5 research outputs found
Safe Spaces Embedded in Dangerous Contexts: How Chicago Youth Navigate Daily Life and Demonstrate Resilience in High‐Crime Neighborhoods
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Did de‐policing cause the increase in homicide rates?
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Reducing Crime Among Youth at Risk for Gang Involvement
- Author
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Andrews
- Augustyn
- Barton
- Barton
- Battin
- Beck
- Boxer
- Boxer
- Boxer
- Chamberlain
- Cohen
- Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Judges’ Commission
- Darnell
- Drug Enforcement Agency
- Egley
- Esbensen
- Esbensen
- Fagan
- Gilman
- Hartnett
- Haviland
- Henggeler
- Hennigan
- Howell
- Huizinga
- Klein
- Klein
- Krohn
- Krohn
- Lee
- Lipsey
- Loughran
- Melde
- Melde
- Mihalic
- National Research Council
- National Research Council
- Pyrooz
- Pyrooz
- Raby
- Ryan
- Thornberry
- Thornberry
- Thrasher
- University of Chicago Crime Lab
- Waldron
- Waldron
- Waldron
- Washington State Institute for Public Policy
- Wasserman
- Weisburd
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Albers-Miller
- Anderson
- Arvanites
- Baumer
- Berg
- Black
- Black
- Blumstein
- Bushway
- Cantor
- Carson
- Chiricos
- Cook
- Cooney
- Curtin
- Desmond
- Dobrin
- Felson
- Fischer
- Fontaine
- Friedman
- Goldstein
- Golinelli
- Gould
- Gross
- Hanson
- Kane
- Kirk
- Kuhn
- LaFree
- LaFree
- Laub
- Lauritsen
- Loeber
- Mac Donald
- Morgan
- Nagin
- National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders
- Nunley
- Peterson
- Raphael
- Reisig
- Rosenfeld
- Rosenfeld
- Rosenfeld
- Rosenfeld
- Rosenfeld
- Rosenfeld
- Rosenfeld
- Rosenfeld
- Rosenfeld
- Roth
- Rudd
- Sampson
- Schmidt
- Sutton
- Thomas
- Tyler
- University of Chicago Crime Lab
- Venkatesh
- Wacquant
- Weber
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Zarnowitz
- Zimring
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Personality, IQ, and lifetime earnings
- Author
- Almlund
- Altonji
- American Psychological Association
- Angrist
- Barrick
- Bartlett
- Becker
- Becker
- Becker
- Bolck
- Borghans
- Bowles
- Caliendo
- Card
- Cobb-Clark
- Costa
- Croon
- Cubel
- Cunha
- Dauber
- Duckworth
- Dynarski
- Farber
- Fletcher
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Gladwell
- Goldberg
- Goldsmith
- Goodwin
- Grossman
- Hamermesh
- Hause
- Heckman
- Heckman
- Heckman
- Heckman
- Heineck
- Heineck
- Holland
- Jovanovic
- Judge
- Judge
- Judge
- Jöreskog
- Kane
- Kassenboehmer
- Kuhn
- Leibowitz
- Leon
- Lleras-Muney
- Lodi-Smith
- Lubinski
- Lucas
- MacCann
- Martin
- Martin
- McCrae
- Miller
- Mincer
- Miriam Gensowski
- Moffitt
- Mokdad
- Mount
- Mueller
- Mulaik
- Murnane
- Noftle
- Nyhus
- Oreopoulos
- O’Connell
- O’Connor
- Piatek
- Poropat
- Poropat
- Prevoo
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Roberts
- Robins
- Salgado
- Schurer
- Sears
- Soto
- Specht
- Specht
- Spengler
- Terman
- Terman
- Terman
- Thiel
- Tomes
- Tucker
- Turner
- University of Chicago Crime Lab
- Uysal
- Williams
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study