295 research outputs found

    Visibilidad en la Ciencia 2.0

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    This informative newspaper article, shows a comparison with the presence of Colombian researchers in two of the most recognized platforms today, as media: communication, interaction and / or scientific measurement on the Internet (Google Scholar -Profiles- and Research Gate), and compared to the percentage recognized by the National Agency for Science and Technology (Colciencias), which are present Colombian researchers The results show the realities of management of scientific identity with researchers and the respective universities, where some universities are better than others, and the need for the University Libraries and / or research systems to form and guide the researchers in this necessary work in the Science of XXI century (Science 2.0)

    La incorporación de ALFIN como servicio fundamental de las bibliotecas Iberoamericanas. Una mirada general desde la construcción de un mapa de geo-representación de contenidos

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    This paper presents data from Ibero-American university libraries to develop information literacy programs identified in a geo-representation map of contents

    La alfabetización informacional en las universidades de Costa Rica. Visualización de los niveles de incorporación a partir de la información publicada en los sitios web de sus bibliotecas

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    Training in information competencies or information literacy is one of the current challenges of university libraries at the possibilities of access to vast information resources that facilitate digital media, which require a better understand and apply the selection and assessment criteria to retrieval the highest quality and relevance of information as needed. In this situation, Ibero-American university libraries (Latin-America, Spain and Portugal) have been slowly incorporating this training either from direct training programs, offered from the library or through collaborative work with teachers and schools in curricula of various universities as a whole or in specific disciplines. In this text, it was identified that, at present, from the information displayed on Web sites of universities-HEI in Costa Rica, a very small percentage of university libraries would find taking actions in a level 1 or 2 of incorporating information literacy, since a large most developed is still very focused programs and processes to the traditional user training, while another large majority, unfortunately, has no action-information about actions from the forming perspective that should be any library

    Reseña del libro: Information literacy: roles and relationships

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    As an approach to the different interventions (roles and relationships) that has the information literacy (IL) in different sectors of society and as an attempt to highlight its importance within the competence of all professionals and citizens must have in the XXI century, could be characterized in general terms, this recent book librarian, content manager and teacher, Emmett Lombard, Gannon University, U.S..

    Los bibliotecólogos colombianos y la adquisición de competencias. Énfasis y tendencias en la actual formación en Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación

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    This paper discusses ideas and proposals relating to the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (competencies) in technology as an aid to the information and management training required of Colombian librarians in light of the challenges of today's society, and how our universities can integrate technology into their undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education. Three fields of action are considered in the area of information and knowledge management: (1) organizations that facilitate access to information and knowledge supported in TIC (modern information units, or U.I.); (2) organizations in the information sector in which the TICs are both a product and a medium of operation, and (3) organizations of whatever sector that need to manage information and knowledge supported in TIC. Two key library functions are related to such management: (1) organization, standardization, and transfer, and (2) user education (public, clients, and/or readers), whether internal, mixed, or external— in any of these three fields of action mentioned abov

    Percepciones, políticas y formación hacia la visibilidad académica y científica entre profesores-investigadores de la Universidad de Antioquia

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    Introduction: During the last two years, we have been doing, from our academic and scientific work, different lines of action: investigative, administrative, projects and outreach in the context of the University of Antioquia-U.A. (Medellin, Colombia), which seek to promote greater visibility of the production of the professors-researchers from the new perspectives of academia and science supported in technologies. Materials and methods: This paper presents these different lines of action that have involved: a) Consultation with professors-researchers and research groups U.A., regarding open access, visibility and altmetrics through survey and other techniques, from a quantitative and qualitative analysis (representative and convenience sample"); b) Development of a proposed policy and regulation, and feedback to different sectors, in favor of open access in the U.A.; c) Promoting Institutional Repository-Digital Library, by conducting a strategy between the groups and research centers of the Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts Areas and Library System of the U.A.; d) Training at various teacher-researchers through courses, workshops, forums and seminars in key areas for greater visibility from the dynamics and interrelationships of open access and altmetrics, science and university 2.0. Partial and final results: It is detected that there is a significant availability of teachers and researchers to open access and that science can be measured from new perspectives (altmetrics). However, there are two predominant situations, where organizationally have to work, which can be identified as a certain academic and scientific literacy, and a pressing need to clarify various myths (rightly and wrongly) with respect to these issues. In turn, that even though projects, and policies and regulations, without adequate training and a rethinking of the publication models and evaluation of science, both internal and external, the UA it will not be ready, will not have a culture and practice, enabling it to respond to current and future demands of academia and science

    Los recursos web alfin/iberoamérica. Un camino para generar aprendizajes colaborativos y benchmarking en torno a la alfabetización informacional

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    In the year 2009 as an initiative in the framework of doctoral research "Lessons learned in information literacy programs at universities in Ibero America" ​​began the design, implementation and maintenance of different resources and tools, from the perspective of Web 2.0, permit the level of Ibero America know what is being developed on the issue of information literacy (or ISD as is known in other contexts) and after this identification, possible through these resources, the generation of networks that facilitate learning exchange collaborative development process benchmarking. This paper aims to present how has this process and potential integration of these resources have made possible thanks to the participation of different members, contacts in different countries, and specially, the international visibility that has been given to the developments and cases generated from Ibero America specifically considering the Blog (http://alfiniberoamerica.blogspot.com/) and tools Timeline ALFIN / Ibero America (http://www.dipity.com/alfiniberoamerica/) and the Map Geo-content representation of information literacy programs and projects (http://bit.ly/9hu80u), which little by little, though still under construction, to realize where he went and walking information literacy in our Ibero American context

    La formación en competencias informáticas e informacionales en la Universidad de Antioquia. Un trabajo desde tres frentes en busca del multialfabetismo.

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    This paper presents the work from various departments of the University of Antioquia (Medellin, Colombia) have been conducted over several years with the aim of training students, teachers, researchers and employees more competent in the use of technology (computer skills) and information (information literacy), to have better performance in their academic, educational, scientific and professional activities, to the demands of multiliteracies required by the twenty-first century

    75 lições aprendidas de programas de competencia em informação em universidades da Ibero-america: 2009-2013.

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    The 75 lessons are for the most important result from the PhD research: "Lecciones aprendidas en programas de alfabetización informacional en universidades de Iberoamérica" carried by Uribe-Tirado (2013), from an analysis process that combined different methods and data triangulation techniques, to obtain the most comprehensive and integrative perception of reality and the practice of information literacy in the context of Ibero-American universities. The total number of cases on which effectively applied the lessons learned from the analysis carried out by means of triangulation methods were 289, which: 113 cases through interviews, 139 through a questionnaire and 37 through literature analysis from the exhaustive qualitative analysis of the obtained content was possible to systematize 75 lessons learned, organized into four categories incorporating the three proposed contexts by Gratch-Lindauer (2004) and incorporates evaluation as a continuous process of a cycle. Lessons learned are presented in a sequence number for easy reading, but don’t imply any kind of priority, as the wording of infinitive should be understood as actions that are recommended for best results in the information literacy programs on social and organizational context and the teaching-research processes, learning and assessment of continuous quality improvement. This has been achieved through the active participation of the coordinators and/or professors in information researched and thus, it is expected that with these 75 lessons, advanced programs in information literacy can use them to review them and self-evaluate them, checking which keeps and which do not keep, and that keeps, which would be relevant review, adapt and apply aimed at improving programs. On the other hand, for universities and libraries who want to start and/or boost information literacy are lessons with an extremely useful knowledge base to advance more quickly, saving time and resources, since the experience is learning that adapts to the context and permanently follows on analysis and thus can always offer the best results for an information literacy program

    Percepciones, políticas y formación hacia la visibilidad académica y científica entre profesores-investigadores de la Universidad de Antioquia

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    Introduction: During the last two years, we have been doing, from our academic and scientific work, different lines of action: investigative, administrative, projects and outreach in the context of the University of Antioquia-U.A. (Medellin, Colombia), which seek to promote greater visibility of the production of the professors-researchers from the new perspectives of academia and science supported in technologies. Materials and methods: This paper presents these different lines of action that have involved: a) Consultation with professors-researchers and research groups U.A., regarding open access, visibility and altmetrics through survey and other techniques, from a quantitative and qualitative analysis (representative and convenience sample"); b) Development of a proposed policy and regulation, and feedback to different sectors, in favor of open access in the U.A.; c) Promoting Institutional Repository-Digital Library, by conducting a strategy between the groups and research centers of the Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts Areas and Library System of the U.A.; d) Training at various teacher-researchers through courses, workshops, forums and seminars in key areas for greater visibility from the dynamics and interrelationships of open access and altmetrics, science and university 2.0. Partial and final results: It is detected that there is a significant availability of teachers and researchers to open access and that science can be measured from new perspectives (altmetrics). However, there are two predominant situations, where organizationally have to work, which can be identified as a certain academic and scientific literacy, and a pressing need to clarify various myths (rightly and wrongly) with respect to these issues. In turn, that even though projects, and policies and regulations, without adequate training and a rethinking of the publication models and evaluation of science, both internal and external, the UA it will not be ready, will not have a culture and practice, enabling it to respond to current and future demands of academia and science