79 research outputs found

    Obtenção e caracterização de filmes finos ferromagnéticos das fases FE17TR2, TR=Nd, Pr e Sm

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    Orientador: Sergio GamaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb WataghinResumo: Filmes finos das fases Fe17TR2, TR = terras raras, são de muito interesse devido as boas propriedades magnéticas que estes materiais possuem na forma de "bulk". Na forma de filmes finos estas propriedades são mantidas, e filmes podem exibir anisotropia magnética perpendicular e altas coercividades. Nossas amostras de Fe17TR2, TR = Nd, Pr, e Sm, foram preparadas principalmente por "flash evaporation", sendo necessário para isto a preparação do material em '"bulk". Os compostos contendo Pr e Nd foram preparados por fusão à arco, em atmosfera inerte de argônio, seguido de tratamento térmico a 1000°C por 10 dias. As amostras foram então trituradas e peneiradas até a espessura de 200 mesh. Para aterra rara Sm, utilizamos um composto já preparado conseguido junto a Goldschmidt Co, que foi peneirado até a mesma dimensão. Para Pr, Nd, e Sm, obtivemos filmes por "flash evaporation" em uma unidade de evaporação Balzers, usando Ta e W como fontes de evaporação. A pressão de deposição foi tipicamente de 10-6 Torr. Para aterra rara samário filmes foram produzidos também por DC "sputtering", utilizando um alvo sinterizado com o material da Goldschmidt CO. Para ambas as técnicas de deposição vários substratos foram testados, como: vidro, vidro recoberto com CaF2 (500Å), alumina, tantalo e cobre laminado. A espessura dos nossos filmes foram de 3.000 à 5.000 Å, medidos por perfilometria e interferometria. Após as deposições os filmes foram tratados termicamente em um forno de lâmpadas sob atmosfera inerte de argônio em temperaturas de 300°C a 700°C. O tempo de tratamento variou de 10 a 180 min. Depois do tratamento térmico a amostra era submetida a uma atmosfera de nitrogênio sob 400°C, por 10 min. Este procedimento de nitrogenação foi feita no forno de lâmpadas. As amostras como depositadas e como tratadas termicamente foram analisadas por difratometria de raios-X, e uma Microanálise Eletrônica foi feita para assegurar a proporção dos elementos do composto. As propriedades magnéticas foram determinadas por um Magnetômetro de Amostra Vibrante, e um Analisador Termo-MagnéticoAbstract: Films of the Fe17R2Nx phases, R= rare-earthsf are interesting because of the good magnetic and properties these materiais have in bulk form, mainly for R from = Sm, that show axial magnetic anisotropy .In film form these good magnetic properties are maintained, and films can show perpendicular anisotropy high coercivities. For Pr and Nd the bulk material was prepared by arc-melting the components in argon atmosphere, followed by heat treatment at 1000ºC/10 days. The samples were then crushed and sieved down to 200 mesh. For the Sm, we used powder obtained from Goldschmidt Co, sieved to the same size. For Pr, Nd and Sm, films were obtained by flash evaporation in a Balzers deposition unit, using Ta and W heated boats. Base pressure prior to deposition was typically 10-6 torr. For the samarium case we used also a DC sputtering apparatus using a sintered target built with powder from Goldschmidt Co. For both deposition techniquesf several substrate materiais were attempted, as glass, glass covered with a CaF2 buffer layer of 500 Å, aluminaf tantalum foil and laminated copper. Thicknesses were measure using a stillus perfilometer, and ranged from 3.000 to 5.000 Å. After deposition, t films were heat-treated in a lamp furnace under high purity argon. Temperatures ranged from 300ºC up to 750ºC, by 10 until 180 min. After the heat-treatment we did nitrogenation of the films in the same lamp furnace, at 400ºC, during 10 min, under an one atm high purity nitrogen atmosphere. The as-prepared, heat-treated and nitrogenated samples were characterized by x-ray diffraction. Electron microprobe analysis was used to assure that the right proportion of the elements was in the samples. The magnetic properties were determined using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) and an AC thermomagnetic analyser (TMA)MestradoFísicaMestre em Físic

    Conjuntos soldados submetidos a carregamento excêntrico quase estático e de impacto estrutural “fora do plano”

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    Conexões estruturais soldadas são utilizadas para a construção de pontes, edifícios, instalações de extração de petróleo e gás, na indústria naval, agrícola, automobilística e aeroespacial. Esta tese mostra resultados de uma investigação sobre o comportamento de conjuntos produzidos com juntas soldadas de filete, submetidos a carregamentos excêntricos, quase estáticos e de impacto estrutural “fora do plano”. Sendo assim, os conjuntos soldados foram fabricados, com um dos elementos em “balanço”, utilizando-se aços estruturais ASTM A-36 e ASTM A-572 grau 50, unidos pelo processo de soldagem a arco com proteção gasosa (MAG). Para fins de comparação, todas as soldagens foram realizadas na temperatura ambiente e mesmo pré-aquecimento, com os parâmetros mantidos constantes e eletrodos classes AWS ER70S-6 e AWS ER120S-G. Dentre os principais resultados foi observado que nos ensaios com carregamento quase estático, para ambos os metais base, os cordões paralelos soldados com ER120S-G pré-aquecidos a 150 °C suportaram maiores carregamentos por tempos menores, e os cordões transversais suportaram menores carregamentos por tempos maiores. Nos ensaios de impacto estrutural dos conjuntos soldados com metal base ASTM A572 grau 50, cordões paralelos soldados com eletrodo ER70S-6, pré-aquecidos a 150 °C resistiram cerca de 50% da carga projetada. Superfícies de fratura produzidas pelo carregamento por impacto estrutural dos cordões soldados com eletrodo ER120S-G foram analisadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Cordões de solda paralelos produziram fraturas com características dúcteis e cordões perpendiculares fraturas dúcteis com planos de clivagem.Welded structural connections are used for the construction of bridges, buildings, oil and gas extraction facilities, in the marine, agricultural, automobile and aerospace industries. This paper shows results of an investigation on the behavior of assemblies produced with welded fillet joints subjected to eccentric, quasi-static and “out-of-plane” structural impact loads. Therefore, weldments were manufactured, with one of the elements in “balance”, using ASTM A-36 and ASTM A-572 grade 50 structural steels, joined by the process of gas metal arc welding (GMAW or MAG). For the purpose of comparison, all weldings were made at room temperature and same preheating, with parameters kept constant and classes AWS ER70S-6 and AWS ER120S-G electrodes. Among the main results, it was observed that in tests with quasi-static loading, for both base metals, the parallel weld beads welded with ER120S-G preheated to 150 °C withstood greater loads for shorter times, and the transverse weld beads withstand smaller loads for longer periods of time. Related to structural impact tests of ASTM A572 grade 50 base metal weldments, the parallel weld beads welded with electrode ER70S-6, preheated to 150 °C, withstood near to 50% of the designed load. Fractured surfaces produced by structural impact loading of the weld beads with the ER120SG electrode were analysed by scanning electron microscopy. Parallel weld beads produced fractures witch ductile characteristics, and perpendicular weld beads produced ductile fractures with cleavage planes.

    Tuning the optical properties of luminescent down shifting layers based on organic dyes to increase the efficiency and lifetime of P3HT: PCBM photovoltaic devices

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    Mixtures of luminescence downshifting (LDS) materials has been used to increase the efficiency of poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl):phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (P3HT:PC61BM) bulk heterojunction solar cell. This layers convert more energetic photons to lower energies that are better matched with wavelength peak of the external quantum efficiency (EQE) of a P3HT:PC61BM solar cell. Experimental studies were used to optimise the optical properties of LDS layers including the maximum of absorbance and the photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY). To provide the significant improvements, combinations of LDS mixtures were prepared to provide the greatest absorption and PLQY. The approach is shown to simultaneously improve the photocurrent and increase the lifetime of the device by absorbing UV light. By optimising the optical properties of the LDS mixture, a relative increase of about 20% in the photocurrent density produced by the P3HT:PCBM cell could be achieved, which to our knowledge is one of the most significant reported for OPVs

    Thickness Measurement of V 2

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    Nanometric thin films have always been chiefly used for decoration; however they are now being widely used as the basis of high technology. Among the various physical qualities that characterize them, the thickness strongly influences their properties. Thus, a new procedure is hereby proposed and developed for determining the thickness of V2O5 nanometric thin films deposited on the glass surface using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (PXRF) equipment and the attenuation of the radiation intensity Kα of calcium present in the glass. It is shown through the present paper that the radiation intensity of calcium Kα rays is proportional to film thickness in nanometric films of vanadium deposited on the glass surface

    Li diffusion and electrochromism in amorphous and crystalline vanadium oxide thin film electrodes

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    Amorphous vanadium oxide films were synthesized onto ITO-coated glass substrates by the hot filament metal oxide deposition technique. The as-deposited samples were heat-treated in an argon atmosphere. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that the films treated at 200 and 300 ºC were still amorphous, while those treated at 400 and 500 ºC were crystalline, with a V2O5 structure. All electrodes were electrochemically reversible for Li+ intercalation, exhibiting the electrochromic effect, observed from optical transmittance measurements at 632.8 nm. The Li-diffusion coefficient, DC, was measured by the galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT) as function of the inserted charge. For the crystalline films it was observed that the optical absorbance and the DC increase with increasing Li insertion in the single-phase regions of crystalline Li xV2O5 and decrease in the two-phase regions. For the latter, an effective DC was considered. The presence of other vanadium oxides mixed to the V2O5 matrix was inferred for the crystalline films from the chronopotentiometric and DC measurements

    perfis socioeconômicos da recente mobilidade residencial

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    UID/HIS/04209/2013 UID/SOC/04647/2013As mudanças que têm ocorrido recentemente na cidade de Lisboa estão associadas, em grande medida, às dinâmicas de mobilidade residencial, suas causas e consequências. A escolha da área de residência, determinada por fatores econômicos, sociais, culturais e psicológicos, resulta numa alteração gradual da estrutura social da cidade e dos padrões de ocupação do território. Este artigo, partindo dos dados de um inquérito realizado aos munícipes de Lisboa entre 2016 e 2017, procura contribuir para melhor compreender essas mudanças, analisando as dimensões territorial e temporal da mobilidade, assim como os perfi s socioeconômicos dos residentes mais antigos e dos novos. Perante a diversidade de experiências de mobilidade residencial, recorreu-se à análise multivariada para defi nir cinco perfi s com características sociais distintas.publishersversionpublishe

    Seasonal influence on seminal pattern and freezability of pantaneiro bull semen

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    O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar o efeito da época do ano sobre a biometria testicular e qualidade do sêmen fresco e congelado de touros Pantaneiros. Seis touros foram submetidos, mensalmente, durante um ano, à mensuração testicular e à coleta e congelamento do sêmen, utilizando-se meio à base de tris-gema-glicerol. O comprimento e o volume testiculares foram maiores (P 0,05). Conclui-se que touros Pantaneiros, na região do Distrito Federal, podem ser utilizados em programas de acasalamento natural em todas as épocas do ano. Visando ao enriquecimento do Banco Brasileiro de Germoplasma Animal com maior número de doses, sugere-se o congelamento do sêmen entre os meses de junho e agosto, embora este não apresente perda de qualidade nas diferentes épocas do ano.The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effect of the season of the year on testicular morphology, fresh and frozen/thawed semen quality from Pantaneiro bulls bred in Brasilia, DF. Six bulls were submitted, once a month for one year, to evaluation of testicular measurements, semen collection using an artificial vagina and cryopreserved with medium containing Tris-based, egg yolk and glycerol. The testicular length and volume were greater (P 0.05). In conclusion, Pantaneiro bulls, bred in the Midwest region of Brazil, can be used in natural mating programs in all seasons. Aiming to improve the Brazilian Animal Germplasm Bank with a higher number of samples collected, we suggest that the freezing of the semen is done between June and August, although there will be no losses of semen quality at any time

    Growth curve of locally adapted pantaneiro cows raised under natural conditions

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    The objective of this study was to use morphometric and ultrasound evaluations to estimate the growth curve of the Pantaneiro cattle breed, raised in its natural habitat, aiming at the re-insertion of this breed in production systems. One hundred and three females, aging from months to 11 years, and raised on native pastures, were evaluated. The animals belonged to the Conservation Nucleus of Embrapa Pantanal, located in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil). Weight, thoracic perimeter (TP), body length (BL), rump height (RH), height at withers (HW), hip height (HH), depth (DP), distance between the ilia (DI) (cm) and rib-eye area (REA) were measured. To relate the measurements with the age of the animals, the univariate regression model was used, assigning the variable response to gamma distribution. The Pearson correlation between variables was also estimated. The inflection point of the growth curve was 37 months for HH; between 38 and 39 months for TP and HW; between 40 and 41 months for DI, HH and DP; and 45 months for BL. The REA results could not fit in a statistical model. The majority of the variables presented a correlation above 60% among themselves, except for REA × Age, of 15.81%; REA × HW, of 34.44%; HH × Age, of 46.19; HH × DI, of 58.07%; REA × HH, of 24.57%; and REA × TP, of 39.9%. The cows showed maturity age at 40 months, which may have occurred because they were raised in natural farming conditions. In Pantaneiro cows reared in extensive systems only on natural pastures, the use of ultrasound is not effective to estimate the curve of muscular development, perhaps because this breed was not selected for weight gain

    Do campo à escola: compra de alimentos da agricultura familiar pelo Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar em Territórios da Cidadania de Goiás

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    Este artigo relata resultados da promoção da compra da agricultura familiar (AF) pelo Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) em municípios goianos, descrevendo a adequação das ações frente a legislação, os desafios e as soluções para a execução do programa. O estudo de intervenção foi desenvolvido em cinco etapas, entre fevereiro de 2012 e outubro de 2013, em 25 municípios de dois territórios da cidadania de Goiás, com a participação de gestor do PNAE e da agricultura, conselheiros da alimentação escolar, nutricionistas e agricultores familiares. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas, diários e memórias. Dados quantitativos foram expressos em frequência simples e os qualitativos por categorias temáticas. Os resultados revelaram maior relato de articulações com a AF por todos os atores sociais, do mapeamento da produção pelo gestor PNAE e nutricionista e inserção de alimentos da AF nos cardápios. Houve um aumento de 10% para 60% no número de municípios que adquiriram produtos da AF no Território do Vale do Paraná. O porcentual de compra mais frequente foi de 20 a 29% em ambos territórios. As reflexões finais abordam questões de ordem política, institucional e agrícola/agrária, bem como pontos centrais para a efetivação do PNAE

    Cyanoacetylene in the outflow/hot molecular core G331.512-0.103

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    Using APEX-1 and APEX-2 observations, we have detected and studied the rotational lines of the HC₃N molecule (cyanoacetylene) in the powerful outflow/hot molecular core G331.512−0.103. We identified 31 rotational lines at J levels between 24 and 39; 17 of them in the ground vibrational state v = 0 (9 lines corresponding to the main C isotopologue and 8 lines corresponding to the ¹³C isotopologues), and 14 in the lowest vibrationally excited state v₇ = 1. Using local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE)-based population diagrams for the beam-diluted v = 0 transitions, we determined Texc = 85 ± 4 K and N(HC₃N) = (6.9 ± 0.8) × 10¹⁴ cm⁻², while for the beam-diluted v₇ = 1 transitions we obtained Texc= 89 ± 10 K and N(HC₃N) = (2 ± 1) × 10¹⁵ cm⁻². Non-LTE calculations using H₂ collision rates indicate that the HC3N emission is in good agreement with LTE-based results. From the non-LTE method, we estimated Tkin ≃90 K, n(H₂) ≃ 2 × 10⁷ cm⁻³ for a central core of 6 arcsec in size. A vibrational temperature in the range from 130 to 145 K was also determined, values which are very likely lower limits. Our results suggest that rotational transitions are thermalized, while infrared radiative pumping processes are probably more efficient than collisions in exciting the molecule to the vibrationally excited state v₇ = 1. Abundance ratios derived under LTE conditions for the ¹³C isotopologues suggest that the main formation pathway of HC₃N is C₂H₂ + CN → HC₃N + H.Instituto Argentino de RadioastronomíaFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica