15 research outputs found

    Brachial Plexus Ultrasound and MRI in Children with Brachial Plexus Birth Injury

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Brachial plexus birth injury is caused by traction on the neck during delivery and results in flaccid palsy of an upper extremity commonly involving C5-C6 nerve roots. MR imaging and MR myelography help to assess the anatomic location, extent, and severity of brachial plexus injuries which influence the long-term prognosis along with the surgical decision making. Recently, sonography has been increasingly used as the imaging modality of choice for brachial plexus injuries. The aim of this study was to assess the degree of correlation among brachial plexus sonography, MR imaging, and surgical findings in children with brachial plexus birth injury. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective study included 55 consecutive patients (girls/boys = 32:23; mean age, 2.1 0.8 months) with brachial plexus birth injury between May 2014 and April 2017. The patients were classified according to the Narakas classification and were followed up at 4- to 6-week intervals for recovery by the Modified Mallet system and sonography without specific preparation for evaluation. All patients had MR imaging under general anesthesia. Nerve root avulsion-retraction, pseudomeningocele, and periscalene soft tissue were accepted brachial plexus injury findings on imaging. Interobserver agreement for MR imaging and the agreement between imaging and surgical findings were estimated using the statistic. The diagnostic accuracy of sonography and MR imaging was calculated on the basis of the standard reference, which was the surgical findings. RESULTS: Forty-three patients had pre- and postganglionic injury, 12 had only postganglionic injury findings, and 47% of patients underwent an operation. On sonography, no patients had preganglionic injury, but all patients had postganglionic injury findings. For postganglionic injury, the concordance rates between imaging and the surgical findings ranged from 84% to 100%, and the diagnostic accuracy of sonography and MR imaging was 89% and 100%, respectively. For preganglionic injury, the diagnostic accuracy of MR imaging was 92%. Interobserver agreement and the agreement between imaging and the surgical findings were almost perfect for postganglionic injury ( = 0.81-1, P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: High-resolution sonography can identify and locate the postganglionic injury associated with the upper and middle trunks. The ability of sonography to evaluate pre- and the postganglionic injury associated with the lower trunk was quite limited. Sonography can be used as a complement to MR imaging; thus, the duration of the MR imaging examination and the need for sedation can be reduced by sonography.WoSScopu

    Minimal invasive technique in capitellum fracture treatment

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    The humeral capitellum fractures are rare, and surgical management of these fractures is difficult. The surgeon must achieve anatomic reconstruction with a reliable fixation allowing mobilization of the joint for early rehabilitation. Arthroscopic approach to capitellum fractures allows visualization of the articular surface without the soft tissue dissection required with open approaches. Here, we present a case of type 1 capitellum fracture of humerus that was fixed through arthroscopic assistance. © 2011, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    The effects of the synovium on chondrocyte growth: An experimental study

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    Purpose: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of synovium on the proliferation of the cartilage tissue and chondrocytes using a rabbit knee model as an in vivo synovial culture medium. Methods: Twelve New Zealand rabbits were used as the animal model in this investigation. Standard size chondral and osteochondral cartilage grafts were taken from, respectively, the left and right knees of all the animals. Two groups of 6 animals were formed: in Group I (synovium group), grafts were placed into the synovial tissue and in group II (patellar tendon group) behind the patellar tendon of the corresponding knees. After 4 months, samples were collected and evaluated macroscopically by measuring their dimensions (vertical = D1, horizontal = D2, and depth = D3) and volumes, and histologically by counting the chondrocyte number using camera lucida method. Results: Macroscopically, the increase in average D1, D2, and D3 measurements and volume in the osteochondral specimens were significantly higher compared to the chondral specimens in both groups (P < 0.05). However, no significant difference was observed between the two groups in terms of macroscopic values. Histologically, the mean chondrocyte counts in osteochondral and chondral specimens for Group I (synovium) were 20.2 and 18.1, and for Group II (patellar tendon) were 18.7 and 15.6, respectively. The mean number of chondrocytes was found to be significantly higher in osteochondral specimens than that of chondral specimens in either group (P < 0.05). Overall average chondrocyte count was significantly higher for Group I compared to Group II (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Transplantation of the cartilage grafts into the synovial tissue in rabbit knees significantly enhanced the chondrocyte production compared with the group where the grafts were transplanted into intra-articular patellar tendon. The results of this study indicate that native synovial tissue may have the potential to be used as an in vivo culture medium for osteochondral tissue growth. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.Acknowledgments This study was supported by funds from the Hacettepe University, the Center of Scientific Researches. We wish to thank Reha ALPAR PhD Prof. and Sevilay KARAHAN PhD for the biostatistical evaluations

    Histopathological and biomechanical investigation of the effect of momordica charantia on fracture healing, kidney, and liver: an experimental rat model

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    Momordica charantia (MC) is a plant belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae. MC has antidiabetic, antibacterial, antioxidant, antimutagenic, antiulcerative, antiinflammatory and antilipidemic effects. However, information on the effect of MC on fracture union is lacking. This study aimed to examine the effect of MC on fracture union histopathologically and biomechanically. A total of 42 male Wistar-Albino rats were randomly divided into 3 groups, 14 in each group. A diaphyseal fracture was created on the right tibia of all rats. All fractures were fixed with a Kirschner (K) wire. The rats in Group I did not undergo any further procedures (Control group). Group II rats were treated with 0.9% saline oral gavage at a dose of 500 mu L/day for 28 days [Saline (S) group]. The rats in Group III were given 300mg/kg MC extract per day, dissolved in 500 mu L 0.9% saline by oral gavage for 28 days [MC (Extract) group]. After 28 days, all rats were sacrificed. Each group was randomly divided into two subgroups. The histopathological examination was performed on the right tibia of rats in the first subgroup and the biomechanical examination in the second subgroup. The kidneys and livers of all rats were evaluated histopathologically. Fracture union was significantly better in the Extract group compared with the Control and S groups histopathologically. The fracture inflammation values were lower in the Extract group than in the other groups. No statistically significant difference was found between the groups in terms of possible side effects to kidneys and livers. In terms of biomechanics, fracture union was significantly better in the Extract group compared with the Control and S groups except yield displacement values. MC had a positive effect on fracture union histopathologically and biomechanically

    Resección de hemivértebra con técnica de eggshell en cifoescoliosis congénita: resultados en niños entre uno y siete años Ressecção de hemivertébra com a técnica de eggshell em cifoescoliose congênita: resultados em crianças com idade entre um e sete anos Hemivertebrae resection with eggshell procedure for congenital kyphoscoliosis: results in children aged from one to seven years

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: La hemivértebra es la causa de 50% de las cifoescoliosis congénitas y en general requiere tratamiento quirúrgico. OBJETIVO: evaluar los resultados clínicos y radiológicos de la resección de hemivértebra con técnica de eggshell en niños entre uno y siete años. DISEÑO DEL ESTUDIO: análisis retrospectivo de pacientes sometidos a resección de hemivértebra con técnica de eggshell. MÉTODOS: entre Enero del 2006 y Junio del 2008, siete hemivértebras fueron resecadas en siete pacientes consecutivos, entre uno y siete años de edad. Se revisó retrospectivamente las fichas clínicas y radiografías. La edad promedio al momento de la cirugía fue 3,2 años (rango de uno a siete años) y el seguimiento promedio fue de 17 meses (rango 7 a 35 meses). Se registró ángulo de Cobb de la escoliosis y cifosis en el preoperatorio y al término del seguimiento, tiempo operatorio, transfusión de glóbulos rojos y complicaciones. RESULTADOS: el ángulo preoperatorio promedio de la escoliosis fue 35° y 19° al término del seguimiento, con un 40% de corrección. El ángulo preoperatorio promedio de la cifosis fue 42° y 25° al término del seguimiento, con un 33% de corrección. Cuatro pacientes necesitaron transfusión de glóbulos rojos, promedio 1,25 unidades. El tiempo quirúrgico promedio fue 225 minutos. Dos pacientes presentaron complicaciones, una rotura dural y una fractura pedicular. No se presentaron complicaciones neurológicas. Todos los pacientes presentaban fusión sólida al término del seguimiento. CONCLUSIÓN: la resección de hemivértebra con técnica de eggshell es un procedimiento seguro, que permite una excelente e inmediata corrección de la cifoescoliosis congénita, la que se mantiene en el corto plazo.<br>INTRODUÇÃO: A hemivértebra associa-se a 50% das cifoescolioses congênitas e geralmente requer tratamento cirúrgico. OBJETIVO: avaliar os resultados clínicos e radiológicos da ressecção da hemivértebra, utilizando a técnica de eggshell em crianças entre um e sete anos. FORMA DO ESTUDO: análise retrospectiva dos pacientes submetidos à ressecção de hemivértebra com a técnica eggshell. MÉTODOS: Entre Janeiro de 2006 e Junho de 2008, sete hemivértebras foram ressecadas em sete pacientes consecutivos, entre um e sete anos de idade. Realizou-se análise retrospectiva dos prontuários e exames radiográficos. A média de idade no momento da cirurgia foi de 3,2 anos (variação entre um a sete anos) e o seguimento médio foi de 17 meses (variação de 7 a 35 meses). Registrou-se ângulo de Cobb na escoliose e cifose no pré-operatório e no término do seguimento, o tempo operatório, transfusão de glóbulos vermelhos e complicações. RESULTADOS: o ângulo pré-operatório médio da escoliose foi de 35° e 19° no término do seguimento, com um 40% de correção. O ângulo pré-operatório médio da cifose foi de 42° e 25° no término do seguimento, com 33% de correção. Quatro pacientes precisaram de transfusão de glóbulos vermelhos, 1,25 unidades como média. O tempo cirúrgico médio foi de 225 minutos. Dois pacientes apresentaram complicações, uma rotura dural e uma fratura pedicular. Não houve complicações neurológicas. Todos os pacientes apresentaram sólida fusão no término do seguimento. CONCLUSÃO: a ressecção de hemivértebra utilizando a técnica de eggshell é um procedimento seguro que permite uma excelente e imediata correção da cifoescoliose congênita, a qual é mantida no curto prazo.<br>INTRODUCTION: Hemivertebrae is associated with 50% of the congenital kyphoscoliosis and surgical treatment is usually required. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate clinical and radiographic results of hemivertebra resection with an eggshell procedure in children aged from one to seven years old. STUDY DESIGN: retrospective review of patients who underwent hemivertebrae resection with an eggshell procedure. METHODS: from January 2006 to June 2008, seven hemivertebrae were resected in seven consecutive patients aged one to seven years old. A retrospective chart and a radiographic review were performed. The mean age at surgery was 3,2 years (range from one to seven years). The mean follow-up was 17 months (range from 7 to 35 months). Cobb's angle in the coronal and sagittal planes preoperative and at follow-up, operating time, transfusion requirements and complications were analyzed. RESULTS: the mean pre-operative scoliosis Cobb's angle was 35° and the average at follow-up was 19°. The mean correction at follow-up was 40%. The average of the pre-operative kyphosis Cobb's angle was 42° and average at follow-up was 25°. Rate of correction at follow-up was 33%. Four patients required transfusion, with an average of 1,25 blood units. The average of operating time was 225 minutes. Complications were encountered in two patients; one dural tear and one pedicular fracture. No neurological complications. All patients achieved solid fusion at follow-up. CONCLUSION: hemivertebra resection with the eggshell procedure is a safe surgical technique and provides an excellent and immediate correction of congenital kyphoscoliosis at short term follow-up