11 research outputs found

    Two opilionid species new to Finland: Opilio dinaricus and Mitostoma chrysomelas (Arachnida, Opiliones)

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    Two more opilionid species have been discovered since the latest checklist of Finnish Opiliones was published (Uddström et al. 2013). Specimens of Opilio dinaricus and Mitostoma chrysomelas were collected in 2014 and 2016 respectively. Both species were found in the same location in south-east Finland, on the island of Halla off the coast of Kotka. Neither one of these species were known from Finland before, the number of opilionid species recorded in Finland now being 17. Two specimens of M. chrysomelas were found under pieces of wood on a gravelly field. Several specimens of O. dinaricus were collected from a little grove. O. dinaricus was introduced to the Finnish readers already in the identification guide of Finnish Opiliones and Pseudoscorpiones (Uddström & Rinne 2016). On the island of Halla there are large fields used for storing raw timber shipped from Russia. Due to the nature of the site it is discussed if these species have established themselves in Finland

    Opiliones new to Finland and an updated checklist

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    Finnish Opiliones have been studied as a part of the research programme of deficiently known and threatened forest species (PUTTE) since 2012. During the project, several species new to Finland have been found and some errors in former checklists HeinÀjoki 1944, Stol 2007) discovered. Prior to the project, 12 Opiliones species were reported from Finland, the number now being 15. Here we present additions and changes with the updated checklist (Table 1.)

    Two opilionid species new to Finland: Opilio dinaricus and Mitostoma chrysomelas (Arachnida, Opiliones)

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    Two more opilionid species have been discovered since the latest checklist of Finnish Opiliones was published (Uddström et al. 2013). Specimens of Opilio dinaricus and Mitostoma chrysomelas were collected in 2014 and 2016 respectively. Both species were found in the same location in south-east Finland, on the island of Halla off the coast of Kotka. Neither one of these species were known from Finland before, the number of opilionid species recorded in Finland now being 17. Two specimens of M. chrysomelas were found under pieces of wood on a gravelly field. Several specimens of O. dinaricus were collected from a little grove. O. dinaricus was introduced to the Finnish readers already in the identification guide of Finnish Opiliones and Pseudoscorpiones (Uddström & Rinne 2016). On the island of Halla there are large fields used for storing raw timber shipped from Russia. Due to the nature of the site it is discussed if these species have established themselves in Finland

    Opas eliölajien uhanalaisuuden arviointiin ; KansainvÀlisen luonnonsuojeluliiton (IUCN) arviointiohjeet ja kansalliset tÀydennykset

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    KansainvÀlinen luonnonsuojeluliitto (IUCN) on kehittÀnyt vuosien ajan yhtenÀistÀ luokittelujÀrjestelmÀÀ eliölajien uhanalaisuuden arviointiin. Tavoitteena on ollut luoda menetelmÀ, jonka avulla minkÀ tahansa monisoluisen eliölajin hÀviÀmisriski voidaan arvioida. TÀmÀ opas on suomenkielinen yhteenveto kolmesta IUCN:n julkaisemasta ohjeesta: - IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, versio 3.1 (IUCN 2012) - Guidelines for Using the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria, versio 12 (IUCN 2016) - Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional and National Levels, versio 4.0 (IUCN 2012) Opas sisÀltÀÀ myös IUCN:n sallimat, kansallisesti pÀÀtettÀvÀt sovellukset ja kÀytÀnnön toimintaohjeet, jotka ympÀristöministeriön asettama Lajien uhanalaisuuden arviointia ja seurantaa edistÀvÀ pysyvÀ ohjausryhmÀ on hyvÀksynyt sekÀ yhteenvedon arvioinnin valmisteluista. TÀmÀn oppaan kriteereitÀ ja ohjeita noudattaen arvioidaan Suomen lajiston uhanalaisuus ja laaditaan seuraava eliölajien punainen kirja

    Platybunus pinetorum (Arachnida, Opiliones) new to Sweden

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    In 2013 and 2015 several specimens of the opilionid Platybunus pinetorum (C.L. Koch, 1839) were found in Sweden in two different places almost 500 kilometers from each other. The species was not previously known in the country. The discovery initiated a survey of specimens reported as Rilaena triangularis (Herbst, 1799) on two Swedish web pages, in search for misidentified P. pinetorum. A further three specimens of the new species were found, indicating that it is already rather widespread in southern Sweden

    ”Paikka maailmassa” : Valtakunnallisten maisemakyselyjen tulokset

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    Euroopan neuvoston maisemayleissopimuksen mukaisesti sopimuksen allekirjoittajamaat ovat sitoutuneet edistĂ€mÀÀn maisemien suojelua, hoitoa ja suunnittelua. Osallisuuden edistĂ€minen ja maisemia koskevan keskustelun kĂ€yminen laajasti, niin hallinnon kuin muidenkin toimijoiden vĂ€lillĂ€, ovat keinoja tukea tĂ€tĂ€ tavoitetta. Osana maisemayleissopimuksen toimeenpanoa sekĂ€ maisemademokratian ja maisemapolitiikan kehittĂ€mistĂ€ Suomen ympĂ€ristökeskuksessa toteutettiin vuosien 2022–2023 vaihteessa ympĂ€ristöministeriön toimeksiannosta kaksi maisemia koskevaa kyselyĂ€. Kaikille maisemista kiinnostuneille suunnatulla kyselyllĂ€ selvitettiin, minkĂ€laiset asiat ovat ihmisille tĂ€rkeitĂ€ erityisesti arjen maisemissa sekĂ€ heidĂ€n kokemuksiaan osallistumisesta ja toiveita vuorovaikutuksen tavoista maisemia koskevissa asioissa. Asiantuntija- ja toimijakyselyllĂ€ puolestaan selvitettiin, miten maisemien suojelua, hoitoa ja suunnittelua sekĂ€ maisemapolitiikkaa tulisi jatkossa kehittÀÀ. Kaikille avoimeen kyselyyn vastasi 793 henkilöÀ ja asiantuntija- ja toimijakyselyyn 198. Kyselytulosten mukaan maisemat vaikuttavat ihmisten hyvinvointiin arjessa ja kaikenlaiset maisemat tulisi ottaa nykyistĂ€ paremmin huomioon esimerkiksi maankĂ€ytön suunnittelussa niin kaupungeissa kuin muillakin alueilla. Asiantuntijoille, organisaatioille, yhteisöille ja muille toimijoille suunnatun kyselyn tulosten mukaan valtakunnallisille linjauksille ja ohjeistuksille on tarvetta eri toimialoilla ja sektoreilla. KeskeisenĂ€ nĂ€hdÀÀn lainsÀÀdĂ€nnön ja nykyistĂ€ yhtenĂ€isempien prosessien kehittĂ€minen maisemia koskevien toimenpiteiden, pÀÀtösten ja suunnitelmien parantamiseksi. LisĂ€ksi on tarvetta yhteistyön toimintatapojen muodostamiselle ja osaamisen edelleen vahvistamiseen eri nĂ€kökulmien yhteensovittamisessa. Kyselyt antavat tietoa paitsi hallinnon toimijoille myös muille, jotka työssÀÀn tai muutoin kĂ€sittelevĂ€t maisemia ja maisema-arvoja esimerkiksi osana maankĂ€yttöÀ tai kestĂ€vyystyötĂ€.“A place in the world” : Results of the Finnish landscape surveys In accordance with the Council of Europe Landscape Convention, the signatories are committed to promoting the protection, management, and planning of landscapes. Promoting participation and holding an extensive discussion on landscapes among both administrative and other actors are ways of supporting this goal. As part of the implementation of the Convention and the development of landscape democracy and landscape policy, the Finnish Environment Institute was commissioned by the Ministry of the Environment to issue two questionnaires on landscapes in late 2022 and early 2023. A survey targeting all who are interested in landscapes investigated what kinds of things are important for people especially in everyday landscapes, what kinds of experiences they had in participation, and if they had any wishes on ways to interact in matters related to landscapes. Meanwhile, another questionnaire sent to experts and other actors examined how landscape protection, management, planning as well as landscape policy should be developed in the future. The questionnaire that was open to all brought 793 responses, and the one for experts and actors brought 198 responses. Results from the surveys show that landscapes affect human well-being in people’s everyday lives, and all types of landscapes should be better taken into consideration in, for example, planning land use both in cities and other areas. The results of the survey for experts, organisations, and other actors show that there is a need for national landscape policy and guidelines in different fields and sectors. The development of legislation and more integrated processes for improving measures, decisions, and plans affecting landscapes is seen as crucial. Furthermore, there is a need for establishing procedures for collaboration and further reinforcement of skills and knowledge in the coordination of different points of view. The surveys provide information for administrative actors as well as others who deal with landscapes and landscape values, for example, as part of land use or work to advance sustainability.”En plats pĂ„ jorden” : Resultat frĂ„n riksomfattande landskapsenkĂ€ter I enlighet med EuroparĂ„dets landskapskonvention har de lĂ€nder som undertecknat konventionen förbundit sig att frĂ€mja skydd, förvaltning och planering av landskapen. Att frĂ€mja delaktighet och föra en omfattande diskussion om landskapen, bĂ„de inom förvaltningen och med andra aktörer, Ă€r sĂ€tt att stödja detta mĂ„l. Som en del av verkstĂ€llandet av landskapskonventionen samt utvecklandet av landskapsdemokratin och landskapspolitiken genomfördes tvĂ„ enkĂ€ter om landskapen vid Finlands miljöcentral vid Ă„rsskiftet 2022–2023 pĂ„ uppdrag av miljöministeriet. Genom enkĂ€ten som riktade sig till alla som Ă€r intresserade av landskapen utreddes vilka frĂ„gor som Ă€r viktiga för mĂ€nniskorna sĂ€rskilt i vardagens landskap samt deras erfarenheter av deltagande och önskemĂ„l om interaktionssĂ€tt i frĂ„gor som gĂ€ller landskapen. Genom en expert- och aktörsenkĂ€t utreddes Ă„ andra sidan hur skyddet, förvaltningen och planeringen av landskapen samt landskapspolitiken bör utvecklas i fortsĂ€ttningen. 793 personer svarade pĂ„ enkĂ€ten som var öppen för alla och 198 pĂ„ expert- och aktörsenkĂ€ten. Enligt enkĂ€tresultaten pĂ„verkar landskapen mĂ€nniskors vĂ€lbefinnande i vardagen och alla slags landskap borde beaktas bĂ€ttre till exempel i planeringen av markanvĂ€ndningen sĂ„vĂ€l i stĂ€der som i andra omrĂ„den. Enligt resultaten frĂ„n enkĂ€ten riktad till experter, organisationer, sammanslutningar och andra aktörer finns det behov av riksomfattande riktlinjer och anvisningar inom olika branscher och sektorer. Det centrala Ă€r att utveckla lagstiftningen och mer enhetliga processer för att förbĂ€ttra Ă„tgĂ€rder, beslut och planer som gĂ€ller landskapen. Dessutom finns det behov av att skapa handlingsmodeller för samarbetet och ytterligare stĂ€rka kompetensen i samordningen av olika synpunkter. EnkĂ€terna ger information förutom till aktörer inom förvaltningen Ă€ven till andra som i sitt arbete eller pĂ„ annat sĂ€tt behandlar landskap och landskapsvĂ€rden till exempel som en del av markanvĂ€ndningen eller hĂ„llbarhetsarbetet

    Species Threat Assessment Tool and Online Result Service in FinBIF

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    The threat assessment of Finnish species was carried out during 2017–2018 for the third time using International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) criteria (IUCN 2012a, IUCN 2012b, IUCN 2016). The Red List was published in March 2019 (HyvĂ€rinen et al. 2019). In conjunction with the assessment of threatened species, 36,602 species or lower taxa were listed. The information was sufficient for assessment of 22,418 species. It was done by 18 expert groups of different organism groups. The process was coordinated by the Finnish Environment Institute Syke and led by the steering group of the assessment from the Ministry of Environment. For the first time, the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility FinBIF offered a documentation tool and archive for the threat assessment. The assessment was based on the national checklist of Finnish species coordinated by FinBIF. Many of the expert groups are in active collaboration with FinBIF in maintaining FinBIF’s taxon database and in updating the checklists. Hence, there was a good foundation to build on in developing the cooperation further and deepening the integration of the Red Listing process into FinBIF’s IT infrastructure. The documentation tool of the assessment is implemented in the taxon database of FinBIF (Fig. 1). The Red List data of the 2010 (all species) and 2015 (birds and mammals) assessments are readily available in the tool. The assessor can therefore easily copy and confirm e.g. area of occupancy, extent of occurrence, generation length and habitat of a species, if there is no need for editing. The service offers the possibility to add notes to most of the fields separately and commenting on the assessment by other authorized users. The tool archives the history of all changes. In line with the IUCN instructions, the tool automatically chooses the criteria leading to the highest possible threat category of criteria A-E filled out for each species. However, the assessor confirms the final evaluation. Finally, in several fields, the tool automatically checks the validity of values entered, e.g. criteria, threat category, length of the observation period, causes of threat, and current threat factors. The tool includes necessary fields for back-casting the categories of previous assessments to count the Red List Index. There is also a possibility to add or choose references for the assessment of a certain species in the publications part of the taxon database. Due to linkage through the taxon database, the updated threat categories of each Finnish species are immediately available as additional information of each species introduced in FinBIF. Also for the first time, the results of the threat assessment can be examined online directly after its publication at the Red List online service through FinBIF: https://punainenkirja.laji.fi/en. The online service makes Red List categories and related criteria searchable. Data can be categorized also by habitat, causes of threat, or current threat factors. Due to the ability to conduct searches, the online service supplements the printed book (HyvĂ€rinen et al. 2019), which includes extensive summaries for groups of organisms

    The thiamine deficiency syndrome M74, a reproductive disorder of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) feeding in the Baltic Sea, is related to the fat and thiamine content of prey fish

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    Abstract KeinĂ€nen, M., Uddström, A., Mikkonen, J., Casini, M., Pönni, J., MyllylĂ€, T., Aro, E., and Vuorinen, P. J. 2012. The thiamine deficiency syndrome M74, a reproductive disorder of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) feeding in the Baltic Sea, is related to the fat and thiamine content of prey fish. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69: 516–528. This study clarifies how the diet of Baltic salmon leads to thiamine deficiency in eggs, and consequently to M74 mortality of yolk-sac fry. The main prey species, sprat (Sprattus sprattus) and herring (Clupea harengus membras), and their biomass in the Baltic Proper (BPr) and the Bothnian Sea, the two feeding grounds of salmon originating from the northern Gulf of Bothnia rivers, are compared. The thiamine concentration of both prey species is lowest in the youngest age groups. Because average fat content and energy density are greater in sprat than in herring, and greatest in youngest sprat, the supply of thiamine per unit energy is least in a diet containing many young sprat. Also, the greater is the supply of thiamine and fat from sprat in the southern BPr in the preceding year, the lower the concentration of thiamine in salmon eggs. Thiamine deficiency in eggs results from an unbalanced diet abundant in fatty prey fish, such as young sprat, from which the supply of thiamine is insufficient in proportion to the supply of energy and unsaturated fatty acids for salmon, which must undergo a long prespawning fasting period.</jats:p