235 research outputs found

    Energy and Climate Implications for Agricultural Nutrient Use Efficiency

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    Energy and climate change are beginning to dominate the global political agenda and will drive policy formation that will shape the future of agriculture. Energy issues threaten national security and economic stability, as well as access to low-cost nutrient inputs for agriculture. Climate change has the potential to cause serious disruption to agricultural productivity. Paradoxically, nutrient use in agriculture to increase crop yields has the potential to negatively impact climate. This chapter will discuss recent and future energy and climate trends, the relationships between agricultural nutrient use efficiency and biofuels, and how global land limitations will shape agriculture in the future. Comparative gross energy yield and nitrogen use efficiency for ethanol production from crop residue, switchgrass, grain sorghum, sweet sorghum, and corn grain is presented, showing small differences in nitrogen use efficiency, but large differences in gross energy yields. In addition to considering the need to increase crop productivity to meet the demands of a growing population and bioenergy, agricultural nutrient use efficiency must be reconsidered with respect to the important energy and climate challenges shaping agriculture today

    Patent characteristics and patent ownership change in agricultural biotechnology

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    We examine the effect of various patent characteristics on changes in patent ownership that occurred due to mergers, acquisitions, and spin-offs in the agricultural biotechnology industry in the 1980s and 1990s. Our goal is to shed light on the role that certain patent qualities may play in the transfer of knowledge and technology that takes place through merger and acquisition activity. Specifically, we empirically measure the effect of patent value, scope/breadth, strength, and the nationality of the patent owner on the occurrence and frequency of patent ownership change in the agricultural biotechnology sector during the 1980s and 1990s. We find that the greater is the patent breadth and the less valuable and 'weaker' is the patent, the greater is the likelihood and the frequency of patent ownership change. Also, the nature of patent ownership affects patent ownership change, with patents owned by multiple owners of different nationalities most likely to change hands

    Food Marketing Review, 1988

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    The value of mergers in the U.S. food marketing system in 1988 reached the highest level in U.S. history. The four largest mergers announced or completed were valued at 47billioncomparedwiththeprevioushighof47 billion compared with the previous high of 26 billion in 1985 for all recorded transactions. Sales of the Nation's food marketing system reached 638billion.Advertisingexpendituresrosetoanestimated638 billion. Advertising expenditures rose to an estimated 11.5 billion. About 10,600 new grocery products were introduced. The Nation's food processors spent 8.5billiononnewplantandequipment,including369newplantprojects.Theseventhconsecutivebalanceoftradedeficitinprocessedfoodsfellfrom8.5 billion on new plant and equipment, including 369 new plant projects. The seventh consecutive balance of trade deficit in processed foods fell from 5.6 billion in 1987 to 3.3billionin1988.U.S.foodmarketingfirmsinvested3.3 billion in 1988. U.S. food marketing firms invested 16 billion abroad in 1987, while foreign firms invested $22.5 billion in U.S. firms

    Food Marketing Review, 1992-93

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    U.S. grocery sales were over $820 billion in 1993. Profits from operations for food manufacturers and retailers rose in 1992 and 1993 because of continued wage and producer price stability, a weaker dollar, and lower interest rates. Merger and leveraged buyout transactions fell in 1991, rose in 1992 but fell again in 1993. Debt levels increased. In 1993, aggressive competition for market shares resulted in record new product introductions, intensive couponing, strong private label sales, and price weakening. New plant and equipment and research and development expenditures reached new highs