735 research outputs found

    I'd Like to Write the World an Ad: A Compositional Analysis of Popular Jingles

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    For nearly a century, advertisers have used music to communicate messages on behalf of companies. However, despite their prevalence as a marketing tool, very little research has been conducted on what makes jingles an effective means of reaching consumers. In 2010, Forbes magazine published a list of the “10 Greatest Jingles of All Time,” as voted on by a panel of C.M.Os. However, when they were asked what made these jingles “enduring”, the response was simply “sticking power.”This goal of this research is to elucidate what creates the “sticking power” found in a successful jingle. Through critical analysis of the lyrical, musical, and visual aspects of the ten jingle-based advertisements on the Forbes list, the goal of this thesis is two-fold; to clarify what elements these ten advertisements have in common, and to lay the groundwork for future research into the question, “What makes a good jingle?”Bachelor of Art

    Boolean network model predicts cell cycle sequence of fission yeast

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    A Boolean network model of the cell-cycle regulatory network of fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces Pombe) is constructed solely on the basis of the known biochemical interaction topology. Simulating the model in the computer, faithfully reproduces the known sequence of regulatory activity patterns along the cell cycle of the living cell. Contrary to existing differential equation models, no parameters enter the model except the structure of the regulatory circuitry. The dynamical properties of the model indicate that the biological dynamical sequence is robustly implemented in the regulatory network, with the biological stationary state G1 corresponding to the dominant attractor in state space, and with the biological regulatory sequence being a strongly attractive trajectory. Comparing the fission yeast cell-cycle model to a similar model of the corresponding network in S. cerevisiae, a remarkable difference in circuitry, as well as dynamics is observed. While the latter operates in a strongly damped mode, driven by external excitation, the S. pombe network represents an auto-excited system with external damping.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Del silencio al empoderamiento comunicacional: Una propuesta de gestión digital para el Foro Nacional de Mujeres de Partidos Políticos de Panamá

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    El Fonamupp és una organització del Tercer Sector conformada per militants de diferents partits amb l'objectiu de defensar els drets polítics de les dones. La investigació proposa, a partir de l'autonomia en l'ús de la tecnologia, una gestió organitzada del seu ecosistema digital per augmentar la visibilitat de les dones polítiques. Es pretén amplificar el seu ja existent, però poc actiu, perfil a les xarxes socials per tal de connectar i generar aliances amb altres veus interessades en la transformació de les formes hegemòniques de participació política.El Fonamupp es una organización del Tercer Sector, conformado por militantes de distintos partidos cuyo objetivo es defender los derechos políticos de las mujeres. La investigación propone, a partir de la autonomía en el uso de la tecnología, una gestión organizada de su ecosistema digital para aumentar la visibilidad de las mujeres políticas. Se pretende amplificar su ya existente, pero poco activa, perfil en las redes sociales a fin de conectar y generar alianzas con otras voces interesadas en la transformación de las formas hegemónicas de participación política.Fonamupp is an organization of the Third Sector, made up of members of different parties whose objective is to defend the political rights of women. The research proposes, based on the autonomy in the use of technology, an organized management of its digital ecosystem to increase the visibility of women politicians. The aim is to amplify their already existing, but not very active, profile in social media in order to connect and generate alliances with other voices interested in the transformation of hegemonic forms of political participation

    Transfer Functions for Protein Signal Transduction: Application to a Model of Striatal Neural Plasticity

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    We present a novel formulation for biochemical reaction networks in the context of signal transduction. The model consists of input-output transfer functions, which are derived from differential equations, using stable equilibria. We select a set of 'source' species, which receive input signals. Signals are transmitted to all other species in the system (the 'target' species) with a specific delay and transmission strength. The delay is computed as the maximal reaction time until a stable equilibrium for the target species is reached, in the context of all other reactions in the system. The transmission strength is the concentration change of the target species. The computed input-output transfer functions can be stored in a matrix, fitted with parameters, and recalled to build discrete dynamical models. By separating reaction time and concentration we can greatly simplify the model, circumventing typical problems of complex dynamical systems. The transfer function transformation can be applied to mass-action kinetic models of signal transduction. The paper shows that this approach yields significant insight, while remaining an executable dynamical model for signal transduction. In particular we can deconstruct the complex system into local transfer functions between individual species. As an example, we examine modularity and signal integration using a published model of striatal neural plasticity. The modules that emerge correspond to a known biological distinction between calcium-dependent and cAMP-dependent pathways. We also found that overall interconnectedness depends on the magnitude of input, with high connectivity at low input and less connectivity at moderate to high input. This general result, which directly follows from the properties of individual transfer functions, contradicts notions of ubiquitous complexity by showing input-dependent signal transmission inactivation.Comment: 13 pages, 5 tables, 15 figure

    Stable Heterogeneity for the Production of Diffusible Factors in Cell Populations

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    The production of diffusible molecules that promote survival and growth is common in bacterial and eukaryotic cell populations, and can be considered a form of cooperation between cells. While evolutionary game theory shows that producers and non-producers can coexist in well-mixed populations, there is no consensus on the possibility of a stable polymorphism in spatially structured populations where the effect of the diffusible molecule extends beyond one-step neighbours. I study the dynamics of biological public goods using an evolutionary game on a lattice, taking into account two assumptions that have not been considered simultaneously in existing models: that the benefit of the diffusible molecule is a non-linear function of its concentration, and that the molecule diffuses according to a decreasing gradient. Stable coexistence of producers and non-producers is observed when the benefit of the molecule is a sigmoid function of its concentration, while strictly diminishing returns lead to coexistence only for very specific parameters and linear benefits never lead to coexistence. The shape of the diffusion gradient is largely irrelevant and can be approximated by a step function. Since the effect of a biological molecule is generally a sigmoid function of its concentration (as described by the Hill equation), linear benefits or strictly diminishing returns are not an appropriate approximations for the study of biological public goods. A stable polymorphism of producers and non-producers is in line with the predictions of evolutionary game theory and likely to be common in cell populations

    Inverse bifurcation analysis: application to simple gene systems

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    BACKGROUND: Bifurcation analysis has proven to be a powerful method for understanding the qualitative behavior of gene regulatory networks. In addition to the more traditional forward problem of determining the mapping from parameter space to the space of model behavior, the inverse problem of determining model parameters to result in certain desired properties of the bifurcation diagram provides an attractive methodology for addressing important biological problems. These include understanding how the robustness of qualitative behavior arises from system design as well as providing a way to engineer biological networks with qualitative properties. RESULTS: We demonstrate that certain inverse bifurcation problems of biological interest may be cast as optimization problems involving minimal distances of reference parameter sets to bifurcation manifolds. This formulation allows for an iterative solution procedure based on performing a sequence of eigen-system computations and one-parameter continuations of solutions, the latter being a standard capability in existing numerical bifurcation software. As applications of the proposed method, we show that the problem of maximizing regions of a given qualitative behavior as well as the reverse engineering of bistable gene switches can be modelled and efficiently solved

    Colored Motifs Reveal Computational Building Blocks in the C. elegans Brain

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    Background: Complex networks can often be decomposed into less complex sub-networks whose structures can give hints about the functional organization of the network as a whole. However, these structural motifs can only tell one part of the functional story because in this analysis each node and edge is treated on an equal footing. In real networks, two motifs that are topologically identical but whose nodes perform very different functions will play very different roles in the network. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here, we combine structural information derived from the topology of the neuronal network of the nematode C. elegans with information about the biological function of these nodes, thus coloring nodes by function. We discover that particular colorations of motifs are significantly more abundant in the worm brain than expected by chance, and have particular computational functions that emphasize the feed-forward structure of information processing in the network, while evading feedback loops. Interneurons are strongly over-represented among the common motifs, supporting the notion that these motifs process and transduce the information from the sensor neurons towards the muscles. Some of the most common motifs identified in the search for significant colored motifs play a crucial role in the system of neurons controlling the worm's locomotion. Conclusions/Significance: The analysis of complex networks in terms of colored motifs combines two independent data sets to generate insight about these networks that cannot be obtained with either data set alone. The method is general and should allow a decomposition of any complex networks into its functional (rather than topological) motifs as long as both wiring and functional information is available

    Network integration meets network dynamics

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    Molecular interaction networks provide a window on the workings of the cell. However, combining various types of networks into one coherent large-scale dynamic model remains a formidable challenge. A recent paper in BMC Systems Biology describes a promising step in this direction

    Process Algebra with Layers: Multi-scale Integration Modelling applied to Cancer Therapy

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    We present a novel Process Algebra designed for multi-scale integration modelling: Process Algebra with Layers (PAL). The unique feature of PAL is the modularisation of scale into integrated layers: Object and Population. An Object can represent a molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ or any organism. Populations hold specific types of Object, for example, life stages, cell phases and infectious states. The syntax and semantics of this novel language are presented. A PAL model of the multi-scale system of cell growth and damage from cancer treatment is given. This model allows the analysis of different scales of the system. The Object and Population levels give insight into the length of a cell cycle and cell population growth respectively. The PAL model results are compared to wet laboratory survival fractions of cells given different doses of radiation treatment [1]. This comparison shows how PAL can be used to aid in investigations of cancer treatment in systems biology

    Reliability of Transcriptional Cycles and the Yeast Cell-Cycle Oscillator

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    A recently published transcriptional oscillator associated with the yeast cell cycle provides clues and raises questions about the mechanisms underlying autonomous cyclic processes in cells. Unlike other biological and synthetic oscillatory networks in the literature, this one does not seem to rely on a constitutive signal or positive auto-regulation, but rather to operate through stable transmission of a pulse on a slow positive feedback loop that determines its period. We construct a continuous-time Boolean model of this network, which permits the modeling of noise through small fluctuations in the timing of events, and show that it can sustain stable oscillations. Analysis of simpler network models shows how a few building blocks can be arranged to provide stability against fluctuations. Our findings suggest that the transcriptional oscillator in yeast belongs to a new class of biological oscillators
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