40 research outputs found

    Comparison of the assonant doublets in Kazakh Turkish with the ones in Turkey Turkish

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    Tezimizde Türk lehçeleri içerisinde Kuzey-Bat( (K(pçak) grubunda yer alan Kazak Türkçesindeki ikilemelere yer verdik. Kazak Türkçesiyle yaz(lm(0 eserlerden ve Kazak Türkçesi sözlüklerinden tespit etti2imiz 1351 ikilemeyi de2i0ik aç(lardan inceledik. Kazak Türkçesinde inceledi2imiz ikilemelerin say(ca e0 heceli olmas(na dikkat ettik. kilemeleri ses bak(m(ndan incelerken ünlü-ünlü, ünsüz-ünsüz, ünlü-ünsüz dizilerine yer verdik. Yap( bak(m(ndan inceleme yaparken ikilemeyi olu0turan sözcüklerin hangi ek ya da ekleri alabildiklerini belirledik. kilemelerin kelime gruplar(nda ve cümlede üstlendikleri belli ba0l( görevlere örneklerle yer verdik. Kurulu0 ve anlam ili0kileri bak(m(ndan ikilemeleri on k(s(mda inceledik. kilemeler Türkiye Türkçesinde de yayg(n olarak kullan(ld(2(ndan çal(0mam(zda Kazak Türkçesi ile Türkiye Türkçesindeki ikilemeleri kar0(la0t(rmal( olarak ele ald(k. Kazak Türkçesindeki ikilemelerle Türkiye Türkçesindeki ikilemelerin benzer ve farkl( yönlerini ortaya koyduk. Tezimizin sonuna tarad(2(m(z eserlerden tespit etti2imiz ikilemelerle olu0turulmu0 bir sözlük eklemeyi uygun bulduk. Ekledi2imiz sözlükte Kazak Türkçesindeki ikilemeler Türkçe anlamlar(yla ve örnek cümlelerle yer almaktad(r.In our thesis we discussed the assonant doublets in Kazakh Turkish ,which belong to North West group amongTurkish dialects. We carefully studied 1351 assonant doublets which we found in Kazakh Turkish dictionaries and in the works written in Kazakh Turkish. We paid attention that the assonant doublets in Kazakh Turkish we studied should have been double syllable words. While we were studying the assonant doublets with regard to sound, we included vowel-vowel, consonant-consonant, vowel-consonant lines. We determined the affix and affixes that the words which formed the assonant doublets. We gave examples of the assonant doublets in word groups and in the sentences with regard to their function. We studied the assonant doublets in point of semantic and meaning relation. Since assonant doublets are widely used in Turkey Turkish, we considered the comparison of them with the ones in Kazakh Turkish. We showed the similarities and differences between the assonant doublets in Kazakh Turkish and the ones in Turkey Turkish. We found appopriate to add a dictionary consisting of the assonant doublets we studied at the and of our thesis. In this dictionary you can find the assonant doublets in Kazakh Turkish with their Turkish meanings and sentence examples

    The effect of the level of emotional intelligence on civil servants' performance and task motivation: A study in Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University

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    Duygusal zeka günümüzde popülerlik kazanması ile birlikte, akademik çevrede araştırma konusu olmuştur. Duygusal zeka, kendini harekete geçirebilme, olumlu ve olumsuz duyguları yönetebilme ve düzenleyebilme, çevresine uyum sağlayabilme, kendini başkasının yerine koyabilme (empati), engelleri aşmada sebat etme gibi tanımıyla insanın hayatını yönlendirmesine yardımcı olmaktadır. Duygusal zekanın, insanın iş hayatında ve özel hayatında vereceği kararlarda, tutum ve davranışlarında sergilediği performansa ve motivasyona etkisi olmaktadır. "Kamu Personelinin Duygusal Zeka Seviyelerinin Çalışan Performansı ve Görev Motivasyonu Düzeylerine Etkisi: Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesi'nde Bir Araştırma" Bu çalışmamızın amacı, kamu personelinin duygusal zeka seviyelerinin çalışan performansı ve görev motivasyonu düzeylerine etkisini analiz etmektir. Bu çalışma kapsamında üç çeşit değişken bulunmaktadır. Bağımsız değişken duygusal zeka, bağımlı değişkinlerimiz performans ve motivasyondur. Bu doğrultuda önemli bir kamu alanı olan Nevşehir ilindeki Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli Üniversitesinde görev yapan akademik ve idari personeller örneklem olarak seçilmiştir (n=571). Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak anket tekniği kullanılmıştır. Duygusal zeka ölçeği olarak Petrides ve Furnham (2001) tarafından geliştirilen Duygusal Zeka Ölçeği-Kısa Formu (DZÖ-KF), Kuvaas (2006) ile Batmaz ve Gürer (2016) motivasyon ölçeği, Goodman ve Svyantek (1999: 261) tarafından geliştirilmiş olan performans ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Anketlerden elde edilen veriler bilgisayar ortamında SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) 21,0 paket programı kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Katılımcıların duygusal zeka seviyesi ile ilgili soruların cevaplarının analizi için ki-kare testi uygulanmıştır. Ankete katılan katılımcıların duygusal zeka seviyelerinin istatistiksel olarak, anlamlı, olumlu olduğu söylenebilir. Araştırma hipotezlerini oluşturan duygusal zekanın, performansa ve motivasyona etkisini ortaya koymak için regresyon analizi ve ki-kare testi uygulanmıştır. Yapılan analiz sonucunda duygusal zekanın, çalışan performansı ve görev motivasyonuna pozitif yönlü, anlamlı katkısı olduğu görülmektedir. Araştırma sonucunda elde edilen veriler kullanılarak, kamu kurumlarında çalışanların verimliliğini ve etkinliğini artırmak için performans değerlendirmesi ve motivasyon eğitimleri verilebileceği gibi yapısal öneriler sunulmuştur.With its popularity today, emotional intelligence has been the subject of a great deal of academic research. Emotional intelligence helps people to direct their life and is the ability to mobilize oneself, managing and regulating both positive and negative emotions, adapting to an environment, empathy, and perseverance in overcoming obstacles. Emotional intelligence has an impact on the performance and motivation of a person in their decisions, attitudes and behaviours in both business and private life. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of employees` level of emotional intelligence on their performance and task motivation. There are three types of variable within the scope of this study. The independent variable is emotional intelligence, our dependent variables are performance and motivation. To this end, academic and administrative staff working at Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University in Nevşehir province, were selected as a sample (n=571). A questionnaire was used as a data collection tool for the research. The Emotional Intelligence Scale-Short Form (DCI-SF) developed by Petrides and Furnham (2001) was used, as well as the Kuvaas (2006)-Batmaz and Gürer (2016) motivation scale. The performance scale developed by Goodman and Svyantek (1999; 261) was used. The data obtained from the questionnaires were evaluated using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) 21.0. The chi-square test was applied to analyse the answers to the questions about the emotional intelligence level of the participants. It was found that the emotional intelligence levels of the participants are statistically significant and positive. Regression analysis and a chi-square test were applied to reveal the effect of emotional intelligence on performance and motivation, which constitutes the research hypotheses. As a result of the analysis, it is seen that emotional intelligence has a positive and significant contribution on performance and motivation. By using the data obtained as a result of the research, structural suggestions such as performance evaluation and motivation trainings can be given in order to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the employees in public institutions

    Disseminated tuberculosis in a non immun compromised patient with a complicated diagnosis

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    Tuberculosis (TB) has become a global emergency worldwide. The long time period between the exposure to TB bacillus and the onset of symptoms cause a delay in diagnosis. Herein, we report a case of 64-year-old female patient suffering from dyspepsia, anorexia, weight loss and abdominal pain for the last 8 months. Physical examination, ascites fluid evaluation, chest radiography, ultrasonographic and tomographic scans, histopathological analysis of the lymphadenopathy (LAP) and endometrial tissue revealed TB. A fourfold antituberculous treatment with isoniazid, pyrazinamide, rifampicin and ethambutol was prescribed for two months and for four months maintenance therapy with isoniazid and rifampicin was given. On the fourth month of the medical treatment the patient clinically recovered. Since the diagnosis of TB is difficult, high grade suspicion, combination of the radiologic, microbiologic and histopathological examinations are needed to achieve a diagnosis

    Öğretmen Eğitiminde Mobil Uygulamalar: Öğretmen Adaylarının Mobil-TPAB Bilgisinin Araştırılması

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    Önerilen BAP projesi öğretmen eğitiminde en kritik dönem olan hizmet öncesi öğretmen eğitimi sürecinde yeni çağın gerektirdiği öğretmen bilgi ve becerilerini mobil teknolojiler ve uygulamalar bağlamında incelemeyi hedeflenmektedir. Bu projenin amacı, öğretmen eğitimciler için öğretmen eğitimi programlarına mobil uygulamaları etkili bir biçimde entegre ederek öğretmen adaylarına mobil-TPAB bilgisi kazandıracakları yöntem ve müfredat kaynaklarını araştırmak ve geliştirmektir

    Elucidating genetic relationships, diversity and population structure among the Turkish female figs

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    A collection of 96 female Turkish fig (Ficus carica L.) accessions was studied to elucidate genetic structure and estimate diversity and genetic similarity distribution among the female figs present in Turkish genetic resources, using 157 molecular genome markers including 129 sequence-related amplified polymorphisms, 21 random amplified polymorphic DNAs, and 7 simple-sequence repeats. The plant samples mainly included Turkish fig collections selected throughout the country over the course of a half-century. Neighbor-joining analysis revealed continuous dissimilarity range, and it was difficult to classify figs into distinct groups. The principle component analysis produced similar results. The analysis of molecular variance indicated that 95 and 93% of genetic variation were explained by within geographic origins and similar fruit rind color, respectively. Sub-structuring Bayesian analysis assigned the 96 female figs into four sub-populations, and indicated that they were highly related. The corrected allelic pairwise distances among the six geographic origins were less than 5%. This study suggests that geography- and color-based groups were not genetically distinct among the Turkish figs

    Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura concomitant with autoimmune thyroiditis

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    Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is characterized by disseminated thrombotic occlusions located in the microcirculation, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, fever, and renal and neurologic abnormalities. A 14 year old girl admitted to our hospital complaining bruising on her body and prolonged menstrual bleeding. On her physical examination there were very common bruising on four extremities. On the laboratory studies, Hemoglobin was 9 g/dL; Hematocrit, 24%; white blood count 11600/mm3 and thrombocyte count, 9.000/mm3. According to these findings our first diagnose was idiopatic thrombocytopenic purpura so intravenous immunoglobulin was given to patient for two days. Bone marrow aspiration was performed because of persisting thrombocytopenia despite two days IVIG therapy. Increased number of megakaryocytes was seen in bone marrow. Some accompanying symptoms like headache, numbness in per oral region and extremities, difficulty in speaking, and fluctuation in consciousness for short time occurred. The patient was reevaluated; because thrombocytopenia persisted and some neurological symptoms was observed. Due to these findings we thought that TTP was the diagnosed and plasma exchange was started. Increase was seen in platelet count in the second days of treatment. TTP should be considered in children presenting with atypical thrombocytopenia