60 research outputs found

    Peer Aggression and Sexual Harassment among Young Adolescents in a School Context: A Comparative Study between Finland and Turkey

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    The study investigates peer aggression and sexual harassment among young adolescents in Finland and Turkey. Sex differences and the interaction effect between country of residence and sex are also examined. A questionnaire was completed by 1,747 adolescents (1, 268 from Finland, 479 from Turkey, Mage = 14.1). Six different forms of aggression (physical, verbal, indirect, cyber, verbal sexual harassment, physical sexual harassment) were examined. More adolescents from Turkey, and more boys, were found to be involved in aggression as both victims and perpetrators compared to adolescents from Finland and girls. The interaction effect was significant between country of residence and sex with being a boy from Turkey was related to having the highest involvement in cyber aggression, verbal sexual harassment, and physical sexual harassment, as both victim and perpetrator. Regarding victimization from indirect aggression, girls from Finland scored higher than Turkish girls, while boys from Turkey scored higher than Finnish boys

    Perceived ethnic discrimination and school connectedness among adolescents in Finland: Role of family background and sex

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    The study investigates the effect of immigrant background and sex on perceived ethnic discrimination and school connectedness in Finland. An online questionnaire was completed by 1,827 adolescents (12-19 years of age) from both Finnish and Swedish speaking schools in Western Finland. Adolescents’ family background was categorized as either native, multicultural, or immigrant. Perceived ethnic discrimination was examined according to its source, whether it acted out by peers, by teachers, or by someone else. Adolescents with an immigrant background were found to have higher scores of perceived ethnic discrimination regardless of its source, and lower school connectedness than other groups. Boys had higher scores of perceived ethnic discrimination by peers and by someone else, and they also reported higher school connectedness than girls. There was also a significant interaction effect between immigrant background and student sex, so that girls with a multicultural background experienced higher levels of discrimination by peers and discrimination by someone else than boys with a multicultural background

    Molecular Typing of Turkish Apple Chlorotic Leaf Spot Virus Isolates Based on Partial Coat Protein Gene

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    Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) isolates from various hosts and geographic locations in Turkey were molecularly characterized by RFLP, nucleotide sequence analysis and the construction of a phylogenetic tree including ACLSV isolates from GenBank. Based on nucleotide sequence alignment and the phylogenetic tree, we proposed a classification of ACLSV isolates in which isolates were divided into three major groups. The first group contained mainly Far-Eastern isolates, the second group the Hungarian (eastern-European) ACLSV isolates, and the third group, which contained isolates of variable characteristics, was again divided into two subgroups, subgroup I containing mixed European isolates, and subgroup II containing central European isolates. Three representative Turkish ACLSV isolates belonged to the third group; of these, one was from the mixed European cluster (subgroup I) and two from the central European cluster (subgroup II). The nucleotide sequence divergence and geographic origin of the ACLSV isolates were correlated, which indicated the possible extraction of the Turkish isolates

    First report of Phytophthora crown and root rot of cherry caused by Phytophthora palmivora in eastern Turkey

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    WOS: 000364944700015Crown and root rot or decline is an increasing problem on sweet cherry in Mardin, Malatya, Elaz and Diyarbakr provinces in eastern Turkey. A survey was carried out during 2012-2014 in 120 commercial cherry orchards for disease symptoms, which included poor growth with sparse off-colour foliage, reddish-brown discolouration of the crown and roots, wilting and dieback of the canopy, and in many cases, tree death. Fifty-eight Phytophthora isolates obtained during the course of this 3-year survey were examined and identified as Phytophthora palmivora on the basis of morphological characteristics. BLAST analysis of ITS region sequences of rDNA of five isolates revealed 99-100% identity with reference isolates of P. palmivora from GenBank and Phytophthora database. Isolates of P. palmivora were pathogenic on 12-month-old potted Mahaleb' cherry (Prunus mahaleb L.) rootstock seedlings that were wound-inoculated on the roots and on the crown. Inoculated plants expressed similar symptoms to those observed in the field and almost all infected plants died within 3 months after transplanting. This study demonstrated that P. palmivora is the causal agent of cherry decline in eastern Turkey. To our knowledge, this is the first report of P. palmivora on this host plant. ResumeLa pourriture du collet et des racines, ou deperissement, constitue un probleme croissant chez le cerisier sauvage dans les provinces de Mardin, de Malatya, d'Elaz et de Diyarbakr de l'est de la Turquie. Une etude a ete menee de 2012 a 2014 dans 120 vergers commerciaux afin de deceler les symptomes de la maladie qui incluent la croissance mediocre accompagnee d'un feuillage clairseme de couleur atypique, la coloration brun-rougeatre du collet et des racines, le fletrissement et le deperissement de la cime et, dans plusieurs cas, la mort de l'arbre. Durant les trois annees qu'a dure cette etude, 58 isolats de Phytophthora ont ete examines et identifies, sur la base de leurs caracteres morphologiques, en tant que Phytophthora palmivora. L'analyse de type BLAST des sequences de l'espaceur transcrit interne de l'ADNr de cinq isolats a revele un taux d'identite de 99% a 100% par rapport aux isolats de reference de P. palmivora provenant de la GenBank et de la Phytophthora database. Les isolats de P. palmivora etaient virulents a l'egard de jeunes plants en pots de 12 mois sur porte-greffe de cerisier Mahaleb' (Prunus mahaleb L.) dont des blessures aux collets et aux racines avaient ete inoculees. Les plants inocules ont affiche des symptomes semblables a ceux observes sur le terrain, et presque tous les plants sont morts en moins de trois mois apres avoir ete transplantes. Cette etude a demontre que P. palmivora est l'agent causal du deperissement des cerisiers dans l'est de la Turquie. Pour autant que nous le sachions, il s'agit de la premiere mention de P. palmivora s'attaquant a cette plante hote.Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock of Republic of Turkey [TAGEM-BS-11/04-01/02-10]This study is a part of the project supported by Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock of Republic of Turkey (Project Number: TAGEM-BS-11/04-01/02-10)

    Comparison of Serological and Molecular Detection Methods for Testing Individual and Composite Samples Using PPV-M and PPV-T Isolates

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    2nd International Symposium on Plum Pox Virus -- SEP 03-06, 2013 -- Olomouc, CZECH REPUBLICWOS: 000358036400024Sharka disease of stone fruit trees caused by Plum pox virus (PPV) was first described in 1968 in a limited area of Turkey, but during the last decade the disease has progressively spread to a large part of the country. Although PPV-Rec and -D strains were found in Turkey, the most common PPV strains were detected as PPV-M and PPV-T. In this study, DAS-ELISA (5B-IVIA/AMR) monoclonal antibody) and Spot Real-time RT-PCR techniques have been evaluated in order to determine the best sampling time and ratio of PPV infected samples in non-infected-infected plant mixtures for detection of PPV-T and PPV-M strains. Dormant buds in winter and fresh leaves in spring from PPV-infected trees were used for testing in 2012. Six repetitions were performed by single (3 leaves or buds from infected plant) or composite plant mixture samples (3 leaves or buds from infected plant + 3 leaves from healthy plant, and the other composite samples, i.e., 3+6 to 3+27). All combinations and all repetitions of composite leaf samples of both strains were detected as positive in Spot Real-time RT-PCR. However, in DAS-ELISA, the number of PPV positive samples decreased for T and M strain in 6th composite (3 infected+12 healthy leaves) and in 9th composite (3 infected+21 healthy leaves) in spring, respectively. At least 3 repetitions in all combinations of composite samples for PPV-T and -M were found positive in dormant season by Spot Real-time RTPCR whereas it was negative only in the last composite sample (3 infected+27 healthy buds) of PPV-T by DAS-ELISA.Int Soc Horticultural Sc

    Fourthy-Five Years of Sharka Disease in Turkey

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    2nd International Symposium on Plum Pox Virus -- SEP 03-06, 2013 -- Olomouc, CZECH REPUBLICWOS: 000358036400004Sharka disease in Turkey has firstly been reported in 1968 in Edirne (Marmara region) which is located next to the Bulgarian border. Nowadays, new PPV outbreaks have been reported in Central Anatolia (Ankara, Kayseri), Aegean (Izmir) and Mediterranean regions (Adana, Mersin, Hatay). The distribution of PPV strains was mainly related to the geographical location and the period of PPV introduction in these regions. PPV-M was mainly detected in peach, nectarine and apricot which were recently imported from abroad to the Mediterranean region. PPV-T was detected in apricot and plums in Central Anatolia and in the Aegean Regions where PPV has been endemic and existing for years. These distributions might indicate that new outbreaks may be mainly due to latently infected material that has passed through the border control. Epidemiology and rootstock susceptibility to PPV has also been recently accomplished. A breeding program has been started in 2006 and its main aim is to obtain dried apricot cultivars resistant to PPV and well adapted to Turkish conditions.Int Soc Horticultural Sc

    Corm and root rot of Colocasia esculenta caused by Ovatisporangium vexans and Rhizoctonia solani

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    WOS: 000348522000007Ovatisporangium vexans (de Bary) Uzuhashi, Tojo & Kakis. and Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn were isolated from the decayed parts of roots and corms of wilted taro (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott.) plants. Although both pathogens were identified according to morphological and pathogenicity characteristics, O. vexans identification was further confirmed based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences of 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and 28S rRNA genes using the ITS6 and ITS4 primers. Early symptoms on leaves appeared as pale yellow color, partial rolling of leaf margins and withering of seedlings. Rotting or decay started at the collar region and it spread to roots and corms. In severe cases, the collar region broke off and the seedling collapsed. Inoculating these isolates separately into mature taro plants and corms resulted in symptoms similar to root and corm rots observed on naturally infected plants. Both disease agents were re-isolated from the inoculated tissues. Since symptoms caused by co-inoculation of O. vexans with R. solani together were more severe, combination of two pathogens induced the greatest plant mortality. This is the first report of corm and root rot disease caused by O. vexans and R. solani complex on taro plants in Turkey. This is also the first record of O. vexans in Turkey