
Percepciones, políticas y formación hacia la visibilidad académica y científica entre profesores-investigadores de la Universidad de Antioquia


Introduction: During the last two years, we have been doing, from our academic and scientific work, different lines of action: investigative, administrative, projects and outreach in the context of the University of Antioquia-U.A. (Medellin, Colombia), which seek to promote greater visibility of the production of the professors-researchers from the new perspectives of academia and science supported in technologies. Materials and methods: This paper presents these different lines of action that have involved: a) Consultation with professors-researchers and research groups U.A., regarding open access, visibility and altmetrics through survey and other techniques, from a quantitative and qualitative analysis (representative and convenience sample"); b) Development of a proposed policy and regulation, and feedback to different sectors, in favor of open access in the U.A.; c) Promoting Institutional Repository-Digital Library, by conducting a strategy between the groups and research centers of the Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts Areas and Library System of the U.A.; d) Training at various teacher-researchers through courses, workshops, forums and seminars in key areas for greater visibility from the dynamics and interrelationships of open access and altmetrics, science and university 2.0. Partial and final results: It is detected that there is a significant availability of teachers and researchers to open access and that science can be measured from new perspectives (altmetrics). However, there are two predominant situations, where organizationally have to work, which can be identified as a certain academic and scientific literacy, and a pressing need to clarify various myths (rightly and wrongly) with respect to these issues. In turn, that even though projects, and policies and regulations, without adequate training and a rethinking of the publication models and evaluation of science, both internal and external, the UA it will not be ready, will not have a culture and practice, enabling it to respond to current and future demands of academia and science

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