145 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang tinjauan hukum islam terhadap tradisi Talibarani pada masyarakat desa karampuang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan syar’i, dan sosiologis dengan sumber data yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dengan tokoh masyarakat dan masyarakat setempat. Selanjutnya, metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam skripsi tersebut adalah wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Kemudian teknik pengolahan data dilakukan melalui beberapa tahapan yakni: seleksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Tradisi Talibarani merupakan tradisi yang dilaksanakan satu kali dalam setahun, apabila tradisi ini tidak dilaksanakan oleh keluarga yang memiliki garis keturunan maka keluarga tersebut akan di Kambaroang (mendapat teguran) oleh arwah leluhur mereka, seperti mengalami musibah, diberikan penyakit dan itu dapat dihilangkan atau disembuhkan dengan cara melaksanakan tradisi Talibarani dengan menyiapkan sesajen yang ditujukan kepada arwah leluhur dengan kepercayaan bahwa arwah leluhurlah yang menyembuhkan keluarga yang sakit. Kata Kunci: Hukum Islam, Tradisi Talibarani.AbstractThis study examines the review of Islamic law on the Talibarani tradition in the Karampuang village community. This study uses qualitative methods with the approach used is the syar'i approach, and sociology with data sources obtained from interviews with community leaders and local communities. Furthermore, the data collection methods used in this thesis are interviews and documentation. Then the data processing technique is carried out through several stages, namely: data selection, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The Talibarani tradition is a tradition that is carried out once a year, if this tradition is not carried out by a family who has a lineage, the family will be in Kambaroang (receive a warning) by their ancestral spirits, such as experiencing a disaster, being given a disease and it can be removed or cured by how to carry out the Talibarani tradition by preparing offerings addressed to ancestral spirits with the belief that the ancestral spirits are the ones who heal a sick family. Keywords: Islamic Law, Talibarani Traditio


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pengembangan karir terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT Bosowa Mining Kabupaten Maros. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan kuantitatif, sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey dengan menggunakan kuisioner. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 89 orang, sampel yang digunakan adalah sampel jenuh yaitu semua anggota populasi dijadikan sampel. Metode analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis regresi sederhana menggunakan program SPSS versi 25.0. Hasil penelitian ini dimana Y= 3,586 + 0,117x dari hasil koefisien korelasi didapatkan nilai sebesar 0,374, dan hasil dari koefisien determinasi diperoleh nilai sebesar 0,140 yang artinya Pengembangan karir berpengaruh 14% terhadap Kinerja karyawan pada PT. Bosowa Mining Kabupaten Maros, dari hasil uji t yang menunjukkan bahwa Thitung 3,756 dan nilai Ttabel 1,66256 dan nilai signifikansi 0,57 > 0,05.  Berdasarkan dengan hasil analisis tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pengembangan Karir berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Bosowa Mining Kabupaten Maros

    Practices and Challenges of Supply Chain Management between Eu and Nigeria: A Research on International Trade

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    oai:ojs.pkp.sfu.ca:article/119The study was conducted on challenges of supply chain management that affect the international trade between Nigeria and the EU. The study used pure qualitative approach using secondary data from the national database and various sources for the period of 2007 to 2018.The research provides an overall view of how the practices of logistics and supply chain from two distinct part of the globe (Nigeria and the EU) are assessed and identifies the components included and how it affects the foreign trade between both parties. The research aims to find out the factors and attributes that lead to efficient logistics management and supply chain practices that will affect the performance of organizations and improve trade between Nigeria and the EU.The topics consist of Introduction, general idea about supply chain management, the general information about Nigeria and its international trade, the current overview of the EU and its international trade with West Africa precisely Nigeria. Lastly, recommendations are suggested so as to help enable improvement and growth in the sector of (Foreign) trade for Nigeria through effective management of logistics

    Pengaruh Investasi Teknologi Informasi dan Kemampuan Teknik personal terhadap Kinerja Sistem Informasi Akuntansi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh investasi teknologi informasi dan kemampuan teknik personal terhadap kinerja sistem informasi akuntansi pada PT PLN (Persero) Wilayah Sulselrabar. Total sampel berjumlah 34 sampel yang dipilih menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa investasi teknologi informasi dan kemampuan teknik personal berpengaruh terhadap kinerja sistem informasi akuntansi

    The motivation of university students in speaking English on extracurricular activity: Extrinsic or intrinsic?

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    Research on motivation of students in speaking English on extracurricular activity has been really conducted but students are still afraid of speaking English.. This manuscript is a research result dealing with motivation of English Education students in Department of Language and Art Education at Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tadulako University in speaking English on extracurricular activity. English speaking skill should be developed on extracurricular activity to make ideal atmosphere, but that activity has not been effective yet on all study programs except English Education at that faculty, so that the students have not been able to speak English yet. This research aims at identifying what motivates the university students and how their intention is. Its target is they taste different academic athmosphere to have English skill to interact with English speakers. Respondents of the research were 25 English education students. Its data were collected through Identification (as a procedure) by using Questionnaire (as an instrument) then analysed by using Descriptive Method. The university students join it to be able to communicate in English and get certificate. Those are extrinsic moivation and intrinsic one. Most of them were selfmotivated, so their intrinsic motivations were greater than their extrinsic one. Motivation by themselves or selfmotivator is the greatest. This implies to support decision making in developing English speaking skill of university students. They hopefully carry out and join extracurricular activities to practice their English orally for having English speaking skill proficiently

    An Evaluation of Patient Satisfaction with Nursing Care: A Qualitative Study in an Indonesian Hospital

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    BACKGROUND፡ Patients experience first-hand quality services from nurses who are directly responsible for their welbeing. However, patient dissatisfaction with nursing services remains a problem in most developing countries. Therefore, this study aims to explore patient satisfaction with nursing care services in an Indonesian hospital.METHOD: A qualitative study with a descriptive phenomenology method was employed. Also, in-depth interviews were conducted with 15 informants, and thematic analysis was adopted to analyze the data.RESULTS: The results of this study are described in the following themes and sub-themes: (1) hospital existence in public eyes: a) service commitment b) accessibility; (2) patients’ background: a) religious aspect, b) cultural influence on perceiving health and sickness.CONCLUSION: Hospital management needs to enhance the quality of nursing services through sustainable education programs and continuous training. These are important to improve nurses’ cognition and skills, and further to ensure patient satisfaction and hospital quality

    Ulama dan Politik (Studi Peran Ulama dalam Kontestasi Politik di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

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    Kiprah politik ulama masih sangat minim dalam kontestasi politik di Polman,ulama yang terlibat langsung dalam politik praktis masih sangat kurang, hanya dua nama yang diidentikkan sebagai ulama dari Polman yang terlibat aktif dalam politik praktis, yaitu AGH.Syibli Shahabuddin dan H. Zainal Abidin, Lc. Posisi strategis ulama dalam struktur sosial dan budaya masyarakat Polman tidak membuat ulama yang terlibat dalam dunia politik praktis mendapat dukungan signifikan dari masyarakat. Visi politik ulama masih belum kuat mengakar di masyarakat, karena strategi dan komunikasi politik yang dijalankan oleh ulama masih terbilang sangat tradisional dan konvensional. Pengaruh politik ulama sedikit menonjol ketika ulama dijadikan salah satu proxy dalam suksesi calon kepala daerah baik dalam pemilihan gubernur maupun bupati. Berkenaan dengan pengaruh ulama dalam pengambilan kebijakan publik di Polman masih belum optimal. Ulama hanya dilibatkan dalam pengambilan kebijakan pemerintahan yang terkait masalah-masalah keagamaan. Pada pengambilan kebijakan yang lebih luas, ulama masih belum dilibatkan oleh pemerintah baik eksekutif maupun legislatif karena masih dipandang belum memiliki keahlian di bidang tersebut. Respons tokoh masyarakat terkait kiprah politik ulama dalam kontestasi politik di Polman pada dasarnya sangat apresiatif, hanya saja diakui peran dan pengaruh yang dimainkan oleh ulama di Polman selama ini masih belum optimal. Oleh karena itu, semuanya mengharapkan maksimalisasi peran ulama dalam dunia politik di Polman dengan mendorong ulama yang punya kapasitas dan integritas untuk terlibat aktif kontestasi politik di Polman serta memberikan pengaruh dalam pengambilan kebijakan publik di Polman


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    The variety of biodiversity that grows in Indonesia makes this country the second megacenter in the world after Brazil. More than 30,000 plant species grow and 2,500 of them are medicinal plants one of them is arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) as well as natural sources of animal wealth such as Dumbo catfish (Powder Clarias gariepinus) which is a source of protein that is needed by the body. Several researchers have also investigated the active compounds contained in the two ingredients, but differences in the environment and the maintenance process significantly affect the chemical content. This research focused on the initial phytochemical test and chemical composition of Maranta arundinacea extract and Clarias gariepinus powder extracted with 40% ethanol by maceration and hydrolysis technique


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    The variety of biodiversity that grows in Indonesia makes this country the second megacenter in the world after Brazil. More than 30,000 plant species grow and 2,500 of them are medicinal plants one of them is arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea) as well as natural sources of animal wealth such as Dumbo catfish (Powder Clarias gariepinus) which is a source of protein that is needed by the body. Several researchers have also investigated the active compounds contained in the two ingredients, but differences in the environment and the maintenance process significantly affect the chemical content. This research focused on the initial phytochemical test and chemical composition of Maranta arundinacea extract and Clarias gariepinus powder extracted with 40% ethanol by maceration and hydrolysis technique
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