242 research outputs found

    Arthrodendron borberensis sp. nov., a large protist (Foraminifera) from the Pagliaro Formation (Paleocene), Northern Apennines, Italy

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    Arthrodendron borberensis sp. nov. is described from the Pagliaro Formation (Paleocene) of the Northern Apennines. Specimens of the new species are preserved on the sole of a turbiditic sandstone bed. Arthrodendron borberensis sp. nov. is characterized by its long chambers (some exceeding 10 mm in length), its generally straight course, and rare branching at an acute angle. This large foraminifer lived infaunally within the sediment and possibly as epifauna after exhumation by erosion, prior to the deposition of the host turbiditic sandstone bed. Assemblages of smaller agglutinated foraminifera (a flysch-type fauna) and trace fossils (Nereites ichnofacies) point to a deep-sea environment for the discussed protist

    Large astrorhizid foraminifera from Oligocene - Lower Miocene deep-sea sediments, Northern Apennines, Italy : a new perspective on the genus Astrorhizinoides Stschedrina, 1969

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    Nulliporites bombicoides Sacco, 1888 and Nulliporites stellaris Sacco, 1888 from the Oligocene - Lower Miocene deep-sea turbiditic sediments of Liguria and Piedmont (Monastero and Rocchetta formations) appear to belarge, agglutinated astrorhizid foraminiferids both assigned in this study tothe genus Astrorhizinoides Stschedrina, 1969 under a single species, Astrorhizinoides bombicoides (Sacco, 1888). This foraminiferis characterized by a simple, straight to slightly curved or rarely branched test, which displays a thick, smooth, finely agglutinated wall, with constrictions, and a very thin chamber lumen, whose apertures are observed at least at one of the terminal ends of the test. The tests, partly crushed, are preserved mostly on the soles of thin turbiditic sandstones, where they may be aligned. Probably, the foraminifer was originally a semi-infaunal, free-standing form, the test of which was partly flexible

    A larger agglutinated foraminifer originally described as a marine plant : the case of Arthrodendron Ulrich, 1904 (Foraminifera), its synonyms and homonyms

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    The large, agglutinated foraminiferal genus Aschemocella Vialov, 1966 (type species Aschemonella carpathica Neagu, 1964) and the body fossil Halysium Świdziński, 1934 (type species Halysium problematicum Świdziński, 1934) are herein synonymized with the genus Arthrodendron Ulrich, 1904 (type species A. diffusum Ulrich, 1904), a form originally described as a marine alga from Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) flysch sediments of the Kodiak Formation of the Yakutat Group (formerly Yakutat Formation) on Pogibshi Island, Alaska. The species Aschemonella carpathica Neagu is regarded as a subjective junior synonym of Arthrodendron diffusum Ulrich, which is herein lectotypified and transferred to the Foraminifera

    Lower/Middle Ordovician (Arenigian) shallow-marine trace fossils of the Pochico Formation, southern Spain: palaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographic implications at the Gondwanan and peri-Gondwanan realm

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    Nineteen ichnospecies belonging to thirteen ichnogenera (Archaeonassa, Catenichnus, Cochlichnus, Cruziana, Didymaulichnus, ?Diplichnites, Gordia, Lingulichnus, Lockeia, cf. Monocraterion, Planolites, Ptychoplasma, and Rusophycus) occur in the Pochico Formation (Arenigian) in the Aldeaquemada section, Sierra Morena, southern Spain, just above the Armorican Quartzite. They belong to the archetypal Cruziana ichnofacies, indicating a lower shoreface-upper offshore zone. The low degree of sediment reworking may be due to a high rate of sedimentation. The trace fossil assemblage, rich in large Cruziana, is typical of the Armorican Quartzite that developed on the margins of Gondwana and peri-Gondwanan microcontinents. The distribution of ichnofauna during the Early Ordovician was partly palaeogeographically controlled, although ichnological data from the literature point to paths of migration between Gondwana, Baltica and Laurentia. Differences between the ichnofauna of Gondwana and Baltica could be conditioned by facies (clastics in Gondwana and carbonates in Baltica) causing a taphonomic filter, because Cruziana requires diversified clastic deposits for preservation. The ichnofauna would also be influenced by trophic group amensalism between filter feeding and deposit feeding fauna, the former prevailing in Baltica and the latter in Gondwana.Se presenta el análisis sedimentológico/icnológico de los materiales de la Formación Pochico (Arenigian) de la sección de Aldeaquemada, Sierra Morena, Sur de España, provincia de Jaén, justo por encima la Cuarcita Armoricana. Se han reconocido diecinueve icnoespecies pertenecientes a trece icnogéneros (Archaeonassa, Catenichnus, Cochlichnus, Cruziana, Didymaulichnus, ?Diplichnites, Gordia, Lingulichnus, Lockeia, cf. Monocraterion, Planolites, Ptychoplasma, y Rusophycus). Las características icnológicas junto con los rasgos sedimentológicos permiten asignarlas a las icnofacies arquetípicas de Cruziana, comunes de las zonas de shoreface inferior a offshore superior. El grado de bioturbación relativamente bajo puede estar relacionado con una alta tasa de depósito. La asociación registrada, dominada por grandes Cruziana, es típica de la Cuarcita Armoricana desarrollada en los márgenes de Gondwana y peri-Gondwana. La distribucción de icnofósiles del Ordovícico temprano posee, en gran medida, un control paleogeográfico, aunque datos icnológicos procedentes de la literatura indican la existencia de migraciones entre Gondwana, Baltica y Laurentia. Las diferencias entre las asociaciones de Gondwana y Báltica pueden estar asociadas a las diferentes facies, con el dominio de materiales clásticos en Gondwana y de carbonatados en Báltica, causando un filtro tafonómico ya que el potencial de conservación de Cruziana es mucho mayor en las facies clásticas heterolíticas. A estos factores habría que añadir las estrategias de alimentación asociadas, diferenciando entre filtradores y aquellos que se alimentan de las partículas existentes en el sedimento, los primeros podrían verse favorecidos en Báltica y los segundos en Gondwana.Research by R.-T. was supported by Projects CGL2008-03007, and CGL2012-33281 (Secretaría de Estado de I+D+I, Spain), Project RNM-3715 and Research Group RNM-178 (Junta de Andalucía)

    Fossilized bioelectric wire - The trace fossil Trichichnus

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    The trace fossil Trichichnus is proposed as an indicator of fossil bioelectric bacterial activity at the oxic-anoxic interface zone of marine sediments. This fulfils the idea that such processes, commonly found in the modern realm, should be also present in the geological past. Trichichnus is an exceptional trace fossil due to its very thin diameter (mostly less than 1 mm) and common pyritic filling. It is ubiquitous in some fine-grained sediments, where it has been interpreted as a burrow formed deeper than any other trace fossils, below the redox boundary. Trichichnus, formerly referred to as deeply burrowed invertebrates, has been found as remnant of a fossilized intrasediment bacterial mat that is pyritized. As visualized in 3-D by means of X-ray computed microtomography scanner, Trichichnus forms dense filamentous fabric, which reflects that it is produced by modern large, mat-forming, sulfide-oxidizing bacteria, belonging mostly to Thioploca-related taxa, which are able to house a complex bacterial consortium. Several stages of Trichichnus formation, including filamentous, bacterial mat and its pyritization, are proposed to explain an electron exchange between oxic and suboxic/anoxic layers in the sediment. Therefore, Trichichnus can be considered a fossilized "electric wire"

    Ichnology, sedimentology, and orbital cycles in the hemipelagic Early Jurassic Laurasian Seaway (Pliensbachian, Cardigan Bay Basin, UK)

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordAn uncommonly continuous Lower Jurassic (uppermost Sinemurian and Pliensbachian) section (Llanbedr (Mochras Farm) Borehole, Cardigan Bay Basin, UK) comprises hemipelagic calcareous mudstone, wackestone/siltstone and subordinate packstone/sandstone. Some beds show bigradational grading, and their sedimentary structures are typical of contourite drift facies. On the basis of the long-term persistence and stability of the currents that formed these deposits, sedimentation was likely controlled by thermohaline-driven geostrophic contour currents circulating between the Boreal ocean and Peri-Tethys through the narrow and relatively deep Cardigan Bay Basin (Cardigan Bay Strait). Trace fossils are strongly dominated by Phycosiphon incertum, which was produced by opportunistic colonizers. Thalassinoides, Schaubcylindrichnus and Teichichnus are common, accompanied by less common Zoophycos, Planolites, Palaeophycus, Trichichnus and dwelling structures such as cf. Polykladichnus, Siphonichnus and Skolithos. The ichnofabrics are usually simple, which results from generally high rates of deposition, unstable, water-saturated soft-ground substrate, and the domination of well-adapted Phycosiphon, but there are also cyclic appearances of more complex ichnofabrics with dwelling structures, reflecting more stable bottom conditions. A new detailed analysis of the core has allowed cycles to be distinguished based on combination of ichnological and sedimentological features, pointing to distinct cyclicity of oceanographic mechanisms influenced by orbital forcing and driving the inferred fluctuations in benthic life conditions, controlled mainly by variation in contour current intensity and oxygenation of bottom water reflected by trace fossils. The ichnological cycles show four-order hierarchy, which can be attributed to the orbital cycles: precession and obliquity (4th order), short eccentricity (3rd order), and long eccentricity (2nd order). The longest (~ 2.5 Myr) 1st order cyclicity is attributable to the longer ‟grand orbital cycles” (period related to the Earth–Mars secular resonance), with long-term impacts on palaeoclimatic and oceanic circulation dynamics, and is recorded in large-scale changes in ichnodiversity, correlating with long-term changes of clay minerals and carbonate content. Possibly, there is also ~ 9 Myr cyclicity, expressed in observed modulation of frequency of precession cycles by eccentricity. Harmonic analysis of the cyclicity gives high confidence of orbital signals and allows refined estimation of duration of the Pliensbachian (~8.4 Myr) and the jamesoni (~2.8 Myr), ibex (~ 2.0 Myr), davoei (~ 0.47 Myr), margaritatus (~ 2.33 Myr) and spinatum zones (~ 0.8 Myr) with an overall stable sedimentation rate of 4.5–5.1 cm/kyr. Obtained durations show improved fit between 2nd–4th and 1st order cycle and removes the problem of an anomalously long duration and resulting much lower sedimentation rate for the spinatum Zone, previously obtained by other methods. A higher diversity of trace fossils is noticed in intervals enriched in smectite; most likely, this clay mineral occluded pore spaces and limited the competition from the opportunist Phycosiphon makers, allowing development of other, more specialized forms. The continuous, expanded ichnological record of deep-water hemipelagic/contour drift sediments is sensitive to climatic and oceanographic changes controlled by orbital cycles. The Cardigan Bay Strait played an important role in the Early Jurassic (at least Pliensbachian) oceanic circulation, providing a major link between the northern and southern part of the Laurasian Seaway (and in general between the Boreal and Peri-Tethys domains), funneling currents flowing from the north to the south.National Science Centre, PolandInternal Polish Geological InstituteNatural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Early Jurassic extrinsic solar system dynamics versus intrinsic Earth processes: Toarcian sedimentation and benthic life in deep-sea contourite drift facies, Cardigan Bay Basin, UK

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer via the DOI in this recordAvailability of data and materials: All data generated during this study are included in the paper and its Additional files. Downhole log data from Mochras are available via the UK Onshore Geophysical Library (UKOGL) website https://ukogl.org.uk/The Cardigan Bay Basin (UK) may have functioned as a deep and narrow strait, and thereby influenced Early Jurassic oceanic circulation through the northern and southern Laurasian Seaway, and between Boreal and Peri-Tethys domains. Toarcian hemipelagic deposits of the basin in the Mochras borehole show strongly bioturbated contourite facies. Trace fossils are strongly dominated by Phycosiphon incertum (represented by four morphotypes), which was produced by opportunistic colonizers. Thalassinoides, Schaubcylindrichnus and Trichichnus are common (the latter is a deep-tier trace fossil produced by filamentous sulfide-oxidizing bacteria with a high tolerance for dysoxia), accompanied by less common Zoophycos, Planolites, Palaeophycus, Teichichnus, Rhizocorallium, Chondrites, and dwelling and resting structures, such as cf. Polykladichnus, Siphonichnus, Skolithos, Arenicolites, Monocraterion and Lockeia. Ichnological and lithological signals suggest repetitive fluctuations in benthic conditions attributed to a hierarchy of orbital cycles (precession and obliquity [4th order], short eccentricity [3rd order], long eccentricity [2nd order] and Earth–Mars secular resonance [1st order]). The Pliensbachian–Toarcian transition appears to be a significant palaeoceanographic turning point in the Cardigan Bay Basin, starting a CaCO3 decline, and with the most severe oxygen crisis of the Tenuicostatum Zone (here dysoxic but not anoxic) ending at the onset, in the early Serpentinum Zone (Exaratum Subzone), of the Toarcian negative carbon isotope excursion (To-CIE—linked with the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event occurring in the lower part in the Serpentinum Zone). This trend contrasts with the prevalence of anoxia synchronous with the To-CIE in many other settings. Minor dysoxia returned to the Mochras setting in the latest Thouarsense to Dispansum zone interval. Extreme climate warming during the To-CIE may have enhanced and caused a reversal in the direction of deep marine circulation, improving oxygenation of the sea floor. Spectral analysis of binary data on ichnotaxa appearances gives high confidence in orbital signals and allows refined estimation of ammonite zones and the duration of the Toarcian (minimum ~ 9.4 Myr).National Science Centre, PolandPolish Geological InstituteNatural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Palaeoenvironment of Eocene prodelta in Spitsbergen recorded by the trace fossil Phycosiphon incertum

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    Ichnological, sedimentological and geochemical analyses were conducted on the Eocene Frysjaodden Formation in order to interpret palaeoenvironment prodelta sediments in the Central Basin of Spitsbergen. Phycosiphon incertum is the exclusive ichnotaxon showing differences in size, distribution, abundance and density, and relation to laminated/bioturbated intervals. Large P. incertum mainly occur dispersed, isolated and randomly distributed throughout the weakly laminated/non-laminated intervals. Small P. incertum occur occasionally in patches of several burrows within laminated intervals or as densely packed burrows in thin horizons in laminated intervals or constituting fully bioturbated intervals that are several centimetres thick. Ichnological changes are mainly controlled by oxygenation, although the availability of benthic food cannot be discarded. Changes in oxygenation and rate of sedimentation can be correlated with the registered variations in the Bouma sequence of the distal turbiditic beds within prodeltal shelf sediments.Funding for this research was provided by Project CGL2012-33281 (Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Spain), Project RYC-2009-04316 (Ramón y Cajal Programme) and Projects RNM-3715 and RNM-7408 and Research Group RNM-178 (Junta de Andalucía). The authors benefited from a bilateral agreement between the universities of Granada and Oslo, supported by the University of Granada