254 research outputs found

    Web-based environment for user generation of spoken dialog for virtual assistants

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    In this paper, a web-based spoken dialog generation environment which enables users to edit dialogs with a video virtual assistant is developed and to also select the 3D motions and tone of voice for the assistant. In our proposed system, “anyone” can “easily” post/edit contents of the dialog for the dialog system. The dialog type corresponding to the system is limited to the question-and-answer type dialog, in order to avoid editing conflicts caused by editing by multiple users. The spoken dialog sharing service and FST generator generates spoken dialog content for the MMDAgent spoken dialog system toolkit, which includes a speech recognizer, a dialog control unit, a speech synthesizer, and a virtual agent. For dialog content creation, question-and-answer dialogs posted by users and FST templates are used. The proposed system was operated for more than a year in a student lounge at the Nagoya Institute of Technology, where users added more than 500 dialogs during the experiment. Images were also registered to 65% of the postings. The most posted category is related to “animation, video games, manga.” The system was subjected to open examination by tourist information staff who had no prior experience with spoken dialog systems. Based on their impressions of tourist use of the dialog system, they shortened the length of some of the system’s responses and added pauses to the longer responses to make them easier to understand

    MMDAE : Dialog scenario editor for MMDAgent on the web browser

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    We have developed MMDAgent (a fully open-source toolkit for voice interaction systems), which runs on a variety of platforms such as personal computers and smartphones. From this, the editing environment of the dialog scenario also needs to be operated on various platforms. So, we develop a scenario editor that is implemented on a Web browser. The purpose of this paper also includes making it easy to edit the scenario. Experiments were conducted for subjects using the proposed scenario editor. It was found that our proposed system provides better readability of a scenario and allows easier editing

    Síndrome Inflamatória Pediátrica Multisistêmica (PIMS) e a associação com a SARS-CoV-2

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    Introduction: PIMS means pediatric inflammatory multisystemic syndrome. It describes a new health condition seen in children who were infected with new coronaviruses, recovered and later show an immune response that results in significant levels of inflammation in the organ systems and symptoms. Objective: To analyze scientific production on Systemic Pediatric Inflammatory Syndrome (PIMS) in relation to the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2. Method: The integrative literature review is the method employed for investigation. The following inclusion criteria were adopted: original article in English, available online and in full: year of publication in 2020, in the MEDLINE database, on the PubMed Search Engine. Articles that do not respond to the objective of the study will be excluded. The descriptors applied were: Coronavirus Infections, Syndrome, Child. Results: Five publications were included and categorized in “Scientific production on the correlation of Pediatric Inflammatory Syndrome with SARS-CoV-2”. It showed in the main results that in the analysis of the studies, four studies of children diagnosed with COVID-19 (recent or previous, with past history) developed the syndrome, and that one of the authors links SARS-CoV-2 with Kawasaki Disease (DK) with disagreement. Conclusion: SARS-CoV-2 is related to PIMS, regardless of the development of the syndrome, it can generate serious health complications for the child.Objetivo: Analizar la producción científica en PIMS asociada con el diagnóstico de SARS-CoV-2. Método: la revisión integradora de la literatura es el método utilizado para la investigación. Se adoptaron los siguientes criterios de inclusión: artículo original en inglés, disponible en línea y completo: año de publicación en 2020, en la base de datos MEDLINE, en el motor de búsqueda PubMed. Se excluirán los artículos que no respondan al objetivo del estudio. Se aplicaron los descriptores: Infecciones por coronavirus, Síndrome, Niño. Resultados: Se incluyeron y clasificaron cinco publicaciones en "Producción científica sobre la correlación del síndrome inflamatorio pediátrico con el SARS-CoV-2". En los resultados principales se mostró que cuatro estudios con niños diagnosticados con COVID-19 (reciente o anterior. Con antecedentes)) desarrollaron el síndrome y que uno de los autores asocia el SARS-CoV-2 con la enfermedad de Kawasaki Conclusión: El SARS-CoV-2 está relacionado con PIMS, independientemente del desarrollo del síndrome, puede generar complicaciones de salud graves para el niño.Objetivo: Analisar a produção científica sobre a PIMS associado ao diagnóstico de SARS-CoV-2. Método: A revisão integrativa da literatura é o método empregado para a investigação. Foram adotados os seguintes critérios de inclusão: artigo original em inglês, disponível on-line e na íntegra: ano de publicação em 2020, na base de dados MEDLINE, no motor de busca PubMed. Os artigos que não responderem ao objetivo do estudo serão excluídos. Os descritores foram aplicados: Infecções por Coronavírus, Síndrome, Criança. Resultados: Cinco publicações foram incluídas e categorizadas em “Produção científica sobre a correlação da Síndrome inflamatória pediátrica com SARS-CoV-2". Mostrou nos principais resultados que, quatro estudos com crianças diagnosticadas com COVID-19 (recente ou anterior, com história passada) desenvolveram a síndrome e que um dos autores associa SARS-CoV-2 com a doença de Kawasaki. Conclusão: SARS-CoV-2 está relacionado à PIMS, independentemente do desenvolvimento da síndrome, pode gerar sérias complicações de saúde para a criança

    A Bankruptcy Problem Approach to Load-shedding in Multiagent-based Microgrid Operation

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    A microgrid is composed of distributed power generation systems (DGs), distributed energy storage devices (DSs), and loads. To maintain a specific frequency in the islanded mode as an important requirement, the control of DGs’ output and charge action of DSs are used in supply surplus conditions and load-shedding and discharge action of DSs are used in supply shortage conditions. Recently, multiagent systems for autonomous microgrid operation have been studied. Especially, load-shedding, which is intentional reduction of electricity use, is a critical problem in islanded microgrid operation based on the multiagent system. Therefore, effective schemes for load-shedding are required. Meanwhile, the bankruptcy problem deals with dividing short resources among multiple agents. In order to solve the bankruptcy problem, division rules, such as the constrained equal awards rule (CEA), the constrained equal losses rule (CEL), and the random arrival rule (RA), have been used. In this paper, we approach load-shedding as a bankruptcy problem. We compare load-shedding results by above-mentioned rules in islanded microgrid operation based on wireless sensor network (WSN) as the communication link for an agent’s interactions

    Isolation and Chemical Characterization of a Toxin Isolated from the Venom of the Sea Snake, Hydrophis torquatus aagardi

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    Sea snakes (family: Hydrophiidae) are serpents found in the coastal areas of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. There are two subfamilies in Hydrophiidae: Hydrophiinae and Laticaudinae. A toxin, aagardi toxin, was isolated from the venom of the Hydrophiinae snake, Hydrophis torquatus aagardi and its chemical properties such as molecular weight, isoelectric point, importance of disulfide bonds, lack of enzymatic activity and amino acid sequence were determined. The amino acid sequence indicated a close relationship to the primary structure of other Hydrophiinae toxins and a significant difference from Laticaudinae toxins, confirming that primary toxin structure is closely related to sea snake phylogenecity

    Comparison of Sea Snake (Hydrophiidae) Neurotoxin to Cobra (Naja) Neurotoxin

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    Both sea snakes and cobras have venoms containing postsynaptic neurotoxins. Comparison of the primary structures indicates many similarities, especially the positions of the four disulfide bonds. However, detailed examination reveals differences in several amino acid residues. Amino acid sequences of sea snake neurotoxins were determined, and then compared to cobra neurotoxins by computer modeling. This allowed for easy comparison of the similarities and differences between the two types of postsynaptic neurotoxins. Comparison of computer models for the toxins of sea snakes and cobra will reveal the three dimensional difference of the toxins much clearer than the amino acid sequence alone

    [資料] 専門看護師によるコンサルテーションにおける課題の明確化と共有に関する文献検討

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    要旨:目的:専門看護師によるコンサルテーションにおける課題の明確化と共有のプロセスに焦点を当て、既存の資料や文献に示された知見を整理し、実践的示唆や今後の課題について検討すること。方法:「専門看護師」「コンサルテーション」「課題」「共有」をキーワードに文献検索し、コンサルテーションの定義や類似する役割、課題の明確化や共有のための働きかけに関する事項を抽出した。倫理的配慮:著作権を遵守した。結果:コンサルテーションの定義は、コンサルタントがコンサルティ課題解決を側面的に援助する過程に総括された。コンサルタントが早期に課題を明確化・共有することはモデルやアプローチの判断を促進し、そのためにインタビューをはじめとする研究的な能力、コンサルティの自己省察や気づきを得るための働きかけが活用されていた。考察:コンサルテーションにおける課題の明確化・共有を推進するためには、コンサルテーションや類似する役割に関する理解の推進、コンサルタントの専門性や研究的な能力を活用することが重要である。結論:コンサルテーションにおける課題の明確化・共有はコンサルタントの研究的な能力やコンサルティの自己省察や気づきを得るための働きかけにより推進されていた。Abstract:Objective: To focus on the process of clarifying and sharing issues in consultation with a Certified Nurse Specialist (CNS), to organize the findings presented in existing materials and literature, and to consider practical suggestions and future issues.Method: A literature review was conducted using the keywords "Certified Nurse Specialist (CNS)," "consultation," "issues," and "share." Items related to the definition of consultation, similar roles, and efforts to clarify and share issues were extracted.Ethical considerations: Copyright compliance.Results: The definition of consultation was summarized as the process by which the consultant assisted the consultee in solving the problem. Early clarification and sharing of issues by consultants facilitate the judgment of models and approaches, and for that purpose, research abilities such as interviews, self-reflection by consultants and efforts to gain awareness are utilized.Discussion: In order to promote clarification and sharing of issues in consultation, it is important to promote an understanding of consultation and similar roles, and to utilize the expertise and research ability of consultants.Conclusion: Clarification and sharing of issues in consultation was enhanced by the consultant\u27s research ability, selfreflection of the consultation, and efforts to gain awareness

    A Candidate Approach Implicates the Secreted Salmonella Effector Protein SpvB in P-Body Disassembly

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    P-bodies are dynamic aggregates of RNA and proteins involved in several post-transcriptional regulation processes. P-bodies have been shown to play important roles in regulating viral infection, whereas their interplay with bacterial pathogens, specifically intracellular bacteria that extensively manipulate host cell pathways, remains unknown. Here, we report that Salmonella infection induces P-body disassembly in a cell type-specific manner, and independently of previously characterized pathways such as inhibition of host cell RNA synthesis or microRNA-mediated gene silencing. We show that the Salmonella-induced P-body disassembly depends on the activation of the SPI-2 encoded type 3 secretion system, and that the secreted effector protein SpvB plays a major role in this process. P-body disruption is also induced by the related pathogen, Shigella flexneri, arguing that this might be a new mechanism by which intracellular bacterial pathogens subvert host cell function

    A-Kinase Anchoring in Dendritic Cells Is Required for Antigen Presentation

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    BACKGROUND: Dendritic cells (DC) are the most potent antigen presenting cells (APC) of the immune system. Prostaglandin E(2), cyclic AMP, and protein kinase A (PKA) have all been shown to regulate DC maturation and activity. In other cells, the ability of these molecules to convey their signals has been shown to be dependent on A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs). Here we present evidence for the existence and functional importance of AKAPs in human DC. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using immunofluorescence and/or western analyses we identify AKAP79, AKAP149, AKAP95, AKAP LBC and Ezrin. We also demonstrate by western analysis that expression of AKAP79, AKAP149 and RII are upregulated with DC differentiation and maturation. We establish the functional importance of PKA anchoring in multiple aspects of DC biology using the anchoring inhibitor peptides Ht31 and AKAP-IS. Incubation of protein or peptide antigen loaded DC with Ht31 or AKAP-IS results in a 30-50% decrease in antigen presentation as measured by IFN-gamma production from antigen specific CD4(+) T cells. Incubation of LPS treated DC with Ht31 results in 80% inhibition of TNF-alpha and IL-10 production. Ht31 slightly decreases the expression of CD18 and CD11a and CD11b, slightly increases the basal expression of CD83, dramatically decreases the LPS stimulated expression of CD40, CD80 and CD83, and significantly increases the expression of the chemokine receptor CCR7. CONCLUSIONS: These experiments represent the first evidence for the functional importance of PKA anchoring in multiple aspects of DC biology

    Salmonella typhimurium SifA effector protein requires its membrane-anchoring C-terminal hexapeptide for its biological function

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    SifA is a Salmonella typhimurium effector protein that is translocated across the membrane of the Salmonella-containing vacuole by the Salmonella pathogenicity island 2-encoded type III secretion system. SifA is necessary for the formation ofSalmonella-induced filaments and for the maintenance of the vacuolar membrane enclosing the pathogen. We have investigated the role of the C-terminal hexapeptide of SifA as a potential site for membrane anchoring. An S. typhimuriumstrain carrying a deletion of the sequence encoding this hexapeptide (sifAΔ6) was found to be attenuated for systemic virulence in mice. In mouse macrophages, sifAΔ6 mutant bacteria displayed a reduced association with vacuolar markers, similar to that of sifA null mutant bacteria, and exhibited a dramatic replication defect. Expression of SifA in epithelial cells results in the mobilization of lysosomal glycoproteins in large vesicular structures and Sif-like tubules. This process requires the presence of the C-terminal hexapeptide domain of SifA. Ectopic expression of truncated or mutated versions of SifA affecting the C-terminal hexapeptide revealed a strong correlation between the membrane binding capability and the biological activity of the protein. Finally, the eleven C-terminal residues of SifA are shown to be sufficient to target the Aequorea green fluorescent protein to membranes. Altogether, our results indicate that membrane anchoring of SifA requires its C-terminal hexapeptide domain, which is important for the biological function of this bacterial effector