196 research outputs found

    Modeling the nexus between coal consumption, FDI inflow and economic expansion: does industrialization matter in South Africa?

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    This study examines the role of industrialization in the energy-growth-FDI nexus for the case of South Africa using data over the period 1970 to 2018. The empirical exercise was conducted using Pesaran Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach. To accomplish our study objective, we analyze stationarity properties of the series using the unit root test after which we applied Bayer-Hanck (B-H) combined technique to cointegration to assess whether a long-run relationship exists among the series. Empirical results show that a 1% change in FDI account for 0.002% and 0.013% increase in economic expansion in the short- and long- run respectively. Also, a 1% increase in coal consumption influence GDP negatively by 0.083% and 0.207% in the short- and long- run respectively. Furthermore, a 1% increase in total natural resource rent positively affects GDP by 0.02% and 0.05% respectively in the short- and long- run. Industrialization, on the other hand, demonstrates a positive and significant impact on the economic growth process both in the short and long run. Industrialization contributes 0.506% and 1.274% to economic expansion both in the short and long run respectively. The causality tests suggest that a one-way causal link running from FDI to industrialization, and from industrialization to coal consumption exists. Finally, FDI inflow drives Total Natural Resource rents in South Africa. This study also gives reliable growth and energy policy proposals to policymakers applicable to countries around the globe

    Empirical Analysis of Counterparty Risk and Exchange Rate Risk Management on the Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria (2009-2013)

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    The study investigated the effect of counterparty risk and exchange rate risk on the profitability of deposit money banks in Nigeria. Profit before tax was measured as a function of non-performing loans; seven banks were selected on a cross-sectional basis for five years. Secondary data were used and an autoregression conditional model was used to measure risk. The result revealed that counterparty risk and exchange rate risk have significant effect on bank performance- profitability. Accordingly, stringent but non-static credit policy and prudent exchange rate management to enhance economy were suggested

    The Effect of Corruption on Economic Development in Nigeria: 1996-2016

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    The paper focuses on the relationship between corruption and poverty as well as impact of corruption on economic growth in Nigeria for the period, 1996-2016. Corruption is a canker worm that has reduced development in all facets of the economy as it has eaten deep to the extent that major economic indicators are negatively affected. The study relied on both descriptive and econometric methods to analyze the data. Specifically, the study uses ordinary least square method to explore the contemporaneous dynamics. The study finds that poverty is positively and significantly responsive to corruption. It was also observed that corruption perception index and corruption rank exerted negative impact on economic growth. The study argued that the trends of corruption perception index and the country’s annual ranking as among the most corrupt countries in the world has tended to undermine economic growth. The study noted that anti-graft agencies (EFCC and ICPC) must been adequately funded and equipped in order to mitigate against corruption without government interference. Keywords: Corruption Perception Index, Corruption Rank, Economic Growth and ARDL model

    Monitoring Resistensi Populasi Plutella Xylostella, L Terhadap Residu Emamektin Benzoat Di Sentra Produksi Tanaman Kubis Propinsi Jawa Tengah (Monitoring the Resistance of Plutella Xylostella, L Population Against Emamektin Benzoate Residues)

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    The objectives of this research to know the susceptible of P. xylostella population against emamectin benzoate insecticide, to monitor the resistance development of P. xylostella against insecticides by determine of a diagnostic concentration, to determine the resistance mechanism of P. xylostella population. P. xylostella was collected from central of Java areas from August 2011 up to September 2012. The data from bioassay test was analized using Probit analysis to obtain LC50 value. The suseptibility test of the insect resulted show that Puasan population (Ngablak) FR value was 3.97 and it was higher than the Selo population (Cepogo). The concentration of 2443.99 ppb as selected diagnostic consentration. The test result of diagnostic concentration validation indicated that the value of calculated c2 of all the tested population was lower than the value of c2table. Therefore the diagnostic concentration of 2443.99 ppb can be used monitoring device of susceptible P, xylostella population. The resistance mechanism of the P. xylostella to the insecticide resulted from the increase in the detoxification rate in the insect body by MFO enzyme, but non-specific esterase enzyme activity did not reflect the esterase activity

    Examining the external-factor-led growth hypothesis for the South African economy

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    Reducing the unemployment rate and achieving a sustainable economic growth underscore the sustainable development goal 8. Our study investigates a new model that specifies the external-factors-led growth hypothesis for the South African economy. The independent variables include trade openness, external debt, FDI and exchange rate against the GDP as the targeted variable. The ARDL approach was adopted after achieving a mixed order of integration from the stationarity test using traditional unit root tests. All external factors were found to exert a positive influence on economic expansion. Trade openness and exchange rate specifically, exert significant influence on economic growth which means that an improvement in these factors will proportionately favour economic expansion. In essence, a 1% improvement in the trade openness and the exchange rate will generate an equivalent of 0.30% and 0.19% increase in GDP in the long-run. On average, trade openness, exchange rate and external loan are beneficial to the economy of South Africa. Thus, a recommendation was made of the need for the authority concern to open more line of bilateral trade to enable the economy to fully tap from the benefits accrued from indulging in economic openness

    Handmade Wellbeing Handbook : Facilitating art and craft workshops for older people in care settings

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    This handbook was developed during international Handmade Wellbeing project, coordinated by the University of Helsinki, Sirpa Kokko. The project was Funded by European Union Erasmus+ Programme. The European Commission accepts no responsibility for the contents of the publication.Making crafts can enhance the wellbeing of older people. Research shows that engaging in arts and crafts improves the mood, gives the feeling of ability and provides opportunities for socialising. Making crafts also activates and sustains abilities that are necessary in activities of daily living, such as cognitive skills, memory and hand function. Therefore, creative arts and crafts activities should be included in wellbeing services for older people, both for those who live at home and for those who live in care homes. But what aspects should be considered in the planning and facilitation of craft activities for older people? The purpose of the Handmade Wellbeing Handbook is to provide the arts and crafts facilitator with information and ideas about developing pedagogical thinking and practical arrangements of the craft workshops. The handbook explores the special features of working with older people, for example, choosing suitable materials, techniques and working methods as well as communication, the importance of feedback and cooperation with care settings. In addition, the handbook presents practical examples of craft workshops that have been conducted in care settings. The publication is intended to be a resource for educational purposes especially in the fields of arts, culture, social and health care, as well as for professionals working with older people. The Handmade Wellbeing Handbook has been created during the Handmade Wellbeing project. The aim of this Erasmus+ project was to enhance and expand the professional competences of arts and crafts practitioners to facilitate craft activities in elderly care contexts. During the project (1.9.2015 – 31.8.2017), students and professionals from partner countries Finland, UK, Austria and Estonia conducted arts and crafts workshops in care settings in their respective countries. Experiences and practices of facilitating crafts for older people were shared in international training sessions, and now they have been compiled into a practical and inspirational Handmade Wellbeing Handbook

    Cell-cell contact area affects Notch signaling and Notch-dependent patterning

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    During development, cells undergo dramatic changes in their morphology. By affecting contact geometry, these morphological changes could influence cellular communication. However, it has remained unclear whether and how signaling depends on contact geometry. This question is particularly relevant for Notch signaling, which coordinates neighboring cell fates through direct cell-cell signaling. Using micropatterning with a receptor trans-endocytosis assay, we show that signaling between pairs of cells correlates with their contact area. This relationship extends across contact diameters ranging from microns to tens of microns. Mathematical modeling predicts that dependence of signaling on contact area can bias cellular differentiation in Notch-mediated lateral inhibition processes, such that smaller cells are more likely to differentiate into signal-producing cells. Consistent with this prediction, analysis of developing chick inner ear revealed that ligand-producing hair cell precursors have smaller apical footprints than non-hair cells. Together, these results highlight the influence of cell morphology on fate determination processes

    Men who have sex with men more often chose daily than event-driven use of pre-exposure prophylaxis: baseline analysis of a demonstration study in Amsterdam.

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    The Amsterdam PrEP project is a prospective, open-label demonstration study at a large sexually transmitted infection (STI) clinic. We examined the uptake of PrEP; the baseline characteristics of men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender persons initiating PrEP; their choices of daily versus event-driven PrEP and the determinants of these choices