36 research outputs found

    Deposition and emissions of reactive nitrogen over European forests: A modelling study

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    The EMEP MSC-W Eulerian chemical transport model is used to investigate a number of features concerning the concentrations and depositions of reactive nitrogen species over Europe, with a focus on forest ecosystems and soil emissions. We illustrate the relative contributions of oxidised versus reduced nitrogen, and of dry versus wet deposition, to nitrogen inputs to forests. A comparison with measurements, including data for the NOFRETETE sites, showed that the EMEP model performs generally well for N-compounds, although with some problems for NH3 which is difficult to model with a large-scale model. The model was modified to make use of a new forest-soil–NO inventory (with daily resolution) from the NOFRETETE project and used to calculate the potential effects of these emissions on N-deposition to forests, and on the ozone-indicator AOT40. The contribution of soil–NO to these environmental measures was found to be generally small, but significant in some areas, with changes ranging between 0–20% in Central Europe and even greater in Scandinavia. Given the large uncertainties in soil–NO emission estimates, it is clear that this source is potentially comparable in its importance to many combustion sources in parts of Europe, and deserves more attention

    Lessons learnt from the first EMEP intensive measurement periods

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    The first EMEP intensive measurement periods were held in June 2006 and January 2007. The measurements aimed to characterize the aerosol chemical compositions, including the gas/aerosol partitioning of inorganic compounds. The measurement program during these periods included daily or hourly measurements of the secondary inorganic components, with additional measurements of elemental- and organic carbon (EC and OC) and mineral dust in PM1, PM2.5 and PM10. These measurements have provided extended knowledge regarding the composition of particulate matter and the temporal and spatial variability of PM, as well as an extended database for the assessment of chemical transport models. This paper summarise the first experiences of making use of measurements from the first EMEP intensive measurement periods along with EMEP model results from the updated model version to characterise aerosol composition. We investigated how the PM chemical composition varies between the summer and the winter month and geographically. The observation and model data are in general agreement regarding the main features of PM10 and PM2.5 composition and the relative contribution of different components, though the EMEP model tends to give slightly lower estimates of PM10 and PM2.5 compared to measurements. The intensive measurement data has identified areas where improvements are needed. Hourly concurrent measurements of gaseous and particulate components for the first time facilitated testing of modelled diurnal variability of the gas/aerosol partitioning of nitrogen species. In general, the modelled diurnal cycles of nitrate and ammonium aerosols are in fair agreement with the measurements, but the diurnal variability of ammonia is not well captured. The largest differences between model and observations of aerosol mass are seen in Italy during winter, which to a large extent may be explained by an underestimation of residential wood burning sources. It should be noted that both primary and secondary OC has been included in the calculations for the first time, showing promising results. Mineral dust is important, especially in southern Europe, and the model seems to capture the dust episodes well. The lack of measurements of mineral dust hampers the possibility for model evaluation for this highly uncertain PM component. There are also lessons learnt regarding improved measurements for future intensive periods. There is a need for increased comparability between the measurements at different sites. For the nitrogen compounds it is clear that more measurements using artefact free methods based on continuous measurement methods and/or denuders are needed. For EC/OC, a reference methodology (both in field and laboratory) was lacking during these periods giving problems with comparability, though measurement protocols have recently been established and these should be followed by the Parties to the EMEP Protocol. For measurements with no defined protocols, it might be a good solution to use centralised laboratories to ensure comparability across the network. To cope with the introduction of these new measurements, new reporting guidelines have been developed to ensure that all proper information about the methodologies and data quality is given

    Relationship between critical load exceedances and empirical impact indicators at Integrated Monitoring sites across Europe

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    Critical loads for acidification and eutrophication and their exceedances were determined for a selection of ecosystem effects monitoring sites in the Integrated Monitoring programme (UNECE ICP IM). The level of protection of these sites with respect to acidifying and eutrophying deposition was estimated for 2000 and 2020. In 2020 more sites were protected from acidification (67%) than in 2000 (61%). However, due to the sensitivity of the sites, even the maximum technically feasible emission reductions scenario would not protect all sites from acidification. In 2000, around 20% of the IM sites were protected from eutrophication. In 2020, under reductions in accordance with current legislation, about one third of the sites would be protected, and at best, with the maximum technically feasible reductions, half of the sites would be protected from eutrophication. Data from intensively monitored sites, such as those in ICP IM, provide a connection between modelled critical thresholds and empirical observations, and thus an indication of the applicability of critical load estimates for natural ecosystems. Across the sites, there was good correlation between the exceedance of critical loads for acidification and key acidification parameters in runoff water, both with annual mean fluxes and concentrations. There was also evidence of a link between exceedances of critical loads of nutrient nitrogen and nitrogen leaching. The collected empirical data of the ICP IM thus allow testing and validation of key concepts used in the critical load calculations. This increases confidence in the European-scale critical loads mapping used in integrated assessment modelling to support emission reduction agreements

    Lessons learnt from the first emep intensive measurement periods

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    The first EMEP intensive measurement periods were held in June 2006 and January 2007. The measurements aimed to characterize the aerosol chemical compositions, including the gas/aerosol partitioning of inorganic compounds. The measurement program during these periods included daily or hourly measurements of the secondary inorganic components, with additional measurements of elemental- and organic carbon (EC and OC) and mineral dust in PM1, PM2.5 and PM10. These measurements have provided extended knowledge regarding the composition of particulate matter and the temporal and spatial variability of PM, as well as an extended database for the assessment of chemical transport models. This paper summarise the first experiences of making use of measurements from the first EMEP intensive measurement periods along with EMEP model results from the updated model version to characterise aerosol composition. We investigated how the PM chemical composition varies between the summer and the winter month and geographically. The observation and model data are in general agreement regarding the main features of PM10 and PM2.5 composition and the relative contribution of different components, though the EMEP model tends to give slightly lower estimates of PM10 and PM2.5 compared to measurements. The intensive measurement data has identified areas where improvements are needed. Hourly concurrent measurements of gaseous and particulate components for the first time facilitated testing of modelled diurnal variability of the gas/aerosol partitioning of nitrogen species. In general, the modelled diurnal cycles of nitrate and ammonium aerosols are in fair agreement with the measurements, but the diurnal variability of ammonia is not well captured. The largest differences between model and observations of aerosol mass are seen in Italy during winter, which to a large extent may be explained by an underestimation of residential wood burning sources. It should be noted that both primary and secondary OC has been included in the calculations for the first time, showing promising results. Mineral dust is important, especially in southern Europe, and the model seems to capture the dust episodes well. The lack of measurements of mineral dust hampers the possibility for model evaluation for this highly uncertain PM component. There are also lessons learnt regarding improved measurements for future intensive periods. There is a need for increased comparability between the measurements at different sites. For the nitrogen compounds it is clear that more measurements using artefact free methods based on continuous measurement methods and/or denuders are needed. For EC/OC, a reference methodology (both in field and laboratory) was lacking during these periods giving problems with comparability, though measurement protocols have recently been established and these should be followed by the Parties to the EMEP Protocol. For measurements with no defined protocols, it might be a good solution to use centralised laboratories to ensure comparability across the network. To cope with the introduction of these new measurements, new reporting guidelines have been developed to ensure that all proper information about the methodologies and data quality is given