4,984 research outputs found

    Kepuasan Kerja dan Organizational Citizenship Behavior pada Guru Madrasah Aliyah

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    Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is an attitude very important in organizations of every individual, because it can indirectly help the success of the organization. One of factors that influences the emergence of OCB is job satisfaction. Several studies have shownthat age and gender affect the individual's ability to realize the OCB in the workplace. This study aimed to determine the differences in organizational citizenship behavior based on gender, organizational citizenship behavior differences based on age, and the effect of jobsatisfaction on teachers' organizational citizenship behavior. This study use quantitative study withan instrument of job satisfaction scale (Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire) and Organizational Citizenship Behavior scale. The samples in this study are 32 teachers inMadrasah Aliyah Madani Alauddin Paopao Gowa in South Sulawesi.Data were analyzed using inferential statistical techniques: t-test analysis,one way ANOVA, and simple linear regression analysis. The results showed that there were no differences in organizationalcitizenship behavior based ongender, then there are no differences in organizational citizenship behavior based on age, and there is the effect of job satisfaction on organizational citizenship behavior

    Efikasi Diri, Kepuasan Kerja, Dan Organizational Citizenship Behavior Pada Guru Man Di Sulawesi

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    : There are three objectives in this study namely to know the relationship between self efficacy and organizational citizenship behavior, relationship between job satis- faction and organizational citizenship behavior), and the role of job satisfaction as mediator in the relationship between self efficacy and organizational citizenship be- havior (OCB). There are three scales used in this research which are organizationnal citizenship behavior scale, teacher self efficacy, and minnesta satisfaction ques- tionnaire. The study was conducted on 11 religious schools located in a portion of North, East, South, West, and the Middle of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The popu- lation of the research was 208 people then are used as a sample. Result of study was resulted that a positive and significant relationship between self efficacy and organizational citizenship behavior. Then, there is a positive and significant relation- ship between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior. There is the role of job satisfaction in the relationship between self efficacy and organizational citizenship behavior. This means that self efficacy influences teachers organizational citizenship behavior in MAN by job satisfaction as a mediation

    Critical Study of John Burton’s Objections on the Qur’ān Regarding Its Revelation in Seven Letters (Saba’ Ahruf)

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    Almighty Allāh is the Creator of the mankind. When He Created Hazrat Ādam and sent him in this world, He said that He would send guidance from Himself and whoever would follow that guidance he would have neither fear nor grief on the Day of Judgment.  So to fulfill this promise, Almighty Allāh sent almost one lac and twenty four thousand prophets and revealed to many of them His scriptures as He revealed Torah to Hazrat Mūsa (Moses), Zabūr to Hazrat Dawūd (David) and Injīl to Hazrat Īsa (Jesus), likewise, the Qur’ān is the last and final link in this series under which the first books have been revealed. Almighty Allāh revealed the Holy Qur’ān to His last and final Messenger Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) almost fifteen hundred years ago. The Qur’ān itself says that it is not a new thing; rather it is a continuation of the pre-existing direction. Orientalists have denied this fact and wrote many books to create doubts in the minds of the people regarding the Qur’ān and Islām. A famous orientalist John Burton has also written his book “The Collection of the Qur’ān” and objected on the Holy Qur’ān. He tried to prove that the Qur’ān is not the book of Allāh rather it has been written by Prophet Muhammad himself.    John Burton has raised objections on the Holy Qur’ān on the base of difference of recitations of the Holy Qur’ān. He argues that differentiation in the recitation of the Qur’ān causes differentiation in the Islāmic rules. In this article, the reality and status of seven letters (Saba’ Ahruf) has been discussed and the justification of the revelation of the Qur’ān in seven letters has been proved with rational and textual arguments. Furthermore, the misconceptions of John Burton regarding Saba’ Ahruf have also been clarified with proofs in this article

    Monthly and Diurnal Variability of Rain Rate and Rain Attenuation during the Monsoon Period in Malaysia

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    Rain is the major source of attenuation for microwave propagation above 10 GHz. In tropical and equatorial regions where the rain intensity is higher, designing a terrestrial and earth-to-satellite microwave links is very critical and challenging at these frequencies. This paper presents the preliminary results of rain effects in a 23 GHz terrestrial point-to-point communication link 1.3km long. The experimental test bed had been set up at Skudai, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. In this area, a monsoon equatorial climate prevails and the rainfall rate can reach values well above 100mm/h with significant monthly and diurnal variability. Hence, it is necessary to implement a mitigation technique for maintaining an adequate radio link performance for the action of very heavy rain. Since we now know that the ULPC (Up Link Power Control) cannot guarantee the desired performance, a solution based on frequency band diversity is proposed in this paper. Here, a secondary radio link operating in a frequency not affected by rain (C band for instance) is placed parallel with the main link. Under no rain or light rain conditions, the secondary link carries without priority radio signals. When there is an outage of the main link due to rain, the secondary link assumes the priority traffic. The outcome of the research shows a solution for higher operating frequencies during rainy events

    Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in Economic Growth: An Empirical Evidence from Pakistan

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    The Taylor rule (1993) focuses only on two objectives: output and inflation. In practice, the central bank’s loss function (especially in developing countries) contains objectives other than these two, like the interest rates smoothing, exchange rate stabilisation, etc. In this study, the monetary policy reaction function has been estimated. We used the variables as: interest rate as monetary policy reaction function as a dependent variable and exchange rate, money supply and inflation as an independent variables of monetary policy objectives in Pakistan. The main hypothesis of the study is the relationship between the variables of monetary policy objectives in Pakistan using the data for the period 1991-2010 for Pakistan. The econometric framework used in the study is that of VECM.  The data was checked for stationarity and was found to be integrated of order one I (1) under the Augmented Dickey-fuller (ADF) test. We found that there is negative impact of exchange rate and positive impact of money supply and inflation on interest rate as monetary policy reaction function.Our results suggest a short-run positive relationship between the variables of monetary policy objectives in Pakistan. There is also found an effectiveness of the variables of monetary policy objectives in Pakistan in the long-run

    High yield fusion in a Staged Z-pinch

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    We simulate fusion in a Z-pinch; where the load is a xenon-plasma liner imploding onto a deuterium-tritium plasma target and the driver is a 2 MJ, 17 MA, 95 ns risetime pulser. The implosion system is modeled using the dynamic, 2-1/2 D, radiation-MHD code, MACH2. During implosion a shock forms in the Xe liner, transporting current and energy radially inward. After collision with the DT, a secondary shock forms pre-heating the DT to several hundred eV. Adiabatic compression leads subsequently to a fusion burn, as the target is surrounded by a flux-compressed, intense, azimuthal-magnetic field. The intense-magnetic field confines fusion α\alpha-particles, providing an additional source of ion heating that leads to target ignition. The target remains stable up to the time of ignition. Predictions are for a neutron yield of 3.0×10193.0\times 10^{19} and a thermonuclear energy of 84 MJ, that is, 42 times greater than the initial, capacitor-stored energy

    Time-Scale Domain Characterization of Time-Varying Ultrawideband Infostation Channel

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    The time-scale domain geometrical-based method for the characterization of the time varying ultrawideband (UWB) channel typical of an infostation channel is presented. Compared to methods that use Doppler shift as a measure of time-variation in the channel this model provides a more reliable measure of frequency dispersion caused by terminal mobility in the UWB infostation channel. Particularly, it offers carrier frequency independent method of computing wideband channel responses and parameters which are important for ultrawideband systems. Results show that the frequency dispersion of the channel depends on the frequency and not on the choice of bandwidth. And time dispersion depends on bandwidth and not on the frequency. It is also shown that for time-varying UWB, frame length defined over the coherence time obtained with reference to the carrier frequency results in an error margin which can be reduced by using the coherence time defined with respect to the maximum frequency in a given frequency band. And the estimation of the frequency offset using the time-scale domain (wideband) model presented here (especially in the case of multiband UWB frequency synchronization) is more accurate than using frequency offset estimate obtained from narrowband models

    Structural, Vibrational and Thermodynamic Properties of AgnCu34-n Nanoparticles

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    We report results of a systematic study of structural, vibrational and thermodynamical properties of 34-atom bimetallic nanoparticles from the AgnCu34-n family using model interaction potentials as derived from the embedded atom method and in the harmonic approximation of lattice dynamics. Systematic trends in the bond length and dynamical properties can be explained largely on arguments based on local coordination and elemental environment. Thus increase in the number of silver atoms in a given neighborhood introduces a monotonic increase in bond length while increase of the copper content does the reverse. Moreover, based on bond lengths of the lowest coordinated (6 and 8) copper atoms with their nearest neighbors (Cu atoms), we find that the nanoparticles divide into two groups with average bond length either close to (~ 2.58 A) or smaller (~ 2.48 A) than that in bulk copper, accompanied by characteristic features in their vibrational density of states. For the entire set of nanoparticles, vibrational modes are found above the bulk bands of copper/silver. Furthermore, a blue shift in the high frequency end with increasing number of copper atoms in the nanoparticles is traced to a shrinkage of bond lengths from bulk values. The vibrational densities of states at the low frequency end of the spectrum scale linearly with frequency as for single element nanoparticles, however, the effect is more pronounced for these nanoalloys. The Debye temperature was found to be about one third of that of the bulk for pure copper and silver nanoparticles with a non-linear increase with increasing number of copper atoms in the nanoalloys.Comment: 37 pages, 12 figure

    Characterisation of Hot Days and Heatwaves: A Case Study for Queensland State in Australia

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    Due to climate change, the temperature is increasing; however, its spatial and temporal distribution and trend are less understood. To fill this research gap, this study examines the nature of temperature rise in the Queensland State of Australia. Based on the daily maximum and minimum temperature data of 17 weather stations covering 1969-2018, the geographical patterns as well as the temporal variations of hot days and heatwaves over the state are examined. The Mann-Kendall trend test and simple regression methods are employed for detecting trends. The majority of the stations show a significant increase in temperature indices, indicating the warming of the state. Out of 17 stations, 12/14 display a significant increase in the annual frequency of warm days/nights, and 2/11 reveal a significant decrease in the frequency of cool days/nights. The rest of the stations show no change, except two stations showing an upward trend for cold nights. The Excess Heat Factor (EHF) index is used to identify the heat waves. Over Southern Queensland, frequency, total duration, and maximum duration of heatwaves are found to have increased significantly with a greater magnitude compared to other parts of the state. These findings will be useful for climate adaption and mitigation measures in Queensland is compulsory

    Primary Research: Short Communication: Evidence Supporting Rare AIDS-Kaposi's Sarcoma Metastasis In Keeping With Their Vascular Endothelial Evolution

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    BACKGROUND: It is postulated that the unusual manifestations of Kaposis's sarcoma cells in nonendothelial brain tissues and on eyeballs in advanced acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) cases are metastasized AIDS-Kaposi's sarcoma cells arising from vascular endothelial cells. METHODS: Experiments were performed to explore the above hypothesis by testing for intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (CD54 antigens) on cutaneous AIDS-Kaposi's sarcoma cells as well as on AIDS-Kaposi's sarcoma cells isolated from eyeballs as studies have illustrated that, unlike localized Kaposi's sarcoma cells of primary lesions, proliferating Kaposi's sarcoma cells in proximity to primary lesions express a negative or diminished phenotype when evaluated for identical surface antigens. Parallel CD54 antigen tests were done on vascular endothelial cells and monocytes/macrophages as endothelial cells are considered evolutionarily related to Kaposi's sarcoma cells and monocytes/macrophages are ideal CD54 antigen positive controls. RESULTS: Our data showed that only AIDS-Kaposi's sarcoma cells of the eyes did not express CD54 antigens. CONCLUSIONS: We therefore report that our findings support the postulation suggesting AIDS-Kaposi's sarcoma dissemination in advanced AIDS patients in keeping with their vascular endothelial heredity