
Los recursos web alfin/iberoamérica. Un camino para generar aprendizajes colaborativos y benchmarking en torno a la alfabetización informacional


In the year 2009 as an initiative in the framework of doctoral research "Lessons learned in information literacy programs at universities in Ibero America" ​​began the design, implementation and maintenance of different resources and tools, from the perspective of Web 2.0, permit the level of Ibero America know what is being developed on the issue of information literacy (or ISD as is known in other contexts) and after this identification, possible through these resources, the generation of networks that facilitate learning exchange collaborative development process benchmarking. This paper aims to present how has this process and potential integration of these resources have made possible thanks to the participation of different members, contacts in different countries, and specially, the international visibility that has been given to the developments and cases generated from Ibero America specifically considering the Blog ( and tools Timeline ALFIN / Ibero America ( and the Map Geo-content representation of information literacy programs and projects (, which little by little, though still under construction, to realize where he went and walking information literacy in our Ibero American context

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