265 research outputs found

    Acidentes de trabalho em meio hospitalar: custos associados

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    O ambiente hospitalar constitui de per si um complexo meio propício ao surgimento de acidentes de trabalho com os custos associados. Estudar os acidentes de trabalho em meio hospitalar e os custos associados. Participantes e Métodos: Estudo longitudinal retrospetivo. A amostra foi constituída por 164 trabalhadores, que no período de 2006/2010, tiveram acidente de trabalho notificado numa unidade hospitalar do norte de Portugal. A recolha dos dados foi realizada no período de 01/12/2011 a 30/04/2012 no Departamento de Recursos Humanos, através dos boletins de participação dos acidentes e da ficha de registo de urgência, junto do responsável pelo departamento. Recorreremos à estatística descritiva e à inferencial através do teste ANOVA. Os resultados revelaram as variáveis que se associaram significativamente com os custos e foram: grupo profissional (p=0,048); parte do corpo atingida (p=0,002); ação que conduziu à lesão (p=0,031); exames auxiliares de diagnóstico (p<0,001); agente da lesão (p<0,001) e dias de trabalho perdidos (p<0,001). Os médicos foram o grupo com maior média (7 605,60 €) nos custos por acidente e os enfermeiros os mais acidentados (55,5%). O grupo etário mais acidentado situou-se nos 50-54 anos com predominância feminina (82,3%) e mais de 10 anos de serviço (89,0%), sendo a principal causa, a picada de agulha (32,3%). Os esforços excessivos/movimentos inadequados foi a lesão que apresentou média de custos (6 501,96€) mais elevada. As mãos foram a parte do corpo mais lesionada, sendo a cabeça a que apresentou maior média de custos (9 633,58 €). O maior número de acidentes registou-se entre as 8-16 horas (62,8%) e nos serviços de internamento médico (29,3%). Os trabalhadores com ausências faltaram em média 50,93 dias. Os custos dos acidentes de trabalho são uma realidade com repercussões económicas significativas, afetando não só os trabalhadores individualmente mas também as instituições e a sociedade em geral

    An Attempt to Identify Meaningful Descriptors of Handgrip Strength Using a Novel Prototype: Preliminary Study

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    Handgrip strength (HGS) is an indicator of muscle condition and general health wellbeing. Usually, instruments measuring handgrip strength only identify its maximum value. This preliminary study is focused on identifying force vs. time parameters which could contribute to better describe individual strength. They were obtained during a Handgrip strength test of 15 s in a sample group of 94 university students. The tests were conducted with a smart multifunction novel prototype dynamometer, named BodyGrip. Mean values of quantities related to the ability to develop and to maintain strength in percentage of maximum handgrip strength, were extracted from the force vs time profile. Contrary to maximum HGS, such quantities were found to be independent of the participant's anthropometric characteristics. Individual comparisons based on those quantities are therefore not affected by the anthropometric characteristics. It was possible to identify individuals, differing on the development of HGS. Results suggest that the functionality of the BodyGrip tool enables a more thorough characterization of the time profile of the Handgrip strength that might influence the knowledge of the muscle functions, such as power development and endurance

    Hábitos de estudio y comprensión lectora en estudiantes del primer grado de secundaria de dos instituciones educativas Lima 2014

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el grado de relación que existe entre los hábitos de estudio y comprensión lectora es, en las Instituciones, Educativas CEBA No. 2071 César Vallejo, y el CEBA No. 3084 Enrique Guzmán y Valle del distrito de Los Olivos, percibido por los estudiantes. La investigación realizada fue de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo básica, de nivel correlacional, con un diseño no experimental, de corte transversal. La población estuvo conformada 106 estudiantes, quienes nos brindaron información sobre las dos variables, y la muestra de estudio fue de 83 estudiantes. Para la prueba de hipótesis se utilizó la encuesta como técnica de recopilación de datos de las variables y se empleó como instrumento la encuesta compuesta por cinco dimensiones y 53 ítems para la variable hábitos de estudio y para variable comprensión lectora estuvieron compuestos por 3 dimensiones y 20 ítems. Los cuestionarios fueron sometidos a la validez de contenido a través del juicio de tres expertos con un resultado de aplicable y el valor de la confiabilidad fue con la prueba Alfa de Cronbach de 0.756 indicándonos una moderada confiabilidad. Los resultados de la investigación indican que existe relación positiva (r = 0,652) con un nivel de correlación moderada entre las variables de estudio

    Diseño y validación de la Escala de Tiempo Compartido en la Pareja (TCP)

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    Este estudio busca diseñar y validar la Escala de Tiempo Compartido en la Pareja (TCP) con el fin de ofrecer un instrumento útil y sencillo de aplicar. Han participado 620 personas que mantenían una relación de pareja (el 57.7% eran mujeres, el 51.6% tenía más de 31 años, el 66.1% convivía con su pareja y el 57.9% no tenía hijos). La muestra total se dividió en dos grupos, con el objetivo de desarrollar con el primero un Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (AFE) y con la mitad restante un Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC), estrategia denominada validación cruzada. Los resultados ofrecen una escala con una buena fiabilidad (α = .80), que explica el 55% de la varianza y con una estructura bifactorial integrada por 7 ítems. Su brevedad y validez indican que este instrumento puede ser de utilidad para la investigación y la práctica profesional, especialmente en el campo de la prevención y detección de necesidades

    Cadmium exposure and cardiovascular disease risk: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis

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    : Exposure to toxic metals is a global public health threat. Among other adverse effects, exposure to the heavy metal cadmium has been associated with greater risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Nonetheless, the shape of the association between cadmium exposure and CVD risk is not clear. This systematic review summarizes data on the association between cadmium exposure and risk of CVD using a dose-response approach. We carried out a literature search in PubMed, Web of Science, and Embase from inception to December 30, 2023. Inclusion criteria were: studies on adult populations, assessment of cadmium exposure, risk of overall CVD and main CVD subgroups as endpoints, and observational study design (cohort, cross-sectional, or case-control). We retrieved 26 eligible studies published during 2005-2023, measuring cadmium exposure mainly in urine and whole blood. In a dose-response meta-analysis using the one-stage method within a random-effects model, we observed a positive association between cadmium exposure and risk of overall CVD. When using whole blood cadmium as a biomarker, the association with overall CVD risk was linear, yielding a risk ratio (RR) of 2.58 (95&nbsp;% confidence interval-CI 1.78-3.74) at 1&nbsp;μg/L. When using urinary cadmium as a biomarker, the association was linear until 0.5&nbsp;μg/g creatinine (RR&nbsp;=&nbsp;2.79, 95&nbsp;% CI 1.26-6.16), after which risk plateaued. We found similar patterns of association of cadmium exposure with overall CVD mortality and risks of heart failure, coronary heart disease, and overall stroke, whereas for ischemic stroke there was a positive association with mortality only. Overall, our results suggest that cadmium exposure, whether measured in urine or whole blood, is associated with increased CVD risk, further highlighting the importance of reducing environmental pollution from this heavy metal

    Comparison of deep-learning data fusion strategies in mandibular osteoradionecrosis prediction modelling using clinical variables and radiation dose distribution volumes

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    Purpose. NTCP modelling is rapidly embracing DL methods as the need to include spatial dose information is acknowledged. Finding the most appropriate way of combining radiation dose distribution images and clinical data involves technical challenges and requires domain knowledge. We propose different data fusion strategies that we hope will serve as a starting point for future DL NTCP studies. Methods. Early, joint and late DL multi-modality fusion strategies were compared using clinical variables and mandibular radiation dose distribution volumes. The discriminative performance of the multi-modality models was compared to that of single-modality models. All the experiments were conducted on a control-case matched cohort of 92 ORN cases and 92 controls from a single institution. Results. The highest ROC AUC score was obtained with the late fusion model (0.70), but no statistically significant differences in discrimination performance were observed between strategies. While late fusion was the least technically complex strategy, its design did not model the inter-modality interactions that are required for NTCP modelling. Joint fusion involved the most complex design but resulted in a single network training process which included intra- and inter-modality interactions in its model parameter optimisation. Conclusions. This is the first study that compares different strategies for including image data into DL NTCP models in combination with lower dimensional data such as clinical variables. The discrimination performance of such multi-modality NTCP models and the choice of fusion strategy will depend on the distribution and quality of both types of data. We encourage future DL NTCP studies to report on different fusion strategies to better justify their choice of DL pipeline.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    The bulwark of the Alcazaba at the Alhambra: a starting point in its restauration

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    [EN] The bulwark of the Alcazaba is one of the polyorcetic reforms that the Catholic Monarchs introduced on the Alhambra since the conquest of Granada in 1492, in order to adapt the fortress to pyrobalistic artillery, as well as to stablish a new relationship with the city. In essence, it was built in rammed earth, using brick and masonry fabrics in certain points. An important section of its parapet was in a high grade of deterioration, as result of the humidity, the loss of mass of the walls, and deformations caused by uncontrolled vegetation. This situation has triggered on different processes that have recently ended up with the restoration of a part of the bulwark. The restoration works, carried out over 20 months, have been strongly conditioned not only by the location and the layout of the building, that is at the western end of the monumental complex, crowning a steep slope, but to many functional aspects that have been necessary to plan in order to not interfere with the public visit to the Alhambra. Parallel to the restauration, archaeological works have been developed both at the outer base of the curtain, flank and face of the bulwark and at the inside, with interesting results. Due to these archaeological and restoration works, it has been possible to stabilize and improve the state of preservation of the northwest section of this significant part of the Alhambra, improving its stratigraphic reading and increasing in a substantial way the knowledge of this edge of the hillLópez Martínez, F.; Koffler Urbano, T. (2020). El baluarte de la Alcazaba de la Alhambra: un comienzo de su restauración. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1239-1246. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2020.2020.115831239124

    Sobre as árvores que nascem das pedras: etnografia da Barragem da Póvoa no Alto Alentejo [1923-2013]

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    Etnografia da Barragem da Póvoa [1923-2013] numa perspetiva diacrónica e contextual, focando o momento do surgimento da obra, as ideias que a sustentam e os usos que o espaço foi tendo ao longo do tempo. Importa salientar que este trabalho mais do que a barragem compreende a paisagem da barragem, uma formação que reflete o todo que se organiza em seu redor, um todo heterogéneo que vai mudando ao longo do tempo, um lugar-paisagem que se mantém vivo, logo inacabado, e que continua a ser importante para as pessoas da região. Situada no Alto Alentejo, nas bordas da Serra de São Mamede perto da aldeia de Póvoa e Meadas, a barragem de Póvoa é o ponto de partida do sistema hidroelétrico da Ribeira de Nisa. Imbuída de um ideal de progresso e civilização, a construção da barragem tinha como objetivo produzir energia através da força das águas — a hulha branca — e, desta forma, trazer desenvolvimento para a região. Na altura considerada uma obra colossal e improvável — foi a primeira barragem construída a sul do Tejo com base numa grande albufeira artificial —, tinha já na sua génese a ideia do turismo (de barragem) como fator estratégico de desenvolvimento, uma ideia pioneira que se vai consolidar com o surgimento da barragem de Castelo de Bode e, mais recentemente, do Alqueva. Este trabalho enquadra-se no objetivo mais vasto de investigar/explorar numa perspetiva antropológica as (inter)relações das pessoas com (e nos) espaços, tendo como grelha teórica o «paradigma ecológico» — ‘dwelling perspetive’ (Ingold 2011).The Ethnography of Póvoa Dam [1923-2013] presented in a diachronic and contextual perspective, focusing on the construction moment of the work, on the ideas that sustain it and on the different uses of space along time. This work is not about a dam in a strict sense but about a dam landscape, a formation that reflects all that is organized around it, an heterogeneous whole that has been changing over time, a place-landscape that remains alive, unfinished, which continues to be important for the people of the region. Located in Alto Alentejo, in Serra de São Mamede edges, near the village of Póvoa e Meadas, the Póvoa dam is the starting point of the hydroelectric system of the Nisa riverside. Imbued with an ideal of progress and civilization, the Póvoa dam construction was intended to produce energy through the power of water - the white coal - bringing development to the region. At the time, it was considered a colossal and unlikely work — it was the first dam built on the south of Tejo based on a large artificial reservoir — containing already the idea that the dam could attract tourists constituting a major strategic factor of regional development, a pioneer idea that would consolidate later with the emergence of the Castelo de Bode dam and, more recently, with the Alqueva dam. This work is part of a larger program, to investigate/explore, in an anthropological perspective, the relationships between people and (in) spaces, using the «ecological paradigm» — ‘dwelling perspective’ (Ingold 2011) as a theoretical approach
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