25 research outputs found


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    Learning is a series of complex and systematic activities. There was an interaction between teacher and students in classroom such as delivering material, learning certain subject, discussing for the topics, giving feedback, and becoming a great role model. Teaching and learning are two activities that occur simultaneously. When teaching English in classroom, teachers are adjusted as a center of learning process, they provide all facilities and play important role in classroom activities. Meanwhile conducting distance learning during this pandemic of Covid-19 is based on internet connection. Teachers are required to be literate in technology, moving from traditional teaching method to internet-based teaching method. This paper describes some approaches and methods in teaching English during Covid-19 Pandemi

    IMPROVING READING COMPREHENSION THROUGH ACTIVATING STUDENTS’ SCHEMATA (A Classroom Action Research at Dian Nuswantoro University Semarang in the Academic Year of 2011-2012)

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    This research investigated the improvement of reading comprehension through activating students’ schemata. It was carried out on the first semester at Dian Nuswantoro University Semarang in the academic year 2011/2012. During the process of observation phase, some problems found in reading classroom activities, those are: most of students felt unmotivated in reading class, got bored, were confused to understand the content of the text, had less willingness, had limited number of vocabulary, had bad score in English subject from their UAN, and also had bad score from their English Subject when they were tested before entering the university. The first goal of this research is to discover the problems when ActivatingSchemata strategy implemented, the second goal is to describe the situation on the strategy applied, the third goal is to measure how far the improvement of students’ reading comprehension during Activating Schemata strategy implemented. Classroom Action Research used in the research as a research methodology that classified into planning activity, acting, observing and reflecting. There were three cycles used in the research. The research findings showed that reading comprehension improved through Activating Schemata. It can be seen from the students’ behavioral changes, such as: 1) they got easier to activate their schemata, 2) they got easier to do reading exercises, and 3) they realized that reading subject is intersting. The improvement also showed in their average score (60.33) pre test score, (66.25) test one, (71.42) test two, (77.33) post test score. This implied that students’ reading comprehension improved through Activating students’ Schemata.Keywords : activating schemata, classroom action research, reading comprehension


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    It has been exactly a year into remote learning. At the beginning of the pandemic, all the things became difficult and hard to do. Shifting from classroom to remote learning was challenging for both teachers and students. “Strengthen, plan, and utilize” were chosen as the best strategies in teaching English specifically during the pandemic. When students and teachers are separated by distance, captivating a strong connection between the two becomes even more important. From thisengagement, the learning process will run on expectation. The purpose of this article are (1) to describe the implementation of novel method (strengthen, plan, and utilize ) during pandemic. (2) to discover students experiences toward this novel method. At the final result of this research found that the novel method was effective because students were enjoy, got benefit, and enhanced their English stud


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    Penelitian ini berjudul “Strategi Tindak Tutur Transaksi Jual Beli di Pasar Tradisional Johar Semarang”. Lokasi penelitian mengambil pasar Johar Semarang dengan pertimbangan bahwa banyak penjual dan pembeli berasal dari masyarakat heterogen, yaitu masyarakat yang berasal dari berbagai kelompok etnis, strata sosial, bahasa, dialek serta keberagaman tradisi kultural sehingga akan menghasilkan tuturan yang lebih complek dan variatif. Data penelitian ini berupa tuturan, kemudian diolah menjadi data tertulis. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengambil informan penjual dan pembeli dipasar tradisional johar. Kegiatan penelitian dimulai dari tahap pra lapangan, lapangan, analisis dan penyusunan laporan. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan sumbangsi terhadap perkembangan ilmu bahasa khususnya kajian tindak tutur dalam pragmatik. Hasil dari penelitian yaitu pemaparan jenis-jenis tindak tutur yang digunakan pada saat transaksi jual beli di pasar Johar Semarang yang meliputi tindak tutur lokusi, ilokusi, dan perlokusi. Tindak tutur ilokusi dan perlokusi dominan dilakukan pada saat transaksi jual beli selain itu mereka menggunakan strategi tindak tutur langsung pada saat transaksi

    Linguistic Landscapes and Communication Strategies to Promote Cultural Heritage Tourism

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    The goal of this research is describing the relationship between language landscapes and communication strategies to promote cultural heritage tourism. To analyze the data a research method was selected  using descriptive qualitative with collecting data through dept interview, observation, and photographing. Meanwhile Linguistic landscapes uses as the object of this research and the result shows that lingustic landscapes and communication strategies can be intertwined to promote cultural heritage tourism. &nbsp

    How Does Politeness Emerge in Preoperational Stage

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    Preoperational stage starts from the age of two years to seven years. Through this year children be able to be behave politely. During this stage, children have started trying to distinguish what is good and bad things. In the concrete preoperational phase the child has begun to understand some rules that applies at home or school. The level of politeness has also been better applied. There are several politeness principle that can be used as a guidance in running a social life. The widely used maxim is the maxim of generosity, the children already understand about the meaning of sharing because since childhood their parents taught about the meaning of sharing which then they practice directly in school. Approbation maxim and tact maxim are seldom used by children because they have not yet been able to apply both maxim in a socializin

    Descriptive Analysis of Language Style Used by Radio Announcer

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    The aim of this study was to find out the types of language styles which were applied by the Gajah Mada group’s radio announcer using descriptive qualitative research method along with observation and interview as the data collection. The number of informants were 11 people, consisting of eight radio announcers and three people from radio announcer teams. The results of this study indicated that the three radios used the language style joint, which includes honesty, politeness and attractiveness. Furthermore, language styles were found on the types of language styles that can be viewed from non-language perspective according to place and audience. Then in terms of language, based on the choice of words, namely official, informal and conversational in accordance to the choice of tone using simple and medium tones, and based on the sentence structure used climax. The use of this language style is supported by the ability of public speaking by the announcer in delivering information to listeners

    Dominasi Ilokusi Dan Perlokusi Dalam Transaksi Jual Beli

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    The domination of Illocutionary and Perlocutionary in Buying and Selling Process was choosen as a title of this research. One of the biggest traditional market in Semarang, Pasar Johar was selected as a place to take the data because of its heterogeneity. Many buyers and sellers come from different cities, different ethnic groups, social strata, languages, dialects and diversity of cultural traditions that will produce complex utterance. Descriptive qualitative method was used in this research, which had purposes to provide in developing linguistic studies, especially in pragmatic speech acts. Result of the research shows tha ilocutionary and perlocutionary are dominant in the process of buying and selling


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    Teaching English has its own challenges, especially teaching collage students who lack enthusiasm in learning English Subject.  Short responses show that they have less attention and do not really interest on the material. Another reason are because English is not their mother tongue but an international language which is not commonly used in their daily conversations. Teaching students with a variety of backgrounds understanding in English will make lecturer have to struggle so that the material can be immediately understood. The various problems  arise during  teaching and learning process including the material itself, the way lecturers teaching in class, teaching methodology, lack of motivation, fear to speak English and  feeling bored with the textbook. To overcome the arising problems that appear in  teaching and learning process some inovation must be carried out considering the technological sophistication has been so rapid. Animated video  were chosen in teaching speaking subjects on the topic “job interview“. The implementation of the study was carried out by an experimental method involving 4 classes, 2 classes as an experimental class and 2 other classes as a control class. Implementation is conducted for one semester. The results obtained that 85% of students are very interested in the material presented, do not feel bored and monotonous, the class is more interactive because it does not seem awkwardly. The results of the tests  included the acquisition of vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and pronunciation. So it can be concluded that the class is more interactive and has improved after it has been applied using Animated Video

    Akuisisi Bahasa Anak Umur 5 Tahun Dari Sebuah Tayangan Serial Televisi

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    Maraknya tayangan serial televisi dari negara India membuat penikmat televisi tidak inginmelewatkan cerita per episodenya, dari tayangan anak-anak sampai dewasa semuanya ada. Judulserial “ BALVEER” dipilih sebagai sumber data karena serial ini banyak diminati oleh anakanak.Tujuan penelitian ini antara lain untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pemerolehan bahasaterhadap tayangan serial “Balveer”, baik dilihat dari segi kebahasaan phonology, Sintaksis,Semantik dan Pragmatik berdasarkan metode kualitatif dengan metode pendukung studi kasus.Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu; dari segi phonolgy anak-anak sudah lancar melafalkan /r/dengan jelas. Secara sintaksis mereka sudah mampu menghasilkan frasa adjekif, nomina danadverbia, dari jenis kalimat, mereka sudah bisa membuat kalimat sederhana bahkan kalimatmajemuk. Dari segi semantik, anak-anak sangat mampu membuat generalisasi dan memaknaisebuah kata dengan tepat, mereka tidak mengalami kesulitan dalm menggenarilasasi sebuahmakna kata. secara pragmatik anak-anak telah mampu menggunakan deikses dalam penggunaanpercakapan sehari-hari. Mereka mampu menerapkan dalam percakapan formal dan non formal,percakapan dengan orang tua ataupun dengan teman sebaya.