349 research outputs found

    Genetically modified natural killer cells specifically recognizing the tumor-associated antigens ErbB2/HER2 and EpCAM

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    The continuously growing natural killer (NK) cell line NK-92 is highly cytotoxic against malignant cells of various origin without affecting normal human cells. Based on this selectivity, the potential of NK-92 cells for adoptive therapy is currently being investigated in phase I clinical studies. To further enhance the antitumoral activity of NK-92 cells and expand the range of tumor entities suitable for NK-92-based therapies, here by transduction with retroviral vectors we have generated genetically modified NK-92 cells expressing chimeric antigen receptors specific either for the tumor-associated ErbB2 (HER2/neu) antigen or the human Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule (Ep-CAM). Both antigens are overexpressed by many tumors of epithelial origin. The chimeric antigen receptors consist of either the ErbB2 specific scFv(FRP5) antibody fragment or the Ep-CAM specific scFv(MOC31), a flexible hinge region derived from CD8, and transmembrane and intracellular regions of the CD3 zeta chain. Transduced NK-92-scFv(FRP5)-zeta or NK-92-scFv(MOC31)-zeta cells express high levels of the fusion proteins on the cell surface as determined by FACS analysis. In europium release assays no difference in cytotoxic activity of NK-92 and transduced NK-92 cells towards ErbB2 or Ep-CAM negative targets was found. However, even at low effector to target ratios transduced NK-92 cells specifically and efficiently lysed established ErbB2 or Ep-CAM expressing tumor cells that were completely resistant to cytolytic activity of parental NK-92 cells. Similarly, ErbB2-positive primary breast cancer cells isolated from pleural effusions of patients with recurrent disease were selectively killed by NK-92-scFv(FRP5)-zeta. In an in vivo model in immunodeficient mice treatment with retargeted NK-92-scFv(FRP5)-zeta, but not parental NK-92 cells resulted in markedly delayed growth of ErbB2 transformed cancer cells. These results demonstrate that efficient retargeting of NK-92 cytotoxicity can be achieved, and might allow the generation of potent cell-based therapeutics for the treatment of ErbB2 and Ep-CAM expressing malignancies. This therapeutic approach might be applicable for a large variety of different cancers where suitable cell surface antigens have been identified

    Water Soluble Cationic Porphyrin Sensor for Detection of Hg2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, and Cu2+

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    Here we report the sensing properties of the aqueous solution of mesotetra(N-methyl-4-pyridyl)porphine tetrachloride (1) for simultaneous detection of toxic metal ions by using UV-vis spectroscopy. Cationic porphyrin 1 displayed different electronic absorptions in UV-vis region upon interacting with Hg2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, and Cu2+ ions in neutral water solution at room temperature. Quite interestingly, the porphyrin 1 showed that it can function as a single optical chemical sensor and/ or metal ion receptor capable of detecting two or more toxic metal ions, particularly, Hg2+, Pb2+, and Cd2+ ions coexisting in a water sample. Porphyrin 1 in an aqueous solution provides a unique UV-vis sensing system for the determination of Cd2+ in the presence of larger metal ions such as Hg2+, or Pb2+. Finally, the examination of the sensing properties of 1 demonstrated that it can operate as a Cu2+ ion selective sensor via metal displacement from the 1-Hg2+ , 1-Pb2+ , and 1-Cd2+

    Ladislav Holy and Ernest Gellner: Representatives of Two Incompatible Approaches to the Study of Central European Society?

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    This study aims to compare the method of work employed in the Central European region by two outstanding British social anthropologists of Czech origin. Ernest Gellner & Ladislav Holy, the two personalities who are the focus of this study, were in terms of their opinions very different from one another. Central Europe had a distinct significance for each of them, & they addressed it with different questions. The purpose of this text is not merely to outline what it was that divided them, but also to seek points in which their thoughts converged; to determine whether the common field left any traces in the subject of their interest, & whether the results of their research corresponded in any way at all. Given that both Ladislav Holy & his ideas received much less attention after his death than the views of Ernest Gellner did, the article devotes more space to the theoretical viewpoints of the former. The ideas Holy presented in the Czech academic press during the early 1990s, which are poorly accessible to the international academic community, are especially highlighted

    Family house Odry

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    Tématem této bakalářské práce je vypracování projektové dokumentace rodinného domu s provozovnou. Provozovna je navržena jako projekční kancelář. Rodinný dům je situován na mírně svažitém terénu ve městě Odry. Rodinný dům určen pro čtyř člennou rodinu. Objekt má dvě nadzemní podlaží a je částečně podsklepený. Nosná konstrukce je zděná ze systému Porotherm. Stavba je zateplena kontaktním zateplovacím systémem ETICS. Zastřešení je kombinací ploché a sklonité střechy. Garáž je součástí budovy. Na pozemku jsou navržena tři parkovací stání přímo přístupná z příjezdové komunikace.The topic of this thesis is the processing documentation of a family house with an establishment. The establishment is designed as a design office. The family house is situated on a slightly sloping terrain in Odry. Family house is designed for four-member family. The building has two above-ground floors and a partial basement. The loadbearing structure is of brick by system Porotherm. The building is insulated by contact insulating system ETICS. Roofing is a combination of flat and pitched roofs. The garage is part of the building. On the land are designed three parking spaces directly accessible from the driveway.

    Model of small air press

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    Předkládána práce se zabývá konstrukcí laboratorního modelu lisu a návrhem bezpečnostních opatření modelu lisu. Návrhu bezpečnostních opatření předcházel průzkum norem zabývajících se konstrukcí strojních zařízení. V práci jsou zmíněny dvě normy ČSN EN 61 508 a ČSN EN ISO 13489-1. Dále je uvedena praktická ukázka bezpečnostní analýzy stroje v programu SISTEMA. Podle zmiňované analýzy, byly provedeny úpravy bezpečnostních opatření. Součástí práce je navržení programového vybavení lisu v programu RSlogix5000 v Ladder logice a umožnění ovládání lisu z vizualizačního panelu PanelView 700.This thesis deals with design construction of laboratory model of air press and also proposes of safety measures for this machine. Before the design itself, norms concerning machinery construction were surveyed. There are two norms mentioned in the text ČSN EN 61 508 and ČSN EN ISO 13489-1. Next part shows practical demonstration of machine safety analysis using SISTEMA software tool. Changes to the safety measures were made according to the result of this analysis. Important part of this thesis is also design of control software for the air press in RSlogix5000 environment using Ladder logic and also created visualization of pressing process and show up on to visualization panel PanelView 700.

    Feed Pump Condesing Steam Turbine

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem parní turbíny s rovnotlakým lopatkováním pro pohon napájecího čerpadla. V práci je postupně proveden termodynamický výpočet, návrh ucpávek a ložisek, s cílem stanovit hmotnostní tok páry turbínou. Dále je provedena pevnostní kontrola lopatek, stanovení kritických otáček rotoru, kontrola kritického místa rotoru (ložiskový čep) na krut a návrh šroubů spojky. Závěr práce se zabývá nenávrhovými provozními stavy turbíny. Práce je doplněna o výkres podélného řezu turbínou.This diploma thesis focuses on designing impulse stage steam turbine to be used as the feed pump drive. I consecutively carried out thermodynamic calculation, seals and bearings layouts, with the aim to determine the steam mass flow through the turbine. Furthermore, I conducted turbine blade toughness check-ups, determined the rotor critical rotational speed, check-up rotor critical place (bearing pin) for torsion, and created a clutch screws design. The final part of this thesis pursues the other operating states of the turbine. This thesis is amended by a mechanical drawing of the turbine transection.

    Super-heated steam cycles

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    Smyslem této bakalářské práce je představení vysoce efektivních energetických oběhů používaných v elektrárnách a jejich porovnání s klasickými oběhy. Dále bude popsán vliv těchto oběhů na účinnost výroby elektrické energie. V další části jsou představeny elektrárny, kde byla technologie nadkritických oběhů úspěšně nainstalována. Poslední část práce obsahuje výpočet teplosměnné plochy. Závěr práce se pokouší nastínit budoucnost energetiky z autorova pohledu.The purpose of this bachelor´s thesis is to present new, highly efficient thermal cycles used in power plants, and to compare them with classical cycles. First, the impact of these cycles on the efficiency of electricity production is examined. The following section describes power plants where the supercritical technology has been successfully installed. The last section explains the calculation of the heat transfer surface. The conclusion of this thesis attempts to outline the future of energetics from the author´s point of view.

    Design and optimization of 1x2N Y-branch optical splitters for telecommunication applications

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    This paper presents the design and optimization of 1x2N Y-branch optical splitters for telecom applications. A waveguide channel profile, used in the splitter design, is based on a standard silica-on-silicon material platform. Except for the lengths of the used Y-branches, design parameters such as port pitch between the waveguides and simulation parameters for all splitters were considered fixed. For every Y-branch splitter, insertion loss, non-uniformity, and background crosstalk are calculated. According to the minimum insertion loss and minimum non-uniformity, the optimum length for each Y-branch is determined. Finally, the individual Y-branches are cascade joined to design various Y-branch optical splitters, from 1x2 to 1x64

    Mobile robot design

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    Předkládaná práce se zabývá konstrukcí a senzory používaných u mobilních robotů. Na úvod jsou uvedeny příklady autonomních robotů pro jednotlivé typy prostředí. Základem práce je vytvoření autonomního robotu, schopného samostatně se dostat z bodu A do bodu B pouze za pomocí GPS souřadnic a dat ze senzorů. Součástí práce je návrh, realizace a optimální rozmístění senzorů na podvozku RC modelu E-maxx.This work deals with issues of construction and sensors used in mobile robots. At the start of this work are examples of mobile robots for all environments are introduced. The primary aim is to design autonomous mobile robot that is able to navigate from a starting point to a goal point, both given by data from GPS coordinates and data from sensors. Part of this work is a design, realization and optimal layout of sensors on RC model E-maxx.

    Significance Analysis of Tourist Sports Events

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    Import 04/11/2015Cílem této bakalářské práce je popsání významu sportovních akcí v cestovním ruchu. Práce je rozdělena do dvou částí. První část představuje teoretická východiska zaměřená na cestovní ruch, sportovní událost, sportovní marketing a metody použité v práci. Druhá část práce obsahuje analýzu mezinárodních sportovních událostí v podobě olympijských her, Mistrovství světa ve fotbale. Podrobněji analyzuji sportovní události v České republice v roce 2015, Mistrovství Evropy ve fotbale do 21 let, Světový pohár v Biatlonu, Halové Mistrovství Evropy v Atletice a nejdůkladněji zkoumám Mistrovství světa v ledním hokeji 2015. Dotazník směřovaný pro návštěvníky hokejové sportovní události zkoumá dopady na turismus a cestovní ruch.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe significance analysis of tourist sports events. This thesis is divided in two parts. The first part presents the theoretical basis of tourist, sports events and sports marketing and methods used in work. The second part contains an analysis of international sporting events as the Olympic games and FIFA World Cup. I explain the influence of significant sport events in Czech republic in 2015, European Football Championship under 21 years, Biathlon World Cup and European Athletic Indoor Championships. I analyze in detail IIHF Hockey World Championship 2015. Questionnaire was made with questions focused on impact of tourism destinations and tourism.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn