98 research outputs found
Kirjaamisopas : Suun terveydenhuolto
Julkaisun sÀhköinen versio: https://yhteistyotilat.fi/wiki08/display/JULSUTE
Suun terveydenhuollon kirjaamisopas kuuluu THL:n kirjaamis-oppaiden sarjaan, jonka tarkoitus on ohjata sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattihenkilöitÀ kansallisesti potilastiedon yhdenmukaisiin rakenteisiin kirjaamiskÀytÀntöihin, mikÀ parantaa tietojen yhteiskÀytettÀvyyttÀ eri organisaatioiden ja ammattihenkilöiden vÀlillÀ ja mahdollistaa tietojen hyödyntÀmistÀ myös tiedon toissijaisessa kÀytössÀ.
Suun terveydenhuollon rakenteisen kirjaamisen opas julkaistiin ensimmÀisen kerran vuonna 2016. Opas on nyt pÀivitetty vastaamaan tarkentuneita Suun terveydenhuollon toiminnallisia mÀÀrityksiÀ.
Tarkista voimassa olevat versiot osoitteesta https://thl.fi/fi/web/tiedonhallinta-sosiaali-ja-terveysalalla/kirjaaminen/terveydenhuollon-kirjaamisohjeet/suun-terveydenhuolto1.
Construction of Fusion Protein for Enhanced Small RNA Loading to Extracellular Vesicles
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) naturally carry cargo from producer cells, such as RNA and protein, and can transfer these messengers to other cells and tissue. This ability provides an interesting opportunity for using EVs as delivery vehicles for therapeutic agents, such as for gene therapy. However, endogenous loading of cargo, such as microRNAs (miRNAs), is not very efficient as the copy number of miRNAs per EV is quite low. Therefore, new methods and tools to enhance the loading of small RNAs is required. In the current study, we developed fusion protein of EV membrane protein CD9 and RNA-binding protein AGO2 (hCD9.hAGO2). We show that the EVs engineered with hCD9.hAGO2 contain significantly higher levels of miRNA or shRNA (miR-466c or shRNA-451, respectively) compared to EVs that are isolated from cells that only overexpress the desired miRNA or shRNA. These hCD9.hAGO2 engineered EVs also transfer their RNA cargo to recipient cells more efficiently. We were not able to detect changes in gene expression levels in recipient cells after the EV treatments, but we show that the cell viability of HUVECs was increased after hCD9.hAGO2 EV treatments. This technical study characterizes the hCD9.hAGO2 fusion protein for the future development of enhanced RNA loading to EVs
RytmiÀ ja rakennetta arkeen : Sosiaalista ja ammatillista kuntoutusta yhdistÀvÀ nuorten kuntoutuksen kehittÀmishanke Saku
Saku-kehittĂ€mishankkeessa (2018â2020) kehitettiin työ- ja opiskeluelĂ€mĂ€n ulkopuolella olevien 16â29-vuotiaiden nuorten kuntoutusmallia. Sosiaalista ja ammatillista kuntoutusta joustavasti yhdistĂ€mÀÀn pyrkivĂ€ssĂ€ ja laajasti muuhun palvelujĂ€rjestelmÀÀn verkostoituvassa Saku-hankkeessa tavoitteeksi asetettiin yksilö- ja ryhmĂ€muotoisen kuntoutuksen sekĂ€ niihin kytkeytyvĂ€n etĂ€kuntoutuksen (eSaku) kehittĂ€minen syrjĂ€ytyneille ja syrjĂ€ytymisvaarassa oleville nuorille. KohderyhmĂ€n nuoret eivĂ€t olleet peruskoulun tai toisen asteen opintojen jĂ€lkeen kiinnittyneet työelĂ€mÀÀn tai jatko-opintoihin tai heidĂ€n opiskelunsa olivat keskeytyneet.
Nuoret ohjautuivat Saku-hankkeeseen etsivÀn nuorisotyön ja muiden nuorten kanssa toimivien tahojen ohjaamina. Nuoret pÀÀsivÀt hankkeeseen joustavasti ilman erillisiÀ diagnostisia selvittelyÀ ja hakuprosesseja. Hankkeeseen ohjautuvilla nuorilla oletettiin olevan vaikeuksia löytÀÀ omia tarpeita, taitoja tai kykyjÀ vastaava ammatillinen polku. Kaikki halukkaat ikÀkriteerit tÀyttÀvÀt nuoret otettiin hankkeeseen mukaan. Hankkeessa oli tavoitteena kehittÀÀ lisÀksi nuorten kanssa toimivien tahojen paikallinen (Turku ja Oulu) yhteistyömalli hankkeen ajalle ja jatkokÀyttöön nuorten tavoittamiseksi ja auttamiseksi.
Ennen mahdollisia Kelan ammatillisen kuntoutuksen toimia osa nuorista tarvitsee tavoitteellista tukea elÀmÀnhallintansa kohentamiseen, arjen taitojen opetteluun sekÀ uskalluksensa ja osaamisensa vahvistamiseen. NÀitÀ taitoja tarvitaan, jotta pÀÀstÀÀn asteittain kohti ammatillisia pÀÀmÀÀriÀ. TÀmÀn takia ammattiin ja työelÀmÀÀn tÀhtÀÀviÀ toimenpiteitÀ ei voida toteuttaa irrallaan sosiaalisen toimintakyvyn kehittÀmisestÀ vaan tarvitaan joustavia nuoren ammatillisia pÀÀmÀÀriÀ vahvistavia polkuja, jotka ovat yksilöllisestÀ tarpeesta kÀsin modulaarisesti rakentuvia ja vaiheittain eteneviÀ. Saku-hankkeessa yhdistettiin sosiaalinen- ja ammatillinen kuntoutus yksilöllisesti kunkin nuoren kohdalla. Saku-hankkeessa nuorilla oli myös mahdollisuus osallistua työhön tutustumisjaksoille.nonPeerReviewedVertaisarvioimato
Eri ympÀristömelulÀhteiden hÀiritsevyys Suomessa
Tieliikennemelulle altistuu enemmÀn ihmisiÀ kuin muille ympÀristömelun lÀhteille, ja tieliikenne korostuu usein ympÀristömelun haittoja koskevassa keskustelussa. Tieliikenne on kuitenkin vain yksi monista ympÀristömelun lÀhteistÀ. TÀssÀ artikkelissa tarkastellaan ensimmÀistÀ kertaa koko Suomen kattavassa aineistossa sitÀ, kuinka yleistÀ eri ympÀristömelulÀhteiden kokeminen hÀiritsevÀksi on arkielÀmÀssÀ
The Job Satisfaction of Finnish Nursing Staff: The Development of a Job Satisfaction Scale and Survey Results
This paper describes the development of the Kuopio University Hospital Job Satisfaction Scale (KUHJSS) and the results of the survey. The scale was developed through a systematic literature review, and its validity and reliability were assessed using several psychometric properties including expert evaluation (n = 5), a pilot survey (n = 172), and exploratory factor analysis. The final version of KUHJSS included 37 items. A large sample psychometric evaluation was made by nursing staff (n = 2708). The exploratory factor analysis revealed seven factors with modest internal consistency (0.64â0.92). The staff reported relatively high job satisfaction. The greatest satisfaction was derived from motivating factors associated with the work; the least, from the job's demands. Respondents who considered their working units to provide an excellent quality of care reported the highest job satisfaction in every subarea (P < .0001). The KUHJSS proved to be a reliable and valid tool for measuring job satisfaction in hospital care
Intracerebral overexpression of miR-669c is protective in mouse ischemic stroke model by targeting MyD88 and inducing alternative microglial/macrophage activation
Background Ischemic stroke is a devastating disease without a cure. The available treatments for ischemic stroke, thrombolysis by tissue plasminogen activator, and thrombectomy are suitable only to a fraction of patients and thus novel therapeutic approaches are urgently needed. The neuroinflammatory responses elicited secondary to the ischemic attack further aggravate the stroke-induced neuronal damage. It has been demonstrated that these responses are regulated at the level of non-coding RNAs, especially miRNAs. Methods We utilized lentiviral vectors to overexpress miR-669c in BV2 microglial cells in order to modulate their polarization. To detect whether the modulation of microglial activation by miR-669c provides protection in a mouse model of transient focal ischemic stroke, miR-669c overexpression was driven by a lentiviral vector injected into the striatum prior to induction of ischemic stroke. Results Here, we demonstrate that miR-669c-3p, a member of chromosome 2 miRNA cluster (C2MC), is induced upon hypoxic and excitotoxic conditions in vitro and in two different in vivo models of stroke. Rather than directly regulating the neuronal survival in vitro, miR-669c is capable of attenuating the microglial proinflammatory activation in vitro and inducing the expression of microglial alternative activation markers arginase 1 (Arg1), chitinase-like 3 (Ym1), and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-gamma). Intracerebral overexpression of miR-669c significantly decreased the ischemia-induced cell death and ameliorated the stroke-induced neurological deficits both at 1 and 3 days post injury (dpi). Albeit miR-669c overexpression failed to alter the overall Iba1 protein immunoreactivity, it significantly elevated Arg1 levels in the ischemic brain and increased colocalization of Arg1 and Iba1. Moreover, miR-669c overexpression under cerebral ischemia influenced several morphological characteristics of Iba1 positive cells. We further demonstrate the myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 (MyD88) transcript as a direct target for miR-669c-3p in vitro and show reduced levels of MyD88 in miR-669c overexpressing ischemic brains in vivo. Conclusions Collectively, our data provide the evidence that miR-669c-3p is protective in a mouse model of ischemic stroke through enhancement of the alternative microglial/macrophage activation and inhibition of MyD88 signaling. Our results accentuate the importance of controlling miRNA-regulated responses for the therapeutic benefit in conditions of stroke and neuroinflammation.Peer reviewe
Intracerebral overexpression of miR-669c is protective in mouse ischemic stroke model by targeting MyD88 and inducing alternative microglial/macrophage activation
Background Ischemic stroke is a devastating disease without a cure. The available treatments for ischemic stroke, thrombolysis by tissue plasminogen activator, and thrombectomy are suitable only to a fraction of patients and thus novel therapeutic approaches are urgently needed. The neuroinflammatory responses elicited secondary to the ischemic attack further aggravate the stroke-induced neuronal damage. It has been demonstrated that these responses are regulated at the level of non-coding RNAs, especially miRNAs. Methods We utilized lentiviral vectors to overexpress miR-669c in BV2 microglial cells in order to modulate their polarization. To detect whether the modulation of microglial activation by miR-669c provides protection in a mouse model of transient focal ischemic stroke, miR-669c overexpression was driven by a lentiviral vector injected into the striatum prior to induction of ischemic stroke. Results Here, we demonstrate that miR-669c-3p, a member of chromosome 2 miRNA cluster (C2MC), is induced upon hypoxic and excitotoxic conditions in vitro and in two different in vivo models of stroke. Rather than directly regulating the neuronal survival in vitro, miR-669c is capable of attenuating the microglial proinflammatory activation in vitro and inducing the expression of microglial alternative activation markers arginase 1 (Arg1), chitinase-like 3 (Ym1), and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-gamma). Intracerebral overexpression of miR-669c significantly decreased the ischemia-induced cell death and ameliorated the stroke-induced neurological deficits both at 1 and 3 days post injury (dpi). Albeit miR-669c overexpression failed to alter the overall Iba1 protein immunoreactivity, it significantly elevated Arg1 levels in the ischemic brain and increased colocalization of Arg1 and Iba1. Moreover, miR-669c overexpression under cerebral ischemia influenced several morphological characteristics of Iba1 positive cells. We further demonstrate the myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88 (MyD88) transcript as a direct target for miR-669c-3p in vitro and show reduced levels of MyD88 in miR-669c overexpressing ischemic brains in vivo. Conclusions Collectively, our data provide the evidence that miR-669c-3p is protective in a mouse model of ischemic stroke through enhancement of the alternative microglial/macrophage activation and inhibition of MyD88 signaling. Our results accentuate the importance of controlling miRNA-regulated responses for the therapeutic benefit in conditions of stroke and neuroinflammation.Peer reviewe
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