, and third trimesters of pregnancy by using a socio-demographic and obstetric-gynaecological questionnaire, the PRAQ-55, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. PRAQ-55 items with factorial loads > .50 were selected resulting in a final scale of 20 items. A cut-off point ≥ 67 (85th percentile) was used to identify women with high pregnancy-specific anxiety. The findings revealed that PRAQ-20 can be considered a useful screening tool in clinical practice to assess pregnancy-related anxiety in both nulliparous and multiparous pregnant womenEl objetivo de este estudio es obtener una versión breve en español del Cuestionario de Ansiedad Relacionada con el Embarazo y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas. Se realizó un estudio longitudinal en una muestra de 569 mujeres embarazadas españolas con un embarazo de riesgo normal. Se evaluó a las participantes en el primer, segundo y tercer trimestre de embarazo utilizando un cuestionario sociodemográfico y obstétrico-ginecológico, el PRAQ-55, la Escala de Depresión Postparto de Edimburgo y el Inventario de Ansiedad de Estado-Rasgo. Se seleccionaron los ítems de la PRAQ-55 con cargas factoriales > .50, lo que dio como resultado una escala final de 20 ítems. Se utilizó como punto de corte 67 (percentil 85) para identificar a aquellas mujeres con elevada ansiedad específica del embarazo. Los resultados mostraron que el PRAQ-20 puede considerarse una herramienta de cribado útil en la práctica clínica para evaluar la ansiedad relacionada con el embarazo tanto en mujeres embarazadas nulíparas como multíparasS

    Algal cultivation for bioenergy production: first mathematical modelling results in raceways

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    The most used algae cultivation systems are the open-channel raceway ponds for their low maintenance and energy costs. Raceways allow algal cultivation using wastewater, where algae mass can be employed as source for bioenergy production. One of the main external factors influencing algal productivity is the velocity of the liquid inside the pond, that can be easily controlled by the position and/or rotational speed of the turning paddle wheel, and by the height of water. In this work we introduce a novel methodology to automate the optimization of the design of raceway ponds based on techniques of optimal control of partial differential equations. So, we formulate the problem as a control problem where the state system is given by the coupled nonlinear equations for hydrodynamics and algae/nitrogen/phosphorus concentrations, and the objective function to be maximized represents the global concentration of algae at final time. We present here a detailed, rigorous mathematical formulation of the optimal control problem, we propose a numerical algorithm for its resolution, and we show some preliminary computational results related to the numerical modelling of the problem

    Optimizing the design of an estuarine water quality monitoring network by optimal control techniques

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    In this work, we propose a novel methodology in order to automatically optimize the location of the sampling points for a water quality monitoring network in an estuary, in such a way that any unknown pollution source can be identified (both in intensity and location) from the data supplied by those sampling points. In the central part of the article, after a rigorous mathematical formulation of the environmental problem, the full details of its numerical implementation are given. Finally, we present and analyze the results when applying the above proposed technique to study a real case in Ría of Vigo (northwestern Spain).Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. TED2021-129324B-I00Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Psychometric properties of the spanish version of the pregnancy related anxiety questionnaire (PRAQ)

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    Although pregnancy increases the vulnerability to anxiety, no specific assessment instruments are usually used to detect it. The objective of this study was to adapt the Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire (PRAQ) to Spanish population, as well as analyze its validity and reliability. A sample of 367 nulliparous pregnant women with a normal risk status filled in a socio-demographic and obstetric-gynaecological questionnaire, the PRAQ, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). After performing a factorial analysis, a five-factor model that explains 53.1% of the variance was obtained. Estimates of internal consistency reliability were adequate (range = .78 to .93) for the five factors included in the final confirmatory factor analysis, and for the total scale (.97). Significant correlation among PRAQ, EPDS, and STAI was found (p < .001). The 85th percentile (score 234 or more) was used as a cut-off point to identify those women with high pregnancy-specific anxiety. In accordance with the results obtained, the PRAQ can be considered a useful screening tool to evaluate pregnancy-related anxiety among the Spanish populationS

    The uneven regional distributi on of projects funded by the EU Framework Programmes

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    The Framework Programmes (FPs) represent one key supply-side instrument in the innovati on policy mix implemented directly by the European Union (EU). Since its fi nal goal is fostering innovati on and competi ti veness, it is advisable to analyze the spati al distributi on of this instrument across EU regions. The main aim of this paper is to analyze the regional allocati on of the coordinati on and parti cipati on in projects under the 6th and the 7th FPs, as well as the distributi on of funds from Horizon 2020 (the 8th FP). For this purpose, a comprehensive database regionalized at NUTS 2 level was elaborated based on the data supplied by CORDIS and the Smart Specialisati on Platf orm. Moreover, in order to tackle the relati onship between FPs and regional development, NUTS 2 regions were classifi ed into three groups: less developed regions, middle-income regions and developed regions. Our empirical evidence underlines diff erent trends in this tool of the innovati on policy mix. The general trend points to a positi ve correlati on between the level of development and the capacity to att ract FPs projects and funds. Therefore, FPs might contribute to reinforcing pre-existi ng innovati on hubs and long-term growth dispariti es. Thus, coordinati on and parti cipati on in projects, as well as the funds allocated in the FPs are heavily concentrated in the developed regions. Middle-income regions att ract more projects on average than less develop regions, although the dispariti es among them are not parti cularly high. Concerning less developed regions, there are two different groups of regions. One of them is characterized by a remarkable number of project coordinations that attract funds, even higher than some middle-income regions; while the other group shows a low number of coordinations or participations in projects. Comparing the 6th and the 7th FPs, we observe a slight reduction of the disparities, particularly due to the higher participation of regions from Spain, Portugal and Italy, which were among the hardest hit by the economic recession in Europe. This trend could be explained by the need to compensate the reduction of regional and national funds by means of being more active in capturing EU funds. Keywords: Framework Programmes, innovation policies, cohesion policy, regional development, less developed regionsProgramy Ramowe (PR) stanowią jeden z kluczowych instrumentów po stronie podaży w zestawie polityki innowacji wdrażanych bezpośrednio przez Unię Europejską (UE). Ponieważ jej ostatecznym celem jest wspieranie innowacji i konkurencyjności, wskazane jest przeanalizowanie rozmieszczenia przestrzennego tego instrumentu w regionach UE. Głównym celem tego artykułu jest analiza regionalnej alokacji koordynacji i udziału w projektach w ramach 6-ego i 7-ego PR, a także podział środków z programu „Horyzont 2020” (8 PR). W tym celu opracowano obszerną bazę danych regionalizowaną na poziomie NUTS 2 na podstawie danych dostarczonych przez CORDIS i Platformę Inteligentnej Specjalizacji. Ponadto, w celu rozwiązania problemu relacji między programami ramowymi a rozwojem regionalnym, regiony NUTS 2 podzielono na trzy grupy: regiony słabiej rozwinięte, regiony o średnich dochodach i regiony rozwinięte. Nasze dowody empiryczne podkreślają różne trendy w tym narzędziu (zestawie) polityki innowacyjnej. Ogólna tendencja wskazuje na pozytywną korelację między poziomem rozwoju a zdolnością przyciągania projektów i funduszy. Dlatego też PR mogą przyczynić się do wzmocnienia wcześniej istniejących ośrodków innowacji i długoterminowych dysproporcji wzrostu. Tak więc koordynacja i uczestnictwo w projektach, a także środki przydzielone w ramach PR są silnie skoncentrowane w regionach rozwiniętych. Regiony o średnich dochodach przyciągają średnio więcej projektów niż mniej rozwijające się regiony, chociaż różnice między nimi nie są szczególnie wysokie. Jeśli chodzi o regiony słabiej rozwinięte, istnieją dwie różne grupy regionów. Jedna z nich charakteryzuje się znaczną liczbą koordynacji projektów, które przyciągają fundusze, nawet wyższe niż niektóre regiony o średnich dochodach; podczas gdy druga grupa wykazuje małą liczbę koordynacji lub udziału w projektach. Porównując 6-ty i 7-my PR, obserwujemy niewielkie zmniejszenie dysproporcji, w szczególności ze względu na większy udział regionów z Hiszpanii, Portugalii i Włoch, które były jednymi z najbardziej dotkniętych recesją gospodarczą w Europie. Tendencję tę można wytłumaczyć potrzebą zrekompensowania zmniejszenia funduszy regionalnych i krajowych poprzez większą aktywność w pozyskiwaniu funduszy UE. Słowa kluczowe: Programy Ramowe, polityka innowacji, polityka spójności, rozwój regionalny, regiony słabiej rozwinięteS