36 research outputs found

    Justifiability of taxation in universal provision of healthcare

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    This paper firstly addresses the question if taxation is justifiable. It draws from a critique of Nozick's entitlement theory and Cohen's contrasting view that private property is theft. By a consequent advocacy of the priority of society over an individual it claims that taxation is justifiable for the provision of public goods that are to the benefit of all. The second part of this paper applies the defence of taxation to the provision of healthcare to argue that a rights approach doesn't provide a sound philosophical basis of the universal provision of healthcare. By using the method of reflective equilibrium, it is evocative of egalitarian intuitions regarding disadvantage and shows that they present substantial economic difficulties. It further argues that an adaptation of the difference principle can serve as a useful departing point for defending a universal provision of healthcare because it benefits all members of a polity. The paper concludes by outlining some contradictions in defining the extent of healthcare provision and employing economic policies as well as by arguing that for a healthcare system to preserve the advantages of capitalism, -while providing healthcare to all- a salient compromise between free markets and state intervention needs to be maintained

    Educational System Financing from the Budgets of Local Municipalities

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    Hlavním tématem práce je analýza financování regionálního školství financovaného z rozpočtu obcí, které zřizují předškolní zařízení (mateřské školy) a základní školy. V teoretické části je popsán systém regionálního školství, fungování jeho financování a jsou vysvětleny zdroje, z jakých do regionálního školství finance plynou. V praktické části jsou vzájemně porovnány vybrané obce (ze všech krajů ČR jedna obec) z hlediska jejich výdajů do oblasti vzdělávání. Veškeré uváděné výdaje jsou pro správné porovnání přepočteny na dítě/žáka. Porovnány jsou jednak celkové výdaje obcí, tak i výdaje na konkrétní vybrané položky rozpočtové skladby. U některých položek je komparace provedena i v kontextu s údaji za celou ČR. Sledovaným obdobím jsou roky 2016–2020.The main topic of the thesis is financial analysis of regional education financed by budgets local municipalities which establish preschool facilities and elementary schools. Theoretical part describes system of regional education and describes all the resources of financing it. Practical part compares mutual selected municipalities (one municipality per region) in terms of expenses to education. Mentioned expenses are recalculated per student for proper comparison. The thesis compares total expenditures as well as specific budget lines. Some budget lines are compared in context to data of the whole Czech republic. The chosen period for observation is 2016–2020.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikyvýborn

    Evaluation of the economic performance of elementary schools

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na financování regionálního školství s užším zaměřením na základní školy, a to z prostředků státního rozpočtu. Vybraným vzorkem jsou úplné základní školy vybraných sedmi měst Moravskoslezského kraje. Hlavním cílem práce je předložit komplexní zhodnocení vybraných škol dle jednotlivých výkonových parametrů v porovnání s celorepublikovými průměry za sledované období 2017–2021, ukazateli, které jsou předmětem srovnání škol. Jsou to – průměrný počet žáků v jedné třídě, průměrný počet žáků na pracovní úvazek pedagogického pracovníka, průměrná výše platu pedagoga a průměrná výše ONIV na žáka. Hlavním výstupem celého výzkumu má dojít k ověření, že v rámci financování základního školství z rozpočtu MŠMT nedochází k významné rozdílnosti mezi jednotlivými školami od celorepublikových průměrných hodnot vybraných výkonových ukazatelů škol. V rámci hledání odpovědí na tři stanovené výzkumné otázky došlo k potvrzení pouze jediného výroku, a to co se týče výše průměrného platu pedagoga. U hodnoty počtu žáků na třídu, výše ONIV na žáka a počtu žáků na pedagoga toto potvrzeno nebylo, neboť byla zjištěna značná rozdílnost hodnot porovnávaného vzorku základních škol s celorepublikovým průměrem. Důvodem ale může být především fakt, že sledované období, za které byly ukazatele porovnávány, bylo na rozmezí reformy systému financování regionálního školství. To bylo uvedeno do praxe od roku 2020.The thesis focuses on the financing of regional education with a narrower focus on primary schools, from the state budget. The selected sample is full primary schools in seven towns of the Moravian-Silesian Region. The main objective of the work is to present a comprehensive evaluation of the selected schools according to individual performance parameters in comparison with national averages for the period 2017-2021, the indicators that are the subject of comparison of schools. These are – average number of pupils per class, average number of pupils per full-time teaching staff, average teacher salary and average amount of other non-investment expenses per pupil. The main outcome of the whole research is to verify that there is no significant difference between individual schools and the national average values of selected school performance indicators within the framework of financing of primary education from the budget of the Ministry of Education. In the framework of search for answers to the three research questions, only one statement was confirmed, namely the level of average teacher salary. This was not confirmed for the value of the number of pupils per class, the amount of the other non-investment expenses per pupil and the number of pupils per teacher, as there was a significant difference between the values of the compared sample of primary schools and the national average. However, this may be mainly due to the fact that the period for which the indicators were compared was within the range of the reform of the regional education financing system. This was put into practice from 2020.153 - Katedra veřejné ekonomikyvýborn

    Design of mounting of a laboratory centrifuge for blood sample separation

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    40 s., 9 s. příl. :il., tab., grafy +vol. příloha +CD ROMTato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem uložení laboratorní centrifugy pro odstřeďování krevních vzorků. Cílem je navrhnout vhodné uložení pro tlumení dynamických sil, které vznikají při vysokých provozních otáčkách. Dále toto uložení optimalizovat pomocí simulací v CAD systému Creo. V první části práce jsou popsány způsoby uložení, tlumení dynamických sil a jejich účinků. V části druhé je navrhnuto řešení s následnými analýzami až po výsledné vyhodnocení

    Biometric fingerprint liveness detection

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    Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na biometrické rozpoznání živosti prstu. Teoretická část práce je zaměřena na biometrické systémy využívající k rozpoznání otisk prstu, problematiku stanovení živosti prstu a metody pro detekci živosti prstu. V praktické části jsou popsány vybrané příznaky pro rozpoznání živosti prstu. Dále je zde navrhnuto a realizováno předzpracování obrazu s ohledem na vybrané příznaky. K rozpoznání živosti využívá algoritmus dopředné neuronové sítě. Navržený algoritmus byl testován na databázi LivDet 2009, která obsahuje pravé i falešné otisky prstů pořízené třemi různými snímači. Při testování bylo dosaženo přibližně 93% úspěšnosti klasifikace.This master‘s thesis deals with biometric fingerprint liveness detection. The theoretical part of the work describes fingerprint recognition biometric systems, fingerprint liveness detection issues and methods for fingerprint liveness detection. The practical part of the work describes proposed set of discriminant features and preprocessing of fingerprint image. Proposed approach using neural network to detect a liveness. The algorithm is tested on LivDet database comprising real and fake images acquired with tree sensors. Classification performance approximately 93% was obtained.

    Processes of European Defragmentation as an Inspirative Tool for Policymaking

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    This paper looks at the different stages of European municipal defragmentation and at the diverse models that post-war countries have adopted for their municipal structures. It notes that defragmentation has been undertaken with little previous knowledge regarding the possible impacts of these approaches. Through applying the QCA method of analysis it looks at common and distinct features of these approaches and draws a sharp dichotomy between defragmentation trends in post-communist countries and countries of the Western bloc. By showing that there are trends intrinsic to post-communist political systems, this paper presents the idea that these systems can learn from errors made by countries that approached municipal defragmentation before them. Drawing on the example of the late-defragmenting Iceland, this paper shows how currently or prospectively defragmenting countries can learn from its experience. In the last part of the paper, suggestions are made with regard to how the Czech Republic can learn from this experience, particularly from democratic referendums, legislative and economic incentives, and municipal cooperation.This paper looks at the different stages of European municipal defragmentation and at the diverse models that post-war countries have adopted for their municipal structures. It notes that defragmentation has been undertaken with little previous knowledge regarding the possible impacts of these approaches. Through applying the QCA method of analysis it looks at common and distinct features of these approaches and draws a sharp dichotomy between defragmentation trends in post-communist countries and countries of the Western bloc. By showing that there are trends intrinsic to post-communist political systems, this paper presents the idea that these systems can learn from errors made by countries that approached municipal defragmentation before them. Drawing on the example of the late-defragmenting Iceland, this paper shows how currently or prospectively defragmenting countries can learn from its experience. In the last part of the paper, suggestions are made with regard to how the Czech Republic can learn from this experience, particularly from democratic referendums, legislative and economic incentives, and municipal cooperation

    Availability and quality of school facilities as determinant of local economic development: The Slovak experience

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    The availability and quality of school facilities has long been a hot topic, not only at the level of self-government, but also in respect of the whole public administration within the context of Slovakia. COVID-19 and the current military conflict in Ukraine are jointly putting increased pressure on local self-governments as the founders of kindergartens and primary schools. Whether the availability and quality of school facilities is a determinant of local development is a question for which there are very few studies. The aim of this paper is to identify long-term satisfaction with the availability and quality of kindergartens and primary schools in the Cerven ˇ ý Kame ˇn microregion; this is understood in the context of these institutions serving as an important determinant of local development. In this paper, a qualitative evaluation (survey) of parents of students in the Cereven ˇ ý Kame ˇn microregion was conducted. In order to increase the objectivity of the obtained results, the survey was conducted two times with an interval of 7 years (2014 vs. 2021). Our results show that parents perceive the availability and quality in the same way even over a long period, but without confirmed statistically significant differences. At the same time, however, we found that satisfaction with the analyzed school facilities changed over time.Web of Science112art. no. 3

    The birth of The New York Times

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    The diploma thesis The birth of the daily The New York Times deals with the birth and evolution of the daily newspaper The New York Times. It analyses its birth on the background of the state of American journalism in the middle of the nineteenth century. It deals with the rise of the penny press and the founding of the most important papers of this era, mainly New York Sun, New York Herald and New York Tribune. The birth of The New York Times is described as a natural step in the filling of a gap on the publishing market, which lacked a serious and unbiased paper. After describing the founding of The New York Times the thesis deals with the two most important eras in the history of the paper. These are the period after the death of its founder Henry Jarvis Raymond, when the paper was lead by his old collaborator George Jones and the repeated rise of the paper under Adolph S. Ochs at the turn of the nineteenth century. In the final part of this thesis, the state of the paper at the start of the twenty-first century is described. A description of the atmosphere of this explored era, the social conditions in USA in the middle of the nineteenth century and the situation on the media market also forms a part of this thesis. A part of the thesis is dedicated to short passages summarizing the lives of the..

    The birth of The Economist

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    Bachelor thesis "The birth of The Economist" deals with the birth and evolution of the weekly newspaper The Economist. That is from 1843, when it was founded, to 2007, when John Micklethwait became its editor. The main emphasis is laid on the birth of The Economist. The atmosphere of those times, the social situation in England in the middle of the nineteenth century and the pass and repeal of the Corn Laws is dealt with in order to describe the birth of The Economist more accurately. The situation at the media market is also described. A part of the thesis is dedicated to the economical thinking of Adam Smith, Thomas R. Malthus and David Ricardo. And to the doctrines of laissez-faire and free trade, which were the main motive, or more specifically their pursuit, for the foundation of The Economist. A longer part of the thesis is dedicated to the lives and personalities of the founder of The Economist James Wilson and his son-in-law Walter Bagehot, who was the third editor of The Economist. These two men are the most important figures in the history of The Economist, and have contributed like nobody else to its development. A part of the thesis is describing the first numbers of The Economist and its readers, supporters and opponents. The last part of the thesis is dedicated to a brief description..