271 research outputs found

    "Marxisme et philosophie du langage" (1929) de V. Volochinov et sa réception chez R. Chor : deux voies du développement de la science du langage «marxiste» dans les années 1920 en Russie

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    Malgré le succès de  « Marxisme et philosophie du langage » (par la suite MPL) de V. Volochinov, ce texte n'a suscité que trois comptes rendus. Le quatrième est ébauché par A. Romm. Resté à l'état de notes, ce compte rendu est bien étudié par les chercheurs contemporains. En revanche, le compte rendu écrit par R. Chor n'a jamais été analysé de façon détaillée. Notre article a pour but de combler cette lacune et porte sur le contenu de l'analyse critique de MPL faite par Chor. Son examen révèle que le compte rendu écrit par cette dernière et MPL de Volochinov représentent la formulation de principes de base diamétralement opposés de la science du langage «marxiste». Cela se manifeste dans la réception des idées de F. de Saussure. Si Chor considère la conception de ce dernier comme fondement de la linguistique «théorique» portant sur la langue en tant que système de signes (ou de «signifiances» dans les termes de Chor), Volochinov rejette la théorie de Saussure. Il la considère comme «abstraite», d'où le nom «objectivisme abstrait» qu'il donne au saussurisme. En élaborant la philosophie du langage «marxiste», il s'appuie sur la néo-philologie idéaliste (les idées de Vossler et de son Ecole) définie dans MPL comme «subjectivisme individualiste». Volochinov propose d'étudier la «langue» comme fait réel, accessible à l'observation immédiate et non pas comme objet d'étude «théorique». Ce fait constitue une cible de la critique adressée par Chor à Volochino

    Les conceptions du dialogue et leurs sources chez Lev Jakubinskij et Valentin Volochinov

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    Le texte «De la parole dialogale» écrit par Lev Jakubinskij est considéré par un certain nombre de chercheurs comme la source principale de la conception du dialogue chez Valentin Volochinov. Cet article remet en question la légitimité de cette thèse. L'analyse détaillée des notions de dialogue élaborées par Jakubinskij et Volochinov montre que leurs bases théoriques ne coïncident pas. Si Jakubinskij s'appuie sur la psychologie dite objective (la réflexologie), Volochinov élabore sa conception du dialogue sur une base sociologique. Les travaux des sociologues marxistes et non marxistes constituent la source principale de sa notion de dialogu

    Traffic-related noise pollution in the town of Szczecinek (Poland)

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    Increased intensity of automotive traffic has a negative impact on the human body, and on the safety and comfort of living. The hazards of transportation are primarily associated with road accidents, air pollution, noise and transport blockages. The present study includes a temporal and spatial analysis of the intensity of traffic-related noise in the summer season of 2015 in the tourist part of the town of Szczecinek. In addition, it includes a comparative analysis of the noise levels and traffic volumes in Szczecinek against the background of the village of Iwin. Assessment of noise pollution was carried out at a total of 37 different sites, both on working days and at weekends. A spatial image of noise intensity in the central part of Szczecinek was obtained, and sites with excessive levels of traffic noise were flagged. These locations are particularly burdensome to residents and cause a decrease in the tourist value of the city. Our tests confirmed the advisability of building a beltway for Szczecinek

    La conception du dialogue » de Mikhail Bakhtine et ses sources sociologiques (l’exemple des Problèmes de l’œuvre de Dostoïevski [1929])

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    L’article porte sur la conception du « dialogue » de Mikhaïl Bakhtine dans laquelle s’articulent deux groupes d’idées : 1) la notion de « dialogue » en tant que forme de l’interaction verbale interindividuelle (l’échange des répliques) et 2) la notion de « dialogisme » comme principe qui prévoit un rapport particulier entre le « Moi » (le « Je ») et l’« Autrui ». Son but consiste à 1) analyser ces notions au sens de Bakhtine, en s’appuyant sur le texte russe des Problèmes de l’œuvre de Dostoïevski (1929) ; et à 2) montrer leurs sources sociologiques (principalement russes). Il y est également question de la notion de « polyphonie » introduite par Bakhtine pour caractériser la particularité de la construction des romans de Dostoïevski et d’une facette des réflexions bakhtiniennes sur le rôle de la « polyphonie » chez Dostoïevski, contenues dans le texte russe de 1929, abandonnées dans la version de 1963 et, de ce fait, méconnues des chercheurs francophones n’ayant accès qu’à la traduction des Problèmes de la poétique de Dostoïevski (1963).This paper examines the conception of “dialogue” elaborated by Mikhaïl Bakhtin in which are articulated two groups of ideas : 1) the notion of “dialogue” as a form of verbal interindividual interaction (an exchange of speech) and 2) the notion of “dialogism” as a principle which implies a relation between the “Me” (the “I”) and the “Other”. Its aim is 1) to analyse these notions in the sense of Bakhtin, on the base of russian text of Problems of Dostoyevsky’s Art (1929) and 2) to show their sociological (mainly russian) origins. The paper also deals with the notion of “polyphony” introduced by Bakhtin to characterize the particularity of Dostoyevsky’s method of constructing novels and with one facet of bakhtinian reflections (expounded in the text of 1929, omitted in the version of 1963, thereby unknown by francophone researchers who have access only to the translation of Problems of Dostoyevsky’s Poetics (1963)) on the role of “polyphony” in Dostoyevsky’s works

    Dormancy breaking in Savin juniper (Juniperus sabina L.) seeds

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    Savin juniper (Juniperus sabina L.) is a relict shrub in Poland with only one natural stand in Pieniny Mts. Seeds require warm followed by cold stratification to overcome dormancy. Application of temperature regime at 20o/3oC layout, for 14 and 17 weeks respectively, is more effective than stratification at 15o/3oC. Interruption of warm stratification phase after 7 weeks and seeds drying at room temperature for 3-days with warm stratification follow-on resulted in increasing of germination capacity from 25% to approximately 45%. Germinated seeds pricked to substrate into containers gave seedlings 3 cm high when cultivated under plastic tunnel in the first vegetation season

    Individual natural environment features and landscape and tourist values of the Cephalantero rubrae-Fagetum habitat on Wolin Island

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    The cliffed coast in Wolin National Park is especially valued in terms of biogeography. The coastal area is highly valuable not only in view of the abiotic advantages offered by the natural environment but also due to the presence of valuable plant associations. A coastal orchid beech forest – the Cephalanthero rubrae-Fagetum habitat – is a site that is unique in Poland, in Europe and in the whole world. This plant association is found only on the cliffed coast of Wolin Island in Poland in specific hydrometeorological, morphodynamic and soil conditions. The main aim of this study was a qualitative and quantitative description of the Cephalanthero rubra-Fagetum site, including determining its present range and species composition. In addition, the studied cliffed coast area was evaluated in terms of its visual attractiveness based on the aspects of geodiversity and biodiversity of landscape. Field studies corroborated the outstanding landscape values determining the attractiveness of the study area to tourists. The cliffed coast section, Grodno-Biała Góra, features unique environmental characteristics that are absent from the remaining part of the coastal area of the Baltic. A peculiar characteristic of geodiversity in that zone is the presence of the highest seashore in Poland where natural hydrodynamic and geomorphological processes occur free of human interference. This is the only part of the seashore featuring a unique soil, the so-called cliff naspa, on which orchid birch forests grow. This biodiverse plant community comprised 113 species of vascular plants among which 7 species of Orchidaceae were identified. The landscape values of the studied area of the Wolin National Park are further enhanced by two attractive tourist hiking trails and a vantage point on top of Gosań hill

    Xiao (孝) – najtrwalsza z chińskich cnót i jej współczesne interpretacje

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    The objective of this article is to analyse contemporary interpretations of the Chinese virtue called xiao. The author first describes the role and meaning of xiao (mostly translated to English as filial piety) in traditional Chinese culture and society. Then he analyses its contemporary interpretations in various sources, such as electronic media, state television programs, popular culture, and thought of contemporary Chinese philosophers. This analysis leads to the conclusion that the present-day notion of xiao differs from that existing in the past. The earlier notion placed a strong emphasis on obedience to parents’ wishes; nowadays this notion emphasizes concern about parents’ emotional wellbeing, while giving children a higher degree of independence

    New method to increase pesticide deposition: Copper microencapsulation

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    Copper plant protection products have been severely restricted in the EU according to soil and groundwater contamination due to the traditional use as a fungicide, especially in vineyards. This limitation, together with the dependence on copper use for mildew control, places winegrowers in a great disadvantage, especially in organic production. Therefore, EURECAT together with the UPC, have developed a new copper product, more efficient in terms of deposition, in order to reduce the amount of active ingredient necessary for good disease control. Preliminary trials have been carried out by the UPC, in order to select the best formulation and to compare it with a conventional copper-based product in terms of deposition using filter paper as a collector in an artificial vineyard. The obtained results show that deposition of different developed products is statistically different from the control product, even doubling the amount of copper deposited in the collectors, which would be a promising solution to solve the problem outlined above.The presented research is part of the COPPEREPLACE project (INTERREG SUDOE, Ref. SOE4/ P1/E100) in the frame of the activity 3.3 in the GT3.Postprint (published version


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    W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję zastosowania Zintegrowanego Monitoringu Środowiska Przyrodniczego (ZMŚP) do realizacji zadań w zakresie usług geoekosystemów. Program ZMŚP stwarza możliwości oparcia ocen usług regulacyjnych na danych pomiarowych realizowanych w różnych typach krajobrazów Polski, reprezentatywnych dla struktury krajobrazowej kraju. Pomiary realizowane przez Stacje Bazowe ZMŚP pozwalają ocenić na przykład usługi regulacyjne lasów w zakresie remediacji toksyn i innych uciążliwości, regulacji procesów glebotwórczych i jakości gleby, regulacji klimatu przez sekwestrację węgla, a także usługi ekosystemów wodnych związane z regulacją cyklu hydrologicznego, regulacją jakości wody oraz regulacją transportu materii. Realizacja programu badawczo-pomiarowego ZMŚP poszerzona jest o programy specjalistyczne, specyficzne dla poszczególnych Stacji Bazowych. Stwarza to możliwość oceny usług geoekosystemów z uwzględnieniem specy7 ki środowiska przyrodniczego zlewni badawczych oraz specjalizacji zespołów badawczych