1,484 research outputs found

    Tolerancia, práctica para la convivencia pacífica en los espacios públicos democráticos

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    El presente documento pretende explicar una noción de tolerancia como práctica de virtud que se desarrolla en las sociedades democráticas contemporáneas. La finalidad de esta práctica es lograr la convivencia pacífica sostenible ante la diversidad cultural. A través de un desarrollo descriptivo, analítico y deductivo, desde una perspectiva jurídico-filosófica, este documento procurará explicar que los problemas de tolerancia se pueden abordar positivamente bajo los principios jurídicos que informan un Estado democrático de corte liberal

    Evolución del concepto de tolerancia con miras a una cultura de la tolerancia sustentada

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    359 p.La evolución del concepto de tolerancia permite observar las variaciones del mismo en relación a los conceptos de libertad, igualdad y dignidad humana. Mediante su estudio como objetivo principal de la investigación, se pretende verificar la hipótesis principal: La sociedad global requiere de un nuevo planteamiento de la tolerancia como herramienta para el desenvolvimiento de las relaciones interhumanas, al que se llamará «tolerancia sustentada». Para cumplir el objetivo y verificar la hipótesis planteada se dispuso de una serie de objetivos específicos, tales como desarrollar la evolución histórica del concepto de tolerancia, establecer los puntos de inflexión del concepto, definir lo que se entenderá por tolerancia sustentada y la relevancia de su aplicación. Así, se partirá de la tolerancia en la antigüedad con especial foco en las civilizaciones griega y romana; luego, de la mano de la historia del cristianismo se analizará la situación medieval. De seguido, se abordará la modernidad a través del estudio de las concepciones sobre tolerancia de Locke, Voltaire y John Stuart Mill. Luego, se analizarán autores como Hannah Arendt, Henri Bergson, Karl Popper, John Rawls, Michael Walzer y Alasdair MacIntyre quienes, junto con otros autores contemporáneos, perfilan el estado actual del concepto de tolerancia y su taxonomía. La evolución del concepto es el punto de partida de un concepto de tolerancia sustentada fundado en las necesidades del siglo XXI bajo una perspectiva democrática, liberal y jurídica

    Remediation of wastewaters containing tetrahydrofuran. Study of the electrochemical mineralization on BDD electrodes

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    This work contributes to the development of electro-oxidation on commercial boron doped diamond (BDD) anodes as an efficient and versatile environmental technology to deal with remediation of tetrahydrofuran (THF) polluted industrial wastewaters. Working with an undivided flow-by electrochemical cell, a systematic experimental study has been carried out to analyze the influence of the following operation variables: (i) initial THF concentrations in the range 500–1100 mg/L, (ii) supporting electrolyte, Na2SO4 and NaCl and (iii) current density in the range 300–1200 A/m2. The performance of the oxidation process was assessed through the change in the concentration of THF, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) being the current density the variable that exerted the most positive kinetic influence; more precisely the reduction of COD after 60 min changed from 40% at japp = 300 A/m2 to 95.5% at japp = 1200 A/m2, whereas the reductions of TOC were typically higher than 95% for a value of the specific charge of Q = 10 A/h L. Besides, THF oxidation products have been analyzed, and the reactions’ pathway are proposed. Finally, the formation of chloride by-products, such as perchlorate was assessed observing that it was hindered at low current densities. In the view of these findings, it is concluded that THF oxidation on BDD anodes should be better performed at low current densities, i.e. 300 A/m2 for the type of wastewaters analyzed in the present work, to reach a compromise between effective degradation and the formation of undesirable chlorinated by-products.Financial support of Project ENE2010-15585 is gratefully acknowledged

    Techno-economic assessment of a membrane-based wastewater reclamation process

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    Reclaimed water plays a crucial role in the water cycle since it constitutes an effective way to improve the utilization of water resources and can help to cope with the water crisis. Membrane technologies for wastewater reclamation, especially ultrafiltration (UF) and reverse osmosis (RO), have received great attention in the past decades. In this work, an integrated prototype (2.5 m3 /h) based on the combination of UF and RO was operated in Vuelta Ostrera municipal wastewater treatment plant, located in the proximity of an industrial hub, to obtain water with the required quality for being industrially reused complying with Spanish law and the needs of industrial users. The influence of the process variables on water recovery was studied. Filtration time, backwash cycles duration and frequency, and the addition (or not) of coagulant, were the main variables studied during UF operation, while the recirculation rate of the concentrate stream and the UF permeate quality were the main variables for RO operation. Finally, the economic evaluation pointed to important savings in the OPEX of the process, when compared to the prize that industrial users are currently paying for water.This work has been performed within financial support from projects PID2019-105827RB-I00 and RTI2018-093310-B-I00 – Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain

    Integration of nanofiltration for the sustainable management of reverse osmosis brines

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    The aim of this work is to develop an integrated process for the sustainable management of reverse osmosis brines generated in desalination plants. The core of the proposed process is the bipolar membrane electrodialysis (BMED), which has proved to be a technically feasible option for the conversion of RO desalination brines into HCl and NaOH. However, the overall process should also integrate the brine purification treatment. Precipitation with NaOH, using the reactant produced in BMED, would be the most suitable option for hardness removal. On the other hand, the presence of sulphate affects negatively the quality of the hydrochloric acid product and the current efficiency of BMED. Therefore, in this work nanofiltration (NF) has been applied in order to retain sulphate. This work reports the mathematical model that describes the transport of binary aqueous solutions of chloride and sulphate anions through the NF270 nanofiltration membrane. The relevance and the difficulty of the task lie on the high concentrations of both anions, as it occurs in the RO brines generated in the desalination of brackish water, and the variety of valence charge of the species, monovalent chloride and divalent sulphate, that introduces significant differences in the interaction of both anions with the charged membrane surface.This work has been financially supported by projects CTQ2008-0690, ENE2010-15585 and CTM2011-23912 (co-financed by ERDF Funds)

    Techno-economic evaluation of UV light technologies in water remediation

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    Disinfection commonly follows conventional treatments in wastewater treatment and remediation plants aiming at reducing the presence of pathogens. However, the presence of the so called "micropollutants" has emerged as a serious concern, therefore developing tertiary treatments that are not only able to remove pathogens but also to degrade micropollutants is worth investigating. Nowadays, UV-C photo-degradation processes are widely used for disinfection due to their simplicity and easy operation; additionally, they have shown potential for the removal of contaminants of emerging concern. Conventional mercury lamps are being replaced by light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that avoid the use of toxic mercury and can be switched on and off with no effect on the lamp lifetime. This work aims to comparatively evaluate the performance of several photo-degradation technologies for the removal of two targeted micropollutants, the pharmaceutical dexamethasone (DXMT) and the herbicide S-metolachlor (MTLC), using UV irradiation doses typical of disinfection processes. To this end, the technical performance of UV-A/UV-C photolysis, UV-A/UV-C photocatalysis, UV-C/H2O2 and UV-C/NaOCl has been compared. The influence of operating conditions such as the initial concentration of the pollutants (3 mg L-1 - 30 mg L-1, concentrations found in membrane or adsorption remediation steps), pH (3-10), and water matrix (WWTP secondary effluent, and ultrapure water) on the degradation efficiency has been studied. The economic evaluation in terms of electricity and chemicals consumption and the carbon footprint has been evaluated. UV-C photolysis and UV-C photocatalysis appear as the most suitable technologies for the degradation of DXMT and MTLC, respectively, in terms of kinetics (1.53·10-1 min-1 for DXMT and 1.96·10-2 min-1 for MTLC), economic evaluation (1 € m-3 for DXMT and 32 € m-3 for MTLC) and environmental indicators (0.5 g-CO2 for DXMT and 223.1 g-CO2 for MTLC).These results are part of the R&D project RTC2019-006820-5 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Crianza de recursos naturales en territorios de propiedad social, Sierra Occidental, Jalisco, México: Breeding of natural resources in socially owned territories, Sierra Occidental, Jalisco, Mexico

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    Estudio de caso que investigo la crianza de recursos naturales en territorios de propiedad social de familias rurales en las comunidades de San Isidro y San Pablo, Región Sierra Occidental de Jalisco, México. El objetivo fue determinar y analizar las estrategias generadas por las unidades domésticas sobre la crianza y uso de los recursos naturales, tomando como vinculo las aves de la familia de los psitácidos; pericos, loros y guacamayas, por su popularidad como mascotas, y facilidad para imitar sonidos. Aplicamos una metodología mixta; observación directa, observación participante y reflexiva, dialogo de saberes, círculos de cultura, historias de vida y un diagnóstico rural participante. La crianza comunitaria de recursos naturales, concepto que se opone al concepto de manejo, el cual denota un lenguaje colonialista donde los recursos naturales se conciben solo desde la lógica mercantil con óptimas ganancias o la intervención de los ecosistemas por actores externos. Sin embargo, la percepción de las familias, respecto al concepto de crianza social de recursos naturales a través de los dos estudios de caso muestra una diversidad de estrategias y estilos de crianza, primero con una lógica de subsistencia hasta una lógica de comercialización, pero con otros atributos; trueque, intercambio, rituales, solidaridad, confianza, arraigo al territorio, reciprocidad, tolerancia, respeto a sus costumbres, creencias, formas de organización social, y percepción

    Cáncer incidental de vesícula: incidencia y factores asociados en pacientes de una institución de la ciudad de Medellín

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    Introducción. El cáncer de vesícula biliar es una de las neoplasias más frecuentes de la vía biliar y la mayoría de los casos se diagnostican de forma incidental o en estadios avanzados. En Colombia existen pocas publicaciones acerca de la prevalencia y características clínicas de pacientes con cáncer insospechado de vesícula biliar. El objetivo de este trabajo fue actualizar la información existente. Métodos. Estudio de tipo transversal basado en registros médicos. Como variable de resultado se definió el hallazgo incidental de patología maligna reportado por un patólogo y el subtipo histológico. Se midieron variables demográficas, clínicas y quirúrgicas. Se calcularon OR con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza (IC95%). Resultados. De los 2630 casos analizados, en cuatro se hizo diagnóstico de cáncer incidental de vesícula, con una prevalencia del 0,15 %. Se encontraron como características asociadas al cáncer incidental de vesícula, la edad, el antecedente de cáncer y la presencia de pólipos. Conclusiones. Esta es una patología poco frecuente en la población evaluada, lo que permite afirmar que no es necesario realizar estudios prequirúrgicos más amplios de forma rutinaria, a menos que el paciente presente alguno de los factores asociados

    Neuroprotective properties of queen bee acid by autophagy induction

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    Autophagy is a conserved intracellular catabolic pathway that removes cytoplasmic components to contribute to neuronal homeostasis. Accumulating evidence has increasingly shown that the induction of autophagy improves neuronal health and extends longevity in several animal models. Therefore, there is a great interest in the identification of effective autophagy enhancers with potential nutraceutical or pharmaceutical properties to ameliorate age-related diseases, such as neurodegenerative disorders, and/or promote longevity. Queen bee acid (QBA, 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid) is the major fatty acid component of, and is found exclusively in, royal jelly, which has beneficial properties for human health. It is reported that QBA has antitumor, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial activities and promotes neurogenesis and neuronal health; however, the mechanism by which QBA exerts these effects has not been fully elucidated. The present study investigated the role of the autophagic process in the protective effect of QBA. We found that QBA is a novel autophagy inducer that triggers autophagy in various neuronal cell lines and mouse and fly models. The beclin-1 (BECN1) and mTOR pathways participate in the regulation of QBA-induced autophagy. Moreover, our results showed that QBA stimulates sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), which promotes autophagy by the deacetylation of critical ATG proteins. Finally, QBA-mediated autophagy promotes neuroprotection in Parkinson’s disease in vitro and in a mouse model and extends the lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster. This study provides detailed evidences showing that autophagy induction plays a critical role in the beneficial health effects of QBA.This research was supported by a grant (IB18048) from Junta de Extremadura, Spain, and a grant (RTI2018-099259-A-I00) from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain. This work was also partially supported by “Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional” (FEDER) from the European Union. Part of the equipment employed in this work has been funded by Generalitat Valeciana and co-financed with ERDF funds (OP EDRF of Comunitat Valenciana 2014-2020). G.M-C is supported by University of Extremadura (ONCE Foundation). M.P-B is a recipient of a fellowship from the “Plan Propio de Iniciación a la Investigación, Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación (University of Extremadura).” S.M.S.Y-D is supported by CIBERNED. E.U-C was supported by an FPU predoctoral fellowship FPU16/00684 from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. A.B. was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship (APOSTD2017/077). M.S.A. was supported by a predoctoral fellowship (ACIF/2018/071) both from the Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport (Generalitat Valenciana). E.A-C was supported by a grant (IB18048) from Junta de Extremadura, Spain. S.C-C was supported by an FPU predoctoral fellowship FPU19/04435 from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. J.M.B-S. P was funded by the “Ramón y Cajal” program (RYC-2018-025099). J.M.F. received research support from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, CIBERNED (CB06/05/004). M.N-S was funded by the “Ramon y Cajal” Program (RYC-2016-20883) Spain