11,023 research outputs found

    The impact on teacher identity of international connections

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    Paper presented within the symposium: 'Changing teacher professionality through support for teacher leadership in Europe and beyond' at ECER 2014. This paper is linked to a doctoral study focussing on the impact of international networking and knowledge exchange on the professional identity of teachers. The perspective is shaped by the author’s experience of teacher union activity and involvement in international networking related to work for the British Council and the International Teacher Leadership initiative as well as on a twenty year career as a teacher. This paper involves analysis of data drawn from interviews with three teachers from Britain who have been involved in working with fellow teachers from other nations largely teachers from the Balkans. It explores the extent to which these teachers share a common professional identity with teachers from other nations and also whether this therefore constitutes a professional community. The paper includes a consideration of the implications for international networks and international teacher exchange programmes. It is also envisaged that the paper will support a discussion about ways in which the cultivation of international links may contribute to the global 'Education for All' campaign

    Understanding professional community and professional identity through the experiences of Bahraini teachers working with British teachers in a partnership project

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    This paper is an exploration into the nature of the professional community that is formed when teachers from different nations work together. The research presented here consists of the findings from a small-scale exploratory case study that is the scoping study for a larger piece of research on this same theme. This larger piece of research is my doctoral study that I am currently undertaking at Cambridge University. This paper specifically involves the presentation of data drawn from interviews with teachers from Bahrain who have been involved in working with teachers from Britain via programmes run by the British Council and others. In this paper I discuss how identity is constructed within a professional community that crosses national boundaries. I conclude by suggesting that teachers who are working with colleagues from other nations build their professional identity together in innovative and exploratory ways. I also suggest that they actively construct professional communities with these colleagues and that they find this rewarding and significant. This paper responds to several of the identified themes of the ECER Conference 2015. These include ‘ways in which teachers learn and develop throughout their professional career’. In relation to this, this paper also addresses issues around the conference title 'education and transition'

    Modelling the robustness properties of HVAC plant under feedback control

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    Most existing building simulation programs fail to capture sufficient of the underlying dynamics of nonlinear HVAC plant and some have restricted room space modelling capabilities for low-time-horizon analyses. In this work, a simplified model of a room space with hot water heating and a chilled ceiling system is developed for the main purpose of analysing control system response. The room model is based on a new approach to lumped capacitance modelling and the heating and chilled ceiling emitters are modelled using third-order descriptions. Control system components are treated in detail and both controllers are ‘tuned’ at a nominal region of plant operation using a gradient-descent-based optimization procedure. Robustness qualities of the controllers are analysed with reference to extremes in plant operating conditions. A key feature of the work is the transparency of the modelling procedure, designed to have appeal to researchers as well as practitioners involved with HVAC control system design problems

    Thermal comfort based fuzzy logic control

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    Most heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) control systems are considered as temperature control problems. In this work, the predicted mean vote (PMV) is used to control the indoor temperature of a space by setting it at a point where the PMV index becomes zero and the predicted percentage of persons dissatisfied (PPD) achieves a maximum threshold of 5%. This is achieved through the use of a fuzzy logic controller that takes into account a range of human comfort criteria in the formulation of the control action that should be applied to the heating system to bring the space to comfort conditions. The resulting controller is free of the set up and tuning problems that hinder conventional HVAC controllers. Simulation results show that the proposed control strategy makes it possible to maximize the indoor thermal comfort and, correspondingly, a reduction in energy use of 20% was obtained for a typical 7-day winter period when compared with conventional control

    The development of aerodynamic uncertainties for the space shuttle orbiter

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    The Shuttle Program development schedule and the management decision to perform an orbital, manned mission on the first launch resulted in a requirement to develop realistic aerodynamic uncertainties for the preflight aerodynamic predictions. This paper addresses the methodology in developing two types of aerodynamic uncertainties. One involves the ability to reproduce aerodynamic results between various wind tunnel tests. The second addresses the difference between preflight aerodynamic predictions and flight results derived from analysis of past aircraft programs. Both types of uncertainties for pitching moment, lateral-directional stability, rudder power, and aileron power are presented. In addition, the application of uncertainties to flight control design and fight test planning is briefly reviewed

    Subsonic stability and control characteristics of a 0.015-scale (remotely controlled elevon) model 44-0 of the space shuttle orbiter tested in the NASA/ARC 12-foot pressure tunnel (LA66)

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    The investigation was conducted in the NASA/Ames Research Center 12-foot Pressure Tunnel. The model was a Langley-built 0.015-scale SSV orbiter model with remote independently operated left and right elevon surfaces. The objective of the test was to generate a detailed aerodynamic data base for the current shuttle orbiter configuration. Special attention was directed to definition of nonlinear aerodynamic characteristics by taking data at small increments in angle of attack, angle of sideslip, and elevon position. Six-component aerodynamic force and moment and elevon position data were recorded over an angle of attack range from -4 deg to 24 deg at angles of sideslip of 0 deg and + or - 4 deg. Additional tests were made over an angle of sideslip range from -6 deg to 6 deg at selected angles of attack. The test Mach numbers were 0.22 and 0.29 and the Reynolds number was varied from 2.0 to 8.5 million per foot

    Understanding Extended Projected Profile (EPP) Trajectory Error Using a Medium-Fidelity Aircraft Simulation

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    A critical component of Trajectory-Based Operations is the ability for a consistent and accurate 4-dimensional trajectory to be shared and synchronized between airborne and ground systems as well as amongst various ground automation systems. The Aeronautical Telecommunication NetworkBaseline 2 standard defines the Extended Projected Profile (EPP) trajectory that can be sent via Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract from an aircraft to ground automation. The EPP trajectory message contains a representation of the reference trajectory from an aircrafts Flight Management System (FMS). In this work, a set of scenarios were run in a medium-fidelity aircraft and FMS simulation to perform an initial characterization of EPP trajectory errors under a given set of conditions. The parameters investigated were the route length, route type, wind magnitude error, wind direction error, and with and without a required time-of-arrival constraint

    Effects of zinc on microalgal biofilms in intertidal and subtidal habitats

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    Microalgal biofilms are sensitive to environmental conditions. Impacts of contaminants on assemblages of marine biofilm are often investigated in laboratories or in mesocosms. Such experiments are rarely representative of the effects of contaminants on biofilms under natural conditions. Studies in field situations, with enough power to detect impacts, are necessary to develop a better understanding of the effects of contaminants on ecological processes. Metals are a common contaminant of marine systems and can cause disturbances to assemblages. Using a new technique to experimentally deliver contaminants to microalgal assemblages, hypotheses were tested regarding the effects of zinc on microalgal biofilms growing on settlement panels in subtidal and intertidal habitats. PAM fluorometry was used to assess the amount and physiological state of biofilms on panels. Control panels deployed for 1 month in each habitat had significantly greater amounts of biofilm than those exposed to zinc. After deployment for 3 months, the results varied with location. The observed effects on the biofilm did not, however, cause significant changes in the macro-invertebrate assemblages that developed on the panels

    High palaeolatitude (Hodh, Mauritania) recovery of graptolite faunas after the Hirnantian (end Ordovician) extinction event

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    Marine shales directly overlying lower Hirnantian (uppermost Ordovician) glacially related sediments in Mauritania (North-West Africa) have produced a rich graptolite fauna spanning the Ordovician-Silurian boundary in an area of high palaeolatitude. The lowermost transgressive sandy shales are barren of graptolites, but overlying shales show a sudden appearance of a diverse fauna indicative of the terminal Ordovician persculptus Zone, suggesting that with improving conditions, colonisation by a relatively cold-tolerant fauna was possible. This fauna is replaced by a low diversity assemblage dominated by long ranging taxa, probably representing the basal Silurian acuminatus and atavus Zones. With the extinction of the persculptus Zone fauna, conditions were still hostile to warm water Silurian graptolites, and a Normalograptus fauna was again established. A sudden influx of fairly diverse taxa marks the base of the acinaces Zone and the establishment of a typical Lower Silurian fauna with the establishment of warmer water conditions
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