1,091 research outputs found

    Ion induced properties of superconducting rhenium films

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    Farmakokinetika ceftazidima u bivolske teladi s vrućicom uzrokovanom lipopolisaharidom bakterije E. coli.

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    The pharmacokinetic properties of ceftazidime, a third generation cephalosporin, were investigated in experimentally induced febrile buffalo calves (n=5) after a single intravenous administration at a dose rate of 10 mg/kg body weight. The fever was induced by a single/repeated intravenous injection of E. coli lipopolysaccaride (1 μg/kg). Ceftazidime concentrations in the plasma and urine were determined by microbiological assay. Ceftazidime disposition was best fitted by a bi-compartmental open model with first-order elimination. At 2.5 min, the concentration of ceftazidime in the plasma of the febrile animals was 152.3 ± 6.77 μg/mL and the drug was detected up to 14 h. The elimination half-life and volume of distribution were 3.73 ± 0.42 h and 0.26 ± 0.05 L/kg, respectively. The distribution half-life, AUC and total body clearance (ClB) were 0.24 ± 0.03 h, 217.3 ± 23.4 μg/mL.h and 47.9 ± 4.57 mL/kg/h, respectively. Urinary excretion of ceftazidime was less than 28 percent after 32 h of administration of the drug in the febrile animals. An efficacy predictor, measured as the time over which the active drug exceeds the bacteria minimum inhibitory concentration (T>MIC), was calculated. T>MIC was 73% of the recommended dosing interval (8h) for bacteria with a MIC90≤4 μg/mL.Farmakokinetička svojstva ceftazidima, cefalosporinskog antibiotika treće generacije, istražena su u febrilne bivolske teladi (n=5) nakon njegove jednokratne intravenske primjene u dozi od 10 mg/kg tjelesne mase. Vrućica je u teladi bila pokusno izazvana jednokratnim odnosno ponovljenim intravenskim davanjem lipopolisaharida bakterije E. coli u dozi od 1 mg/kg. Koncentracija ceftazidima u plazmi i mokraći određena je mikrobiološkim postupkom. Farmakokinetičko ponašanje ceftazidima u febrilnih životija opisano je u dva modela. Za 2,5 minuta koncentracija ceftazidima u plazmi febrilnih životinja iznosila je 152,3 ± 6,77 μg/mL, a lijek se mogao dokazati sve do 14 sati nakon primjene. Poluvrijeme njegova izlučivanja iznosilo je 3,73 ± 0,42 h, a količina raspodjele 0,26 ± 0,05 L/kg. Poluvrijeme njegove raspodjele bilo je 0,24 ± 0,03 h, površine ispod koncentracijske krivulje u plazmi 217,3 ± 23,4 μg/mL.h, a ukupni klirens iz organizma 47,9 ± 4,57 mL/kg/h. Izlučivanje ceftazidima mokraćom bilo je manje od 28% nakon 32 sata od primjene. Predviđena učinkovitost lijeka, izmjerena kao vrijeme u kojem je aktivna supstancija bila iznad minimalne inhibicijske koncentracije (T>MIC), bila je 73% od preporučenog razmaka primjene (8h) za bakterije s MIC90≤4 μg/mL

    Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati Cosmology in Bianchi I brane

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    The dynamics of Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati Cosmology (DGP) braneworld with an anisotropic brane is studied. The Friedmann equations and their solutions are obtained for two branches of anisotropic DGP model. The late time behavior in DGP cosmology is examined in the presence of anisotropy which shows that universe enters a self-accelerating phase much later compared to the isotropic case. The acceleration conditions and slow-roll conditions for inflation are obtained

    The Odd Inverse Rayleigh Family of Distributions: Simulation & Application to Real Data

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    A new family of inverse probability distributions named inverse Rayleigh family is introduced to generate many continuous distributions. The shapes of probability density and hazard rate functions are investigated. Some Statistical measures of the new generator including moments, quantile and generating functions, entropy measures and order statistics are derived. The Estimation of the model parameters is performed by the maximum likelihood estimation method. Furthermore, a simulation study is used to estimate the parameters of one of the members of the new family. The data application shows that the new family models can be useful to provide better fits than other lifetime models

    Study of the superconducting properties of the Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O system

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    High Temperature Superconductivity in the Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O System has been observed and has attracted considerable attention in 1988. The 80 K superconductivity phase has been identified to have a composition of Bi2CaSr2Cu2Ox, while the 110 K phase as reported in the literature has a possible composition of Bi2Ca2Sr2Cu3Ox. Researchers present here a study of the electrical properties of bulk samples of the slowly cooled and rapidly quenched 2:1:2:2 system. The samples used in this study were prepared from appropriate amounts of Bi2O3, CuO, SrCO3, CaCO3

    Why Did I Become An Entrepreneur: Case Study on S. M. Asad ul Haq

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    Introduction:Research papers on entrepreneurship generally discuss the characteristics and the psychological profile of entrepreneurs with the intent that people having certain qualities and personality traits are more likely to succeed as an entrepreneur. This is also the basis of psychometric tests that have been developed to evaluate one's potential to become an entrepreneur. These tests have been developed on the basis of research studies conducted to evaluate the psychometric profile of successful entrepreneurs. Such research however does not answer the question why some people with similar characteristics and similar psychological profile become entrepreneurs while others do not. It was with this intent that I have made an attempt to investigate into the events and the circumstances in the life of people who have become entrepreneurs. The basic premise is that it is not simply the characteristics and psychological profile of the person but more importantly the circumstances in the life of the person and that of his/her family that creates a situation which provides the thrust for one to take the initiative and the concomitant risk to start a business venture rather than to seek work as an employee in an organization

    Mapping the Research Productivity of Three Medical Sciences Journals Published in Saudi Arabia: A Comparative Bibliometric Study

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare the progress of research outcomes specifically of three old and new established Saudi medical research journals: Saudi Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (SJMMS), Journal of Saudi Heart Association (JSHA), and Journal of Infection and Public Health (JIPH) for the period of 2013 to 2017. Materials and Methods: Scientific papers under the titles of original and review articles, short communications, case and short reports were downloaded from the websites of these journals. The data was analyzed according to three parameters: the growth of publication, the types of publication, and the authorship pattern. Results: The findings of the study revealed that 827 articles were contributed by 3808 authors with an average of 4.6 authors per article, and 12.9% articles were published in 64 issues of SJMMS (n=600, 15.7%) , JSHA (n=951, 24.9%), and JIPH (n=2257, 59.2%) during 2013–2017. The majority of articles (n=746, 90.2%) included more than one author, leaving only 81 articles (9.7%) were prepared by single (or solo) authors. The authors have been collaborated with national and international authors for their scholarly work. Conclusions: The comparison of bibliometric indicators of the three medical journals showed the rising tendency of research publications and the high rate of collaborative research output. These journals contributed a massive number of research papers during the period of five years. Collaboration among researchers facilitates sharing knowledge and techniques and brings a mixture of positive scientific thoughts. The unified bylaws for faculty in Saudi universities should give more weight to multi-authored papers

    Transmuted New Weibull-Pareto Distribution and its Applications

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    this article, a generalization of the new Weibull-Pareto (NWP) distribution is derived. The quadratic equation (QRTM rank transmutation map) studied by Shaw and Buckley (2007), has been used to develop the generalization. The proposed distribution includes as special cases with the new Weibull-Pareto distribution (NWP), transmuted Weibull distribution (TW), transmuted Rayleigh (TR) distribution and transmuted exponential (TE) distribution. Various structural properties of the new distribution, including of moments, quantiles, moment generating function, mean deviations, reliability analysis, order statistics and Renyi entropy are derived. The maximum likelihood estimation method has been proposed for the estimation of the parameters of the TNWP distribution. The usefulness of the derived model is illustrated using two data sets and it is proved that TNWP distribution is a better distribution than other distributions based on some goodness of fit measures. Therefore, we conclude that the new model attracts applications in several areas such as engineering, survival data, economics and others

    Comparison of simple and chelated amberlite IR-120 for preconcentration and Determination of Cu(II) from aqueous samples

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    In the present study, the efficiency of simple and chelating Amberlite IR-120 with α-nitroso β-naphthol (IR-αNβN) and with 8-hydroxy quinoline (IR-8HQ) has been compared for the removal of Cu(II) from aqueous solutions. The chelation was confirmed using different characterization techniques like SEM, TGA and FTIR. A number of experiments were carried out in batch system to determine the effect of different parameters on adsorption of Cu(II) like pH, contact time and sample volume. The results showed occurrence of maximum adsorption at pH 7 in 10 min with adsorption capacity of 71.5 mg g-1 at 298 K. The adsorption followed pseudo second order kinetic model among the four kinetic models applied. Maximum desorption from IR-8HQ was obtained with a mixture of 4.0 M HCl and 0.5 M HNO3. Furthermore, IR-8HQ was found to be most selective adsorbent among three adsorbents investigated. The developed preconcentration procedure was successfully applied to spiked tap water and real samples. KEY WORDS: Chelating adsorbent, Amberlite IR-120, α-Nitroso β-naphthol, 8-Hydrox quinoline, Preconcentration Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2016, 30(1), 39-54.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v30i1.