17 research outputs found

    Automatic Aircraft Navigation Using Star Metric Dimension Theory in Fire Protected Forest Areas

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the navigation of an unmanned aircraft automatically using theory of the metric dimension of stars in a forest fire area. The research will also be expanded by determining the star metric dimensions on other unique graphs and graphs resulting from amalgamation operations. The methods used in this research are pattern recognition and axiomatic deductive methods. The pattern detection method is to look for patterns to construct differentiated sets on the metric dimension (dim) so that the coordinate values are minimum and different. Meanwhile, axiomatic deductive is a research method that uses deductive proof principles that apply in mathematical logic by using existing axioms or theorems to solve a problem. Then the method is used to determine the stars' metric dimensions

    Increasing the Creative Economy through Utilization of Fruit Wrapping Waste and Food Bags as Decorative Flowers Crafts in Langon, Ambulu District of Jember Regency

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    The Covid-19 pandemic causes the number of unemployed to increase in 2020. The National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) stated that the unemployment rate is expected to increase by 4 million to 5.5 million in 2020 and around 7.7 percent to 9.1 percent in 2021. This of course has an impact on the economic condition and welfare of the community. One of the efforts that can be made to prevent and reduce the unemployment rate is by creating new jobs, so that efforts to increase the creative economy must always be carried out to support the formation of new jobs. Increasing the quality of human resources, efforts to increase the creative economy can be done. In this Stimulus Community Partnership Program (PKMSS) activity, a concrete manifestation of increasing skills and knowledge can be done by providing training on making decorative flowers made from fruit wrapping / sarong waste and food bags to PKK RT 003 RW 030 women in Langon Hamlet, Ambulu Village District Ambulu. In addition, marketing activities through social media or market places will also be given special training. The objectives of this PKMSS activity include: (1) Increasing the knowledge and skills of the community in waste management that are commonly encountered on a daily basis; (2) reducing the amount of waste for fruit wrappers and food bags; (3) Creating new business opportunities, especially for PKK RT 003 RW 030 women in Langon Hamlet, Ambulu District. Quoting data from CupoNation Indonesia, domestic e-commerce platforms still control the number of website visitors throughout 2019 even though several international online shopping sites are also included in the ranks of the e-commerce market in Indonesia. Therefore, digital-based marketing training through social media or e-commerce needs to be given to expand product marketing

    Bilangan Dominasi Jarak Dua Pada Graf Hasil Operasi Shackle

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    Himpunan dominasi S pada graf terhubung G=(V,E) adalah subset dari V(G) sedemikian setiap simpul G yang bukan elemen S terhubung dan berjarak satu terhadap S. Kardinalitas minimum diantara himpunan dominasi pada graf G disebut bilangan dominasi dari graf G dan dinotasikan γ(G). Sedangkan himpunan dominasi jarak dua yang dinotasikan dengan S_2, yaitu subset dari V(G) sedemikian simpul G yang bukan elemen S_2 terhubung dan memiliki jarak maksimal 2 terhadap S_2. Bilangan dominasi jarak dua γ_2 (G) adalah kardinalitas minimum dari himpunan dominasi jarak dua S_2. Graf shackle dinotasikan dengan Shack(G1,G2,· · · ,Gk) merupakan suatu graf shackle yang dibentuk dari k salinan graf G dinotasikan dengan Shack(G,k) dengank ≥ 2 dan k adalah bilangan asli. Operasi shackle pada penelitian ini terdiri dari shackle titik dan shackle sisi. Operasi shackle titik dinotasikan dengan Shack(G,v,t) artinya graf dikonstruksi dari sebarang graf G sebanyak t salinan dan v sebagai lingkage vertex. Sedangkan operasi shackle sisi dinotasikan dengan Shack(G,e,t) artinya graf dikonstruksi dari sebarang graf G sebanyak t salinan dan e sebagai lingkage edge. Dalam penelitian ini diperoleh bilangan dominasi jarak dua pada graf komplit dengan operasi shackle titik dan sisi adalah γ_2 (〖Shack(K〗_n,v_i,s))=⌈s/4⌉,jika s≥2,n≥3 dan γ_2 (〖Shack(K〗_n,e_i,s))=⌈s/5⌉,jika s≥2,n=3,4 dan⌈s/4⌉,jika s≥2,n≥5. Bilangan dominasi jarak dua pada graf bintang dengan operasi shackle adalah γ_2 (〖Shack(S〗_n,v_i,t))=⌈t/4⌉,jika t≥2,n≥3,γ_2 (〖Shack(S〗_n,e_i,t))=⌈t/2⌉jika t≥2,n≥3. Sedangkan graf komplit berpendant mempunyai bilangan dominasi jarak dua γ_2 (Shack(K_(n,n),v_i,m))=γ_2 (Shack(K_(n,n),e_i,m))=t,untuk m≥2,n≥3

    Bilangan dominasi jarak dua pada graf-graf hasil operasi korona dan comb

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    Himpunan dominasi S pada graf G = (V, E) adalah subset dari V (G) sedemikian setiap simpul G yang bukan elemen S terhubung dan berjarak satu terhadap S. Kardinalitas minimum di antara himpunan dominasi pada graf G disebut bilangan dominasi dari graf G dan dinotasikan γ(G). Sedangkan himpunan dominasi jarak dua yang dinotasikan dengan S2 , yaitu subset dari V (G) sedemikian simpul G yang bukan elemen S2 memiliki jarak maksimal dua terhadap S2. Bilangan dominasi jarak dua dari graf G γ2(G) adalah kardinalitas minimum dari himpunan dominasi jarak dua. Dalam penelitian ini ditentukan bilangan dominasi jarak dua pada graf Lintasan, graf Lingkaran, dan graf Bintang. Di samping itu juga ditentukan bilangan dominasi jarak satu dan jarak dua pada graf hasil operasi korona dan comb dari ketiga graf tersebut. Selanjutnya dicari relasi antara bilangan dominasi jarak satu dan dua dari hasil yang diperoleh. Dari penelitian ini, dapat ditentukan bilangan dominasi jarak dua pada graf Lintasan Pn, graf Lingkaran Cn, dan graf Bintang Sn. Bilangan dominasi jarak satu pada graf hasil operasi korona dapat ditentukan untuk sebarang dua graf Gm ⊙ Hn. Sedangkan untuk yang jarak dua dapat ditentukan pada graf Lintasan dan graf Lingkaran yang dioperasikan dengan sebarang graf, yaitu Pm ⊙ Gn serta Cn ⊙ Hm. Selain itu, bilangan dominasi jarak satu dan dua pada graf hasil operasi comb juga dapat ditentukan antara lain meliputi graf Pm ⊲Pn, Pm ⊲Cn, Pm ⊲Sn, Cn ⊲Pm, Cn ⊲Cm dan Cn ⊲ Sm . Bilangan dominasi jarak satu dan jarak dua pada suatu graf tidak memiliki relasi secara umum. Hal ini karena beberapa faktor, seperti jarak antar simpul, pemilihan simpul elemen himpunan dominasi, derajat setiap simpul, diameter dan sebagainya. ============================================================================================ Dominating set S in graph G = (V, E) is a subset of V (G) such that every vertex of G which is not element of S is connected and has distance one to S. Minimum cardinality among dominating set in a graph G is called dominating number of graph G and denoted by γ(G). While dominating set of distance two which is denoted by S2 is a subset of V (G) such that every vertex of G which is not element of S is connected and has maximum distance two to S2 . Dominating number of distance two of graph G γ2(G) is minimum cardinality of dominating set of distance two. This research will be determined the dominating number of distance two of Path, Cycle, and Star. Subsequently, the dominating number of distance one and two of corona and comb product of the graphs will be determined. Futhermore, we will determine the relation between dominating number of distance one and two of the results which have been obtained. Based on the observation, we can find the dominating number of distance two of Path Pm, Cycle Cm, and Star Sn. Dominating number of distance one of corona product graphs can be determined for any two graphs Gm ⊙ Hn. Then, the distance two can be determined on Path and Cycle which are operated by any graphs, Pm ⊙ Gn and Cn ⊙ Hm . The dominating number of distance one and two of comb product of graphs also can be determined for Pm ⊲Pn, Pm ⊲Cn, Pm ⊲Sn, Cn ⊲Pm, Cn ⊲Cm dan Cn ⊲ Sm. Dominating number of distance one and distance two for any graphs do not have general relation. These are caused by several factors such as distance for every vertex, determine the dominating set vertex elements, degree of every vertex, diameter, and etc

    Perbandingan Bilangan Dominasi Jarak Satu dan Dua pada Graf Hasil Operasi Comb

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    Himpunan dominasi S pada graf G=(V,E) adalah subset dari V(G) sedemikian setiap simpul G yang bukan elemen S terhubung dan berjarak satu terhadap S. Kardinalitas minimum di antara himpunan dominasi pada graf G disebut bilangan dominasi dari graf G dan dinotasikan γ(G). Sedangkan himpunan dominasi jarak dua yang dinotasikan dengan S_2, yaitu subset dari V(G) sedemikian simpul G yang bukan elemen S_2 memiliki jarak maksimal dua terhadap S_2. Bilangan dominasi jarak dua dari graf Gγ_2 (G) adalah kardinalitas minimum dari himpunan dominasi jarak dua. Dalam penelitian ini ditentukan bilangan dominasi jarak satu dan jarak dua pada graf hasil operasi comb antara graf Lintasan (P_m), graf Lingkaran (¬C_n), serta graf Bintang (S_m) yang terdiri dari graf P_m⊳P_n,P_m⊳C_n, P_m⊳S_n,C_n⊳P_m,C_n⊳C_m dan C_n⊳S_m . Selanjutnya, akan dicari relasi antara bilangan dominasi jarak satu dan dua dari hasil yang diperoleh

    Local Partition Dimension of Grid Graph and Its Application to the Coordinates of Potential Disaster Areas in Jember Regency

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    Partition dimension was introduced as a part of interesting topic in graph theory. It was focus to observe about distance. The local partition dimension is an expansion of the partition dimension by adding certain conditions to the representation of the vertices to which is Π denoted by (| Π). One of the conditions that must be met for (| Π) is discussed. The minimum value of k so that there is a local distinguishing partition from V (G) is the local partition dimension of G or it can can be said that the distance of each neighbor is different. The local partition dimension of a graph G is denoted 〖pd〗_l (G). In this study, we used an axiomatic deductive methods and pattern recognition. In order to construct the discriminating set on the metric dimension (dim)  and the discriminating partition on the partition dimension (pd), the pattern detection method looks for patterns in which the coordinate values are minimum and different. By all observations, the local partition dimensions of  P_n×P_m Grid graph has two condition about the results of resolving partition. The Result of local partition dimension of a Grid graph 〖〖pd〗_l (P〗_n×P_m)=2, where n≥2 dan m≥2. In addition, it will decide how to convert the coordinates of areas in the Jember district that are prone to flooding and landslides into metric dimensions. It was about Coordinates of Flood and Landslide Disaster Locations in Jember Regency. The number of local and minimal partition sets generated for flood-prone areas in Jember Regency is 〖pd〗_l (G_Jember)=3

    Penempatan Anjungan Tunai Mandiri (ATM) pada Kecamatan Sumbersari Kabupaten Jember Menggunakan Teori Bilangan Dominasi

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    Untuk setiap graf G = (V,E),S ⊆ V (G) dapat dikatakan himpunan dominasi dari G jika setiap simpul u ∈ V (G) bertetangga dengan S. Dengan demikian untuk setiap simpul u ∈ V (G), ada simpul v ∈ S dimana jarak antara u dan v maksimal satu. Kardinalitas minimum pada himpunan dominasi di graf G disebut dengan bilangan dominasi. Pada paper ini akan ditentukan himpunan dominasi jarak dua pada graf G yang didefinisikan dengan S_2 ⊆ V (G), dimana untuk setiap simpul u ∈ V (G) ada simpul w ∈ S_2 dimana jarak antara u dan w maksimal dua. Kardinalitas minimum pada himpunan dominasi jarak dua di graf G disebut dengan bilangan dominasi jarak dua. Pada Paper ini akan dicari bilangan dominasi jarak dua pada graf hasil operasi Shackle dengan subgraf sebagai penghubung (linkage), diantaranya : Shack(C_n,P_m,k), Shack(C_n,P_m,k), dengan m≤n/2 dan Shack(C_n,P_m,k) dengan m=2n. Serta akan dibahas studi kasus bilangan dominasi jarak dua pada penempatan Anjungan Tunai Mandiri (ATM) pada Kecamatan Sumbersari Kabupaten Jember, dikarenakan penempatannya sembarang dan tidak menjangkau wilayah di sekitar Kecamatan Sumbersari

    Sosialisasi Strategi Branding Produk Untuk IMK Binaan PDNA Kabupaten Sorong

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    Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) began to enter Indonesia in March 2020. The spread of this virus was massive in July with the highest case on July 15, 2021. So far, cases have started to decline because the discipline of health protocols has begun to be applied, and most Indonesians have received the Covid-19 vaccine. The growth of Covid-19 had a major impact and became an obstacle to Indonesia's economic growth, especially the Micro and Small Industry (MSI). According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) there are 50% of Small and Medium Industries went bankrupt due to Covid-19 because turnover has decreased by 40% - 70%. In the Covid-19 pandemic situation, Product Branding can be offered to MSI as one of the solutions to problems to achieve economic resilience. The Community Partnership Program is expected to be able to contribute to solving the problems faced by IMK in Sorong, namely "competitor constraints" and "marketing constraints". In relation to competitor constraints and marketing constraints, MSI is expected to be able to market products easily and be able to compete. For this reason, product branding insight is needed. In this case, MSI actors need to be equipped with product branding insights, so that they can sell their products easily, precisely in booking, easy to recognize their products, and customer loyalty. For this reason, product branding skills need to be socialized to improve the quality of MSI Actors' Human Resources. Based on evaluation results, in general the initial knowledge related to product branding is good, with the lowest score for the pretest 54 and the highest score being 70. Meanwhile, in the posttest score there was a significant increase in the value, with the lowest score being 73 and the highest score reaching 95