20 research outputs found


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    The Pandemic Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) has taken place all over the world. This situation has affected all sectors of human life, likewise in the education sector. Physical distancing policy has forced all countries to close the school. Distance and online learning have become the only option to solve it. This article tried to answer two questions. First, what are the essences of learning spaces in the context of e-learning viewed from the perspective of time and space synchronicity? Second, what are the implications of it to the implementation of teaching and learning in the era Covid-19 and new normal? The researcher applied literature review to answer those questions. Literatures review result showed that learning space can be divided into four categories. This classification provides some implications toward the implementation of teaching and learning in the era of Covid-19 and new normal. AbstrakPandemi virus corona (Covid-19) telah melanda seluruh dunia. Bencana kejadian luar biasa ini telah berpengaruh terhadap semua sektor kehidupan manusia, termasuk sektor pendidikan. Kebijakan jarak sosial dan fisik telah memaksa proses pembelajaran di sekolah terhenti. Belajar di rumah dengan moda pembelajaran jarak jauh dan daring menjadi satu-satunya pilihan untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut. Artikel ini berupaya menjawab dua hal. Pertama, apa esensi ruang belajar dalam konteks e-learning ditinjau dari sudut pandang ruang dan waktu? Kedua, apa implikasinya dalam pembelajaran di era Covid-19 dan tatanan baru? Peneliti menggunakan metode kajian pustaka untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil kajian pustaka, diperoleh empat klasifikasi ruang belajar baru dan implikasi terhadap pembelajaran di era Covid-19 dan tatanan baru.

    Self-determined learning in EFL classroom: a trajectory for the future research

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    The development of technology has rapidly affected the growth complexity of the 21st century's work environment which also influences educational environment. Thus, approaches in teaching and learning such as self-determined learning has been considered relevant to enhance the quality of learning. Researchers and educators have been pursuing to accomodate the praxis of self-determined learning. The purpose of the study was to uncover research trends and try to bridge the gap of future research of self-determined learning (SDL) in the English as a foreign language (EFL) context. Using meta-synthesis, 13 selected articles were examined drawn from a single database from the last five years between 2017 and 2021. The articles were systematically selected through several criteria using the query "Self-determined Learning+AND+EFL" in the Sopus database. They contributed to the growing interest related to research and practice of heutagogy or SDL. Results showed that research areas of SDL had been widely investigated in different levels of students; primary (23%), secondary (23%), and university (54%). In addition, a few research studies were conducted to examine students' language skills and language components (listening and vocabulary) (15%). It implicated that many EFL research area could be investigated from different levels and focus in the future.

    Pendampingan Pemanfaatan Media Quizizz dalam Pembelajaran Bagi Guru SMP di Kecamatan Sukamakmur, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat

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    Implementasi kurikulum merdeka dalam pembelajaran intrakurikuler menekankan pada capaian pembelajaran dan penguatan terhadap profil pelajar pancasila. Dalam pembelajaran, guru diberikan keleluasaan dalam Implementasi kurikulum merdeka masih mengalami banyak tantangan dan kendala khususnya dalam pemanfaatan media ajar berbasis teknologi berupa minimnya pemahaman tentang konsep desain pembelajaran serta kurangnya kemampuan dan kreativitas guru dalam pemanfaatan dan/atau pembuatan media pembelajaran yang menarik. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah memberi pembekalan dan pendampingan tentang pemanfaatan media ajar berbasis teknologi yang menarik berupa Quizizz kepada guru SMP di kecamatan Sukamakmur, kab Bogor Jawa Barat. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan secara bertahap selama 3 (tiga tahun). Pada tahun pertama, metode pelaksanaan PKM meliputi tahap persiapan, pengkajian, perencanaan alternatif kegiatan, rencana aksi, pelaksanaan, evaluasi dan terminasi. Kegiatan PKM pada tahun pertama ini menekankan pada pengenalan konsep quizizz dan proses pendampingan pengenalan dasar media quizizz dalam implementasi kurikulum merdeka di dalam kelas. Berdasarkan pengamatan dan hasil evaluasi, peserta menunjukkan sikap antusias dan memiliki keingintahuan yang tinggi terhadap media quizizz, LKPD yang dikembangkan memotivasi peserta untuk mencoba menggunakan media quizizz dan memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap hasil pembelajaran


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    Model pembelajaran Own It, Learn It, and Share It merupakan salah satu model pembelajaran kontemporer yang dikembangkan oleh Lee dan Hannafin, 2016. Model ini didasari atas self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2005), teori belajar konstruktivisme dan konstruksionisme. Model ini cocok untuk mengembangkan kemandirian siswa yang menjadi tuntutan program merdeka belajar. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan para guru dalam merancang, mengembangkan, memanfaatkan, dan mengevaluasi pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dalam proses pembelajaran. Selain pendampingan, maka perlu diadakan evaluasi untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki oleh guru. Setelah melakukan evaluasi terhadap guru yang telah menggunakan model OLSit sebagai model dalam kegiatan pembelajarannya, dapat dikatakan para guru telah berhasil dalam menyampaikan isi dari materinya. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh hasil penilaian guru dalam mengelola proses pembelajaran dan produk menunjukkan hasil di rentang nilai 83 – 100. Manfaat yang diharapkan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah mengaplikasikan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di perguruan tinggi kepada masyarakat secara langsung dan meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru PAUD di Desa Cisaat. Rencana luaran yang ditargetkan adalah meningkatnya literasi pembelajaran, media pembelajaran, video dokumentasi kegiatan, artikel yang terbit pada media online, dan artikel yang terbit di Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

    The implementation of blended learning in the new normal era at vocational school of health

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    This study aims to describe blended learning in the new normal era in vocational health schools. Vocational education contributes to preparing skilled workforce graduates. Therefore, vocational education must prepare the learning process based on the conditions and needs of students. The research method used was a qualitative approach. A case study was conducted to empirically investigate the phenomenon of the learning process in the new normal era through blended learning. This study collaborated with 96 fourth-semester and 92 sixth-semester students at the Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program in Associate Degree of Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health Manado. The study results showed that during Covid-19, students could not practice directly in the laboratory freely, so it took much work to apply the required course applications in the form of practice. Although out of 188 students, only 110 students often use smartphones in the blended learning process. Students experience the most serious difficulty in understanding and practicing laboratory quality control courses, with a percentage of 38.6%. Therefore, laboratory quality control is considered in terms of student responses to difficult subjects to understand during the online learning process. So that further research is needed to develop a learning system that can increase student learning motivation. Not only up to motivation but students also have to understand how to use technology well

    Multicultural Aspects of 21st Century Learning Using Digital Posters

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    21st century learning is learning that has the characteristics of being accessible, digital oriented, big data science and this learning is not limited to the distance of space and time. Poster presentation is a general form of educational information that is easily accessible, can be spread quickly with the presence of television, gadgets and the internet. This research method is descriptive qualitative method. While the research data in the form of educational posters. The results of this study are in the form of poster media requirements that are used as educational media, namely; 1) The content shall not contents that may offend the community/learning participants. The presented content shall be accepted by audience even with language and cultural differences. 2) The information shall be clear thus the message of the poster is well conveyed to audience with different cultural aspect. 3) The contents should be attractive, contains illustration images, and explanatory writings that make audience interested in the poster. 4) The development of digital poster with various version of local language may increase acceptabability among local language speaker

    Merancang model blended learning designing blended learning model

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    Dalam era komunikasi instan dewasa ini, cara belajar dan proses pembelajaran telah berubah. Kondisi ini membawa pembelajaran ke era e-learning di mana upaya belajar dan membelajarkan dapat difasilitasi dengan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Mengkombinasikan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang tepat (blended learning) merupakan salah satu isu penting dalam merancang e-learning yang baik. Oleh karena itu diperlukan semacam panduan (framework) yang dapat menjadikan acuan dalam memilih dan menentukan blended learning yang tepat sesuai kondisi dan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Artikel ini mencoba memberikan framework untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut. Framework yang coba ditawarkan dalam artikel ini mengacu pada konsep e-learning, empat kuadran seting belajara menurut Noord, dua kontinum strategi pembelajaran menurut Smaldino dkk., dan empat standar proses pembelajaran yang penulis adaptasi dari Horton. Framewrok tersebut adalah bahwa dam merancang blneded learning perlu mempertimbangkan beberapa unsur sebagai berikut: 1) upaya memfasilitasi pengalaman belajar sebagai esensi dari e-learning; 2) optimalisasi empat standar proses pembelajaran dalam konteks e-learning; 3) pemilihan dan penentuan strategi pembelajaran yang tepat; dan 4) pemilihan dan penentuan teknologi dan tool TIK yang tepat dalam empat kuadran seting belajar

    Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK): Analysis in Design Selection and Data Analysis Techniques in High School

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    The learning process that is integrated with technology requires teachers who are able to integrate professional skills, pedagogical abilities, and technology in learning. This study uses a content analysis of a number of SCOPUS indexed articles that have been published throughout 2020 with the main focus of the study being TPaCK. This study aims to inform the diversity of research types, research designs, subjects, subjects, data collection instruments and data analysis techniques. The results revealed that the most dominant types of research were quantitative and R&D. In addition, research design methods that are becoming a trend are R&D and survey research. Popular research subjects and subject matter are students with a subject or major in Science and Physics. The most commonly used instruments are questionnaires and tests. Meanwhile, the most widely used data analysis techniques are percentage, n-gain, paired sample t-test and descriptive analysis. In addition, it was also found that several researchers used the same research design but different instruments and data collection. Based on the results of this study, several recommendations have been proposed for future researchers that support TPaCK as the main focus. Some of these recommendations include increasing the diversity of types of research and choosing the right method in conducting research

    Mapping Scientific Research on Hypermedia Learning Technology Using Scopus Database: A Bibliometric Approach

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    Several of the impactful strategies for improving learning are through use of hypermedia. The use of hypermedia in research publications is projected to grow to continue increasing. This growth is also observed in the various fields of research. This research offers a bibliometric analysis of 1,224 articles on the use of hypermedia in learning, published in 443 scholarly outlets, written by 2,584 authors (240 single-authored documents and 2,344 multi-authored documents). The objective of this research is to identify the trending topic in hypermedia learning. We collected bibliographic data from the Scopus database and analyzed it using the Bibliometrix tool in R software and VOSviewer. Based on citation analysis metrics, we have defined the most influential articles, journals, authors, countries, and affiliations. Although keywords and terms are possibly the most relevant topics and results of the research, it is feasible that several of the significant trends and issues that have been discussed in the full text are insufficient from our study. Further, future research should analyze relevant research clusters for emerging trends on hypermedia learning