84 research outputs found
Prohoms, propietaris i artesans de camí a la industrialització : la crisi del Gremi de Paraires de Voltregà(Osona), 1760-1796
A la segona meitat del segle XVIII, el treball de la llana, lli i cànem es concentra poderosament a la Catalunya central. El Comú de Voltregà és el major productor de teixits de llana de la Plana de Vic en aquesta època preindustrial. A partir de 1760 apareixen signes de crisi, tot i que Voltregà destina recursos a construccions sumptuàries. El Gremi de Paraires i Teixidors voltreganès s'enfonsa completament entre 1780 i 1810. Els rics prohoms, els propietaris agrícoles i els treballadors seguiran camins distints en el trànsit de la manufactura a la indústria moderna. El terme es divideix en tres municipis. La proletarització dels artesans els subordina als controladors en condicions de misèria. El terme d'artesans es converteix durant la primera fase de la industrialització en un municipi d'obrers que viuran pobrament de les noves fàbriques del canal del Ter.En la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII, el trabajo de la lana, el lino y el cáñamo se concentra pode-rosamente en la Cataluña central. El término de Voltregà es el mayor productor de tejidos de lana de la Plana de Vic en esta etapa preindustrial. A partir de 1760 aparecen signos de crisis, a pesar de que Voltregà destina recursos a construcciones suntuarias. El Gremio de Pelaires y Tejedores voltreganés se desbarata completamente entre 1780 y 1810. Los prohombres, los propietarios agrícolas y los trabajadores seguirán caminos distintos en el tránsito de la manufactura a la industria moderna. El término se fracciona en tres municipios. La proletarización de los artesanos los subordina a los controladores en condiciones de miseria. El municipio de artesanos se convierte durante la primera fase de la industrialización en una población de obreros que vivirán pobremente de las nuevas fábricas del canal del Ter.In second half of century XVIII, the work of the wool, the linen and the hemp are concentrated powerfully in central Catalonia. Voltregà is the greater producer of tweeds of Vic in this preindustrial stage. As of 1760 they appear signs of crisis, although Voltregà destines resources to sumptuary constructions. The Guild of paraires and weavers of Voltregà undoes completely bet ween 1780 and 1810. The greats men, the agricultural proprietors and the workers will follow ways different in the transit from the manufacture to the modern industry. The term is divided in three municipalities. The proletarianization of the craftsmen subordinates them to the controllers in conditions of misery. The municipality of craftsmen becomes during the first phase of industrialization a population of workers who will live poorly on the new ones
Reformadores y reaccionarios en la estructura central de Sanidad en España, 1931-1936
La valiente iniciativa de transformar en un sentido social la estructura central de la Sanidad en España parte, en abril de 1931, del equipo de Marcelino Pascua. La resistencia de los más intransigentes deviene una larga pugna, verificada en el Bienio negro. La Guerra Civil truncará cualquier decisión posterior.Marcelino Pascua's team took the brave initiative to transform the government Health Service in Spain in a social sense in April 1931. Nevertheless, the opposition held by some intransigent sectors promoted a long struggle, developped during the Conservative period of government in 1932-1934. The Spanish Civil War will close any further issues
Una mirada que en feu sorgir d'altres : a propòsit del llibre de Jaume Vicens Vives sobre el segle XIX
Aquest article tractar de mostrar l'evolció del concepte de "classe obrera" en la historiografia social des de l'estudis de Jaume Vicens Vives Els catalans en el segle XIX, fins a l'actualitat.Este artículo tratar de mostrar la evolución del concepto de "clase obrera" en la historiografía social desde el estudios de Jaume Vicens Vives Los catalanes en el siglo XIX, hasta la actualidad.This article tried to show evolció the concept of "working class" in historiography and social studies from the Jaume Vicens Vives Los catalanes en el siglo XIX to the presen
Les condicions de vida de la classe obrera osonenca, 1931-1936. Un estudi necessari
En base a l'anàlisi dels pressupostos familiars obrers es valoren les condicions de vida a la comarca d'Osona en el primer període de la Segona República (1931-1936). Es fa èmfasi en les dades bàsiques dels serveis públics i la seva evolució i en les transformacions del nivell de vida. Aquests canvis es relacionen amb la resposta de les classes populars i la reacció de les capes benestants fins a arribar a les envistes de les eleccions del 16 de febrer d
Index de les obres ressenyades: Juan Ignacio PALACIO MORENA (director de la investigación), La Construcción del Estado Social ; La Reforma Social en Españ
La guerra de África y el cólera (1859-60)
Se ha aceptado que los tratados de 1860, negociados después de la toma de Tetuán, marcan una cesura en la penetración europea en el Imperio de Marruecos y también en su historia. Pero la campaña de 1859-60, la guerra de África, demostró en España un conjunto de incapacidades que difícilmente se podrían soslayar. La controversia es tan profunda y tan debatida que pasará de la ntisión civilizadora y el apostado de la fe a calificarla después contó acto estéril y de perjudicial quijotismo. Pero, además que la concepción estratégica resultó desacertada en el ejército y en la marina, el cólera provocó el mayor número de bajas en el Cuerpo expedicionario; en una proporción tan escandalosa que será largamente recordada. Los socorros se mostraron como lo que eran: prácticamente inexistentes. La innegable popularidad inicial de la guerra de África (romances, piezas teatrales, canciones), tuvo un angustioso sonido al ver pasar a los lacerados soldados. Mientras, el cólera acababa con el relato de la España mítica para devolverla a la realidadIt has been accepted that the treaties of the 1860s, signed after the capture ot Tetuán, meant a caesura in European penetration into the empire and history of Morocco. But the campaign of 1859-60, the African War, demostrated in Spain a set of weaknesses that were difficult to get around. The controversy is so profound and so much debated that arguments range from considering it as a civilizing mission and a spreading of the faith to a later characterization as a futile and harmfully quixotic act. Besides the fact that the strategic plan was uncertain in the army and navy, cholera provoked the greatest number of losses in the expeditionary corps, in such a scandalous proportion that it will long be remembered. Military assistance showed itself to be as it was: practically nonexistent The undeniable initial populañty of the African War (songs, plays, ballads) turned sour when wounded soldiers were seen passing through. Meanwhile, cholera ended the tale of mythic Spain and brought it back to reality
Long-term cultivation of colorectal carcinoma cells with anti-cancer drugs induces drug resistance and telomere elongation: an in vitro study
BACKGROUND: The role of telomerase activation in the expression and/or maintenance of drug resistance is not clearly understood. Therefore, we investigated the relationships, among the telomerase activity, telomere length and the expression of multidrug resistance genes in colorectal cancer cell lines cultivated with anti-cancer drugs. METHODS: LoVo and DLD-1 cells were continuously grown in the presence of both CDDP and 5-FU for up to 100 days. Cell proliferation, telomerase activity, telomere length and the expression of multidrug resistance genes were serially monitored as the PDL increased. RESULTS: The expression of multidrug resistance genes tended to increase as the PDL increased. However, an abnormal aneuploid clone was not detected as far as the cells were monitored by a DNA histogram analysis. Tumor cells showing resistance to anti-cancer drugs revealed a higher cell proliferation rate. The telomere length gradually increased with a progressive PDL. The telomerase activity reached a maximum level at 15 PDL in LoVo cells and at 27 PDL in DLD-1 cells. An increase in the mRNA expression of the telomerase components, especially in hTERT and in hTR, was observed at the same PDLs. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that a high telomerase activity and an elongation of telomeres both appear to help maintain and/or increase drug resistance in colorectal cancer cells. Cancer cells with long telomeres and a high proliferative activity may thus be able to better survive exposure to anti-cancer drugs. This is presumably due to an increased chromosome stability and a strong expression of both mdr-1 and MRP genes
Osteopontin regulates human glioma cell invasiveness and tumor growth in mice
Human malignant glioma cells are characterized by local invasion. In the present study, we investigated the role of osteopontin (OPN) in the invasiveness of human glioma cells isolated from grade IV tumors. We found that the expression levels of OPN in these cell lines paralleled matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) expression and cell invasiveness potential. When U87MG glioma cells (with a high-OPN expression level) were stably transformed with specific small hairpin RNA to knock down OPN expression, MMP-2 secretion, cell invasiveness, and tumor growth in implanted brains were dramatically reduced. Conversely, forced expression of OPN in GBM-SKH glioma cells (which expressed OPN at a low level) increased MMP-2 secretion, enhanced cell invasiveness, and increased tumor growth in a rodent xenograft model. Expression of OPN was associated with increased expression of vimentin and decreased expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein. Treatment of glioma cells with 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5-aza-dC) suppressed OPN expression in a concentration-dependent manner. Suppression of OPN expression by 5-aza-dC was associated with reductions in MMP-2 secretion, vimentin expression, cell invasion, intravasation, and tumor growth. These data suggest that OPN may play important roles in regulating cell invasion in glioma cells and that 5-aza-dC may serve as a therapeutic agent for human gliomas
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