12 research outputs found

    Arüülsüsivesinike retseptori ekspressioon inimese embrüonaalsete tüvirakkude varasel diferentseerumisel

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    Inimese embrüonaalsed tüvirakud on pluripotentsed, mis tähendab, et neist on võimalik saada kõigi kolme lootelehe rakke. Lisaks on võimalik neid tänapäeval indutseerida diferentseeruma spetsiifiliste kemikaalide ja kommertsiaalsete söötmetega. Arüülsüsivesinike retseptor (AHR) on transkriptsioonifaktor, mis on enim tuntud kui keskkonnakemikaalide kahjutustaja, kuid üha enam näib sel olevat ka regulatoorne roll erinevates füsioloogilistes protsessides. Hiire puhul on näidatud, et embrüonaalsete tüvirakkude varajasel diferentseerumisel Ahr-i ekspressioon suureneb. Seetõttu püstitati antud bakalaureusetöös eesmärgiks uurida, kas AHR-i ekspressioon muutub ka inimese embrüonaalsete tüvirakkude H9 rakuliini varasel diferentseerumisel. Saadud tulemustest leiti, et vastupidiselt hiire rakkudele langeb AHR-i ekspressioon inimese embrüonaalsete tüvirakkude varasel diferentseerumisel

    Metalloksiidsete nanoosakeste süntees ja karakteriseerimine

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    Nikli mesoosakeste süntees ja karakteriseerimine biomeditsiini rakenduste tarbeks

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    Mediation in the Baltic States: developments and challenges of implementation

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    CC BY 4.0Background: This article explores the response of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia to major European initiatives in the field of mediation. Accordingly, the paper examines EU attempts to foster mediation and introduces the process and the outcome of the implementation of the Mediation Directive (as the main legal instrument of setting the unified standards for mediation in the EU) in the aforementioned Baltic States. Methods: Research commenced with a review of the existing literature, followed by an analysis of mediation models currently being implemented in the three Baltic States. A comparative analysis of the models presented by the authors and a discussion of common issues and challenges enabled us to draw certain conclusions. Results and Conclusions: Throughout, the paper considers key developments in the implementation of mediation and presents an analysis of what are considered to be the main challenges that need to be addressed. This research assists dispute resolution practitioners and researchers who are interested in better understanding how different countries are implementing mediation practices and processes

    Atomic layer deposition of titanium oxide films on As-synthesized magnetic Ni particles : Magnetic and safety properties

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    Spherical nickel particles with size in the range of 100-400 nm were synthesized by non-aqueous liquid phase benzyl alcohol method. Being developed for magnetically guided biomedical applications, the particles were coated by conformal and antimicrobial thin titanium oxide films by atomic layer deposition. The particles retained their size and crystal structure after the deposition of oxide films. The sensitivity of the coated particles to external magnetic fields was increased compared to that of the uncoated powder. Preliminary toxicological investigations on microbial cells and small aquatic crustaceans revealed non-toxic nature of the synthesized particles.Peer reviewe

    Pakendijäätmete kogumissüsteemide arendamise võimalused Tallinna linnas

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    Impact of AHR Ligand TCDD on Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Early Differentiation

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    Aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) is a ligand-activated transcription factor, which mediates the effects of a variety of environmental stimuli in multiple tissues. Recent advances in AHR biology have underlined its importance in cells with high developmental potency, including pluripotent stem cells. Nonetheless, there is little data on AHR expression and its role during the initial stages of stem cell differentiation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the temporal pattern of AHR expression during directed differentiation of human embryonic stem cells (hESC) into neural progenitor, early mesoderm and definitive endoderm cells. Additionally, we investigated the effect of the AHR agonist 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) on the gene expression profile in hESCs and differentiated cells by RNA-seq, accompanied by identification of AHR binding sites by ChIP-seq and epigenetic landscape analysis by ATAC-seq. We showed that AHR is differentially regulated in distinct lineages. We provided evidence that TCDD alters gene expression patterns in hESCs and during early differentiation. Additionally, we identified novel potential AHR target genes, which expand our understanding on the role of this protein in different cell types

    Cubic Iron Core–Shell Nanoparticles Functionalized to Obtain High-Performance MRI Contrast Agents

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    Nanoparticles with SiO2 coating were synthesized to have a cubic iron core. These were found to have saturation magnetization very close to the highest possible value of any iron-containing nanoparticles and the bulk iron saturation magnetization. The in vitro toxicology studies show that they are highly biocompatible and possess better MRI contrast agent potential than iron oxide NPs