1,680 research outputs found

    Zu apr. Ench. 119.13 ʃubban aʃman (und alit. patį aʃchmą) als Kollektivzahlwort

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss the OPr. construction ʃubban Aʃman (cf. German selb acht, OLith. patį aʃchmą) attested in the liturgical supplement of the Baptism Booklet of Martin Luther’s Enchiridion (1561). The two terms are mostly traditionally considered as not related to one another. A new interpretation of this construction is given in this paper, based on a newly accomplished comparative and philological analysis of the passage involved. It is possible to say that we are dealing with a collective numeral, which was known also in Middle Europe-linguistic-context (examples from Middle Latin, Middle German, and West-Slavic are given). During the process of translation both an iconic imitation of the model and a servile calque played a major role for the emergence of OPr. ʃubban Aʃman (and OLith. patį aʃchmą). Despite the traditional interpretations, my conclusion is that the two terms are related indeed.In dem vorliegenden Beitrag wird die apr. Konstruktion ʃubban Aʃman (bzw. alit. patį aʃchmą, deutsch selb acht) aus der liturgischen Zugabe des Tauffbuͤchlein von Luthers Enchiridion (1561) erörtert. Bisher sind die beiden Glieder der Konstruktion getrennt betrachten worden. Aufgrund einer neuerlichen sowohl vergleichend-kontrastiven als auch textuellen Untersuchung desjenigen Passus, in dem die Konstruktion enthalten ist, darf die Behauptung aufgestellt werden, dass es sich hier um ein Zahlwortkompositum handelt, das im sprachlichen Kontext Mittelosteuropas belegt ist. Hierfür werden Beispiele aus dem Mittellateinischen, dem Mitteldeutschen und dem Westslavischen angeführt. Für die Entstehung von apr. ʃubban Aʃman (bzw. alit. patį aʃchmą) haben sowohl ikonische Imitierung als auch sklavisches Lehnübersetzen der Vorlage während des Übersetzungsvorgangs eine wichtige Rolle gespielt. Anders, als es die traditionell vertretene Ansicht besagt, sind die beiden Glieder der Konstruktion eng miteinander verknüpft

    Foundations of Old Prussian. Philology and linguistics

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    The Old Prussian language has always puzzled linguists. While other Baltic languages, such as Lithuanian and Latvian, have remained in use to the present day, Old Prussian was extinguished at the beginning of eighteenth century, and the extant Old Prussian linguistic corpus is quite limited in scope. Drawing on two bilingual vocabularies and three Lutheran Catechisms (as well as onomastic evidence and several other minor texts), this work critically explores the linguistic and historiographical contours of Old Prussian

    Lenguas, literaturas y nacionalidades en Lituania (y en el Báltico oriental)

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    Languages, literatures and nationalities in Lithunia (and in the East Baltic region).This article’s focus is on Lithuania and its literature, but many considerations contained in it are also valid for the whole East Baltic cultural region.A preliminary distinction is made inside Lithuanian literature between Ortsgebundenheit and Sprachgebundenheit, in order to show and discuss the strong multilingualism which has characterized the Baltic region already in an early period. A short excursus follows, pointing out the possible importance the “national literary model” could have had in different epochs.Similarities with the situation in Latvia and Estonia, but also with other central European countries, are stressed concerning the delay in building sovereign states; a parallel is drawn especially with Catalonia. The importance and the role played by the language in all these cases is underlined and commented on. Other considerations regard the literature in exile and the new literary tendencies that have emerged after the identity protest movement at the end of the 1980s which led to the declaration(s) of independence.Finally, general thoughts are expressed concerning the concept of “national literature” in the case of countries whose history has been characterized by an intermittence of sovereignty (the case of the Baltic countries), and for other longer-established European countries. The supporters of Weltliteratur normally completely neglect these aspects. In the author’s mind, however, they also should be attentively considered

    Penggunaan Tepung Limbah Organik Pasar Sebagai Pengganti Dedak Dalam Ransum Ternak Itik Petelur

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    Organic waste materials such as flour market (TLOP) have the potential to be used as a substitute for rice bran in poultry rations. This study aims to determine the level of efficiency and effectiveness TLOP in the ration on production of laying ducks levels and quality of duck eggs. The experiment was conducted using Completely Randomized Design with four treatment and 38 replicates each. This type of treatment is replacement of rice bran in the ration with TLOP as: a) 0% (P-0), b) 10% (P-10), c) 20% (P-20) and 30% (P-30). Used 160 ducks consisting of 152 females ducks and 8 males were placed in 8 cages and each filled in 20 ducks were 19 females and 1 male ducks. Observations made during three months and the observed parameters are included the percentage of the daily egg production and egg quality. The results showed that the highest daily production of eggs contained in the treatment of P-30 (average 80.5%), but not significantly different (P>0.05) with P-0 (79.1%) and P-20 (77, 1%) but significantly different (P<0.05) with P-10 (75.2%). Observation of the quality of the eggs they did not look real difference, except in the quality Haught Unit (HU) and egg yolk color index. Haught Unit (HU) increase from 87 to 92, while egg yolk color index change from 14** to 14***. Concluded that TLOP can be used as a substitute for bran feed material up to 30% in the rations of laying duck

    Ketahanan Galur Isogenik IRBBN dan Galur Harapan Padi terhadap Patotipe Xanthomonas Oryzae Pv. Oryzae Dominan pada Tanaman Padi di Indonesia

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    Galur isogenik IRBB introduksi dari International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) telah diketahui gen ketahanannya dan dapat digunakan sebagai sumber ketahanan terhadap patotipe Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) dominan di Indonesia. Kegiatan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi ketahanan galur isogenik dan galur harapan terhadap patotipe Xoo dominan di Indonesia, yaitu patotipe III, IV, dan VIII. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Sukamandi, Subang, Jawa Barat pada musim kemarau (MK) 2012 dan musim hujan (MH) 2012/2013. Penelitian dilakukan dengan Rancangan Faktorial Acak Kelompok dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah tiga patotipe Xoo, yaitu patotipe III, IV, dan VIII, sedangkan faktor kedua yaitu materi yang diuji sebanyak 20 galur IRBB, 6 galur harapan padi, dan 6 varietas pembanding, yaitu Conde, Lusi, Logawa, Java 14, Angke, dan Inpari 1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa galur isogenik IRBB 21, IRBB 50, dan IRBB 52 bereaksi tahan terhadap Xoo patotipe III, IV, dan VIII pada MK 2012. Pada MH 2012/2013 diperoleh lima galur isogenik IRBB 52, IRBB 53, IRBB 54, IRBB 56, dan IRBB 57 bereaksi tahan terhadap Xoo patotipe III, IV, dan VIII. Galur isogenik IRBB 52 konsisten tahan terhadap Xoo patotipe III, IV, dan VIII pada dua musim tanam. Oleh karena itu, galur tersebut dapat direkomendasikan untuk dijadikan tetua tahan untuk perakitan varietas tahan HDB

    The Correlation Between Students' Grammar and Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Ability

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    Penelitian bertujuan menghubungkan korelasi antara penguasaan tata bahasa siswa terhadap kemampuan membaca. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain ex-post facto. Sampel dipilih dengan menggunakan probabiliti sampling acak sederhana. Kelas X 5 terpilih sebagai kelas sampel dan kelas X 6 dipilih sebagai kelas uji coba. Data dikumpulkan dengan pemberian tes tata bahasa, tes kosa kata, dan tes membaca pemahaman. Tidak ada pengajaran yang dilakukan di kelas sampel. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik (SPSS) versi 15.0. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa koefisien korelasi penguasaan tata bahasa siswa dan penguasaan kosa kata dan kemampuan membaca mereka adalah 0,803 pada tingkat signifikan 0,01. Ini berarti bahwa variabel tersebut berkorelasi positif. Koefisien korelasi (nilai p) lebih tinggi dari rtabel (0,803> 0,393). Penelitian ini berarti ada hubungan yang signifikan antara tata bahasa siswa dan penguasaan kosa kata dan kemampuan membaca mereka. This research is quantitative by nature using ex-post facto design. The sample was chosen by using simple probability random sampling. Class X 5 was chosen as the sample class and class X 6 was chosen as the try out class. The data were collected by administering grammar test, vocabulary test, and reading comprehension test. There were no treatments conducted in the sample class. The data were analyzed by using Statistical Packaged for Social Science (SPSS) version 15.0.The test result showed that the coefficient correlation of students' grammar mastery and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability is 0.803 at the significant level of 0.01. It means that those variables positively correlated. The correlation coefficient (rvalue) is higher than rtable (0.803 > 0.393). It means that there is significant correlation between students' grammar and vocabulary mastery and their reading ability

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Fisika Dengan Pendekatan Contextual Teaching Learning Berbasis Iman Dan Taqwa

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    IMTAQ development in schools is very important as an effort to gain the educational goals according to the constitution No. 20 of 2003 Article 3 which states that education aims to develop students ability in order to be a faithful and cautious man to Almighty God and have a good behavior. Therefore it is necessary to develop learning tools that try to integrate the IMTAQ values in learning. Learning tools are very important for the teacher in order learning can run as expected. This research aims to develop physics learning tools with CTL approach based IMTAQ which is valid, practical and effective. This research is the development research which refers to the research and development by Borg and Gall consisting of 10 steps of research. In this research, those steps are modified in four stages, namely: 1) preliminary studies, 2) design of learning tools, 3) development of learning tools, and 4) application of learning tools. Data collection was conducted using validation and testing learning tools. The design of the learning tools that have been designed was validated by 4 validators then tested at the class XI MAN 2 Padang. The research results showed that 1) physics learning tools with CTL approach based IMTAQ that developed had been valid with some suggestions and improvements from the validator, 2) physics learning tools with CTL approach based IMTAQ was very practical based on the observation of student\u27s activities, and the questionnaire responses of teachers, 3 ) physics learning tools with the CTL approach based IMTAQ has been effective based on learning outcomes and assessment of students IMTAQ. In general, physics learning tools with CTL approach based on IMTAQ have been already valid, practical, and effective to be used in learning. This learning tools can support the learning process and integrate the values of IMTAQ in learning